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Everything posted by poisonapple
I just traded for a second bottle of Peony Moon. This is how I wish roses smelled on me. Though i was a dumb ass and read the wrong wishlist...she was kind enough to swap the Luna scent for the Red pheonix. I thinK I will take my trades slowly. I have 8 packages going out two weeks ago and that was a little much. LOL I am a bit disappointed.I really haven had good luck with the L.E.s. I love love snake oil. And dirty and Blood Pearl, but there is not an L.E. i have that I really like expect for Peony Moon. I guess concidering the odds..that is pretty good. I love getting my new orders and with the three outstanding orders, (I went ahead and got the bunny) I am bound to have something in there I like.
Yay Switch witch is starting. I got an email from my witch. It was cute and brightened my day. My person has such a cool list....I almost don't know where to start. She is kinda young so I hope I don't send her old fogie stuff...LOL As for the update...oh my acheing wallet. I should know better than to have a list. I almost never stick to it. I got Dragon Moon Snake chamer (x2) Gypsy Queen Belaine Shattered Blood pearl and the imp pack my hubby wanted. I am so bad. LOL I think I am covered this month..I have talked about doing another order on the 20th..but I think 6 scents are e nough for one month. I need to clean out my bpal box anyway...I got a few that just don't do anything for me Carnavle Torture King Moon Rose Red Pheomix Gamorrah Just don't do anything for me. It is sad because I really wanted to like Gamorrah. I live in the bible belt and was just dying to wear it out so someone could ask me what I am wearing. Oh well....I so need to write a few more reviews....
I got this in a swap. This is one that I am not sure on. In the bottle to me..it smelled like cherry cough drops. My nose can't really pick out anything else in the bottle. But I have to try it. Even If I can't stand it in the bottle I have to at least wear it once. It went on berry minus the cough drops, t hank the gods. Then after a few minutes it went berry musky. It is actually kind of nice. This is one that will ride the fence a bit. I'll have to wear it a bit more to see if it is a keeper. I don't love it, but it is a really interesting scent. Kind of twisted. guess that is why it worked in the Noir set. It is like evil berry musk. 3/5 simply because I don't think I "get it"
I wasn't going to buy this one. Florals and I don't get a long to much. But This is just beautiful. This is how I wish Roses smelled on me. It is soft and rich floral scent. The throw on me is not that far...but that is alright. It is for me anyway. When I first put it on it all floral with an underlying sweetness. That might be the plum. Then as it dries down it goes soft and just a tad musky. I wish I would have known how wonderful this is, because I would have gotten another bottle and worn it all Spring. This might be my spring scent. I would give this lunacy a 5/5.
Alright...My order for the update will be Dragon Moon Beltine The Monster Baits (maybe) Imp Pack of Anibus Odin OSUN SHANGO DRAGON'S MILK Tintagel On thursday I have to pay about 60 bucks in decant circles and get an imp box I wanted. As for the disappointment. I think I am going to give up on swapping. I have had good experences but it seems like people are getting a little elitist. Makes me wonder if people really do buy bpal just to sell it at huge mark ups. Makes me sad....I think I'll just swap or give away to those people on my friends list that I think might like the scents. Saves me from worrying about shit...
I think I have finally enabled my Hubby. I was looking at the GC trying to get over my pain at not being able to order at this update. I was just randomly reading off names of the scents...I got to Odin and Lee had a fit...The I did Yiggdrasil and Finris Wolf and he was panting. Yay!!! It actually took me a bit to talk him out of buying bottles. I told him I would get him the Nordic/Death Gods imp pack with my Lunacy Update t his month.
first off I love the label. The Garden labels are so pretty. In the bottle: very whispy rose. I don't know what moon flowers smell like. Maybe that is w hat is giving the rose such a whispy quality. On me wet: Rose pretty light rose at that and a bit of soap. Dry: Still a very light rose with a bit more of soap. My skin does that to roses. It's a nice soapy smell. Like rose soap. It is clean and fresh, but don't know If i am going to keep it. I might try it a few more times and see. But for me...a 3/5.
My husband and I went and got one of those really neat misting fountains. It was not expensive and I could just smell how nummy my house would be with a BPAL misting fountain. the lady that worked there said we got a free scent with our purchase. While I was trying to find a polite way to decline my hubby ran over and picked out cherry vanillia. Not bad..i like the scents. So we got home he set it up and asked me how much to put in the fountain. Before I can even answer he dumps the entire bottle...that is 2 drams worth of cheap stuff into the fountain. It smells nasty to the 9th. I have a headache..my throat hurts..and I'll have to live with this nasty shit. he on the other hands love it..thinks it smells great. Poor Poor soul. I fear there is not hope for him
I just can't wear them!!! I have tried and tried. They smell wonderful for about 15 minutes then they go babypowder or worse on me. I love the way they smell in the bottle. I need a freaking scent locket. this sucks....*sighs* Why oh why can't i find my one true floral...Hymn works...and So does Grandmother of Ghosts but that is it so far.
It's alright! We just can't give up. There has to be on out there. I tried one today that actually had me gagging. It was horrid.
LOL..no problem!!
stardust works pretty good, but it seems pretty perfumey one me...by that I mean..it smells to me more like a regular department store perfume. But it is pretty good though
Dude I understand that people have to be careful on Ebay...I know they have been burned before. I understand I am new on ebay and have almost no feed back. But the feed back I got is great feedback. I know it is only from one person. But I have bid on items and had them cancled because of lack of feed back..and it is really pissing me off. I guess I am going to give up on ebay and just stick to the forums and lj from now on....Bastages!!!! And may I say how much I freaking love this new skin!!! I love the she-devil skin. I was using the Dark Devil one and I like that one a lot too. Just had to start a blog here so I don't annoy my Lj'er with my obsessive BPAL rants..though I think I enabled one person,.
yeah totally!!!! And I pay imedtiately....growl....Like I said...I guess I'll just stick to here and lj. It is just easier and I don't get as pissed. LOL
I am so freaking glad the forum is back up!!!!! I have made blind swaps...lol..that terrifies me. I love reading the reviews. I love reading what other people say about thier own personal addiction. I have added it up. Ordering from the lab....I have spent over 200 dollars this month. Buying on the forum and lj..i have spent about 150 this month. And you know what? I don't really feel bad about it. I am a bit of an addictive personality. I find something and I just go off on it. But I think with the ever changingness (is that even a word?) it will hold my interest. Not to mention all the people here that are such fun. The only thingI really wish they would fix would be to add a spell check. For a dislexic like me..it is embaressing...because I have no idea a lot of time I have used the wrong word or my spelling is so off. But one thing out of a hundred is not so bad.
I got some swaps in. I tend to swap for bottles most of the time. I prefer it that way. But I have a BPAL box i bought from a forumite. I love it..has 24 sections..I can put imps or bottles..both sizes and they fit just fine. Very cool. But I noticed I am totally obsession about filling up the few empty spaces in my box... I must have more bottles...and I have been looking at those imp holders on line...I don't know why. I guess I just prefer having someone make it for me. I am lazy that way. Well I have 8 spaces left....about 10 bottles comeing to me...so I needs me another box!!!
This is one of the imps I got that was on my wishlist. In the imp- this had such a clean fresh scent...It did have an evergreen floral kind of smell to it. I loved it. Wet: Smells a bit like witchhazel...the kind you get with some wintergreen added. Oh my god. I can't stop sneezing. And my wrists are actually turning pink!! Yes I have had my first bpal alergic reaction. I had to go wash it off before my wrists got any redder. But before the fit..it smelled so good. Maybe not how I would expect Dublin to smell...but the scent brought to mind a crisp breezy over cast day. (My favorite kind of days) I could only imagine how wonderful those kind of days are in Dublin.
Smut, teh Smut how I wish I could have love you the way you wanted to be loved. In the bottle I could smell sugar and the boozy notes...smelled like some sugary drink you would have in a speak easy. On me wet....smelled pretty good really. Smelled just like the bottle..but with a dirt note. Don't know if it actually had a dirt note , but that is what i got. Dry down- burnt sugar. Burnt sugar with a really really good throw. I felt like my entire house smelt like burnt sugar. While I loved teh smut in the bottle on me not so much. Tried a bit as a room scent and it was pretty yummy. All in all..i loved teh smut...but just not on me. Curse you skin chemeistry....you keep me from the smut!
- 518 replies
- Lupercalia 2019
- Lupercalia 2018
- (and 7 more)
Oh I LIKE this one. I got Caramel cookies from my first sniff. I feel bad I get such a homey vibe from a scent based on Asian Red Light district. I don't get any coconut. But I do get the carmel cookies with a wonderful dark undertone. It is spicy on my skin after a dry down. I can still smell the carmel but it takes on a sort of dirty smell to me... And the throw..is amazing...my husband can smell this scent all the way on the other side of the room. I used it in my oil burner and it makes a great house scent too. Love this one!!
- 405 replies
- Lupercalia 2020
- Lupercalia 2006-2008
- (and 2 more)
I am on a review roll tonight...So I think I will review this one too. I got it in a swap and I am so lucky I did. This is mulled spice heaven. I don't really get any woods out of this one either. I get such a heavenly smell out of this. I know it is called Samhain it just screams Fall and October. I can't tell you all the notes to to me it smells like a wonderful Fall party with all the wonderful goodies you get. The neat thing is that is smells exactly like it does in the bottle, on me. There is almost no change in the spicey scent. I even put a dropper full in my oil burner and wow!!! I am so hoarding this until tihs fall not only will I smell yummy...but my house will too.
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- 2024
- Halloween 2024
(and 3 more)
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I remembered reading the thread where this all started and laughing my ass off. It was one of the funniest highjacks I have ever read. So when Beth did the forum scent....I had to have it. I knew it might not work for me, ambergis and some musks are not my friend. In the bottle: oh yummy. I could smell the ambergis and musks. It is so warm and orangey colored. On me the first five minutes...oh heaven. The bit of orange comes out and blends so well with the other notes... Then five minutes later...um....where did it go??? *frantic sniffing of wrist and if i could bend that way my cleavage* NOOOOOOO Okay breath....try it at different times of the month...still a wonderful five minutes but only five minutes. Off to the swaps...but with very fond memories.
I got this in a swap. It was not on my wishlist, But boy or boy am I glad I swapped for it. In the bottle It smelt a little too perfumey. It actually smelled to me like one of the este lauder perfumes that my mouther use to wear. Not at all what I was expecting but not unpleasent really. I slathered it on. I am not one for delicate dabs. And it still smelled like perfume for the first 10 minutes. But that is not a bad thing to me. I just thought I would use it for those days when I wanted a more tradtional perfume scent. Then all of a sudden it started to morph on me. It took on a lovely floral scent. I still can't tell the different notes but it was very sharp. I could see where t he futureistic would come it. It had a definate edge to it. Then I detected a bit of a champagne undertone. At least that is, I think it was a champagne untertone. A slightly bitter note under the sharp edged floral. I love this scent. But it is a bit formal for me. I am a SAHM so I don't have much cause to wear it. LOL..I might wear it when we take the family out to the sit down restaurant.
Hmmmm....I actually like this. I was getting a bit worried that I would not like any of the Maelstrom scents. I can't smell any coco or orange. What I do smell is the Dragon's Blood and the black pepper. I think I can pick these out because they are scents I know. To me is is a warm heart's blood red scent. I will admit when I swiped the oil on the first time..it's red color was a bit shocking. I am very pale and the red oil on my skin did look a bit like blood. It has a good throw. Lasted all day, from 9 to a 7 that night. My husband said I smelled good. Spicey warm. I am glad I have this one. Would I buy it again? No I have other scents I like much better.
This is very understated. It is a soft genteel scent that is gone almost before I have a chance to replace the cap. I caught a bit of the green tea I think, my newbie nose is not to good at picking out notes. I caught more of the mint in the bottle. In the bottle it is a great scent. Lovely and would be wonderful on whom ever can amp up those wispy wraith like scents. Me I am not so wraith like. Looks like my english gentleman is still Dorian.
I got this as a frimp from the Lab...and all I can say is THANK YOU! This has moved up to the top of my next order list. I smelled it in the imp and I could not pick out the coconut right off..it smelled a bit like buttercream. So I was nervous about wearing it. Foody scents and I don't get a long. On My skin...well hello coconut..where did you come from? and then there was a bit of a resin smell. I never got a floral out of this...or my new nose just totally missed it in the spicey coconut heaven it was in. It had a nice throw..but not something that was over powering and the dry down stayed true to my impressions. I truely love this one..not as much as Snake Oil...but this one is so up there.