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Everything posted by filigree_shadow

  1. filigree_shadow


    Lavender and a soft floral, maybe a gentle herb like chamomile. This one is softer than the other Somnium blends I've tried, and the lavender isn't as strong. It definitely seems like it'll help me sleep. Very quieting and calming.
  2. filigree_shadow


    At first I thought it smelled perfumey; now I think it smells cologney. Ozone and white musk mostly, very little floral, and some moss. Hmmm. It's too bad my husband wears so many ozone scents because now whenever I smell something with ozone it smells masculine to me. This is a lovely scent, and I do like it... not sure if I'll be able to convince the hubby to wear something called Urania, though.
  3. filigree_shadow


    Hey, I kinda like this! Weird. I read those notes and thought it would be hugely terrible on me, but it's not. The lavender is sweet and soft. The lotus is in there doing its sweet bubblegummy lotus thing, but it smells pretty good with the lavender. It ends up being mostly just lavender, but it's still sweet. Not so bad after all!
  4. filigree_shadow


    On me this is a very soapy rose with cinnamon. To be fair, roses don't usually work on me, so this isn't a big surprise. It's a litlte bit smoky, but the smokiness doesn't overcome the soapiness.
  5. filigree_shadow


    I should mention first that my imp is labeled Old Kyoto, so that gives you an idea of its age. When I first put it on, all I smelled was anise and cherries. Not as strong as kabuki, but something similar to it. However, once it mellows out, it's a sweet cherry blossom with sandalwood. The star anise isn't nearly as strong, and the cherry scent has faded into a floral. This is prettier and more sophisticated than Kabuki, and I wouldn't even put them in the same family at this stage.
  6. filigree_shadow

    The Lion

    This smells like a lovely, rich amber, softly spiced and wam. I remember wearing it this past summer one day when it was hot outside, and it smelled a lot spicier then. I thought it smelled like cinnamon then, but I'm not getting any cinnamon from this today. Just thick amber, but it's soft. Not powdery at all. It's very pretty, and when I wore it this summer I remember thinking it was great for the summertime. I didn't think a warm scent would be good in the summer, but it was perfect.
  7. filigree_shadow

    Temple of Dreams

    Quite a sharp lavender here, not the soft and gentle kind like I like. Too many herbs. I think I'll stick with the TAL Nocturne.
  8. filigree_shadow


    I'm ready for summer too! Ugh, one more quarter. Don't let this professor get you down. If your English professor says you know how to write papers, then you do. AND, I also can't wait to get my Pink Moon t-shirt!! I think it's my fave one ever. Plus... I look really good in pink, much to my dismay.
  9. filigree_shadow


    I accidentally put more oil on for the test of this oil than I usually use, and now I'm regretting it. I really don't like this scent. It smells bitter and strange -- almost sticky -- and it's really strong. I guess I'm not sure how to describe the scent, I just know I don't like it.
  10. filigree_shadow


    This does smell like a classic men's cologne, probably because of the patchouli and musks, but the poppy gives it an interesting edge. It smells crisper and cleaner than most patchouli scents do. I bought a bottle of this because I like it so much, but the more I smell it the more I think I'd like to smell it on my husband rather than on me.
  11. filigree_shadow


    Very dry-smelling, with lots and lots of sandalwood. Not much in the way of florals or herbs at first, just sandalwood. Soft. Over time the herbs come out a bit... unfortunately I preferred the sandalwood without herbs. It's not bad, but I like others better.
  12. filigree_shadow


    I'm not sure what most of these notes smell like, but whatever I'm smelling, I like it. It's pretty, soft, and very slightly sweet. It doesn't smell herby or floral like I thought it might, it's just a good lovely scent. It's smooth, and gently spicy in the drydown. This one seems like it'll be a good scent for summer.
  13. filigree_shadow


    The first time I tried this, months ago, I didn't like it and thought it smelled like bug spray. I thought this was what civet smelled like, so I thought I didn't like civet. Then I tried some other blends that have civet in them, and I realized that I actually do like civet. I just don't like it with opium as well as in other blends. Instead of balancing out the civet the opium seems to push it further in that heady civety direction. I kinda like this, but 'm not sure if I like it enough to want to wear it because it's still a little much for me. It smells mature and grown-up... kind of sopisticated. It smells like a perfumey perfume. More traditional than most BPAL oils, I think. I should say that I think this smells good on me, it's just that I like other civet blends better.
  14. filigree_shadow

    Dragon's Heart

    This is a beautiful scent. I love dragon's blood, but this smells even better than Dragon's Blood on its own. It's deep and musky, dark and warm. The fig and current aren't strong on me -- I wouldn't be able to pick them out as notes in this -- but they contribute a sweetness to the scent. They make it seem more feminine. I understand why this one is called Dragon's Heart; it's warm and comfortable and makes me feel at home.
  15. filigree_shadow


    This oil is extremely dark, almost as dark as Smut... and that's usually an indication that I'll like it a lot. This one is no exception. The red musk is really strong at first, but as it dries the roses come out more. Red musk usually smells dark and sexy on me, and it blends really well with the roses. Normally I don't like roses, but I like them in this. It's a sultry, grown-up scent. When I'm wearing it I feel like I should be on the prowl. It makes me want to put on stilettos and something slinky. It's too bad the only thing I'm doing tonight is prowling over to the laundry room and folding clothes. *sigh*
  16. filigree_shadow


    Well, I don't really know what any of these notes smell like on thei own, so I'm not sure exactly which notes I'm smelling. I do know that I like this, though. It doesn't exactly smell like bananas, but it does smell tropical. Sweet. And there's a lovely undercurrent of something creamy, too. Actually this scent reminds me a lot of Vasakasajja. Sweet, slightly floral, a little bit creamy and a little bit fruity... all in all, lovely.
  17. filigree_shadow


    I usually like the notes in this, but it turns out that this particular combination isn't a good one for me. If it were just orange or just raspberry I'd probably like it better -- the two together are just too much. It's overly sweet and almost... chalky, for some reason. I think it's just too much fruit for me.
  18. filigree_shadow


    I can't really smell the vetiver in this, it seems like mostly sandalwood. I can maybe smell a teeny bit of lemon rind, but it's barely there. It just makes the sandalwood smell sweet. The imp I'm testing is at least a year old, so that probably has something to do with the scent, but as it is right now I like this quite a lot. It's a lovely sandalwood.
  19. filigree_shadow


    This is mainly fig on me with a slight shadow of cocoa. I love the dry woody notes, they make this scent smell more dry than other fig scents. It smells mysterious, but sweet and full too. The wood notes come out nice and strong when it's dry. This is a great scent -- it should be in heavy rotation for my BPAL perfumes. Smells good next to Depraved, too. (Something I just found out while I'm doing some testing. )
  20. filigree_shadow

    Lady MacBeth

    Lots of berries, but grown-up berries, not sweet innocent ones. I'm surprised that I like a berry scent this much because usually berry scents smell like shower gel to me (thanks to using too many sweet berry-scented shower gels, I'd wager). The wine gives it a nice dryness that keeps it from being too sweet. I think it's a great scent.
  21. filigree_shadow


    When I first tried many months ago I thought that it smelled too much like cough syrup while it was wet for me to like it, although I did like it after it was dry. I let the imp age for a while, and now I like it a lot better. The patchouli is much stronger and deeper, and although the apricot is strong at first, it fades out. It turns into a lovely sweet patchouli. Deep and rich. I like this one.
  22. filigree_shadow

    Santo Domingo

    I like the rum and tobacco leaf combination, and it smells like a spicy, interesting scent. A little on the sweet side, but the florals seem smoky instead of heady. Overall not a bad scent, but it seems like it might be a little too masculine for me.
  23. filigree_shadow


    I'm making a list here of my favorites from the GC, mainly just for my reference. The ones I don't have bottles of yet have an asterisk. The ones that are next on my list to get are purple. Bewitching Brews Jack Scherezade Sin & Salvation Anathema Dorian Love Potions Bathsheba Bordello Perversion Snake Oil - AGED Vixen Diabolus Fenris Wolf *Kitsune-Tsuki Marquise de Merteuil Mad Tea Party Eat Me Frumious Bandersnatch Mouse's Long and Sad Tale The Unicorn Illyria Tamora *Titania Wanderlust Tintagel Tombstone - AGED Ars Draconis Dragon's Milk Dragon's Musk Rappaccini's Garden Cobra Lily The Salon Silence Two Monsters Three Gorgons A Picnic in Arkham Miskatonic University Excolo Loviatar Ogun Osun Santa Muerte Shango Sephiroth Chokmah And these ones are the ones I like a lot, but they're a step down from the "love" category. I wear them often. Bewitching Brews *Blood Kiss *Intrigue *Lampades *Omen *Sudha Segara *Velvet *Voodoo Wilde Funereal Oils *Midnight *Nocturne *Thanatopsis Sin & Salvation The Bow & Crown of Conquest *Fallen *Hellfire Lust *Oblivion Sin Love Potions *Carnal Loralei Salome *Spellbound Vicomte de Valmont Diabolus Dracul *Hell's Belle *Hellcat Villain Mad Tea Party Cheshire Cat *White Rabbit Illyria *Lady Macbeth Wanderlust *Hollywood Babylon Manhattan Morocco *Lyonesse *Pontarlier *Prague Ars Draconis *Dragon's Heart *Dragon's Reverie Rappaccini's Garden *Black Hellebore *Love-Lies-Bleeding *Moon Rose *Strangler Fig The Salon *Three Brides *The Ecstasy of St. Teresa *Judith Victorious *Les Anges Déchus *The Sailor's Den A Picnic in Arkham Al-Azif *The Music of Erich Zahn Excolo *Grandmother of Ghosts *Kali *Mania *Oya *Queen Mab *Tezcatlipoca *Xiuhtecuhtli *Aglaea Vechernyaya Voodoo Blends French Love *Love Me *Wolf's Heart The Chakras Swadhisthana
  24. filigree_shadow


    This is almost entirely lemon verbena on me, with a smidgen of bergamot. I can't smell any jasmine, which is weird because that one usually amps on me. There is something distorting the lemon scent when it's dry, though, and I guess that's the jasmine because the sandalwood wouldn't do that. But I wouldn't be able to peg it as jasmine. When it's dry sometimes I think I can smell some sandalwood, but it's fleeting. I'm not a lemon verbena kind of gal, but this does smell fresh and light, and I think people who like lemon scents should give this one a try.
  25. filigree_shadow

    The Fox-Woman Kuzunoha Leaving Her Child

    I like the wisteria, and it seems like I can smell some tea too, but the star jasmine is giving me a slight headache. I won't be able to wear this one, which is too bad because I like this better than most jasmine blends. It's nice with the tea.