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Posts posted by sofiaviolet

  1. In the imp: A Christmas tree! Albeit a rather dried-out one.


    On me, wet: The tree is a bit fresher.


    On me, dry: This is a great Christmas smell. It doesn't suit me as a perfume, but I might keep my imp for a room scent.

  2. In imp: It smells like most other honey scents.


    On me, wet: The milky note is kind of sour.


    On me, dry: It's very faint, as all honey scents are on my skin. Mostly it smells like milk that I spilled on myself.


    Verdict: Definitely not for me.

  3. In imp: I smell the water and the peony. Very aquatic.


    On me, wet: I don't actually know what tulips smell like, but I think that's what I smell behind the aforementioned notes.


    On me, dry: It's mostly peonies. Like a GC version of Peony Moon.


    Verdict: I'll keep my imp.

  4. In the imp: I smell sandalwood and white musk. Also a smidge of mint, maybe some lavender and lime. No sign of vetiver or patchouli, yay!


    On me. wet: The patchouli and vetiver are coming out. My skin amps them both. The lime/lavender/mint is still present.


    On me, dry: On the bright side, the notes I loathe have died. But so have the good ones. I can barely smell it!

  5. In the imp: Eau de bug spray. I am not liking it.


    On me, wet: Now it smells extremely aquatic.


    On me, dry: A powdery aquatic. Makes no sense, I know. It's like talc with an aquatic fragrance.


    Verdict: Wearable, but weird. I think I'll swap it.

  6. In the imp: I can smell the olive leaf! It's very interesting. My mother says it smells familiar.


    On me, wet: Not too bad. My skin is amping the vetiver, though. Fortunately, it's also amping the cedar.


    On me, dry: Holy cow! The vetiver isn't really present any more! God, I hate that note. But yay for Alecto. The cedar is very strong.


    Verdict: This would make a good winter scent, and it might layer well.

  7. In the imp: A pale pink floral. I smell all the notes, but they are very well-blended.


    On me, wet: This smells warm. The frankincense is a bit more prominent.


    On me, dry: Richly floral and incensey.


    Verdict: I love it. It's the more sophisticated older sister of Rose Cross.

  8. This is fairly masculine, but I can still pull it off. :P I can smell a little leather and some wood, sandalwood I suppose. I don't smell the red wine. This has rather little throw. While it smells good on me, I think it might smell even better on my boyfriend.

  9. This is like a pomegranate single note! I don't get any booziness at all. Just lovely sweet pomegranate smell. I. Love. It.


    I'd kind of like to compare Swank to Pomegranate SN to see how close they are on me, but I'm probably not going to be able to get any Pom SN, so never mind.

  10. Simultaneously sweet and spicy. Mostly sweet. It kind of smells like I would expect a bag of gummy bears with a couple of red hots tossed in to smell. It's really cool, but it's making me nauseated like eating that candy concoction would. Into the swaps with it.

  11. This is kind of fruity and sweet, with a sour edge. All the Springtime in Arkham scents I've tried so far have been misses. Cthulhu is pretty heavy on the soap. It smells like Irish Spring. I do happen to like that smell, but not for my perfume.

  12. Somebody sent me a sniffie of this.


    Val Sans Retour smells very sharp and medicinal. It's chilly. Unfortunately, I don't really want to smell like that. I already have hospital smell clinging to me when I leave work, no need to accentuate it.

  13. I mostly smell the lotus and opium. It's really warm and, well, golden. I was very worried about the amber because most scents with that note vanish the second they touch my skin.


    Unfortunately, a few minutes after I wrote the above, I sniffed my hand and Lotus Moon was gone. Foiled again!

  14. In the imp, this is nose-curlingly sharp. On me, the vanilla comes out. I don't really know what narcissus smells like, but I suppose I smell that, too. It's a warm scent.


    And the name has just made me giggle. As I'm sitting here reviewing today's arrrivals, my stomach is rumbling.


    I think this could be Dorian's less innocent older sister. However, it has no throw. I'm undecided about whether I'll keep my imp.

  15. The first time I opened my imp, I smelled nothing. Sniffing more deeply, I detected a very faint musk. Wet on my skin, there is a burst of nauseatingly sweet candy-smell, but as it dries down, this becomes kind of icky. Like sweat, but not sexy sweat. It is July in New Orleans; it's that kind of sweat. My skin chemistry doesn't like La Petite Mort.

  16. While this does have lavender in it, the lemony herbal part of the scent is overwhelming. I don't really like that, and neither does my mother, who is the Queen of Lavender. As Quietude dries down, the lemon freshness goes kind of sour. This definitely doesn't work with my skin chemistry and I don't like it enough to use it as a room scent, so off to the swaps it goes.

  17. It's really sharp. On me, the sharpness dies a sudden death, to be replaced by the same sort of scent as Black Phoenix and Elegba, with the addition of what I think is cinnamon. I feel kind of nauseated by whatever it is those three blends have in common.
