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Everything posted by filigree_shadow

  1. filigree_shadow


    Hm, I wonder why I haven't tried this one before. I bet all the flowers were scaring me off... but this is a very pretty scent. It's doing that slighly sour thing that rose does on me sometimes, but I don't really mind it in this. The tea with amber and patchouli is a lovely combination, deep and earthy. The flowers give it a more feminine feel than the earthy scents usually have. Very intriguing. I like this one.
  2. filigree_shadow


    It's a boozy vanilla at first, but when it dries it's a robust leather scent with that vanilla/tonka sweetness to it. Still boozy underneath. This is a great scent -- it was one of my first 10mls. When I first got the 10ml I thought it was a different scent because it smelled like coconut. The imp I have is older, and I can tell the sweetness is from that boozy vanilla combination, but I don't really smell any coconut. So the 10ml has been sitting in my BPAL box aging for quite a while now. Like I said: Great scent! This is one of my favorites.
  3. filigree_shadow

    A quick question, if you have time...

    I'm not sure who or what I was in past lives, but I definitely feel like I've met some people I've known before. I also think I haven't met some of them again yet... there are times when I feel like I'm missing someone important who should be with me.
  4. filigree_shadow

    Random thought.

    Heh heh. I was going to say something very similar to what you said in a blog post a couple of days ago, but I chickened out and deleted the post. I totally agree. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. At one point on the forums there were a few people saying really rude things in the update thread on the night of the huge Carnaval Diabolique introduction. It was the night when the price increase was taking effect, too. Beth put the update up a few hours before usual -- and with it the price increases -- and three or four people complained that they didn't have a chance to order their bottles at the cheaper price before the update went live (even though Beth had said the prices were going up several days in advance, so they had had time), and therefore Beth had bad business practices and wasn't honoring her "commitment" to her customers not to raise her prices until midnight or some arbitrary time that the complainers thought it was supposed to be. One of the complainers said that she shouldn't be yelled at by mods just because she had "the guts" to complain about it. I responded to her that I didn't think it took guts to say what she did, I thought it was very bad form, and I told her why. She never responded to me, so thankfully it never escalated into an argument. But in that post I pointed out that often I sort of bite my lip and wait for a mod to come along and say something because I feel like it's not my place. Or mostly because I'm too chicken to possibly get involved in conflict. But there have been MANY times I've wanted to tell someone off for posting rude or inconsiderate or mean things... but I hardly ever do it. It makes me kind of feel bad for the mods that I wait for them to do the dirty work, so to speak. I'm like that in real life too. I sit and wait for someone in authority to come around and tell the person to knock it off. I'm afraid that one of these days all this pent up frustration is going to overcome me and I'll just blow up.
  5. filigree_shadow


    Imp smells a little bit boozey to me when it's wet, kind of like a peach wine. But as it's drying that goes away and what's left is kind of a golden musky scent with some peach behind it. It's not hugely peachy when it's dry, but it still keeps that sweetness. The patchouli is a good foundation for the scent -- gives it depth. All in all it's a little bit too perfumey for me personally, which is why I never ordered a bottle of it. But I do like the scent.
  6. filigree_shadow


    This is an exceptionally strong scent -- one little swipe with an imp wand and it's almost overpowering. The vetiver isn't as strong as I thought it would be; I think the black myrrh is the prominent note. It's really hazy and dark, a little bit smoky. It's just like it's described: thick, dark, sluggish, and heavy. When it's dry I don't think I can even smell any vetiver any more, just myrrh. It seems to get a little sweeter over time. I think this would be great for layering with some other blends to tone them down a little.
  7. filigree_shadow

    Death on a Pale Horse

    Lavender for sure, and it's very soft. There's something really sour in this (yuzu?) that's distorting that nice soft lavender. It was reminding me of one of those potpourri sachets until it started going powdery. A tart powder. It just keeps getting worse as time goes on. I'm not getting along with this scent very well.
  8. filigree_shadow

    Black Annis

    This smells like a combination of vetiver and anise on me. When the anise is too strong for me, which is often, it reminds me too much of licorice. When the anise isn't too strong, which isn't as often as I'd like, it smells like an expensive perfume. It's deep and dry -- not exactly what I'd call "lovely," but certainly intriguing. I can see this scent being terribly sexy on the right person. I would like this quite a lot if the anise wasn't so loud. Alas.
  9. filigree_shadow

    Vanilla Bean

    This vanilla bean is sweet and soft, and not too creamy. Smells like a very true vanilla, but it's less beany than I was expecting. The thing is, it's not beany at all, and I thought it would be. (I've smelled tonka bean before, and that one was beany -- it had a definitely planty feel to it.) There's nothing harsh or planty about this. Just a lovely vanilla. And now I'm sure that vanilla is NOT the play-doh or plastic culprit on my skin.
  10. filigree_shadow

    Dark Delicacies

    Mmm, this is very nice on me. It has that same sort of sexy feel as Mme. Moriarty but without the slight creaminess. It's definitely more dry, and I love the smokiness of it. It's a dark, dry floral. Not the usual type of floral scent at all. I think this would be a lovely scent for the fall and winter. I like this one a whole lot.
  11. filigree_shadow


    Wet, all I smell is lemongrass, and tons of it. It smells very astringent to me. When it's dry the lemongrass calms down and I can smell some of the other notes, patchouli seems to be fairly prominent. But due to the lemongrass I can't get into this scent. I just really dislike that note.
  12. filigree_shadow


    Eris is extremely sweet; it's candy-like at first. Sort of like a watermelon Jolly Rancher. In the beginning it kinda reminds me of Bordello without the booze, and it's slightly creamier. As it's drying it becomes more floral and a little bit spicy, but it keeps that nice, bright juicy sweetness for quite a while. I have yet to figure out what mimosa actually smells like, but it seems like whenever I see mimosa in the notes I usually like the blend. I like this one a lot.
  13. filigree_shadow


    Something about this scent smells a little bit off to me. I've tried it several times because I always think I should like it, based on the notes. I usually like berries and amber, iris is all right, spices are okay if they're not hot-smelling spices... but something about this one just doesn't work for me. It smells powdery and reminds me of old ladies. The berries don't smell fresh and juicy, they're too distorted in this for my tastes. I normally like ambers, but as I discovered in Hymn to Proserpina, fruits with ambers can be a bad combination on my skin. Unfortunately they're a bad combination for me in this blend, too.
  14. filigree_shadow

    Fire of Love

    Ooo, I like this scent. Normally the Voodoo Blends aren't oils I'd wear as perfume, but I like this one. It's dark woods and heavy spices, maybe a smidge of civet or a musk that's close to that. It's smells kind of clingy and slithering at the same time. Not sure what wood that is -- maybe cedar. The wood in it reminds me of Cathedral. I can see this being much too heavy to wear as perfume for some people, but I like it. I bet it would smell great on my husband, too.
  15. filigree_shadow

    Black Dahlia

    Woah. Holy moly that's a lot of flowers. The really strong cloying kind. Tons of jasmine. Yow, this is kind of pungent on me. Er, no, this isn't gonna work for me at all. Often I can tolerate florals even if I don't really like them all that well, but I can't even tolerate this one. It's getting washed off.
  16. filigree_shadow

    Black Hellebore

    Pink and soft. This is quite pretty -- I don't get much of a rooty or earthy scent at all. Just softly floral. Not overwhelming, not powdery, not heady. It almost seems a little bit velvety to me, it's so soft. I don't usually like florals, but this is one of the few that I would wear. (I do like peonies, by the way.) This is understated and feminine.
  17. filigree_shadow

    Al Azif

    Dark, thick, and kind of sticky. Like syrup and nag champa. This is my favorite BPAL incense blend. This is one of the few BPAL oils that my husband and I both wear. I have a bottle of the old Springtime in Arkham version, and my husband bought a bottle of the new Picnic in Arkham one. The aged version smells a lot deeper and richer and less like syrup -- I definitely prefer the aged version. It's so dark and murky. The fresh version is great too, but it has a slightly foody aspect to it that I don't get out of the aged one. Also I'd like to mention that if you like this, try the Salon's Two Monsters. It has a similar feel.
  18. filigree_shadow

    #20 Love Oil

    Very almond-cherry at first, and very sweet. Not at all a bad scent. But then it starts to smell like lemons, and with whatever herbs are in this, it reminds me of a cough drop. When it's still at the lemon-almond stage I don't mind it so much. But after the almond fades out it turns kind of soapy. Like Fruit Loops and soap. Not so great. This is not something I'd wear as perfume, and since I have a couple of the TAL oils that are specifically for love/passion, I don't think I need to keep this one around.
  19. filigree_shadow


    For use only by women. An extremely potent passion blend, used to great effect when you're converting feminine sexual energy into power. When this is wet it smells like peanuts to me. I have no idea why. Kind of salty and very nutty. Then it turns a bit murkier and thicker. There might be something like myrrh in it because I'm getting kind of a dark incense-like scent but it doesn't smell exactly like incense. There are some herbs in this too, but since I usually avoid herbs I'm not good at picking out most of them. Herbs have a tendency to smell sharp and astringent on me, and since there's an aspect to this that smells like that, I assume it's herbs. Could be a little bit of anise. Maybe a smidge of honey too, that could me what's making it smell thick to me. Truth is, I have no idea what's in this. It's not really one of my favorite scents. But it certainly does smell bold and strong. As usual, this Voodoo Blend is not something I'd wear as perfume, but it does make me feel confident. I can certainly believe that it would be potent in ritual work.
  20. filigree_shadow

    Has No Hanna

    This is very strongly floral, kind of heady. It smells yellow to me. Is there some orange in this too? Orange blossom, maybe? Also something slightly woody or resinous. The first time I wore this it did seem to lift my spirits a bit. In all honesty, though, I have to admit that pretty much every BPAL scent lifts my spirits when I wear it. As far as the "rush of good luck," a minute after I applied it I accidentally bumped the table next to me and knocked over a bunch of imps I had lined up on the table. So... not all that convinced about the luck. Or maybe that's just not the type of luck Beth had in mind. Overall much too floral for me to wear as a perfume (I think only two of the Voodoo Blends are ones I'd wear as perfume), but I do enjoy the "lifts the spirit" aspect of this one.
  21. filigree_shadow


    Woohoo! A snowy blend that doesn't smell ENTIRELY of that cold snowy note on me. All the snowy ones smells almost exactly the same to me because that note just screams on my skin. They all wind up smelling like snow and pine. But in this one I can smell something else pretty strongly too: moss! The only problem is that I don't like moss. Except... no, hang on. It's dry now, and I can't smell any moss any more. Darn. I think I might be catching a tiny wisp of something floral and sweet but it's fleeting. I think I'm just going to give up on these snowy ones.
  22. filigree_shadow

    Dragon's Blood

    I love dragon's blood resin whenever I smell it, so I'm not very surprised that I like this. When I'm sniffing it in this blend, it smells strongly floral. Like a cross between lilies and lilacs. Very little of that slightly cherry-ish scent I sometimes get from dragon's blood. As it's drying it starts to become deeper and more resinous -- almost sticky. I got that same sort of sticky-resin feel from Love Lies Bleeding. I thought that one was a pink scent; this one seems more like white to me because of the floral scent, except that I still think of it as red. Probably because the oil is red. I do like this, but I like Dragon's Milk and Dragon's Musk better.
  23. filigree_shadow


    One thing I hardly ever talk about is politics. I'm not the type of person who likes to get involved in endless debates between groups of people who will never agree, and all the name-calling and finger-pointing depresses me a lot. I've learned to keep my mouth shut about these things at family functions because both my family and my husband's are Republican and devoutly Catholic. There are certainly aspects of their views that I respect -- they're not fanatics, and they're not ill-informed. They just have different priorities and principles than I have. They don't preach their views at me, and I give them the same courtesy. I'm pretty comfy in this setup. Live and let live, as it were. I'm not a demonstrator, a protestor, or an activist. I write letters and emails, and occasionally I give a little bit of money, but in general I stay away from public rallies and things of that nature. So! Lil' ol' politics-shy filigree_shadow received an email from Barack Obama's exploratory committee a few minutes ago suggesting that I might be interested in attending an event in Springfield, IL, on Saturday morning. They say he will be making an announcement concerning his presidential campaign. I can only guess, judging by the list of locations currently on his tour schedule (Iowa next, and then New Hampshire), that he will, in fact, be announcing that he definitely is going to run. For the first time in my life, I actually want to go to an event like this. Springfield is about three hours away by car. I have no plans for Saturday. The only thing stopping me from going is possibly inclement weather. I've never heard Obama speak in public, and I'd like to. Of course, there's also an Obama Rally in Chicago on Sunday afternoon, which is much closer to me, so perhaps I should just go to that. Still, I'd kinda like to go to the Springfield announcement. It could end up being an historical event.
  24. filigree_shadow


    We didn't wind up going after all. Doors opened at 9 but he wasn't speaking until 10, and we didn't want to stand outside in this cold for two hours. It's 6 degrees right now, not including wind chill, and at 9:00 this morning it was probably 1 F. We're wusses. I'm going to see if I can get a ticket to go to the rally tomorrow afternoon though.
  25. filigree_shadow

    Blood Pearl

    Do you know how old your imp is? I had an older imp of Blood Pearl that didn't smell very strongly of coconut, but when I bought a bottle of fresh Blood Pearl the coconut was a lot stronger.