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Everything posted by filigree_shadow

  1. filigree_shadow

    Manners Among Men and Women in the Red Light District

    The apricot isn't very strong in this, it's mostly wood and what I guess is sake. It smells great -- soft, sweet, woody, and not too strong. Spring-like, even. The sake gets stronger as it dries, but that's not a bad thing. It's not overly alcoholic. Very pretty.
  2. filigree_shadow

    Copper Phoenix

    Mostly orange and apricot at first, with amber. Then the pepper comes out pretty strong. Not much cardamom in it. The fruit notes are pretty soft when it's dry, but they still keep the scent fairly bright. I like this, but I'd like to try it more before I make a final decision.
  3. filigree_shadow


    The chamomile is a little strong at first, but then it turns into a soft, almost herby-musky vanilla scent. Not that sort of vanilla that smells so in-your-face it seems like it's overly creamy and sticky -- this is the sweet dry sort of vanilla. I don't smell like a cookie, I just smell soft and sweet. Really, really enjoying this scent. I had planned to do just a wrist test of this but I've got the stuff all over my throat now. It's not very strong, but I really like it.
  4. filigree_shadow

    Peach Moon

    At first it smelled like soft pretty peach blossom and I was really excited, but then the floral notes came out. Sadly peach and jasmine is not a favorite combination for me. Although I like this a lot better than most jasmine scents because I like the peach in it... well, I'd want to wear something called Peach Moon when I'm in the mood for something peachy. And if I put this on, I'd be disappointed by it because of the jasmine. So I can already tell I just won't wear this. Even though it's pretty and I like it okay. I'll just stick to Tamora.
  5. filigree_shadow

    Lilith vs. the Giant Crab

    I had to roll my decant around a lot before trying this because it had really separated. It smelled very much like a creamsicle at first, and then the benzoin and tonka came in and turned it a little darker, which for me is very good because I don't really want to smell exactly like a creamsicle. Over time it still retains that lovely bright tangerine, which makes the scent smell really cute, but the other notes keep it interesting and complex. I like this one.
  6. filigree_shadow

    Mircalla, Countess Karnstein

    Huge wallop of red musk in the beginning, followed by hazy languid red musk and patchouli. I don't think I can smell any herbs, the clove is the perfect amount of spice, and the frankincense is not amping up the weird hazy sweetness like it usually does on me. This smells exotic and very sensual. Niiiiiiice. I really, really need to do a red musk death match because I have such a problem giving up any red musk blends, and this one is a contender for sure. I think it smells great. The only problem I might have with it is that my husband said he doesn't really like it that much. (How can he not? What the hell is wrong with him? This smells super sexy!!)
  7. filigree_shadow


    Musky, soft rose, with a little bit of spice. Smells old-fashioned and wears as a skin scent. When I say it smells old-fashioned, I don't mean like old ladies, I mean it smells refined. Not bold, kind of softly perfumey.
  8. filigree_shadow


    Pretty plum and bergamot, definitely some orris in there, with a slightly powdery grounding of amber. I pretty much always like plum, and I like it in this. Usually with the fruity florals, plum plus floral notes are my favorite ones. This one isn't a WOW on me, but it's very pleasant.
  9. filigree_shadow


    I've tried this several times, and although it smells like chocolate right at first, that only lasts for a few minutes. In a short amount of time, it changes to something else. I'm not sure what. It still smells food-like, but not necessarily chocolate. It's sour around the edges. At least it doesn't do that horrible plastic-like thing that some foodie scents do on me, but it doesn't really smell like chocolate either. I'll stick to El Dia de Reyes and How Doth the Little Crocodile for my chocolate scents.
  10. filigree_shadow

    High-Strung Daisies

    Cute, pink, sweet. Only a little bit of soft floral. Sometimes carnation smells too "spicy" for me, but in some blends I like it a lot. This is one of the ones I like it in. Fits right in to the scent. I don't know what daisies smell like. I mean, sure I've seen them lots. I've even had them in floral arrangements sitting on my kitchen table from time to time. But if you asked me what a daisy smells like, I'd draw a blank. It doesn't seem to be one of those flowers that has a distinguishing scent. So I have no idea if I can smell any daisy in this. But I like what I do smell.
  11. filigree_shadow

    Oleander Honey

    Very nice. I can't remember if I've ever smelled oleander before, and I think it reminds me of magnolia more than anything else. A bit heady, very floral. I don't normally like floral notes that I'd describe as "heady," but I like this one, perhaps because I like the combination with honey. It smells lush but smooth at the same time. This seems like a rather mature, elegant scent to me.
  12. filigree_shadow

    Polynesian Pop

    Hunh. Not what I expected. I think it's supposed to smell like ginger ale but it smells kinda funky on me. My skin really has some trouble with those fizzy notes. I can't even describe what it smells like. Partly like this sauce I get on my food at my favorite Chinese restaurant (from ginger, maybe?) and partly like distorted orange. See what I mean? Something about this is not right.
  13. filigree_shadow

    Fire for Thy Stepmother's Daughters

    This smells like dragon's blood and some kind of sweet floral note -- lotus-like. The bubblegummy/lotus note is really only noticeable for the first few minutes, though. After that it's like a sweet soft wispy ashy scent. (Dragon's blood resin tends to go a bit powdery on me sometimes, which is probably what's making the scent seem a bit ashy.) It's not bad at all, but I like other DBR scents better.
  14. filigree_shadow


    I don't really smell any leather in it, but the sandalwoods and musk are smooth, warm, and very comfortable. It's a little rugged, but not overly. I thought this might smell better on my husband, so he tried it, and it smells very different on him. On me it's a musky dry sandalwood, and on him it's almost pungent like cedar. Weird. We both agree that it smells better on me! ETA: btw, when this is completely dry, it reminds me of Al Azif, for some reason. Something about it smells similar to me.
  15. filigree_shadow


    Yep, smells like Mountain Dew, except fizzier. I have known a lot of geeks in my life who basically tried to mainline Mountain Dew, so this seems very fitting. Sadly a lot of the fizzy/champagne blends disagree with me (they smell unpleasantly like hair spray on me), so I'll be moving this one along.
  16. filigree_shadow

    Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat

    I think I'm pretty much the 78th reviewer to say that this smells like melon. It's sweet, crisp, and tart (probably from the tea and lime rind), but definitely melon. I think it would be great in the spring. It does get softer and less in-your-face when it's dry, but it's still pretty bright and sparkly. I would like to test this with Yemaya to see which one I like better, because probably one imp's worth of a melon perfume is plenty for me. I like the scent of melon, but it's not my favorite fruit note to wear as perfume.
  17. filigree_shadow

    Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse

    I put on enough oil for a test, and I kinda liked it but could barely smell it. So I put some more on my wrist. I still kinda like it, but I can still barely smell it. I usually like chypre perfumes, but this one seems a bit herbal and slightly fruity. Not too much in the mossy/musky direction. It's sweet, and I think I can smell the pine in it, plus a little bit of pepper. It's complex, and it smells good. It's just that I'm choosy about what goes with fruit notes, and this combination isn't quite right for me. I think it's great for the concept, and it's not a scent I dislike, but I like lots of other BPAL perfumes better.
  18. filigree_shadow

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Perfumes jumped into my head when I was reading all these, but I'll just respond to the last one. KidMemphis: Try Salome. (Exotic and lush, brimming with grace and viciousness: almond with star jasmine, oakmoss, red sandalwood and Egyptian musk.) It's jasmine with a little bit of slink to it, and I think you might like it. Also, have a look at Spellbound (three roses, amber, and red musk.). Sexy floral, for sure. But those recommendations are based on the notes you said you like, not the impression I got when I read what you wrote. When I was reading what you wrote, I was thinking Tezcatlipoca. I don't know why. It probably smells like no perfume you've ever tried before, and you said you don't like trying new things. But that's really what I was thinking. And, okay, I can't resist saying this. JasminDreams, I was already thinking Titania even before I got to the part where you like feminine scents. I mean, I was really thinking Titania. Then I saw that you recommended it to someone else, so you must have tried it already. So I'm suggesting Kitsune-Tsuki. ETA: Okay, one more. I'm having trouble keeping my mouth shut. mymymai: Bathsheba.
  19. filigree_shadow

    Wolf Moon 2011

    Pine and sweet coldness. The pine isn't overpowering, surprisingly, and it's also not the kind that smells like cleaning products on me. It's the good kind that smells nice and wintery and dry. I think it's probably supposed to smell more complex than it smells on me, but my skin really amps cold notes so that's mostly what I smell.
  20. filigree_shadow


    Usually when I try a new perfume, I try to figure out which notes are prominent and which ones I like, or which ones I could do without, or whatever. I can't even tell you what I smell in this one, because when I sniff it all I can think is that it smells like Vixen Lite. It very definitely has a Snake Oil vibe to it, but it smells more like Vixen than Snake Oil to me, only softer. It's not as bold as Vixen. I think of Vixen as a nighttime scent, and this is like the daytime version. I know they don't have anything in common other than patchouli, but on my skin they're similar. I love Snake Oil and Vixen, and I already ordered 2 bottles of WILF. It's just going to get better with age -- 2 bottles can't possibly be too much.
  21. filigree_shadow

    Tiki Princess

    Dammit. Plastic coconut. The same plastic coconut scent I get from Snow White and Spooky. The thing is, coconut isn't always bad on me. Sometimes it's just fine. But sometimes it does this dreaded artificial weird plastic thing. Tiki Princess v3 works on me beautifully. This one doesn't.
  22. filigree_shadow

    Blue Moon 2009: Brian's Interpretation

    Eep. Powdery blue sort of menthol-ish minty weirdness at first, and ends up smelling like evergreen powder. I don't think this one agrees with me. It's too bad, because the other Blue Moons I've tried have been pretty good.
  23. filigree_shadow

    The Waltz of the Flowers

    It smelled like perfumey jasmine at first (one of my least favorite floral notes), but then turned into lily (one I usually like). The clove is really soft but noticeable, and after a while the vanilla comes out more. It was heading in a good direction -- elegant and sophisticated -- and then BLAMMO. It went crazy. Overly sweet hazy perfumey floral mess. I don't know what happened. I think maybe the ylang ylang kicked in. That's usually problematic for me.
  24. filigree_shadow

    The Kingdom of Sweets

    Sweet, candyish, and a bit fizzy. It doesn't really smell pink, though, it smells more like orange candy. Innocent and cute.
  25. filigree_shadow

    The Phoenix in Spring

    Dandelions and lilacs. Not overly floral, and a bit grassy. That's what it smells like to me. Like the backyard where I grew up. I'm not a fan of dandelion scents, but I know there are lots of people who love them -- definitely try this one. It smells very true.