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Everything posted by euterpe414

  1. euterpe414


    This one is in a similar vain as Blue Moon 2007, Dark Delicacies and Black Moon. I get a lot of moonflower as well as ivy, orchid and a dash of musk. Not getting a lot of amber or what have you... This has a lovely nighttime feel to it- like walking outside on a cool breezy night under the full moon. It also has a bit of a "clean"vibe to it, but definitely not in a soapy way. This one lasts for a while as well, yet remains subtle and quiet- very much a "skin" scent for me. I really like this one- it's perfect for when I want to smell fresh and light, but not soapy- and really...that painting can't be beat I am definitely going to throw a bottle of this one in my next order!
  2. euterpe414

    Kiyohime Changes From a Serpent

    Annnd...another lovely Salon III scent! (why must I love them all??!) Kiyohime is a really well blended ocean scent. I definitely can smell the sea spray and mossiness, but it is intertwined delicately with the fruit and flowers. I am not sure what green musk smells like but I assume it is contributing to some of the depth that this scent has. This never smells like dryer sheets (that's what a lot of aquatics end up on me, unfortunately) or soap. I am very very pleased. There is a vague similarity in this to Fire Pig, although this is considerably lighter an airier on me. I don't get a lot of morphing like others have, my chemistry apparently feels like being boring, lol. My only complaint about this one is that it doesn't last over 2 hours on my skin, which is sad because it is expensive so I feel odd about slathering it (maybe I'll use it in the locket or make a spray out of it...) For anyone who wants an aquatic scent but usually can't find one that doesn'to go soapy, I highly suggest this one.
  3. euterpe414

    Death and Life Completed

    This is a very strong carnation on my skin, with a faint background green and peony. Like someone else mentioned, I really like the juxtaposition of the floral with the green (green meaning cypress, juniper, etc.)- it gives a certain vibrance to the florals. I somewhat wish that carnation was not so dominant and let the other notes shine through more on my skin, but I love carnation so I can deal with it All in all this is a great blend, and carnation lovers simply must give it a try. I will definitely buy a bottle when I have used up my imp.
  4. euterpe414

    People of the Labyrinth - Luctor et Emergo

    I just wanted to chime in that this smells fabulous!! (thank you thank you ). I have never tried POTL but I had these blends around and an empty pretty bottle so I decided to try it. It's lovely and lasts forever on my skin. I will definitely have to whip up some more when I run out (if I can find more Midnight Mass, lol, I'm running low...)
  5. euterpe414


    I get a lot of tangerine, saffron and vetiver in this one. It's very earthy yet bright. A bit on the masculine/cologne-y side, but not toppling over the edge, so it's still appropriate for me to wear. This is a very complicated scent- I know I like it, but I'm not sure I love it enough to want to buy a bottle. I'm going to have to wear it a few more times to decide. I do love vetiver, though, and this is an interesting and creative twist on an earthy vetiver scent. If this were a color, it would be burnt orange
  6. euterpe414

    *Thunnnder Moon*

    OK, I am so glad this was a small update because there were a few Salon bottles I wanted to get and now I can b/c I actually was good and saved up money all month. Now the Smiling Spider and friends shall be mine! Mwahaha... anyway...here are my thoughts as usual: THUNDER MOON This is the scent of a summer storm: thick black clouds pass over this full moon, the Goddess roars, and Her Beloved hurls his forked bolts of lightning in the distant sky. Ozone deepened by liquid amber, and a spray of hot nighttime rain mingled with the scent of lightning-struck wood, water-soaked summer blooms, and sun-scorched grass. Now I am turning into a bit fo a crazy collector, and even though I think this might go the way of the soap I ordered it anyway. Rose Moon proved me wrong and was amazing on me, so this might be too. I love grass notes and wood, so we shall see; annnd, as someone mentioned before, Hunger Moon had ozone and I love that one. You never know. SELKIE .The chill waters of the Orkney coast, tea-leaved willow, honey-touched Grass-of-Parnassus, sea aster, and Scottish Primrose. I honestly have no idea how this will smell, but it sounded so lovely with the song...and it's selkies, so cryin' out loud! Bottle, please. CANCER Cardinal Water: the essence of feeling. Wild lettuce, wild pear, chamomile, germanica orris, sweet pea, and mallow. Yes, please. Not just cause I collect the astrological signs, but because I love chamomile and pear. Let's hope the sweet pea doesn't act up in this one. I have found, though, that these astro. blends have really smelled completely different than I thought they all would, and in a good way. HELENA Rose amber, calla lily, night-blooming jasmine, water lily, and white rose. Night blooming jasmine will occasionally behave on my skin. however I think pairing it with white rose and calla lily will totally make it misbehave on my skin. Pass. HERMIA Pink pepper, golden amber, honeysuckle, and passion flower. This sounds so happy and summery. I adore all the notes in it so I bought a bottle unsniffed. Yay LYSANDER Lilac musk, tonka, wood violet, and urbane lime rind, with a Venus-kissed tangle of myrtle, blackberry leaf, and benzoin. Whitechapel went horribly wrong on my skin. This might not go horribly wrong. I like myrtle, tonka, benzoin and violet, so I ordered an imp. ROBIN GOODFELLOW Dark musk, moss-covered wood, ragwort, heather, and sage. This sounds like it could be just my thing OR too masculine. I am going to wait for reviews and see. I'm hoping the former 'cause I love me some sage. DIAN’S BUD Be as thou wast wont to be; See as thou wast wont to see: Dian's bud o'er Cupid's flower Hath such force and blessed power. ??? I ordered an imp. LOVE-IN-IDLENESS Yet mark'd I where the bolt of Cupid fell: It fell upon a little western flower, Before, milk-white, now purple with love's wound, And maidens call it love-in-idleness. OK call me retarded, but I ordered a bottle of this because I love Love-Lies-Bleeding and it amused me to have it sitting next to Love-In-Idleness. I hope I like it! I'm sad about a few of the DC scents, but they were not top 10 loves. I do like Dublin very very much and have a bottle of it, mainly because it is one of the only scents the bf had complimented me on. I wanted at some point to get a bottle of Mantis, but my imp will have to do for now. I had a bottle of Neo-Tokyo once but I swapped it 'cause I never wore it. Soo...I feel bad for the company that went under. I hope they all turn out OK and whatnot . And now that I've blabbered about smellies for long enough, I figure it's high time I update about how life is going. Boy is it going, lol. I have one month left of school, and then it's on to summer of fun. I am planning to do some concerts in Basel, Dusseldorf and LA, all of which make me incredibly excited. Dusseldorf will be great because all of my favorite composers and people, basically, will be there making music for the whole month of July. I can't wait to see Michael and Kathy and James and Doug again (and Radu...yay.) Hopefully I can organize a performance of John Cage's Music For. So many people know it that will be there and I've been busting my butt learning the rest of it, so we'll see. It'll be great to go to LA for a few weeks Maybe I'll even be able to swing by a WillCall... I am planning on getting another tattoo done by Graham while I'm there, too. It will be a lovely rendition of Posada's La Cantilena with marigolds strewn about her on my left calf. i plan to get her male counterpart on my right calf but that will have to be done next year. Lately my life has consisted of sewing weird things (a virgin of guadalupe tote bag, lol) and practicing for my concerts in the end of June. Nice and relaxed, just like I like it. Pepper's allergies have been doing much much better, which makes me feel like a good dog parent She's lost a bit of weight which is good b/c the winter/early spring put a bit of weight on her (why, I don't know b/c I don't over feed her and she runs every day a LOT, but anyway...) I have to play in this fucking stupid orchestral flute masterclass- why, I don't know- I don't play orchestral music and I haven't since HIGH SCHOOL!- in two weeks. I am not happy about that. but it's only going to be a few hours of pain and then I can ignore it. I'm really contemplating dreading my hair this summer. I am sick of dealing with 'product' and haircuts and the like. My hair is so thick and knotted already- if I don't brush it is dreads on its own, lol. Plus, I love the look of dreads and know that I don't have to have an office job....ever. However, I know that they shrink at first and my hair right now is down to my shoulderblades. I don't like the look of short dreads (on me) that much, so I might wait til they grow a bit longer...although I suspect soon I will break down and do it in a fit of impatience. OK, there is much more to write, but I have to go do some more flute-ing. Yay, update, yay.
  7. euterpe414

    Blue Moon 2007

    This is, as I expected, a very watery cool floral. I can really smell aloe and cucumber in this mixed with the floral notes. This is definitely in a similar family to Black Moon, but is much less sweet and a bit more herbal. I do not get any soapiness from the florals- everything stays true from wet to dry on my skin. This is definitely an ethereal scent that is very appropriate for the occasion. I love it and will cherish my bottle.
  8. euterpe414

    Rose Moon

    I knew I was taking a MAJOR chance with this one, and I am totally in shock...even though this one has tea rose, it behaves! On my skin this is very very rosy yet is soft (not sharp like some of BPAL's rose blends are on me). I never get any of the nail polish remover note I get from tea rose. It has a bit of an earthy element too which I think is the patchouli leaf- this only comes out once it is dry, but it's what makes the blend for me. I don't detect and lemon peel or opium the entire time it's on my skin. This is definitely a refined rose blend; I love how it sort of fades into the distance as it wears (and it wears for quite a while)- after a few hours it is just whisper of fresh rose. Beautiful.
  9. euterpe414

    Monster Bait: biggerCritters

    This blend is definitely a rule-breaker! Jasmine and I usually don't do well but here we are getting along fabulously! With this blend I smell citrus vanilla and gardenia in the bottle- not really much jasmine. On my skin I definitely can detect all the notes (and for some reason I don't get a buttery vanilla note- maybe my nose is broken?)- they blend into this lovely soft fluffy scent. Jasmine actually smells nice and doesn't go musty- I am so surprised! This reminds me faintly of Midnight on the Midway, but minus the incense part. I really love this one and I am going to have to hoard it, as it doesn't last the longest on my skin (but I certainly don't mind reapplying!)
  10. euterpe414


    I tend to associate violet wiht old ladies or those silly little violet candies, so I am very hesitant of most violet scents. However, Sybaris is a really amazing violet scent! I get a very creamy violet on my skin with a background of incense- not too much clove, although I am sure it's contributing to the spicy background. Overall this is a very seamless, blended feminine scent. Though it's feminine not in a dainty and sweet way but a more rich and voluptuous way. This scent lasts and lasts and has a fair amount of throw for me. I am glad I got this one as a frimp or else I never would have thought to try it. I agree with the previous poster that this scent will convert you to liking violets if you weren't sure you did (or like me, thought you didn't). Lovely.
  11. euterpe414


    I would have never thought to try this one had I not gotten a frimp of it...it is definitely a lovely scent that gets sweeter the longer it stays on my skin. At first it is strongly all woods and then the orchid, geranium and lily come out and bloom. It doesn't go at all soapy on me, either. This is a very sophisticated floral blend to me, definitely one for a confident and refined woman (haha, which is not really me!). I do like it, but it does not fit my personality at all. Glad I tried it, though.
  12. euterpe414

    Riding the Goat

    There is definitely something in this one that goes a bit sour on my skin at first. I ahve absolutely no idea what it is thought b/c all the notes listed seem to go well with my chemistry. must be something in the 'masonic incense'. Anyhow, the sourness fades away and I am gladly left with the scent of rich, dark wood and incense. The tobacco in this one is hardly present, for some reason. Oddly enough this blend is fairly quiet and stays close to my skin. I am glad this one turned out all right in the end but I am going to ponder keeping my bottle b/c I am not sure about how many times I can handle the weird sour stage. Maybe aging might help it...??
  13. euterpe414


    Dead from all the resiny goodness. This is a wonderful resin blend, I knew I would love it. Definitely in the Scwarzer Mond 'family', although it's definitely a bit smoother and more refined (I think this is because of the wonderful myrrh- it's a similar myrrh to that which is in Priala, I'm sure). There is a tiny bit of powderiness but it's not overwhelming and I actually like it- it keeps the blend from going over the edge dark on me. I loooove this one and I'm glad I ordered two bottles. Between this, Lycaon, Jacob's Ladder, Schwarzer and Mr. Jaquel, I have all the lovely resiny goodness I'll ever need. I'm one happy girl right now.
  14. euterpe414

    Bad Luck Woman Blues

    Hm. On me this is super super earthy (moss and dirt mostly) with a touch of sweetness. Sometimes I detect peppery and dusty notes as well. This scent on me is more in the family of the Premature Burial than Anaconda or another similar foody blend; that is fine with me, too, as I love earthy scents. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect with this one, so I am not at all disappointed by it. It's a very hazy and mysterious scent that lingers over you for a while. This is a very unisex scent to me, I bet it would be great on a guy. Love it!
  15. euterpe414

    Lady Luck Blues

    I was a little scared that the rose might do bad things on my skin in this blend. Thankfully it doesn't because it is tempered by the other sweet notes- phew! This is a gorgeous creamy sweet floral on my skin. I can detect the most rose, plum and the lovely tonka note. I am really enjoying this scent a lot! It has a lot of throw and fair amount of staying power as well. This is not an overly refind rose blend, but a more slinky and comfortable one- one that's just right for me I am glad there have been quite a few blends with rose in them lately that haven't been mucked up by my skin chemistry.
  16. euterpe414

    Poisson d'Avril

    I can barely smell this one in the bottle. Strange. On my skin, though, it is a light breezy floral with an almost aquatic feel to it. I definitely smell the lilies but the rest of this blend is a giant floral mishmash (like others have said- reminiscent of a fresh cut bouquet). Thankfully it doesn't go totally soapy on me. The first few minutes were scary but after that it really mellowed out and I could smell the lovely flowers again. This is a surely a winner for summer, and I'm glad I took a chance on ordering this one. ETA: well I thought there was lily in this blend but I checked back and it isn't listed as a note. Strange because I am so sure I smell it...
  17. euterpe414


    I am normally not a fruity floral kinda gal, but I have been looking for a light fruity blend that I could wear in the summer. I think have now found it! Titania is a very seamless blend- no one note is detectable (this is good b/c I read "rose" and was a little worried that this might go sharp on me). It's very light but not overly bubbly or "young". it has a very airy quiality that is perfect for a faerie queen, as many before me have stated. I will try to sneak a bottle of this into an upcoming order very soon! Surprisingly for a fruity scent, it lasts a very long time on me, and does not do much morphing at all. Wonderful! I am so glad I was frimped this b/c I had sort of been avoiding it for no apparent reason. Now I know not to fear all fruity florals.
  18. euterpe414

    Fruit Moon

    This blend was really really wonderful (a fruity explosion which is a good thing for me) for about 10 minutes. I could detect lime and an ambiguous mishmash of "tropical" fruits. Yum. Thennn all of a sudden it decided to take on this chemical smell which I really did not like. Something like fruity cleaning fluid. Not good. Boo. Oh well, I tried...
  19. euterpe414

    Milk Moon 2007

    After reading previously that some people got a "vomit" note initially from this blend, I was very afraid in opening up my bottle when it arrived today! However, I did not get that sensation at all - my chemistry is so nice to me . Mostly, in the bottle, I get milk with grape, fig and dates. I don't get a lot of honey, which makes me feel a bit sad. This blend does not change too much once it hits my skin. The throw is also quite good, better than other milk blends that I have tried. My only complaint would be that it does not last incredibly long on my skin. Overall, this is very good blend and I'm happy to have a bottle. I can see it coming in handy when the weather is super hot.
  20. euterpe414

    Pinched With Four Aces

    Oh my this is lovely!! On my skin I get a mixture of coffee (this is the primary note), tobacco and cinnamon. It's a heaveny mixture, for sure This has lots and lots of throw on me and lasts for a while as well. I knew I would love this from the moment I read the description and I sure was right! (just for the record, on me this does not smell very much like Misk U - there is no dustiness or toffee-ness in this blend, as far as I can tell. The coffee in Pinched w/4 Aces is a lot stronger and more "true" to how coffee really smells)
  21. euterpe414

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    Is there jasmine in this? I don't know...it would be strange if there was because this blend is really working well on me and jasmine blends (or BPAL's jasmine) usually do not. I definitely detect lots of honey- very sticky and glistening. Maybe gardenia- but I am not so great at picking out specific floral notes. This reminds me a lot of Follow Me Boy except for the rancid stage that FMB went through on me (i.e. Sacred Whore smells a lot like the drydown of FMB with my chemistry). It's incredibly sexy, yet stays close to the skin. Definitely a "come hither" scent. I really must track down a bottle of this ASAP, b/c my imp is not going to last long!
  22. euterpe414


    Apparently my chemistry is completely whacko. I can't detect ANY civet in this blend. Instead, I get an overwhelming odor of sharp opium and laundry detergent.. Not pleasing to me at all. I am so confused...
  23. euterpe414

    One to Tie, Two to Win

    This is almost pure dandelion on my skin- green, grassy and a bit spicy. It also has tons of throw for the first hour or so. However after that, it begins to turn to laundry detergent on my skin. I will definitely wear this one in my locket, though, because it is a gorgeous green scent- pretty much the embodiment of late spring and early summer. Lovely!
  24. euterpe414


    In the vial this one smells almost barely there- not a scent to fit the color of the oil at all! On my skin it blossoms into a lovely, rich musk. Although I must add it's not a terribly animalistic musk, more of a refined one since it is tempered by the labdanum and woods. It's definitely a dark scent but airs on the smooth side of dark. It slithers, almost. I really like this one and I would love to have a bottle of it eventually.
  25. euterpe414


    I got this one as a frimp and I am very pleased with it. I smell soft herbs with a bit of forest and a creamy, almost musky scent. It lasts a long time and has a bit of throw as well. This is a great blend for those who love herbal and foresty blends, as it is quite unique amongst the others in the BPAL GC. I really love the clean feeling it gives off without being an ozone or linen type scent. When my imp of this runs out, I will definitely buy a 5ml.