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BPAL Madness!


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About Poenari

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    1/32 too few
  • Birthday 06/04/1954


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  • BPAL of the Day
    Whichever one fits my mood, but I smell gorgeous!
  • Favorite Scents
    LE: Eve, Our Hearts Condemn Us, Blood Popsicle, Streets of Detroit, Funnel of Love, Witch Dance, Callidora, Sumatran Red Patchouli, Banshee Beat, #ows, Infernal Lover, Snake Charmer, Mme. Moriarty, Clemence, Chrysanthemum Moon, Death of Autumn, Sugar Skull, Fearful Pleasure, Premature Burial, Crypt Queen, Makhanitis, Melainis, Mircalla, Lilith Victoria, and practically any Snake Oil variation. GC: Blood, Snake Oil, Dragon's Heart, Urd, Goblin, Hetaire, Anne Bonney, Eat Me, Lust, Le Lethe. Trading Post: Puddin' takes most of my monies. Bath oil & Hair Gloss in scents that go with all of the above. Atmo sprays: Smoky, incense, dark and sexy. Lucy in Darkness! Too many Trading Post scents to mention. I especially love red musk, black musk, any/all patchouli, clove, and dragon's blood notes.

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  • Interests
    My family, especially my grandson; my kitties, my BPAL, my friends here on the forum and FB! I have been a fan of gothic horror since I was a child, thanks to my dad, who introduced me to Poe at an early age. I love classic horror movies (the old Universal Studios monsters) and Hammer Horror from the 60's and 70's. I love Anne Rice and her vampires and witches. If I had been born in a later generation, I probably would have been a goth kid. As it is, I've aged into a bohemian gothic hippie in my 60's, and don't give a damn. :wink:
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  1. Poenari

    Snaky-Hair’d Moirai Many-Form’d

    Woah! This is all deep dark smoky tobacco incense on me without any sweetness. I may have finally found an incense scent that is too strong for me! It has a lot of throw and is very long lasting. I applied after a late afternoon shower and could still smell it the next morning. I'm going to have to plan more carefully when I wear this one.
  2. Poenari

    A Savage Veil, Severe and Strong

    I don't know why I waited so long to buy this, given that I love each of these notes. The recent need to soothe my soul over the SA reports of a once favorite author along with the reminder that proceeds go towards RAINN made me place the order. This is the dark BPAL plum note that I adore! It does appear to me to be the same plum as in Black Moths, A Shadow In The Elevator, and Mme. Moriarty, so I get the comparisons in previous reviews. The patch doesn't jump out at me as it usually does, but stays so well blended with the tobacco that it just deepens the plum and makes this dark and gorgeous and feeling very high end. I love this so much! I applied before bed last night and could still smell it this morning, so it has a nice long wear!
  3. Poenari


    This is amazing! Little Bird nailed the description. The initial blast of smoky patchouli with a heavy overlay of an industrial smell - is that the ink? The patch is not that sweet chewy patch but a dry and dark one, and upon drydown it can't be separated out from the other notes. I always amp patchouli but this blend isn't a "patchouli" forward blend. No, it's the scent I remember from childhood trips to Chicago! Back when smog was still a deep haze over the city as we drove in from the South Side, passing smokestacks along Lake Calumet, mingled with the scent of my pre-teen slathering of Coty Wild Musk Oil perfume.
  4. Poenari

    Vinegar Tom

    Dark honeyed musk, not as strong on the tea note as I had expected! This is lovely and very sexy... the sleekest softest black cat caught out of the corner of your eye, slinking around the corner.
  5. Poenari


    OMG how is it possible that in almost 20 years of wearing BPAL that I never reviewed this?! I know I have worn it many times. I got a random urge to pull this from my imp stash and apply this evening. I love cinnamon, myrrh, and honeysuckle and my limited experience with copal is also positive. This blend is a sticky sweet honeyed cinnamon on my skin. It bears a lot of similarities with the way that Dragons Milk goes on me. In fact, I would say this is spicy Dragons Milk, as if DM had added cinnamon to the blend. It has good throw and longevity too. I'm not suggesting that it's an equal replacement, but it has a similar vibe to me. Lovely!
  6. Poenari


    Oh, this is definitely a sweet vanilla musk! I haven't smelled Millennial Pink so I can't speak to the ruby chocolate from that. I tend to avoid chocolate or cocoa or cacao notes on me. This is so subtle that it's just a grounding note well after dry down. It's not foodie but is a sweeter vanilla scent than I usually wear. I like this.
  7. Poenari

    Tinsel Roses

    Reviewing this briefly fresh from the mailbox! Sniffing from the bottle, this is a super fizzy sweet rosé! I don't tend towards the Lab's champagne notes so I've never really understood how Beth can create a scent that smells the way carbonation bubbles feel when you hold a glass of a bubbly drink under your nose! It's so realistic I can almost feel the bubbles pop at my nostrils. On dry down a hint of the clove studded orange comes through, more citrus than clove. I actually misread the description when I ordered this and have been waiting for my package to arrive with feelings of buyer's remorse. I've prepared myself to not like this and planned to swap it for something else. I haven't given it a full wear test yet, but I have a feeling that this one is going to end up a surprise keeper after all! 12/30 After a full wear, I am definitely keeping this bottle! I don't wear fizzy, bright, citrus, or champagne notes so why do I like this?! It stays bright and lovely on me. This is now going to be my annual New Year's Eve scent! Out of my usual wheelhouse but worth the change! ?
  8. Poenari

    Hiss and Hearse Atmosphere Spray

    This one was an instabuy for me. I adore Snake Oil, and have loved all the scents I could get with the SO and Dorian combo. At first this spray is actually heavier on the Snake Oil than I had expected- which is definitely not a bad thing. But yes I can definitely smell the Dorian as well. I also love Beth's dirt notes. Here it's just a very subtle grounding that I detect a few minutes after spraying. This one's going to be in heavy rotation on my pillow.
  9. Poenari

    Black Pine and Incense Smoke Atmosphere Spray

    Yes! As described. My package came on Tuesday and I immediately sprayed my Black Pine & Incense Smoke Atmo! It's as described- a gorgeous smoky pine forest. It's not Pine-Sol, it's a dark spooky pine forest where someone has been holding a ritual using the richest dark incense. Don't sit on this one!
  10. Poenari

    Convertible Hearse Atmosphere Spray

    This is so fun! I love and agree with Invidiana's description. It's definitely got that smoky bonfire note, but not as harsh as I expected. Dries down with a fresh but dry breeze. I will use mine to make my car smell like a cool vintage hearse.
  11. Poenari

    Griezzell Greedigutt

    This is another lovely scent from the Spiritus Arcanum collection. I definitely get the similar dirt note as in my beloved Graveyard Dirt, but here it seems greener. It dries down to something softer than I expected. A lovely earthy scent that has an aquatic vibe to me, probably from the lichen. Makes me think of a cobble-stoned, moss covered path along a babbling brook, where the water splashes the path just enough to keep it damp and amp the scent as you walk along.
  12. Poenari

    Sacke & Sugar

    Testing my decant and was not expecting to really like this, because butter and cream/milk blends do not work on me. Well I'm happy to be wrong here! Initially the butter is there, but it quickly dries down to a rich blend that is quite gourmand, but not in a cloying way. The notes all blend well, and this became a warm skin scent, slightly musky and with a touch of the bread note, very much like the smell of warm bread fresh out of the oven. I'm really glad I decided to get a decant to test!
  13. Poenari

    Autumn Bouquet Hair Gloss

    Oh this is a lovely soft autumnal floral! I find it to be very well blended, without any one particular note standing out. I don't have words to describe it other than a beautiful autumn day spent in the sun, hiking through a pumpkin patch that is ringed with sunflowers and late-blooming carnations and roses. This doesn't have a lot of throw in my hair, but I catch lovely wafts as I move my head and my hair falls close to my face. Love!
  14. Poenari

    Apple Cider Marshmallows Hair Gloss

    Sweet apple cider, softened by the marshmallow. I also have Autumn Cider hair gloss from a few years ago, and this one is much softer. Lovely scent!
  15. Poenari

    Harvest Moon: Black Clove and Wildflower Honey Hair Gloss

    This is as straightforward as it gets: a lovely black clove sweetened by honey. Nothing musty or harsh in this. It's spicy and just gorgeous and will go with my many clove-scented bpals.