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Everything posted by filigree_shadow

  1. filigree_shadow

    Love Me

    I can't comment on how well this works for its purpose, but I like the scent of it. It smells spicy, like cinnamon, but not overly so. There's also something powdery underneath the spice. Maybe some kind of wood, too. It definitely smells like it would attract people, I've been sniffing my wrist compulsively since I put it on. I like this a lot, even just as a perfume.
  2. filigree_shadow


    I don't think this is masculine. I see what other reviewers mean about the fabric softener, though -- there's something crisp about this scent. It actually reminds me of a soap scent. It's not my favorite rose blend, but I like this better than some others.
  3. filigree_shadow

    The Lady of Shalott

    Hmm, yeah, I see what other reviewers were talking about when they mentioned banana and celery. I can really only smell that while it's wet, though. When it's dry, it's almost totally gardenia on me. It does seem to be a bit tart, maybe a little watery... but pretty much the only thing I can smell other than gardenia is ginger. The combination isn't working for me, sadly.
  4. filigree_shadow


    This smells very fruity and sweet at first. It doesn't smell like fury to me. Can definitely pick out the red wine in it, and the rose is there too. This reminds me a lot of Wanda, except that Wanda smells entirely of red wine on my skin, and in Lilith there's a little bit of rose too. I like this one better than Wanda, but when it's dry the wine scent is still a little too strong for me.
  5. filigree_shadow


    I smell some kind of mint in this, or possibly eucalyptus. It's not the kind of scent I wear, but it smells pretty good. After it dries it smells less minty and much sweeter. It reminds me of Pez.
  6. filigree_shadow


    This smells strongly of lime at first... but most blends that contain lime usually smell mostly of lime on me at first. There's a little bit of lilac underneath the lime that starts to come through as the lime fades out, and the lilac keeps getting stronger while it dries. But as the lime goes away a lemony scent takes its place, and I don't care for lemon. It makes the lilac smell sour, and I like lilac so much that I don't want it to be altered like that. The parts of this that I like are things I can find in other oils I like better: I can get my lilac fix from Cordelia, and for a clean crisp masculine citrus scent I prefer Villain over Whitechapel.
  7. cordia #4: Lady of Shalott, Lilith, Love Me, Magus, Othello, Undertow, and Whitechapel. I hadn't written reviews for ANY of these yet, but the only one I didn't have was Undertow. Lady of Shalott - The scent of calm waters just before a raging storm, limned with achingly-beautiful blooms, an icy scent, but somehow warm, and mirror-bright: bold gardenia, crystalline musk, muguet, water blossoms, clear, slightly tart aquatic notes and a crush of white ginger. The gardenia is prominent, but I don't mind it as much as I usually do. The ginger and musk is a nice combination -- they keep the floral notes from being too heady. It's slightly aquatic as well... kind of reminds me of flowers floating on a pond. Very pretty. Lilith - Mother of Demons, Vengeful Fury, Darkest Seductress, Queen of the Djinn, Goddess of the Gate. Red wine, myrrh, black musk, and attar of rose. This smells very fruity and sweet at first. It doesn't smell like fury to me. Can definitely pick out the red wine in it, and the rose is there too. This reminds me a lot of Wanda, except that Wanda smells entirely of red wine on my skin, and in Lilith there's a little bit of rose too. I like this one better than Wanda, but when it's dry the wine scent is still a little too strong for me. Love Me - A commanding, dominant oil that increases sexual magnetism, creates an intense and irresistible air of attraction, and amplifies potency. I can't comment on how well this works for its purpose, but I like the scent of it. It smells spicy, like cinnamon, but not overly so. There's also something powdery underneath the spice. Maybe some kind of wood, too. It definitely smells like it would attract people, I've been sniffing my wrist compulsively since I put it on. I like this a lot, even just as a perfume. Magus - An ancient blend, swollen with arcane power: galangal, high john essence, frankincense, cedar, and sandalwood. I read frankincense and cedar in the notes and thought I wasn't going to like Magus. I'm surprised to find that I do like it. It's in the same vein as Aureus and Cathedral, but it doesn't smell as much like a pencil box as either of those do. The frankincense doesn't get overly sweet on me like it usually does, and the cedar doesn't smell quite as peppery as usual. This is kind of comforting and soft. I like it a lot better than Cathedral. Othello - Arabian musk with two roses and a bevy of Middle Eastern and Indian spices. I don't think this is masculine. I see what other reviewers mean about the fabric softener, though -- there's something crisp about this scent. It actually reminds me of a soap scent. It's not my favorite rose blend, but I like this better than some others. Undertow - The Dark Side of Air: a high pitched, tangy, clear scent -- light China rain deepened by murky vetivert. I smell some kind of mint in this, or possibly eucalyptus. I can't really smell any vetivert in it. It's definitely high-pitched and tangy, like the description says. It does seem airy, too. It's not the kind of scent I wear, but it smells pretty good. After it dries it smells less minty and much sweeter. It reminds me of Pez. Whitechapel - A gentlemen's blend, possessed of dignity, charm and refinement, but in truth masking a corrupted, hideous, soulless core. White musk, lime, lilac and citron. This smells strongly of lime at first... but most blends that contain lime usually smell mostly of lime on me at first. There's a little bit of lilac underneath the lime that starts to come through as the lime fades out, and the lilac keeps getting stronger while it dries. But as the lime goes away a lemony scent takes its place, and I don't care for lemon. It makes the lilac smell sour, and I like lilac so much that I don't want it to be altered like that. The parts of this that I like are things I can find in other oils I like better: I can get my lilac fix from Cordelia, and for a clean crisp masculine citrus scent I prefer Villain over Whitechapel.
  8. filigree_shadow

    Harvest Moon 2006

    In the bottle: Apple cider. Initial impression: While it's wet, it smells mainly like apple cider, but the apples are very light. Mostly it's that spicy cider scent. When it's drying: It seems like a spicy floral that has a fruity roundness to it. It ends up being: A rather sweet fruit scent with a little bit of green behind it. Like maybe some gentle herbs or a very soft floral note. It also smells dry. Not quite smoky, but just a bit of dry wood. This is one of the softest fruity scents I've smelled -- the fruit isn't overpowering at all. And I don't think it smells like apples when it's dry, more like just the barest suggestion of plum. I can also definitely pick up mums in this, and they smell a lot better than I thought they would. When I catch wafts of it I can immediately visualize those dry, almost crunchy petals of mums at the end of the season. It doesn't seem to last very long on my skin, though... I've applied it three times so far today. I honestly didn't know whether I was going to like this after reading the description, but when I saw the wild plum listed I went ahead and got two bottles just in case. I'm glad I did -- I really enjoy this scent. My hubby likes it on me, too. And if the previous Harvest Moon oils are any indication, it's going to get better with age. (The 2004 version is one of my favorite lunacy oils.)
  9. filigree_shadow


    The oil in the imp is orange, and it smells like dragon's blood and purple flowers to me. (Lavender? Violets? I'm not sure.) There is a little bit of something cool in there, it's not minty though. I don't smell anything that seems muddy, and I can't smell any cinnamon either. It also doesn't seem astringent to me. It does seem to get a little spicier as it dries, but it's not overwhelmingly hot and spicy. I like this scent a lot more than I thought I would after reading the reviews. It's a very interesting blend of warmth and coolness. Also I am more drawn to this scent than usual. It's like I can't resist continually sniffing my wrist. In addition to simply liking the scent, I find it quite intriguing as well.
  10. filigree_shadow


    I have no idea how to use the chakra oils, so I'm just commenting on the scents. In the imp, it smells a little like cleaning products. On, the oil smells lemony and kind of sugary. Not totally like candy, more like lemonade. It definitely seems clean and fresh. This scent actually reminds me of a drink I'd want to drink if my throat hurt. Kind of like a lemony herbal tea with a little bit of honey.
  11. filigree_shadow


    I have no idea how to use the chakra oils, so I'm just commenting on the scents. In the imp, it smells sweet and a little spicy. This oil has my favorite scent of all the chakra oils -- this one an Manipura are the only ones that I'd wear as perfume. The oil itself is orange, and it smells red to me. I can't tell what's in it, but it's really a lovely scent. It smells passionate. This one is the only chakra oil I have a bottle of.
  12. filigree_shadow


    I have no idea how to use the chakra oils, so I'm just commenting on the scents. In the imp, it smells bright, maybe citrusy. On, it definitely smells bright. Light, sweet, and kind of glowing. There's a slight cleaning products feel to it, but not overly so.
  13. filigree_shadow


    I have no idea how to use the chakra oils, so I'm just commenting on the scents. In the imp, it smells spicy and unusual. On, at first it smells interesting and spicy. It has kind of a gingerbread scent to it a little bit. Not quite though, it's not that foody. Definitely spicy. I like this scent.
  14. filigree_shadow


    I have no idea how to use the chakra oils, so I'm just commenting on the scents. In the imp, it smells a bit herby, a little golden. On, at first it smells almost exactly the same as it did in the imp. But as it dries I think I can detect something floral in it. It smells yellow to me. There's something about it that reminds me of that yellow Johnson & Johnson's baby shampoo.
  15. filigree_shadow


    I have no idea how to use the chakra oils, so I'm just commenting on the scents. In the imp, Ajna smells chemical. Kind of like that cleaning solution that you use to clean off whiteboards. On, it smells kind of like menthol, anise, and coffee. It's the kind of scent that will clear your sinuses and open up your eyes. It's very strong, but it doesn't seem to last very long on me.
  16. I honestly have no idea how to use the chakra oils, so I'm just commenting on the scent. Ajna: The Third Eye. In the imp, it smells chemical. Kind of like that cleaning solution that you use to clean off whiteboards. On, it smells kind of like menthol, anise, and coffee. It's the kind of scent that will clear your sinuses and open your eyes up. It doesn't seem to last very long though, which was unexpected. Anahata: The Heart. In the imp, it smells a bit herby, a little golden. On, at first it smells almost exactly the same as it did in the imp. But as it dries I think I can detect something floral in it. It smells yellow to me. There's something about it that reminds me of that yellow Johnson & Johnson's baby shampoo. Manipura: The Solar Plexus. In the imp, it smells spicy and unusual. On, at first it smells interesting and spicy. It has kind of a gingerbread scent to it a little bit. Not quite though, it's not that foody. Definitely spicy. I like this scent. Muladhara: The Root. Smells rooty. Like a dark woodsy scent, kind of pungent. Sort of reminds me of a basement. Yeah, something like a root cellar. Dark and deep. Sahasrara: The Crown. In the imp, it smells bright, maybe citrusy. On, it definitely smells bright. Light, sweet, and kind of glowing. There's a slight cleaning products feel to it, but not overly so. Swadhisthana: Sacral. In the imp, it smells sweet and a little spicy. This oil has my favorite scent of all the chakra oils -- this one and Manipura are the only ones that I'd wear as perfume. The oil itself is orange, and it smells red to me. I can't tell what's in it, but it's really a lovely scent. Vishuddha: The Throat. In the imp, it smells a little like cleaning products. On, the oil smells lemony and kind of sugary. Not totally like candy, more like lemonade. It definitely seems clean and fresh. This scent actually reminds me of a drink I'd want to drink if my throat hurt. Kind of like a lemony herbal tea with a little bit of honey. The Vortex. Kind of bright and lemony. I didn't find the scent objectionable, but it also wasn't my fave. Sort of clean and crisp.
  17. filigree_shadow

    It amuses me to be seen as a monster

    I run away quickly from people like her. You can see it in their eyes, that burning desire to latch onto anyone with a differing viewpoint so they can exclaim over and over how wrong other people are and how right they are. When one of them does manage to latch onto me I spend the next week feeling irritated about the whole thing... and sometimes even years into the future I'm still dreaming up the perfect comeback lines to the inane stuff the person was spouting. Yeah, it really gets under my skin.
  18. filigree_shadow

    My initial thoughts about the new CD oils

    Carnaval Diabolique: Although I don't know what lemon flower is (is that like verbena?), the rest of this sounds marvelous. Heliotrope and tuberose are two of my favorite floral notes, and two of the few I can actually wear. Can't wait to see how they'll combine with the black musk and opium smoke in this. Midnight on Midway: I probably should have gotten a bottle of this but I didn't. I saw "flowers" and moved on. But often night-blooming flowers are good for me -- I really like the GC Midnight. And sugared incense sounds great. I waffled and then didn't get it. But this is one of the first ones I'd like to try after my current order comes in. The Phantom Calliope: The cassis (is that the same thing as cassia?) and cardamom scared me off of this one. I'm afraid it might be too spicy for me. The Candy Butcher: Yes, please! Chocolate and cream sounds great! Mme Moriarty, Misfortune Teller: Red musk is my favorite musk, plum is my favorite fruit, and I love vanilla and patchouli. (I'm not sure what patchouli leaf is, though.) I fully expect to love this oil. The Organ Grinder: I debated about this one and then passed on it. The tobacco smoke and black patchouli sounded excellent, but sasparilla and white pine bark and normally not so great for me. I'll have to wait for reviews. Pulcinella & Teresina: Cedar, teak, and rose are three notes that normally don't work on me, so I didn't get this one. Melisande, The Puppet Mistress: The mention of jasmine and violet scared me off (although I don't know what sambac is, and I'm also not sure how violet water is different from violet). Jasmine is a heady cloying floral on me -- the kind of floral I don't like. And although I like the scent of violet, every BPAL blend that contains violet winds up smelling virtually identical on me because my skin amps the violet note so strongly. Doc Constantine: I wavered about this one too, but I decided to pick just one of the ones I was iffy about and take a chance. This was the one I gambled on. The cedar smoke and fir needle sounded iffy, but the rest sounds fantastic. So I'm hopeful. Xanthe, the Weeping Clown: I got a very discordant strange feel from Tweedledee, which also has white pepper and an exotic fruit. I didn't think it was all that pleasant, so I passed on Xanthe. I'll be interested to read reviews of it through. Gennivre, l'Artiste du Diable: This blend has too many notes that don't work on me. Mint and lemongrass are very rarely good on my skin, and honey is often questionable. So I didn't get this one. Theodosius, the Legerdemain: This is the one I should have gotten but didn't. Rats. I saw "jasmine" in there and immediately moved on, and then for some reason I didn't come back to this one and read it again. Well, I'll get a bottle with the lunacy update. It sounds like possibly something between Dorian and Wilde, and I think it would be an excellent birthday gift for my hubby. Antonino, The Carny Talker: Another must-have. The verbena and lavender might have killed it on my skin, but this one will be a gift for my husband and lavender smells good on him. Plum, vetiver, and fig are three of my favorite notes, and I'm hoping this one will be a little reminiscent of King of Spades...
  19. filigree_shadow

    My initial thoughts about the new CD oils

    Ooo, I like currant. Maybe this one will be better than I thought! Thanks!
  20. filigree_shadow

    My initial thoughts about the new GC oils

    The Salon Cloister Graveyard in the Snow: Ozone tends to be too stinging on me, frankincense becomes too sweet, and I don't usually like mint. I didn't get this and I doubt I will. Death of the Grave Digger: I love opoponax and myrrh, and I even like snow. But soil is a bad note for me. It has worked out okay in a couple of blends, but most frequently not at all. I would try an imp just to be sure, but I'm definitely not getting a bottle unsniffed. The Fox-woman Kuzunoha Leaving Her Child: I thought this might be too floral to me. I'm not totally opposed to it, though, and I'll be happy to try to find an imp of it to try. The Penitent Magdalen: I have seen other people being really excited over this scent, so I bet it will be popular. I'm afraid it might be too floral for me, but it sounds like it could be very pretty. I will definitely want to find an imp at some point. Silence: The only Salon bottle I bought from this round. I'm not sure about the white mint, but I thought the rest of it sounded good. It sounds like it'll be slightly dry but bright at the same time, so I'm intrigued. Three Brides: This one tempted me, but I didn't end up getting it. I'm sort of regretting not getting it, though -- maybe I'll get one with my next order. It has the kind of flowers in it that I like, and I pretty much always like sandalwood, benzoin, tonka, and ambers. This sounds like it'll be rich, sweet, and a little bit spicy. I got imps of all the new GC blends, even though I'm almost positive a few of them are not going to work on me at all. Bewitching Brews I Died for Beauty: Pretty sure the grave loam is going to kill this one for me. And even if it doesn't, the violet and frankincense are problematic. Don't have high hopes for this one. The Jersey Devil: I'm afraid this one will be too resiny/woodsy for me. That tomato leaf worries me too, as it tends to smell a little too sharp to my nose. Worth a shot, but I doubt it'll work. Tavern of Hell: Hmmmm. This one might be good. Unless gardenia is prominent, I think I'll like this one. Love Potions Les Bijoux: I'm not expecting to like this due to the apple, rose, and frankincense, but if ends up being mostly peach, musk, and myrrh, that could be a good thing. Illyria Caliban: I have no idea what this is going to smell like. I expect it will be a little too masculine for me, but that's okay -- the hubby needs new scents to get excited about too. Wanderlust Mag Mell: I think this will smell too green and herby for me. Manhattan: This one interests me a great deal. I can't guess what it's going to smell like yet, but it sounds complex. I sort of expect that I'll like it, but I may love it. Pontarlier: Hmmm, rose and lavender. Probably not. But you never know. Port Royal: Salty sea scents aren't usually my fave, but I do like rum. This will probably be one of the first ones I try when I get my imp packs. Uruk: Red patchouli sometimes smells a bit foul on me, so I'm a little wary of this blend. I like saffron and fig leaf, but I'm not so sure about the rest of it. Cockaigne: I seriously hope this doesn't smell like sour milk or play-doh on me, but unfortunately that's what milk and honey notes tend to do on my skin. I can see this blend becoming quite popular with other people but not working on me at all. The Isles of Demons: Really looking forward to this. Can't imagine what it's going to smell like and was too afraid to buy a bottle unsniffed, but sounds like it could be really good for me. Here's hoping! Jezirat al Tennyn: I have no idea what this will smell like. Kumari Kandam: I also have no idea what this one will smell like. Lyonesse: I think this one could be really pretty. Looking forward to trying it. Ars Draconis Ladon: Not sure about that apple note. Didn't care for it in The Hesperides. So we'll see. Tanin'iver: My very first unsniffed GC 5ml order. I think this one is going to be really good for me. I love dragon's blood, patchouli, myrrh, blood musk, and smoke. All of them. The pomegranate note that was in Swank smelled artificial on my skin so I dearly hope it is not prominent in this blend. Panacea Elixir VIII: Bitch. Don't know what this is going to smell like, but so far none of these Panacea oils have been anything I wanted to keep. So my hopes aren't very high for this one. Elixir IX: TKO. Ditto the above.
  21. filigree_shadow

    Post-update blues.

    The Carnaval is awesome, the Salon updates look wonderful, and I can't wait to try the new Wanderlust scents. Everyone involved has been working so much to get this accomplished, and they must be so excited for it to actually be live. And I'm really irritated that I've been watching that hijack thread about the people complaining about the price changes going into effect early. I shouldn't have done that. Now instead of feeling happy I feel pissed. I'm thankful we got any warning about the price increases at all -- I can't think of any other business owner who has warned me a few days in advance of increasing her prices. It appears that the only reason Beth did that is that she cares about her customers and wanted to give people one last chance at the prices that were sending her business into insolvency. For people to be complaining about that kind of generosity, mainly because their own personal circumstances prevented them from being able to take advantage of it, seems undeservedly harsh. And the nit-picking about the hours is very strange. I didn't hear one single person complain that the CD banner on the BPAL site said it would be coming in JULY of this year and it didn't. No one said "That's untruthful and bad business practices and when I tell my clients something will happen on such-and-such day it happens." (Which, let's be real, can't possibly be true. I worked in the business world for 12 years and precious little happened exactly when it was supposed to.) And yet when it comes to a $2.50 price increase, suddenly people want to quibble over a few hours. In fact they want to quibble about it SO BADLY they write multiple insulting posts about it and in general bring down the whole squeefest excitement of update night and try to make Beth feel like crap on what should be one of the best nights of her whole year. I call Bad Form.
  22. filigree_shadow

    Post-update blues.

    That's what I was thinking as well. I thought SevenSins raised an excellent point in the thread about the price increases that was started this morning -- if a $2.50 increase is going to break your bank, then perfume really shouldn't be at the top of your shopping list to begin with. Perfume is a luxury item even if it is inexpensive (and $15 for a whole bottle is inexpensive perfume by pretty much anyone's standards, I think). I think people will find that they can still afford the BPAL oils they want, but it might mean that they need to be more careful about going crazy on update days. Maybe they'll get 2 bottles instead of 3. Or maybe they'll have to start getting creative with their swaps. But I don't think that's much to complain about.
  23. filigree_shadow

    Post-update blues.

    I tried to do just that, but it came out terrible. I was trying to be nice instead of saying what I really felt, and the end result was that what I posted didn't read very well -- it didn't make sense. Talk about cranky old lady rant -- mine is complete with the crazy nonsense. I may as well have been swinging a cane and adjusting my plastic rainhat when I wrote it. Hey, by the way, valentina and blackcloud, I hope you guys are both having great birthdays!!! My baby sister's birthday is today too (she's 28) -- I've been celebrating on Aug. 3 since I was 7 years old and my sister was born.
  24. filigree_shadow

    Post-update blues.

    Yeah, that was the exact thing that bugged me. I have seen repeatedly that every time Beth does something, someone's gotta complain about it (although usually it's over on LJ). But coming into the big ol' lovefest update thread where people were posting that they were running around in circles out of joy over the update, and basically just being a wet blanket and bringing the whole party down with insults and petty whining... that's what really irritated me. Snarky and blackcloud, I think I'm going to have to try what you guys do and look the other way when I see teh beeeg drama approaching. It never fails that I get all worked up about it, and that doesn't help anyone.
  25. filigree_shadow


    This oil smells almost entirely of sweet pea. It's way too sweet and way too floral for me, plus it's approaching powdery. This is just not at all something I would wear.