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Everything posted by filigree_shadow

  1. filigree_shadow

    Pumpkin Smash

    When I first put the oil on, I thought it smelled just like pumpkin. Nothing else at all. More on the sweet side than the buttery side, though. Then as it started to dry it morphed quite a lot. It turned less pumpkiny and slightly gritty but mostly... creamy. I'm not sure why, exactly. Not buttery, like pumpkin does sometimes, but very definitely creamy. I guess that must be the beeswax candles. It's interesting, too -- the beer doesn't smell boozy, it's more like... well, you know how a good wheat beer is so thick you could practically eat it with a spoon? It smells thick like that. When it's completely dry I can't smell anything like asphalt or smoke. Just a creamy sweet pumpkin scent with that beer thickness. Pumpkin scents are almost always winners for me, and this one definitely is. It's much more mellow and smooth than most pumpkin blends are. Very nice.
  2. filigree_shadow

    Pirate Moon

    When I first put this on I thought it smelled overly perfumey and a touch herby. Then it still smelled kind of herby to me but not so perfumey. It smelled like grasses and wood. Then it made a fabulous turn for the better and became muskier and ... rawer, somehow. I think that's the leather. It smells surprisingly fresh but musky at the same time. Also like being in the middle of tall grass next to the ocean. It's really a different scent after it warms up. I don't know exactly how to describe it, but it does smell very piratey.
  3. filigree_shadow

    Midnight Kiss

    Mostly I get a little bit of sweet wine, the patchouli, and some red musk. Maybe a smidge of cocoa. As it happens, this sort of scent is exactly the kind of scent I like. Warm, rich, and sweet. Lovely! Glad I bought a bottle!
  4. filigree_shadow


    The Lab says it's "A lurching, hateful, bitter scent." But it's not that bad. Vetiver and pine pitch is a great combination, imho. I don't usually like pine pitch all that much, but I like it in this. The spices add to the scent very nicely, and they save it from being a dank musty scent. The pine scent is actually stronger than the vetiver, which is weird for me because usually vetiver is pretty damn strong. I'm not sure I could get away with wearing this as perfume, but I do like it. It would be great as a room scent. I might test it out on the hubby, too.
  5. filigree_shadow

    Event Horizon

    This smells lovely! I love the black orchid with the black opium, which seems to be most of what I'm smelling. Benzoin and opoponax are always favorite notes of mine, and they're great in this. The benzoin softens up the edges and the opoponax gives it a lovely richness. It's kind of sweet, but it's a dark floral. Wonderful. I really like this a lot.
  6. filigree_shadow


    A little bit of caramel, but mostly seems like an herby scent. I think I can smell the white musk and maybe a wee bit of mint. Not bad as herby scents go (sage really isn't my favorite note). I like the softness that caramel gives it, and the mint gets stronger as it dries.
  7. filigree_shadow

    Hunter Moon 2007

    I'm going to have a terrible time reviewing this. It doesn't smell like dry leaves, bonfires, wine, or winter chill to me, at all. It mostly sells like a sweet creamy scent with a little bit of light musk underneath. It smells just a twinge grape-y, so I think the sweetness comes from the wine. Not nearly as feral and musky as the previous version of Hunter Moon. I like this one better. It's softer. In fact, I like this a lot.
  8. filigree_shadow


    This is much sweeter than I was expecting! I thought I'd get a very masculine cologne-y scent out of this, but it doesn't seem particularly masculine to me. It's dry and smells a little leafy, and the leather is barely noticeable. It smells more like a plant scent than anything else, really. I'm not sure what date palm or snakeroot smell like, so I'm not sure what I'm smelling here. I think I can smell tobacco, but it's not like a cigar or anything. Alls I can tell you for sure is that this is a sweet, dry scent.
  9. filigree_shadow


    Sweet, dry patchouli! The benzoin + patchouli combination is very nice. It smells so dark and resiny. The coconut isn't the creamy Obatala or Black Pearl kind, it's more of a dry coconut. Adds beautifully to the scent. If you really like patchouli, definitely try this one.
  10. filigree_shadow

    The Death of Autumn

    Dark amber, dead leaves, khus, saffron, bitter clove, chrysanthemum, camellia, galangal, and a drop of oud. Very dark and dank. Reminds me of vetiver a bit -- that smoky dank almost grassy scent. I like the saffron and leaves in this, but I'm not crazy about that root-y smelling galangal. The smokiness is kind of odd -- it doesn't smell like a burning leaves scent, and I'm not sure exactly what it does smell like. Hmm. I can't figure out what I think about this scent. I sort of like it but I sort of don't. I think I'll have to try it again later.
  11. filigree_shadow

    Bonfire Night

    Wow, what a surprise! This smells wonderful. Beautiful, warm, and deep. It smells almost like caramel at first, but then the woodsmoke comes out. I agree with deleahrium; it reminds me of Pinched with Four Aces. It's not the same scent but it has a similar feel. Love it!
  12. filigree_shadow


    This smells like vegetables to me. Well, no, not vegetables exactly. Like a vegetable vine. Like tomato leaf more than a bit. Smells like a vegetable garden in fall after everything's been harvested. It's not a bad scent at all, just not the sort of thing I'd wear as perfume.
  13. filigree_shadow

    The Ghastly Garden

    This smells like a humid, heady floral blend to me. Like what I imagine a garden in the southern US would smell like. Very green and almost damp. I don't think I can identify any particular notes in this, it just gives me the overall impression of a dark creepy garden. Really not the sort of floral scent I like, but it's soft enough that I don't especially dislike it, either.
  14. filigree_shadow

    The Chilling Cellar

    After reading the description for this one, I thought there'd be no chance I'd like this. But I was wrong. The wine part isn't overwhelming at all, and it really does smell like clay with a metallic tang. It's basically impossible to describe because it doesn't smell like anything I could name. Doesn't smell like a particular wood or flower or anything like that. It has a subtle "perfumey" haze that I usually get from metallic blends, but it doesn't smell like perfume, exactly. It's sweet but not it's not a fruity sweet or a floral sweet. To me, it's a very comforting scent. It smells familiar to me. Reassuring, somehow. I like it.
  15. filigree_shadow

    The Twisted Oak Tree

    I really like the Lab's oak and I was hoping I'd like this. The ivy's a little too strong in it for me to like it, though. It doesn't smell very mossy; mostly like dry wood and ivy. Except there's something really sweet in it, which is I guess the "decaying" part. Interesting scent, but it's not for me.
  16. filigree_shadow

    Crypt Queen

    This is lovely! It seems like mostly a dark fruit scent, but not sweet-and-juicy fruity. Dry fruit. I can smell the pepper in it, and although I thought pepper with fruit sounded like an odd combination it actually works really well. The dryness of this reminds me a bit of Chrysanthemum Moon. It's kind of hazy a little bit like that one was, too. The rose musk in this is fantastic. The whole scent smells so rich and warm. Brilliant. This is wonderful.
  17. filigree_shadow

    A Murder of Crows

    This smells like verbena and amber on me. Not much of anything else, sorry to say. I don't like verbena, and I have lots of amber perfumes. In fact, this reminds me a bit of the Salon's Death and Life Completed. That has grey amber in it too. I like that scent better than this one, though. Honestly, I'm glad this one didn't work on me because I'd be very unhappy if I fell desperately in love with it.
  18. filigree_shadow

    Pumpkin I (2007)

    The pear and grapes in this one make it extremely sweet. Like candy. I don't think I smell any jasmine. I thought I'd like this one because I like both pumpkin and pear quite a lot, but this smells like grape candy. The thing I hate about grape candy and gum is they can never get it right and the grape part always tastes artificial. That's what this smells like. There's a little bit of pumpkin behind it, and I like that part of the scent, but I'm not interested in that weird grape candy scent.
  19. filigree_shadow

    Pumpkin II (2007)

    This is the Pumpkin I was looking forward to the most. And... I love it! It's mostly a dry scent; it's not that buttery pumpkin I've smelled in other scents. The flowers in this one give it a little bit of spice and complexity. The tonka and pumpkin combination is extremely pleasant, and I like it a lot. Definitely my favorite of the Pumpkins this year!
  20. filigree_shadow

    Pumpkin III (2007)

    Oooo. Not a sickeningly sweet foodie scent, more of a deep creamy scent. One of the patches from last year had pomegranate in it, so I already knew I liked the pumpkin + pomegranate combination. Wasn't sure how I'd like chocolate and caramel with it, though. But it's nice! Definitely a pumpkin scent, but it's kind of a creamy pumpkin with a little bit of caramel. Not sugar, caramel. It's definitely caramel. Smells yummy.
  21. filigree_shadow

    Pumpkin IV (2007)

    I'm not sure I can smell the pumpkin in this one. I'm not a big fan of sage or sweetgrass, and I can't say I really like either of them in this one. Still, it's not bad. It's a dry, autumn scent. Not a creamy or buttery foodie pumpkin, more like the dry pumpkin from Pumpkin Queen last year. ... You know, the more I sniff this, the more I like it. It's a warm, comforting scent. ... Yeah, I do like this. I thought I wouldn't, but I do.
  22. filigree_shadow

    Pumpkin V (2007)

    Eek. This smells good -- complex and interesting and less pumpkiny than the others -- but I think I'm allergic to red ginger. As soon as I sniffed this my eyes started to itch. The last time I tested an oil with red ginger (War), I got little red welts on my skin. I believe it is time for me to stop putting oil with red ginger in it on my skin. I was hoping that the last time was an isolated incident, but I don't think it was. This is a damned unsatisfying discovery because I like this scent.
  23. filigree_shadow

    The Forbidding Foyer

    When I first put this on, I had forgotten what the notes were so I didn't know what to expect. I sniffed it and thought Whew! What's the powderiness? Smells a bit pungent. A few minutes later I sniffed it again and thought it had developed an extremely familiar sweetness that I couldn't quite place. I was starting to like it a little more. A few minutes later I sniffed again, and this time I definitely liked it. Still couldn't place the scent, though, so I finally looked up the notes. Cognac! That's it. That's what I'm smelling. I don't really smell any brimstone or rot, just cognac and mahogany. It doesn't smell like big barrels of brandy or anything like that, it's much more refined. Quite elegant. Despite the initial few minutes of not liking the scent much, when it's dry I like it a lot. I definitely like it better than Montresor, Fortunato, Mad Sweeney, and other boozy scents. Wouldn't mind having a bottle of this one... 4 July 2015 ETA: This scent is pretty awesome aged. It has turned all viscous and thick, and the sweet wood note with just a light hint of booziness is veeeery appealing. If you haven't tried this one in a while, give it a whirl.
  24. filigree_shadow

    The Perilous Parlor

    The pear in this one is strong and very noticeable at first. That's just fine with me because I happen to love pear scents. But it doesn't take long for the pear to fade into the background, leaving mainly a lovely soft vanilla scent with some sweetness I'd be unable to define as pear unless I knew that's what it was. Soft and delicate, and very, very pretty. It was a given I'd love this, since I love both pear and vanilla, and the Perilous Parlor does not disappoint.
  25. filigree_shadow

    The Lurid Library

    This is a hard scent to describe. It smells a bit masculine to me, but not overly. It's still something I'd wear myself. It smells like... like comfort. Something familiar. Your favorite chair, or blanket, or sweater. It smells lived-in and loved. It's completely and totally inoffensive. There's nothing about it at all that I find off-putting or slightly off, or like there's some component in it that doesn't seem to match the rest. It's... you know, it's like that scent on your lover's pillow. Not just his/her cologne/perfume, but the scent of his/her skin and hair, and clothing, and shampoo, and all those things that go into making the person smell like the person. It's like that. All those individual comforting scents mixed up into one, and there's nothing else like it in the world. I would like to never be without some of this oil.