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Everything posted by Foodie

  1. Foodie

    Winter Jasmine

    GORGEOUS JASMINE OF MY DREAMS. Seriously. If you care for Jasmine at all, you'll want to find a bottle of this. It's an exotic, beautiful, sweet jasmine with a tad bit of greenery somewhere in the background. I'm not getting "winter" though. More like euphoric warm summer nights and sharing intimate secrets with a lover on the balcony. A total WIN.
  2. Foodie

    La Prostitution et la Folie Dominent le Monde

    Ok, ok. So I know I went on and on about Smut, saying it was the big hit of my Lupers. And Smut, you are gorgeous and sexy and I love you, I do. But Le Prostitution is BEAUTIFUL. I-want-to-wear-it-every-day-for-the-rest-of-my-life beautiful. Or at least every day this spring! When first applied it is intense, sweet vanilla frosting but the calming and intoxicating Jasmine quickly makes itself known. For the the next 30 minutes the vanilla frosting and Jasmine take turns being the strongest note until it the Jasmine wins, staying a soft sweet flower on my wrist. The anise isn't identifiable but I'm sure that is what's bringing a slight edgy note that cuts through the sweetness a bit. Heavenly smelling and exquisite, Le Prostitution is not, to me, a frilly girl perfume. Jasmine is a woman's scent, soft and sensual. Obviously, I love it!
  3. Foodie


    2017 Version Smut is really something! It's outrageously sexy. A sugary, musky, honeyed masterpiece. I was shocked to look through the past reviews and see the grape, fruity, and amaretto notes people have gotten from past versions. This is straight up honey sugar crusted boozy (but just a teensy bit boozy) musk on me. There is something sparkling and scintillating about Smut, which is such an interesting combo with the dark honey. There also seems to be a whisper of Snake Oil in here. Maybe that's why I'm crazy for it! Like I said, this is super sexy and provocative. Smut is the hit of my Lupercalia order.
  4. Foodie

    Cave of Treasures

    Cave of Treasures is, like other reviewers have stated, a strong lilac scent. And like Jenjin said, lilac can be over the top perfumey. It may be behaving on y'all, but not on me! It's so very sweet and floral. I need something spicy in my florals, I'm a floriental girl. This has no spice, just straight up lilacs. I'm not getting honey or cream but I'm sure they're there, sweetening things up. Honestly this smells to me like perfume meant for teenagers and it gives me a headache. Really wanted to love this one! 😢
  5. Foodie


    Haha VioletChaos, I did THE EXACT SAME THING! I absolutely fell in love with Four Seasons Winter and when I saw this had apricot/orange too I blind bought two bottles. L'Agonie has that same happy apricot that I loved so much in Four Seasons Winter. But the blood orange is the dominant note in this one. When wet, it actually smelled a lot like smarties. Then came the strong and tangy blood orange. As it dried, the vanilla let itself be known. Someone near me actually said "what smells like vanilla" lol. When huffing my wrist I could smell the honey and oud, which I have become somewhat familiar with from Entertaining the Heian Court Maiden. The honey/oud combo is like crack to me, there's something about it that I can't get enough of. Dragon's blood is also a note that I'm very fond of and it's there too, adding a little mystery. After about two hours the blood orange has faded and I'm left with a joyous, soft, alluring honey oud with a touch of apricot. I might love this even more than Four Seasons Winter, I'm patting my own back for ordering two bottles.
  6. Foodie

    I Too Beneath Your Moon

    Wow, I too Beneath your Moon is lovely! I ordered this against my better judgement because I can't wear apple scents, to me they're "ALL SHAMPOO ALL THE TIME!". So I wasn't very impressed that first 5 minutes after applying, the apple was very strong. Like ClockworkMom said, this is a morpher. Not 10 minutes later the apple faded and the vanilla cream and white patchouli came out to play. The vanilla is a beautiful beeswaxy vanilla and the patchouli is clean but brings a nice depth to the scent. All of the notes end up blending into a sweet and heart-warming creamy vanilla apple.
  7. Foodie

    Kitten with Shamisen Daydreams of a Phallus Palanquin

    Kitten with Shamisen Daydreams of a Phallus Palanquin is more foodie than I expected. I was hoping the musk and pear would be dominant but the creamy rice milk note is definitely the strongest. It reminds me of.... Drink Me. The milk is creamy with a hint of pepper in the background. I don't know why but I get a slight pepper in a lot of foodie scents. Anywho, I'm not getting a strong pear, hardly any at all actually. There is a sweetness that I know is the pear because it's listed in the notes but not strong enough for me to immediately identify it. A little more musk than pear but not a lot. All in all, this is a very light, sweet milky (and not much else) scent.
  8. Foodie

    Entertaining the Heian Court Maiden

    Mmmmmmm, honey. Lovely honey. When first applied, Entertaining the Heian Court Maiden smells a lot like "O" honey mixed with some kind of old timey, classy, fancy perfume. I'm not getting any green, forest or herbs like other reviewers. At this stage I'm liking it but not loving it. As it dries, about 15 minutes in, it really starts to morph into a different sort of scent. Still getting lots of "O" honey but the perfumey aspect has turned into more of a noticable deep earthy vanilla. Still a bit perfumey but I like that this scent isn't foodie in the slightest. As the day wore on, I kept getting whiffs of the scent from my sweater and it was kind of amazing. Definitely a sexy vibe. Glad I got a bottle.
  9. Foodie

    The Flaming Sword of the Cherub

    The Flaming Sword of the Cherub is fiery indeed! When first applied I got a very strong dragon's blood incense burning smell. But when dry the cinnamon is the strongest note, with a delightfully dark, sweet amber smoldering in the background. I LOVE dragon's blood but this blend is not too DB heavy... it's there but not overpowering. A spicy, racy, sultry fragrance perfect for warming up your soul on a cold winter's night.
  10. Foodie

    Lick It With Consent (2016)

    Lick it with Consent is "all peppermint, all the time!" on me. I was hoping for more vanilla and sweet sugar but got a strong blast of peppermint that burned my arms and neck where applied. The first thing that came to mind was that chalky peppermint stomach medicine and I just couldn't shake that first impression. This is my first try of any of the Lick It series, so I didn't know quite what to expect and I have no other Lick It's to compare it to. I didn't know that I don't like mint perfume... now I know!
  11. When someone said that Swift as Light, Beauteous in Color, Charming in Song is a Phoenix masterpiece... They were right on. This is immediately one of my favorite BPALs ever. When first applied the musk and neroli are strongest and kinda sharp for about 30 seconds... and then the soft mallow becomes apparent. As it dries the golden honey gets stronger too, making the scent very creamy and glowing. The magnolia and musk keep it from being foodie or creamsicle-like. This scent has a joyful, dreamy, enchanted feeling. I need backups. ❤
  12. Foodie

    Four Seasons: Winter

    Four Seasons: Winter is so very sweet! When first applied it smells to me like fruity, chewy, orange candy. Thankfully after only a couple of minutes the creaminess comes out and it becomes a super pretty apricot amber. Still sweet but I'm really enjoying this beautiful warm apricot goodness! ETA: This smells heavenly paired with The Forest in Winter at Sunset.❤
  13. Foodie

    The Forest in Winter at Sunset

    The Forest in Winter at Sunset is a gorgeous, warm, glowing beauty. The amber is the strongest note followed by a piney musk that adds a bit of mystery. This piney musk is like standing in a forest smelling the fragrant night air rather than a crushed pine needle or sniffing moss. It all blends together beautifully to create a smooth scent that is golden and snuggly but at the same time has a serious mood, provoking a feeling of being in awe of nature. I love The Forest in Winter at Sunset. If you like amber, you will love it too!
  14. Foodie

    Dragon's Milk

    Dragon's Milk is one of the stars of the GC scents. Dragon's blood is the main note here with a creamy vanilla supporting. It is incredibly strong and long lasting on me. I haven't tried it aged but love my new bottle.
  15. Foodie

    Winter: My Secret

    Winter my Secret when first applied reminded me of Love's Baby Soft. Not to say that it smells like baby powder... more like that strong alcohol smell when you first spray it. An intense and WHITE fragrance, I could not detect any vanilla at all. WMS is bitter, medicinal, earthy, but in some way powdery. It was, I'm not gonna lie, disappointing. Not to say it's a bad scent... just not the warm, resinous vanilla that I thought it was gonna be. More like cold resins if that makes sense.
  16. Foodie

    Raspberry Sufganiyot

    Raspberry Sufganiyot is heaven, pure and simple. Heaven for foodie lovers, that is. The raspberry is definitely a sweet raspberry jelly, not a fresh berry off the vine. When first applied all I got was the raspberry goodness, not much of anything else. After only a couple of minutes the donut/baked goods scent shows up. It never overpowers, it's just there supporting the sweet gooey raspberry filling. I also can distinctly smell powdered sugar. This is crazy! So after about 3 hours a slightly spicy scent has emerged and the raspberry has diminished a lot. I still smell powdered sugar. I did not smell anything even resembling plastic or butter, which so many of BPAL's baked goods scents seem to have. Yay! I love Raspberry Sufganiyot from beginning to end and am very happy to have a bottle.
  17. Foodie

    Nasty Woman

    I was hoping Nasty Woman would be sweeter, more foodie, with more vanilla. What I got was a very strong and pungent patchouli with a sort of bitter, earthy wood and a bit of fig in the background. I did not enjoy the combination. I had to wash it off. I was glad to support the cause but Nasty Woman was way too nasty for me.
  18. Foodie

    Lilith and Sekhmet

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this! I love the lab's red wine note and this is definitely it. Very wine heavy, a dark sexy red, with a touch of amber which gets thicker and sweeter over time. It also has a slight incense or spice in the background. This scent is dark, seductive, beautiful, perfect for autumn and winter.
  19. Foodie

    Dragon's Tears

    Dragon's Tears smells to me like blowing bubbles as a child. That smell of the liquid as you dip your bubble blower stick in and blow a million bubbles, as the bubbles fly through the air and land on your face, your arms. There is a strong floral scent in the yard where you're blowing bubbles, you're standing right next to the bush. Dragon's Tears is a strong soapy floral.
  20. Foodie

    Honeyed Apple

    Let me start off by saying I don't really care for fruity scents. I ordered this because I'm obsessed with honey, it's pretty much my favorite note. I hoped for a dark, gooey, strong honey but the apple is definitely the main scent, the star of the show. The honey is there, I can smell it, it's more of a light, perfumey honey. I do think anyone who likes apple perfume will love this one, but it's just not my thing. I immediately thought of shampoo after applying and after a while it did get a tad bit spicier and less... shampooish... but like I said, not my thing.
  21. Foodie

    This Wan White Humming Hive

    When I applied The Wan White Humming Hive, the first thing that popped out was a strong, beautiful honey/beeswax note. I can't tell the difference between honey and beeswax. All I know is I like it! But... for the next hour, all I could smell was "old lady". I have no idea what it was. I could still smell the honey but there was something behind it that just screamed old lady. Sorry I can't be more specific than that! After the first hour, the incense started to send out its slow burning smell and I must say that it was lovely. Good bye old lady, hello gorgeous honey and incense! Like the other reviewers have said, this is a "white" or light incense. Not the incense I'm used to but definitely incense. To me it's worth getting through the first hour to get to the wonderfulness of The Wan White Humming Hive. It lasted all day and I still could smell traces of it in the morning. Glad I have a bottle!
  22. Foodie

    Witch Dance

    I felt that I had to order Witch Dance 2016 after everyone went crazy for the 2012 version, and I definitely wasn't disappointed. When sniffing my Weenie bottles this one did not stand out, kinda sharp. So I waited a couple days to try it. After applying to my wrists and sniffing a minute, I pretty much immediately slathered it all over my body because I knew it was a total win. It's an absolutely gorgeous blend of red musk and incense. I've never had a dead leaves scent so I can't pick that out. But heavy on the red musk and incense for sure. I continued to smell it throughout the day, could still smell traces of it at bedtime. Yay! So happy to have this beautiful scent and if I decide to get any backup Weenie bottles this will be the first one on the list.
  23. Foodie

    Devil's Night 2016

    A surprise hit for me too! My favorite of the 5 bottles of Weenies I ordered. The first thing I smell after applying to my wrist is the cooking-sugar smell, which I absolutely adore. The "fires in the distance" I can clearly smell, along with a touch of musk. The overall effect is a not-quite-foodie but sweet smokey scent perfect for fall. ETA: After about an hour and a half this lost the smokey sugary loveliness and turned to kind of a plain sweet musk. I sure wish the smoke would stick around... 😢
  24. Foodie

    Hunting for the ultimate _____ blend

    Haha, thanks Celestia! I know I have an imp of The Forest Reverie around here somewhere, but for some reason I feel like I tried it and didn't quite like it.... goin to have to dig it out again to see why. Both of the other ones sound great! Thanks!
  25. Foodie

    Hunting for the ultimate _____ blend

    I'm looking for the ultimate "smokey forest" scent. I love tree sap, fir/pine, and smoke. I don't care for wood. I have Black Forest and love it but it doesn't have the smoke or sap and a tad bit too much wood for me. I have high hopes for the new 'weenie Przeczucie but the reviews so far are worrying me. Anybody out there with a recommendation? Thanks!