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Everything posted by filigree_shadow

  1. filigree_shadow

    Milk Moon 2007

    A fertile scent, generous, life-affirming, and swelling with a sense of triumph, warmth, and abundance: sweet milk, golden honey, fig fruit, pomegranate, dates, and white grape. Do white grape and pomegranate together smell kinda like pineapples? This smells like a little bit of some tropical fruit and honey in the bottle. It smells good on my skin for 5 seconds and then POW! Sour milk. I was all set to be thrilled with this because Milk Moon 05 is fabulous and is one of my favorite Lunacy oils. But 07 doesn't smell warm or glowing or like buttery milkiness on me at all. It doesn't smell like milk that's gone bad or anything, it's not pee-yoo, but it's not pleasant, either. It just smells... off. Not right. Stupid skin. I should have known better than to get my hopes up for something that had both milk and honey in it, two of my no-no notes. I'll just continue to be happy that Milk Moon 05 breaks all the rules and does smell good on me.
  2. filigree_shadow

    Cinnamon girl...

    Funny you should mention this... Saw-Scaled Viper smelled a lot like cinnamon toast on me after the ginger died down. It's the only BPAL oil I've ever described as reminding me of cinnamon toast. But the ginger in it at the beginning doesn't smell cinnamon toasty at all.
  3. filigree_shadow

    More Than This

    More Than This, by The Cure For a second of your life Tell me that it's true Waiting for a sign It's all I want of you Your heart hides a secret A promise of what is Of something more than this Just a second of your time Any one will do A taste of any other Is all I want from you Offer me the world And how can I resist Something more than this? Make-believe in magic Make-believe in dreams Make-believe -- Impossible Nothing as it seems See, touch, taste, smell, hear But never know if it's real (But never know if it's real) For a second of your life Tell me if it's true Anywhere we are Is all I want of you On your lips lies a secret A promise of a kiss Of something more than this Just a second of your time Any one will do To know from any other Is all I want from you You've given me the world You know I can't resist Something more than this Make-believe in magic Make-believe in dreams Make-believe -- Impossible Nothing as it seems Never really understand What anything means (What anything means) Another second of my life Not knowing if it's true Make-believe in nothing Is all I want of you Whispering the secret Whispering there is Always something other Something more than this ------------------------------- I've been listening to this song a lot lately. There was a time in my life when the emotion/longing described in this song was at the forefront of my mind all the time, and I listened to this song a lot then too. One of the reasons I've always loved The Cure so much is that a lot of their songs really resonate with me. Not too deep but not too shallow either, and there's a heart-on-your-sleeve quality to a lot of them in addition to a rawness, which I generally think of as intrinsic characteristics of passion. I also love The Cure because Robert Smith is a hottie. Oh, right, and also a genius. But, yeah. A hottie. He looks like he'd be ready to cuddle and take a nap at any moment, and he has a killer smile that he sort of saves up and suddenly unleashes when you're not expecting it. My kind of guy.
  4. filigree_shadow

    His Station and Four Aces

    Ahhh. This smells good. See, now why can't all blends with flowers in them smell this good? I really don't like the lilting or heady florals at all -- I like the ones that have depth and richness to them. In this one, the lilac is very obviously there, but it smells deep and solid. I think this smells intriguing and mysterious. I can imagine it being at home on the right man, but on my skin the lilac is strong enough that it really seems more feminine to me. Also, this scent is nice and strong. There's nothing timid or shy about this one. All in all, I like it a lot.
  5. filigree_shadow

    A Bachelor's Dog

    This smells mainly like leather to me when it's wet. As it dries, it starts getting muskier and drier. I'm not entirely sold on the cigar tobacco, I think. The scent has become so dry it's kinda powdery. It's also very light. The other two Dogs Playing Poker scents I've tried (Riding the Goat & His Station and Four Aces) were both quite strong. This one wears more like a skin scent. I'm going to have to give this one a few more trials before I make up my mind, I think.
  6. filigree_shadow

    Riding the Goat

    I bought a bottle of this one as a present for my husband, but I couldn't resist trying some on before I gave it to him. I think it smells wonderful. The woods aren't dry, they smell rich and full. Sweet, too. Maybe the sweetness is mostly from the pipe smoke; it's hard to tell. The incense isn't dry either, it's also sweet, but not that sort of piercingly sweetness that I usually get from frankincense. When I was trying to figure out what I thought this scent smelled like, the word "foody" came to mind. However, it's not foody -- it just has that smooth quality to it that many foody scents have. This scent smells, in a word, expensive. It's really beautiful. I kinda wish I hadn't given i to my husband. If he doesn't start wearing it, I'm taking it back. ETA: He tried it on, and we both agreed that it smells better on ME! HA! For once something smells better on me than on He of the Disgustingly Perfect Skin Chemistry. So I took it!
  7. filigree_shadow

    Taurus 2007

    This is a sweet sping floral scent, with a slight herby twang. I think the sweetness is coming from the apple blossom. But I'm crap at picking out floral notes, so I won't try. I'll just say it smells pretty, and although it doesn't suit me as a perfume, I like it.
  8. filigree_shadow


    I completely agree! Specifically, to anyone who likes myrrh: Try this. It's sweet, smoky, and deep. It has a little bit of that sticky resin scent at first, but it smooths out when it's drying. To be honest, it smells just like sarada described it, and I can't improve on her review. I got an extra bottle to put in a dark drawer for a year or two, and I'm really glad I did. I can't wait to find out what this is going to smell like after it's aged. This is my favorite of the Lunacy blends so far this year.
  9. filigree_shadow

    Monster Bait: Ventriloquist Dummy

    The patchouli and dry wood are most prominent on me at first, with a little bit of hazelnut. The caramel and brown sugar come out more when it's dry, but the apricot seems to be elusive. I can't smell it. This is a lot more woody than I was expecting -- I was thinking that the caramel and foody notes would be really strong, and they're not. This is a sweet, deep, rich scent on my skin. When it's dry it doesn't seem quite so woody, it's more like a sweet skin scent. If the other Monster Baits have been too foody for you, try this one. It's more subtle than the other ones.
  10. filigree_shadow

    Monster Bait: Bloody Mary

    I did the same thing as requieminblack: I almost didn't get a bottle of this. I wasn't sure how it would work on me. It's delightful!!! The cherry isn't overpowering or artificial-smelling, and the creaminess has a dry, almost woody quality to it that reminds me of Underpants. It really does smell like powdered sugar -- I think that's the dryness I'm picking up on. I like this a lot.
  11. filigree_shadow

    Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp

    Vanilla mint! Perfectly so. This one is sweeter than Snowblind, I think. It's crisp and refreshing, but tantalizingly smooth at the same time. I'm not usually a fan of mint, but this scent has a lot going for it. I like it.
  12. filigree_shadow

    Kataniya, the Clockwork Woman

    As with most metallic BPAL blends, this one smells perfumey to me. However, it’s not that stinging metallic scent that’s in Bed of Nails, it’s much prettier. This one is definitely feminine. It’s sweet and lightly floral. I had thought that Bed of Nails and the Cracked Bell were my favorite metallic blends… however, I like this one better than Bed of Nails. It’s prettier. I think I will try to swap my Bed of Nails bottle and find a bottle of this one.
  13. filigree_shadow

    Faiza, the Black Mamba (2006)

    This is a much lighter and prettier scent than I would have imagined for Faiza. It has kind of a white floral feel to it with a fruity sweetness, too. I like this quite a lot – I don’t think I’ll buy a bottle because I already have scents similar to this and I’m currently on a budget. I’m glad I had a chance to try it, though.
  14. filigree_shadow

    Priala, the Human Phoenix (2006)

    This is interesting – it smells spicy but not necessarily hot. It’s kind of a smoldering spice, with smoke. It smells like there’s some amber in there too. [i guess that's the myrrh. I wrote this review without looking at the notes.] There’s so much variety in the Carnaval Diabolique scents, and I need to pick favorites because I can’t afford them all. Priala doesn’t make the cut for me, but it’s only because I am very rarely in the mood for a spicy scent (and when I am, The Lion and Bengal are fine for me).
  15. filigree_shadow

    Saw-Scaled Viper

    When I first put this on I thought it smelled very strange, and not in a good way. The ginger wasn't working on me at all. Then the cassia came out, and it started to smell like food. Mind you, it smells like good food, the kind I love to eat. But I'm not entirely convinced that I'd like to walk around smelling like I've just come out of an Indian restaurant. When I can't smell the ginger any more, what I end up with is a scent that smells like cinnamon toast. I don't know where that bready scent is coming from, but I swear it's there. I like gingerbread scents, so I guess I'm not surprised that apparently I also like cinnamon toast scents. I'm going to hang on to this one until the summer time -- I like wearing hot-smelling scents when the weather is warm.
  16. filigree_shadow

    Coral Snake (2006)

    Eeeeew, apple, lemon, and gardenia. I usually really dislike those notes. And yet... for some reason I like this a lot. It mainly smells like apple and Snake Oil to me, with a little bit of flowers. Maybe it's because it's spring right now (or at least it was spring, until we got this current bizarre cold weather), and this scent just seems so fitting. It smells light and bright -- it almost twinkles. ETA: I'm editing this, 3.5 years later, to note that this smells AMAZING when it's aged. I used to like it okay, but now it's fantastic.
  17. filigree_shadow

    Western Diamondback

    This doesn't smell anything like Snake Oil to me, which is a little disappointing because I was looking forward to finding out with Snake Oil and leather smelled like together. I like the scent plenty well on its own, I just thought it would be a little different. Darker. This is sweet and kinda pretty. When it's dry, I like it better. It has that smooth, rich SO base. Luckily I can't really smell the sage. Wouldn't mind having a bottle of this one...
  18. filigree_shadow

    Wulric, the Wolfman (2006)

    I didn't know what to expect fom this scent by reading the notes. I usually have trouble with sage and lavender, but I thought perhaps the cocoa, vanilla, vetiver, and musk would tamp down that pesky herb scent. Not so much. The cocoa was rather strong at first, but then the lavender came through. When it's dry, it smells like a combination of lavender and cocoa. If I had to guess what that smelled like (without smelling it), I would think it'd smell odd. It does. To me, anyway. I think I'll pass this over to my husband and see what he thinks. He usually likes lavender.
  19. filigree_shadow

    The Parliament of Monsters (2006)

    This is much sweeter than I expected. I normally like the darker incense blends better than the sweet ones, and I thought this would be dark-ish with the wet tobacco. Nope. Definitely sweet. It's not bad at all, it's airy and smoky, it's just not my cup of tea incense-wise. This is the sort of scent I'd like as a room scent but not so much as a perfume.
  20. filigree_shadow

    Arachnina, The Spider Girl (2006)

    Hmmm, musks and poppy. I thought this would smell perfumey, and it does. I like how poppy can give a scent that husky hazy feel, and it's doing that here. To me, this smells like an expensive perfume. It's classic and refined. It reminds me a lot of a perfume that my mother wore in the 70s/80s, but I don't know what the name of it is. I like this. Most of the time I chose to wear BPAL oils specifically because I know that they're unusual and I don't want to smell like everyone else. But there are some days when I just want to wear a classic, elegant scent. Arachnina is one of those scents.
  21. filigree_shadow

    Tiresias, the Androgyne

    Ah, this smells lovely! This is what I wanted Red Lantern to smell like. The caramel is there but it's not overpowering the rest of the scent. The patchouli, tobacco, and sandalwood are great. It smells a little bit woody and warm, but creamy at the same time. This is very well done, and I know I will want to buy a bottle of it.
  22. filigree_shadow

    Val Sans Retour

    I was surprised when I looked at other people's reviews, because I don't smell a strong citrus in this. I think there is some citrus, but it's not loud. To me, it smells like Cathedral, but cleaner. It has that sort of pencil box scent, and it smells like the pencil box has just been dusted with Lemon Pledge. I think this scent is softly comforting. It smells like clean wood.
  23. filigree_shadow


    The bamboo is amping tremendously on me -- Habu reminds me a lot of the Asian-themed lunacies from last year. Strangely, I swear I can smell the black musk in this in addition to the Snake Oil. I didn't think I'd be able to pick those two apart. I can imagine this scent being at home on a man. Maybe I should sneak up on my hubby and give him a swipe with the imp wand when he's not looking. Also, this is a much softer scent than the other Snake Pit oils I've tried. I have to put my nose right next to my wrist to smell it. If the bamboo would calm down a little bit, I'd like the scent more. With the Snake Oil, woods, and musk, I imagine this is going to smell tremendously good in about a year. Right now it's a little too fresh-smelling. I ought to buy a bottle and let it hibernate for a good long while.
  24. filigree_shadow


    It's floral, yes... but it's a really good floral. I usually don't like florals, but I've had some good luck with calla lily and linden blossom, so I thought I'd give this one a whirl. I'm glad I did! These floral notes smell great with a Snake Oil base. The SO gives the scent a depth that florals don't usually have on me. It's not a light airy breezy floral, it's a rich, deep scent. I think this smells wonderful. I'd love to have a bottle of this.
  25. filigree_shadow

    Asp Viper (2006)

    On my skin, the almond is not at all overwhelming. It's blending really nicely with the myrrh and giving the whole scent the same sort of feel as a dusty antique store. It reminds me of something vintage... old books on an antique bookshelf. Not sure how I get that image from this scent, but it's definitely there. I like the Snake Oil and myrrh combination, which is what this is on me when it's dry. It smells lovely.