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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by pale

  1. In bottle: roses and wet earth. not mud, but very damp, fresh turned rich soil.


    On me: dried pink and red rosebuds, more wet earth, and a little bit of moss. The earth notes soften and then the roses come out more. But these arent the pillaging roses of something like Yerevan. Mellow, with a bright edge to them but not overpowering. One of the few BPAL florals that seems to work for me. On a scale of 1-10, definitely an 8 or so. Am considering a 5ml for sure.

  2. A bawdy, gleefully wicked and unruly scent: Kentucky Bourbon, sugar and a sprig of mint.

    In bottle: booze, sugar, mint. Smells like a very nice mint julep.

    On me: starts out boozy and sugary, but the mint gets really amped up by my skin, and takes a very harsh note. I wonder if it might be better made with a rum and citrus note... like mojitos?

  3. In bottle: Roses, with... something underneath. Very nice.


    On me: slowly this morphs into something like roses with a layer of Dior's Poision underneath, but much sweeter, fresher, and lighter. Definitely something i can wear as a girlie perfume! One of the best two bpal roses for me so far, the other being Blood Rose.

  4. In bottle: amber and honey. Mmm.


    On me: Starts out amber and honey, ends up honey. Very strong honey. The honey has shouldered the amber out of the way, and just takes over. I dont really get any vanilla notes. I smell like an accident with a honey jar.... so, I passed along my imp to a friend tho who described it as 'beautiful nectar' and immediately got a 5ml because she would 'cry' when she ran out... :P

  5. in bottle: buttery rum, which makes me a bit nervous, as hellcat didnt get along very well with me.


    on me: wow. buttery rum, still. and then more buttery rum. gets a little butterscotchy, but still, yum. i kinda wanted to have a drink that tasted like this. something to wear when pirates of the caribbean 2 comes out!

  6. in bottle: almonds! and bay rum. the preponderance of almond makes me nervous, as bpal almond usually goes to utter stink evil on me.


    on me: the almonds fade a bit, and wow, bay rum. *very* strong. very much a men's cologne scent, and a little goes a loooong way. this isnt throw, this is getting the ball to the catcher in time and getting two men out at home base. so not the usual terrifying bpal almond fate, but just a wee too strong. will be lovely on many guys, tho!

  7. The perfect scent to wear to your next bondage ball, dungeon adventure or sojourn to your favorite pleasure dome. Smoky rum and black tobacco with a whisper of steamy leather with a splash of crystalline chardonnay, layered over a sensual, sweet, and deceptively magnetic base of tonka.

    In bottle: leather, rum, tobacco

    On me: Leather soaking wet with blanc de blancs champagne, tobacco, and what may be the tonka underneath. I really like this. Not something I would wear as a regular every day scent, but definitely something to dot the cleavage with when i was out clubbing!

  8. Dragon's blood. You say tomato, i say tomahto, we're going to have to call the whole thing off, arent we? I've had very little luck with any dragon's blood BPAL with the surprising exception of blood rose, which is wonderful for me.


    Wrath went completely, utterly, nasty stank on me. I had to wash it off, it was that bad. No cinnamon, no clove, no pepper, just *ew*.


    *wipes tear from eye*


    Back to smut for me!

  9. Wow. This is the grown snake oil. Really what i had hoped snake oil would be, but it just goes to faded incense on me. Not getting a whole lot of patchouli.


    Very nice spicey bite. Not an everyday gentle scent, something i would wear out clubbing or on a very hot date. Extremely strong-- only a tiny dab needed, and lasts for a very long time.

  10. Nine-tailed fox demon of Korean lore who transforms into the visage of an irresistible beauty in order to seduce men and lead them to their doom. A sharp, biting blend of crisp white tea and ginger.

    In bottle: strong tea.

    On me: strong tea, morphing to tea and strong ginger.

    This is lovely. More like something i would want my shampoo to smell like, i would not wear it as a perfume, but really nice. Planning to buy a 10ml and use it to scent things.

  11. In the bottle: fruits, a bunch of them. Yum.


    On me: Mango. Lots of it, with peach and melon in the background. This a lovely, cheerful scent that reminds me of sipping white sangria with my friends in the summertime. Definitely pursuing more of this! :P


    Doesnt stay on for too long, but its not something i would wear as a perfume, really just as an aromatherapy type treatment. Wonderful.

  12. This fabulous.


    In the bottle: Like Snake oil, but without the smokey incense quality. Some whiskey. Wonderful.


    On me, at first: Very boozy, in the extreme.


    after about 1/2 hour: This is *fantastic*. The musks are so well balanced and the booze notes have retreated to the background. And I'm also getting a whiff of... raw vanilla cake batter? Ah, that would be vanilla and sugar.


    Wow. I am *so* glad I thought to get a 5ml of this. And i want to get more, because this will be amazing aged. :P

  13. I'm in love.


    In the bottle: wet leather (somehow I am reminded of red leather) and choward's violet candy.


    On me, about 1/2 hour: Violets, light grapes/merlot, and a tiny whiff of leather and roses.


    Definitely a lighter, but Grown Lady, scent. My first 5ml bottle that I plan to wear as perfume.

  14. A gentle vision of purity, goodness and virtue: white tea, carnation and Damask Rose.

    In the bottle: Roses, dry tea, carnation, and a little bit of citrus.

    On my skin: Roses on an empire building war of conquest. Roses who think they are Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, and Sunni Ali, all at the same time. I like roses, but not quite this forceful! Definitely a swap.

  15. I have really enjoyed the spicey BPAL scents, so I was very excited about getting an imp of Queen of Sheba.


    In the bottle: honey, garam masala, black pepper, with a very faint whiff of bitter almond.


    On my skin at first it smelled like a garam masala that included fennel. Eventually it faded to something kinda like stale fennel incense. Eek! Definitely not for me.

  16. Hmm, teh Snake Oil!


    Wet: spicy musk, some vanilla, some smoke.


    After some drying time: a lot of incense.


    This smells exactly like my loctician's house; she burns a lot of incense. This scent is middling on me but i will give it to her, she will love :P it.

  17. my first review (pumps fist in air, discreetly)


    in the bottle: interesting, but mighty strong. smells fruity and rosy.


    on me: started off quite fruity (and strong!). no smell of chocolate.


    later: now very strong roses at the forefront, but a wisp of tobacco and strong note of honey too.


    smells like the rose scented ghee that triloka used to sell did when it was being burned on a cotton wick.


    i think i may have to invest in a 5ml bottle!
