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Everything posted by filigree_shadow

  1. filigree_shadow

    New Year's Eve in Dogville

    This smells like, um... pimento? Almost like a green pepper. How very strange. As it's drying I smell more of the "dapper cologne" in it, but it still reminds me of pimento. I find this exceedingly odd, and I think there must be something wonky with my skin at the moment. I'm sure it's not supposed to smell like this.
  2. filigree_shadow

    Kelly Pool

    This smells almost like cologne to me at first, strangely. It also reminds me of my grandmother more than a little. I guess that would be the worsted wool. It's a warm scent that smells familiar and comfortable. Not exactly like freshly laundered clothes that still smell a bit of dryer sheets, but almost. Like a big warm blankie. This could very easily become my comfort scent that I wear to bed. There's something about it that seems so homey to me. (Also, I think I should mention that this smells nothing at all like Numb on me. No soap, either.)
  3. filigree_shadow

    Pinched With Four Aces

    The second I opened the bottle I knew I was going to love this. It's outstanding. It smells kind of like coffee with a lot of cream and a little bit of cinnamon. This is not bitter coffee at all -- it's the good stuff. It smells dry and warm and extraordinarily comforting. Until now the only coffee-scented perfume I liked even marginally was Misk U, and I like this one about 100 times better. It really smells wonderful. Wow. I'm completely in awe.
  4. filigree_shadow


    OK, why is there no peach listed in the notes? Even in the bottle I smell peach, and on my skin definitely. I don't know what else that scent could be except peach. Anyway, this is lovely. I love tea scents, but it seems like whenever a tea scent is paired with a fruit it's usually lemon. I don't like lemon very much. This peach (or whatever it is) is perfect. Full, round, and lush. It also has a deep, slightly resiny scent underneath. I can't describe it better than that because I don't know what most of those note smell like. All I know is that I like it a lot. I accidentally forgot that I ordered this bottle and ordered a second one a couple of days after my first order. I'm so glad! This is a scent I'll wear often.
  5. filigree_shadow

    Blue Moon 2007

    Like a few other reviewers, I really liked the original Blue Moon, so I had high hopes for this version. It's... not quite what I was expecting. I loved the clear bright aspect to the original, and that seems to be missing here. This one is mostly herbal. It's not sharp herbs, but it's very green. Although it's not my kind of scent to wear as perfume, I will say that it smells unique. I don't think I've ever smelled anything quite like this before. It almost seems like a watery herbal scent. Hard to imagine? Yes. Hard to describe, too. When it's dry it seems more floral than herbal, and I like it better. (Moonflower is one of the few floral scents I like.) Still not really my kind of scent, though.
  6. filigree_shadow


    I've had a decant of this forever, and I never wear it because whenever I look at it I think, "It's just going to smell COLD on me, like all the snowy blends do." My skin is notoriously bad with the snowy/cold blends, and they all pretty much smell the same on me. I finally decided to give up my decant of Skadi, so I thought I'd write a review of it before putting it up for swap. Imagine my intense surprise when I discovered that it DOESN'T smell like every other cold/snowy blend!! Holy crap! I actually smell something other than cold in this! It smells like sweet berries, a hint of dry pine, and a very light undercurrent of a crisp chilly breeze blowing through. It's lovely! I won't be giving up this decant after all, and I'm thrilled to death that I've finally found a snowy blend that isn't entirely snowy on me! Of course, getting more of it at this point is probably not going to happen, but I will treasure my decant.
  7. filigree_shadow

    Ice Queen

    As usual, the "cold" part of this scent amps unreasonably on me. I can barely smell any fruit or spruce or musk. What it smells like to me is just a cold and sweet scent. Vaguely floral-ish. I can't really distinguish this from the other cold blends due to my crazy skin chemistry, so I'll let the decant go on to a better home.
  8. filigree_shadow


    I think I'm addicted to Grr. I got a little sniffie of it in a swap, and today I had a little bit of a sinus headache so I tried it out. Wow. It feels like it cleared out my head. The dull pain that has been sort of lingering in there all day is gone. However, I wouldn't suggest putting this on the back of your hand (like I did) because then you'll walk around for half an hour with your hand next to your nose (like I did). I think putting it straight onto your head would be best. The peppermint oil in it makes my nose tingle, but I can tell that's not all that's in here. There's also something herby in it that I can smell when it's dry. It never gets sharply herbal, but there's an undertone.
  9. filigree_shadow


    When I first tried this one I liked it a lot, so much that I bought a bottle. However, that was a long time ago, and since then I've found a lot of BPAL scents that I like better than this one. It smells like sour neroli on me at first, but when it's dry the sandalwood becomes much more prominent. It becomes dry and slightly perfumey (from the ylang ylang), but it still manages to smell a bit watery. I like this scent just fine, it's just that it's no longer one of my favorites.
  10. filigree_shadow

    Parlement of Foules

    When it's wet, it smells almost entirely of resin. A woody, sweet, kind of sticky scent. When it's dry I guess the white rose comes out a little more, but to be honest I'm not sure that I'd be able to tell this had rose in it. It has a nice floral sweetness but it's not easily identifiable to me as rose. I happen to be testing Peacock Queen at the same time I have this one on, and I like that one better, so I won't be keeping this bottle.
  11. filigree_shadow

    The Darkling Thrush

    This has the cold scent that so many of the Yule scents have -- which amps outrageously on my skin, unfortunately. This one feels a little softer than usual because of the florals, but it doesn't seem that different to me than all the other cold blends. (It's terrible that they all smell the same on me. Stupid skin.) It's pretty, though.
  12. filigree_shadow

    The Peacock Queen

    A red rose. At first it reminded me of Moon Rose because it smelled so dewy, but as it's drying it isn't quite so dewy-smelling. It's more velvety than the usual rose blends, and I think that's why I like this one more than most rose blends. It just smells pure and feminine. It's quite lovely. Edited to add: I originally wrote this review about the 05 version, but I've just tried the 07 version and I get exactly the same impression. I don't think that I still have any of the 05 one so I can't do a side-by-side comparison, but my old review would certainly fit the 07 scent too. It's still lovely.
  13. filigree_shadow

    Blood Rose

    I think of this one as the rose scent for people who don't like roses because they're not dark enough. This one is a dark rose. Just enough rose to make you think, "Oh, pretty!" and just enough wine and dragon's blood to make you think, "Oh, naughty!" For quite a while this was the only rose scent I would wear. Since then I've discovered some other ones that I like too, but this one is still way up there on my list of favorite rose blends. It smells so red and almost sinister that I can't resist it.
  14. filigree_shadow

    Opium Poppy

    Whenever I see "opium poppy" or "poppy" in a list of the notes in the scent description, I usually think that I'll probably like the blend. On its own, though? Not so much, it turns out. I like the stinging perfumey quality that this has -- it's almost metallic. I personally love that sort of scent, and I can usually count on opium poppy to deliver. It's present here, and that's the good part. The bad part is that this is not quite Eau d' Band-Aid on me, but almost. The thought jumped into my head as I was sniffing, and now every time I sniff this I think of adhesive bandages. Maybe I'll come back to this another time, and hopefully by then I will have forgotten about that awful association.
  15. filigree_shadow


    Soft, a little bit green, and not really a juicy berry type of scent. This reminds me a little bit of... oh, what's that one with berries and heather. Glasgow! That's it. Sort of grassy-ish but with a berry scent as well, as if maybe I'm standing next to a meadow under a mulberry tree. (I realize that's not the type of berry in Baneberry, but my personal experience with berry trees is limited, LOL.) This isn't too green and isn't too berry-ish. It's a good blending of the two.
  16. filigree_shadow

    Horreur Sympathique

    Sweet like candy at first (it was reminding me of Eris there for a little while), and then it dries down into a lovely smooth sweet scent. The honey in this doesn't turn into play-doh on me like it usually does, to my everlasting relief. I don't really smell grapes per se in this; the sweetness seems to be coming from the sugar cane because it's kind of an all-purpose sweetness rather than being sweet from a specific fruit. The musk and the deeper notes (like opoponax and oakmoss) give it a good grounding. It smells cute and springlike, while being warm and smooth and the same time. Quite nice. I like it a lot.
  17. filigree_shadow


    This is the 04 version. (I posted my review of the 05 version over on the Hearth 05 thread.) I can definitely tell the difference between the two. The cherry wood is prominent in this, and I love the tobacco in it. Lightly smoky. But with all that, I don't think this is overly masculine. It just smells warm and comforting. I like the 05 version, but I like this one better. The cherry wood is really pretty.
  18. filigree_shadow


    This smells nothing like I thought it would, based on the notes. The wormwood gives an absinthey-lemonness to the scent, and there's a pretty floral underneath it. Mostly it smells like a crisp, clean scent. I like it. I think there are some in the current GC that smell similar to this, but offhand I can't remember which ones.
  19. filigree_shadow


    This smells like leather and cleanliness. It doesn't smell like soap, but it smells like something that's clean. The combination reminds me quite a lot of my husband's own natural skin scent. When I sniff it, I automatically think of him. I like it a lot just for that reason alone. But it's wonderful anyway, just on its own. The leather isn't overly strong, it's slightly subdued. The teas give it some class so that it doesn't smell like a raw and raunchy leather scent. It smells polished and refined. Great scent.
  20. filigree_shadow

    Titus Andronicus

    Of the masculine blends in Illyria, I think this one is my favorite. Not because it smells great on me (on my skin it goes powdery from the amber and too sweet from the frankincense) but because it smells good on my husband. The sandalwood stays nice and dry, the bergamot sweetens it up, and the dark musk gives it a wonderful depth. It makes me think of a rogue-ish character, someone you shouldn't necessarily trust because underneath the flash and glamor lurks a dark heart.
  21. filigree_shadow


    I like this scent up close. The hops and dandelions reminds me a lot of when I was a kid at my family reunions, with all my uncles drinking beer and all the kids playing in Grandma's yard. But when my nose is the regular distance away from my wrist, all I can smell is booze. So this won't be one that I can wear. I don't fancy walking around smelling like I've tied one on.
  22. filigree_shadow


    Grassy green and musky, but mostly grass, it seems. This is a warm scent, and it smells like being outside, to me. I actually like the scent even though it's not something that I'd wear. If I smelled this one someone else I think I would instantly like that person. I like the concept of this one, and I think the scent is great for what it's supposed to be evoking. Because of that I kind of have a soft spot for this scent. It makes me think of playing outside with my dogs.
  23. filigree_shadow


    I like red musk and cherry, but not usually anise. In Kabuki, the star anise is very bold at first, but it calms down when the scent is dry. It seems like it's mostly cherry and red musk, with a little bit of anise making it interesting. On me, the combination smells almost reminiscent of sleek black leather when it's dry, which is not a bad thing, in my opinion. I should mention that this is one of the strong BPAL oils. A little goes a long way.
  24. filigree_shadow

    Temple of the Loas

    I don't work with the Loas, so I'm only going to comment on the scent. This is probably the most beautiful TAL oil I've smelled. It's a lovely creamy floral scent. I imagine the Loas would be very pleased with this scent; it's gorgeous. (In case you can't tell, I really like it a lot, LOL.) It smells to me like Beatrice, with a very tiny amount of spice or herb. If BPAL came out with a perfume that smelled like this, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I had a decant of this that a very generous friend gave me, and I in turn gave it to another friend who works with the Loas and really wanted it.
  25. filigree_shadow

    Lick It Again

    This smells exactly like candy canes on me. It even makes my nose tingle when I sniff it. However, I don't really like the smell or taste of candy canes -- peppermint is not one of my favorite scents -- so I don't think I'll be wearing this. I like a couple other BPAL mint scents, but not the peppermint ones.