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Everything posted by filigree_shadow

  1. filigree_shadow

    Archangel Winter

    Smells kinda glassy. Like Sea of Glass. It's not that rainy electric-charged sort of metallic ozone scent. It's kind of like dryer sheets plus ozone. I tend to like the ones I describe as being "like dryer sheets," and I like this one. The ozone gives it an interesting twist, but the base underneath smells comforting. Plus there's coldness over the top. My husband usually likes the aquatic/ozone ones, so I let him try it. He said he wants to keep the decant. I guess he likes it!
  2. filigree_shadow

    Valentine of Rome

    On me this is strong cypress, with a little bit of incense smokiness. It reminds me of church. And it's strrrrrrong. Three hours later, it's entirely cypress. That's all that's left. This is something that I'd like to smell on someone else. It's a pleasant scent, and I enjoy being around it... for a little while. It's not something I'd personally want to smell for 4+ hours non-stop.
  3. filigree_shadow

    Dr. Henry Jekyll

    Sweet, green, and masculine. It definitely smells like cologne to me, and not something you'd expect a woman to wear. Plus it smells sort of like green powder on me after about an hour. Initially, though, I liked it, so I asked my husband to try it. He said it was okay, but it wasn't his favorite (he tends to like ones with leather better than ones that smell like herbs). True, it does smell a little harsh for his personality. So I guess this one won't work for us.
  4. filigree_shadow

    Sticky Pillowcase

    For some reason, in my head, I get this one mixed up with Fearful Pleasure. I keep thinking this is the one I didn't like that well. It's not -- this one is fine. Tart, sweet, pink candy. I have no problems with this scent, it's just not something I'd wear. I prefer smoothness over sweetness, generally. But it does smell good.
  5. filigree_shadow

    John Barleycorn

    It smells strange and powdery at first, but then mostly like "blood" with a sourness from the whiskey. There's a smoothness underneath it that reminds me of caramel... I guess that's the barley and beer part of it. I have to admit that I kind of like it. The whiskey that's giving it a sour overtone is the only thing I don't like about it. The sweet smoothness is very appealing, but I'm just not fond of that whiskey scent. That does seem to go away over time, though, and what's left is a powdery sweet dragon's blood type of scent with an atypical smoothness beneath it. Not bad at all.
  6. filigree_shadow

    The Harp of Cnoc I'Chosgair

    Doesn't work on me. I thought that for SURE something with sandalwood and vanilla would be absolutely amazing on me, and I was really looking forward to this. But... no. It smells like sweet pea or something. That super sweet kind of chalky scent. No creamy vanilla, no dry lovely sandalwood, just that almost piercingly strange sweet-pea-like powdery scent. And it's strong. I did wear this to school one time, and a friend of mine who knows about all my various perfume oils told me that he likes this one -- he thought this was one of the good ones. I just don't like the scent of it, though. I'm seriously really sad that this one didn't work for me.
  7. filigree_shadow

    The Traveller

    When I first put this on, I didn't like it at all. There was a chemical scent in it that reminded me of something that I have a very unpleasant association with. It doesn't smell exactly like that other thing, but vaguely reminiscent. It reminded me of it enough that I said, "Bleah! No way. Absolutely not." Well, after about 20 minutes or so, that chemical scent went away, and what's left is leather and tobacco. Maybe a couple of light herbs, and no soil. It smells really nice. Rugged, manly, a little dusty... pretty much exactly like a Traveller. I initially got this decant not for myself but because I'm always looking for new scents for my husband, and I think he might like this one. Maybe with his skin chemistry he won't get that wet phase that I dislike. I'll hand it over and see how it goes.
  8. filigree_shadow

    Chaste Moon 2010

    I'm another one who liked the original Chaste Moon, and I get so attached to some scents that if something else comes out that has the same name but smells different from the original, I have a tendency to not like it, no matter whether it's a fine scent in its own right. This, sadly, is one of them. It smells like a cold creamy scent at first, and then turns completely into a soft white floral. Which is fine. I'm picky about florals but the soft white florals are usually my favorites. BUT. It's called Chaste Moon, and I have something specific in mind when I see that name, and this ain't it. So... although I grudgingly admit that this is pretty and I do like it, I am fiercely loyal to the 2005 version and I know I'll never wear this one. I already have a couple of white florals in my BPAL box, and I'll stick to those.
  9. filigree_shadow

    Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues

    I tried this one not because it's something I thought I'd like, but only because I always like to try everything. I'm not a fan of anything that smells herbal or "green," and I did not expect this would be a winner for me. But... eh, I like to try everything once. Imagine my surprise. This is lovely. It doesn't smell like herbs to me at all. It smells CUTE. Light, fruity, a little squishy, and yeah, green, but not in that harsh soapy herbal way at all. More like a watery green. It's a happy, clean-smelling, bright scent. Definitely a winner for summertime. I've worn it three times since I got the imp, and I've enjoyed it every time. Apparently I like green musk, because I adore 51 and I liked Pollution too. I'll have to remember when I see green musk listed in notes that I should try those ones.
  10. filigree_shadow

    The Black Rider

    With a note line-up like this one has, I was pretty sure I'd like this. I do. The leather actually takes a backseat to the other notes, and the amber is behaving itself and not turning powdery. It's a deep, shadowy, dry scent -- not too dark, and not loud. The amber rounds it out nicely, and gives the whole thing a soft feel. Very nice. Quite sexy, in an understated, growly sort of way.
  11. filigree_shadow

    The White Rider

    I picked up on that same sour note at first that other people have been smelling. Not sure what that is. It fades out a bit though, as it's drying. What it ends up smelling like is a clean, shiny leather scent. It's kind of sweet, and there's an element of sleekness to it. Like, the leather isn't just shiny, it's also a bit slippery. It's not bad, but I like other BPAL leather scents better.
  12. filigree_shadow


    Goodness. Urine, potatoes, and stank. Maybe I shouldn't have read through the reviews before I put this on! Ha, it's okay, though, because it smells nothing like that on me. Vetiver is usually my friend -- a lot of you guys got lucky and can wear chocolate and cream and honey notes. I can't. They smell like plastic or play-doh on me. Vetiver, though? Yep. I can do that one. This is not the dank musty thick kind of vetiver, it's the dry reedy kind. I'm having trouble putting my finger on what else I'm smelling in this. It's sweet -- I was looking for some sort of fruit in the notes and was surprised that there isn't one. The musk and tonka are nice with this vetiver, they keep it from being too dry and give it a deepness. I can't seem to lose that sweet note, though. This almost smells like vetiver-flavored candy on my skin. It's a little strange. I don't object to this scent at all, but I really only need a couple of vetiver scents and I already have some other ones I like better than this one.
  13. filigree_shadow

    Whoso List To Hunt

    It's kind of a sharp rose scent at first, which was a bit nose-crinkling, but then the other notes came up as it was drying. The moss came out, but sadly I don't think sharp rose and moss is my favorite combination. It's too harsh for my nose. I like the musk in this, and I also like the dryness of it, but the rose+moss combo isn't working for me. I'm picky about roses when the rose note is prominent -- they have to be that dewy watery soft kind of rose and not the kind that smell green and thorny. Luckily the amber in this isn't going powdery on me, which is a relief, but even when this scent is fully dry it's still a little too rosy for me.
  14. filigree_shadow

    All In The Golden Afternoon

    Swiped the imp wand across the back of my hand and took a sniff, and thought, That's weird. Fizzy pineapples or something. I swiped more oil across my hand and put some on my wrist, and sniffed again. Still getting the slightly fizzy pineapples, but with an undercurrent of amber. The scent is sweeter on my wrist than it is on my hand but the overall wafty scent is kind of a sweet, dry fruit scent with some light florals behind it. Nice, and pretty for summer. You don't want to get too close to it, because up close it smells a little weird, but when my arm is normal distance from my nose, I like it. Sadly my skin is turning the amber to powder, like it usually does, but if it weren't for my skin chemistry messing this up I think it would be a perfectly pretty scent.
  15. filigree_shadow

    Mary Read

    This smells like salty patchouli and sarsaparilla on me, with a strong, beautiful watery over-current. Not overtly aquatic -- more airy. Just a wee hint of rum, and I don't think I can pick out any leather or gunpowder. My imp is probably about a year old at this point -- if I had tried it a year ago I don't think I would have liked it this much because patchouli and sarsaparilla are both notes I like to age. I put a swipe on the back of my hand at first to see whether I liked it, and I did, so I swiped some more on, plus the inside of my wrist. The oil on the back of my hand definitely smells saltier, and the oil on my wrist definitely smells sweeter. Nice. The overall wafty effect is deep patchouli and airy salty aquatic, which is quite pleasant. It's harsher when my nose is right next to my skin, but anybody who's got his/her nose right on my skin needs to step the hell back anyway. I'm more interested in the scent that wafts. It's a good summer scent -- I'm not sure I'd like it as much if I had tried it in the winter.
  16. filigree_shadow

    How Doth the Little Crocodile

    On me, this smells like creamy chocolate-mint combination (not unlike mint chocolate chip ice cream -- the mint is not nearly loud enough on me for this to smell like Thin Mints), plus an intriguing base of oakmoss. I'm not a huge fan of cedar, and thankfully it's not coming out in this. I don't wear perfumes that I suspect other people might find possibly offensive -- no dirt, no loud heady florals, no strong musks -- because I'm around lots of people all day long at school, and often in fairly close quarters (crammed together in a classroom where someone might be stuck next to me for an hour). During the day, I choose scents that I think other people might enjoy. This is one of them. It's soft, exceedingly pleasant, and borderline yummy. I honestly cannot imagine anyone objecting to this. On the contrary, it's one of those sure-fire compliment winners. I'm working on my second imp of the Crocodile now, and I'm probably going to tack on a bottle to my next order because I don't think this wee ickle imp is going to last much longer.
  17. filigree_shadow

    The Bloody Sword

    Blood is too precious a thing in these days of dishonourable peace, and the glories of the great races are as a tale that is told. A distillation of force, conquest, power and fury: dragon's blood, myrrh, black pepper, labdanum, benzoin, leather, fire, and steel. NOTE: I'm probably not the best person to review this because my skin tends to amp dragon's blood, which makes it difficult for me to smell the other notes. The dragon's blood in this is pretty strong on my skin at first, but it fades out into a slightly powdery dark scent. I can smell some pepper for sure, and a little bit of leather. Kind of a metallic undertone, but it's barely noticeable. This scent seems more masculine than the other dragon's blood blends I've tried -- it's darker. I like it a lot!
  18. filigree_shadow


    An unexpected winner for me. I haven't really liked a hazelnut scent since one of the old Hearth scents (can't remember if it was 04 or 05 that smelled particularly nutty), and although I sold that bottle a long time ago I have missed it from time to time. This one is good too, and this decant will be a nice substitute when I miss Hearth. I can tell it's a nutty scent, but it's not overpowering, and it's also not a buttery nut scent (that's just a bit too much for me). It's more dry. Like roasted. The berries make it kinda sweet, and I think the hay and carrot are contributing to that dry quality. I like this one a bunch.
  19. filigree_shadow

    Singing Moon

    DIRT. THERE'S DIRT. I almost bought a bottle of this during the Singing Moon update because I loved the concept and the art. I'm glad I didn't. I would have been upset to find out there's a soil/dirt note in it that's not listed in the description. I can't handle the dirt scents. That's not all it smells like, but I wouldn't be able to tell you what else is in this. Mostly it smells like a very sweet dirt scent with a touch of something dry (something woody and planty). No lavender, no autumn fires, no ocean.
  20. filigree_shadow

    Blue Phoenix v2

    Blueberries that are kinda sour at first but turn sweet, and something definitely foodie with it. I don't know what. It's not cream... maybe vanilla or vanilla bean. Hard to tell. Seems like there's a little bit of spice too. Blueberry isn't one of the fruits I like in perfumes, although this scent smells perfectly good -- it's just not my taste.
  21. filigree_shadow

    Reindeer Poop

    Smells like cocoa, musk, and some kind of brown resin. And a touch of spice. It's too musky to be "foodie" to me -- this is not what I'd call a foodie scent. I like this, but I don't love it, and I don't go after these rare one-offs unless it's something I love. I leave it for someone else who will wear it. So my little tester will find a new home.
  22. filigree_shadow

    I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain

    Strawberry and cake. Can't really detect carnation, and just a smidge of grapefruit. The strawberry smells good and squishy (and not strange/artificial and acidic like it does sometimes on me) and the cake is mainly background. It's mostly a strawberry scent on me with just a touch of foodie-ness as backup. I like it, and I don't really have any other straight-up strawberry scents (usually can't wear them because they don't work on me), so I want to keep this one around. My husband likes strawberry scents.
  23. filigree_shadow

    Beaver Moon 2007

    I loooooved Beaver Moon 05, and I got a decant of this a long time ago, tried it, and said, "Bleah! Not at all like Beaver Moon! Patooey!" Turned up my nose and threw the decant in the back of my imp box. Haven't worn it since. I'm going through my imp box now trying to get it sorted, and I half-heartedly decided to try this one again. The only thing I remembered about it was that it had cherry in it, and I assumed that I hadn't liked it two years ago because it smelled like cherry cough syrup or something. Imagine my surprise when I smelled it. It smells very close to Velvet Unicorn on me, which is one of my A++++ favorites of this year. What the hell was I thinking two years ago? Being a dork, I guess, as usual. This is all creamy and soft and pink and beautiful. It's a totally adorable scent, and I love it. Yeah, it's nothing at all like Beaver Moon 05, but it's fab in its own right. If I didn't already have a bottle of Velvet Unicorn I'd be trying to hunt down a bottle of this asap.
  24. filigree_shadow

    Voyeurs Among the Cherry Blossoms

    I don't really smell any cherry blossom in this. Not sure about the vanilla musk, either. I do smell the moss (it's much more feminine-smelling than moss usually is), but there's something oddly aquatic about the scent. I didn't expect that. It has a masculine cologne-like base, with a sweet feminine musk over the top. Unusual. Once I got over being disappointed over not smelling cherry blossoms I realized that I like the scent, even though it's not what I was expecting. OK, I decided to put more oil on, just to see what happens (maybe I didn't put on enough), and I smelled cherry blossom right at first (for like 8 seconds) and then: soap. Like pure white soap. *shrugs* I have no idea what's going on here. Don't think this one's going to work for me, though.
  25. filigree_shadow

    The Two-Headed Goat

    Musky. mossy, dry, and masculine. I liked the imp-swipe test area so much that I swiped the oil all over my throat, too. At first my nose was sitting in a cloud of spicy petitgrain, but then it turned into a delightful dark mossy scent. The oil that I got on my fingers turned into a powdery scent, the test patch on my arm is a deep dark musk, but the scent that's wafting up from my throat is most definitely oakmoss-centered. It's a warm, cozy, comforting scent to me. Reminds me of my husband more than a bit. (Shhh! No one tell him that a perfume with the word "Goat" in the name reminds me of him. I'd never hear the end of it.) I like it on me, but I'll certainly be handing it over to him to try, too.