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Everything posted by filigree_shadow

  1. filigree_shadow


    I have a problem with lemon and lemon peel amping on my skin, and they have wrecked more than one blend for me. So I was worried about this one. However, my skin also amps vetiver, which smells dark and broody and beautiful on me -- not like dirt, more like smoke. And in Lenore, vetiver wins! Yay! On me this is a soft dark blend, with the barest twinge of something herbal. The lovely plum is prominent at first, but it fades after a couple of hours, leaving me with something that reminds me, strangely, of Aureus. It has that ethereal quality to it. It's comforting and cozy and only very, very slightly feminine. A Demon in My View has three of my all-time favorite BPAL scents, and Lenore is one of them. (The other two are The Haunted Palace and Dreamland.)
  2. filigree_shadow

    Springtime scents

    I agree with blu° - Prague is perfect for this time of year. I wore it yesterday and it made me happy. And Rhowan reminded me about Kitsune-Tsuki -- that should be perfect on a day like today with lots of sun and a gentle breeze. Aglaea is going to be making her grand entrance this week too. Yesterday the hubby was wearing Usher, and it also has a very springtime quality to it.
  3. filigree_shadow

    CCNow or PayPal

    [Apologies in advance for the length of this post.] I've read every thread about ccNow, PayPal, and ordering that I could find. The summary recommendation seems to be: Use PayPal instead of ccNow if you can because ccNow takes a big cut of the Lab's money and because all that received/shipped/etc. stuff from ccNow is confusing. All of that makes sense. And now here's my actual question: Is another benefit of using PayPal that my order shows up in the Lab's queue faster? (In one thread, someone said yes, and someone else said no. But that was a long time ago.) This is why I'm asking: I'm pretty new to BPAL (only two months), and for Sleepy Moon I just ordered it at some point in the middle of the day. Then everyone was getting their CnS notifications, and I didn't have one for several days. I was feeling a little sad because I was dying to know what it smelled like, and there were bottles up on eBay before I got mine. So I thought for the next lunacy update I'd stay up late and order right away as soon as the update was live. And maybe I'd be one of the lucky ones with an early CnS because I'd be at the front of the line, so to speak. So for Peony Moon I was totally obsessive about making sure I was online when the update went live, and I ordered as soon as I could. But the same thing is happening this time -- people have been getting their CnS notifications since 3/31, but I don't have one. I don't know if it's because my order was huge (1 of each 5mL that was on the LE page, and 3 imp packs with 18 of the new GCs), or if it's because I used ccNow instead of PayPal. I'm kinda thinking it was because of ccNow. I didn't know about ccNow taking a big cut until today -- I've been using it for every order (12 orders total). Finding out that ccNow took 10% of the Lab's money for all my orders makes me sick. I'll be switching to PayPal for everything from now on. It'll be interesting to see if I get one of the early CnS notifications for Dragon Moon or not...
  4. The ones that are very candy-like on me are Eris, Midwinter's Eve, and Titania. I totally agree with thedragoncharmer about Lady MacBeth & Hollywood Babylon... they aren't really candy scents on me, but very fruity/berries. Also Bewitched. Also you might look at Bordello and Lilith -- Bordello morphs into boozey but starts out very sweet and fruity, almost like watermelon. Lilith is sort of similar but darker than Bordello. There are a couple of really good fruit candy-smelling LEs: Pink Moon and Budding Moon are quite sweet and fruity on me. Pink Phoenix, too. For violets, I think La Serpent Qui Danse is a great blend. Violets and vanilla.
  5. filigree_shadow

    Marquise de Merteuil

    I agree with slave1's review -- I found Marquise de Merteuil to be just as she described it. Definitely peach, but the florals and vetiver make it sophisticated instead of girlie. Plus I think peach and amber is a fantastic combination. I already have a 10mL of Tamora, and a 10mL of Marquise de Merteuil is currently on its way. I just love the Lab's peach scents, and I think Tamora is the perfect daytime peach and Marquise is the perfect evening peach.
  6. filigree_shadow

    The Red Queen

    Very cherry at first. Not at all like cough syrup or fake cherry flavoring. Like I just stuck my nose in a jar of maraschino cherries. (Which is not to say The Red Queen smells like almonds, becasue I don't think it does.) It's really faint, which surprised me. For The Red Queen, I expected a much bolder and stronger scent. It's sweet and candy-ish, but not at all strong. After about 20 minutes the wood notes come out and give it a nice balance. I don't think this is for me, but it would be good for someone who likes the sweet resiny-wood blends.
  7. filigree_shadow


    Alice and I were not meant to be pals. I suspected the rose would be too much, and I dreaded the honey-induced play-doh scent, and I thought the carnations would be too bitter on me just like they always are. And Alice did exactly what I thought she was going to do.
  8. filigree_shadow

    Dragon's Bone

    I like dragon's blood a lot, and I also like sandalwood and orris. I figured I would like this blend, and I do. It smells exactly like I expected it to -- sweet and dry. Actually, it reminds me more of traditional perfumes than most BPAL oils do. It's not going to bump Dragon's Musk from its position as my favorite Ars Draconis blend, but it's a good one nonetheless.
  9. filigree_shadow


    Foody and boozey blends are my friends, and Hellcat is yummy boozey goodness. It's creamy but not too much, there's a nice nutty bite to it, and the rum's good too! Sugar Skull smells a bit like burnt sugar to me (like creme brulee), and I don't get any of that burnt smell in Hellcat. This one is much more smooth.
  10. filigree_shadow

    Sed Non Satiata

    Passion in a bottle. God, this is good. Honey usually smells gross on me -- like bready play-doh. Ugh. I was so looking forward to O and Dana O'Shee and Alice, and they just didn't work. Very disappointing. But the patchouli and cognac with those subtle flowers seem to be exactly the right combination with honey for me. It's smooth and sultry and languid. Reminds me of a cross between Smut and La Petite Mort, but it's not as boozey as Smut and not as sweet as La Petite Mort. It's just right. Aaaaah, Sed Non Satiata. I am slavishly devoted.
  11. filigree_shadow


    I tried Aureus and Cathedral on the same day. My impression was that Cathedral smelled like pencil shavings -- like new wood. Aureus smells like old wood. Wood that's been touched so much it's shiny. I have been in churches that were hundreds of years old and had this scent. My grandmother had ancient dining room furniture, and when I opened the drawers in the buffet, it smelled like this. Cathedral was just a little too sharp for me, but I find Aureus to be lighter and extraordinarily calming. I think that's because of the images it evokes in my head. I expect to look up and see little flecks of dust playing around in the light rays from the window. I will definitely be trying this as a room scent. ETA: A couple of hours later, I put my nose to my hand and could smell only the faintest whiff of Aureus. It's not much like wood now, just soft and almost glowing. Strangely, the patch of skin where I smeared the oil is now exceptionally soft. Weird. I don't think I've had that experience with a BPAL oil before. Makes a case for using it as a skin scent rather than a room scent after all.
  12. filigree_shadow

    Le Serpent Qui Danse

    I am getting two distinct scents from two different areas. The swipe on my arm smells really good (violets and vanilla), but so, so faint. And the swipe on the back of my hand smells strongly of gardenia, which is not a good thing for me. If I could somehow get the one that's on my arm to amp up about four times its current strength, I'd wear this often. That violet-vanilla combination is dreamy. Strangely, the gardenia-heavy swipe is going powdery after about 30 minutes. That's odd because I always thought violets were a powder culprit on me. But man, that violet-vanilla swipe is turning into being downright intoxicating. If only it were stronger!
  13. filigree_shadow


    First thought: Lilac-flavored bubblegum! I have no idea where I got the lilac from, or the bubblegum, for that matter. But that's what I thought when I put it on. And I loved it immediately! The jasmine comes out a bit later, but that plum is just awesome. Kitsune-Tsuki makes it into my "I can't possibly be in a bad mood when I'm wearing this" category. I will wear this a lot when I'm feeling girlie and playful and happy. (This reminds me an awful lot of Midwinter's Eve, except this one is more floral where that one is more fruity. Both are keepers, in my opinion.)
  14. filigree_shadow


    Wet: Yep, that's lemon. Lots and lots of lemon. There's something REALLY nice underneath, but it's squashed by all the lemons. It calms down considerably on drying, and I get a faint waft of incense. Not a lot, though. It stays bright and pretty bold. I might try this again when it gets warmer, but since I'm not a lemon fan this may still be too lemony for me.
  15. filigree_shadow


    Another reviewer said it smelled like pencil shavings or the inside of a pencil box -- that's what it smells like to me, too. Definitely cedar and resin. Unfortunately I'm not getting a whole lot of incense out of it. I will pass along the imp to a more appreciative home...
  16. filigree_shadow


    Musky and kind of spicy and green, but I don't get berries. The amber is nice, though. This is an interesting scent, but I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. There's a bit more carnation than I was expecting, and it smells just a little bitter. It gets a little powdery after an hour or so. I think I actually like this, it's just so different from what I was expecting that I'm a little thrown off balance.
  17. filigree_shadow


    Drunken glee, indeed! It's like dusty oranges covered in booze. It's playful and silly at first, and then it turns into a strange mix of happy fruits and sad incense as it's drying. Dry, the bittersweet fruity smell backs off a little. But it's still tart incense. Have you ever smelled tart incense? I haven't. I didn't know it was possible. This is really like nothing else I've ever smelled, and I've even worked my way through about 200 BPAL scents. I can totally see this being a love or hate scent, and I would be too worried that others near me might hate it to wear it when I'm going to be around a lot of people (like at the office). Personally, I like it.
  18. filigree_shadow


    I gave myself a very liberal swipe of Montressor, and frankly I'm amazed that I can barely smell it. It definitely smells like wine and sweet berries -- actually it smells exactly like what I would imagine a wine barrel smells like. It's not the very dry wine of Wanda, it's sweeter, and I think it's much nicer than Wanda. I like this one a whole lot -- it's one of my three favorite Maelstrom scents. It has basically no throw, but my skin smells divine. Kinda makes me want someone to be close enough to discover how wonderful I smell.
  19. filigree_shadow

    The Masque

    Wet, this was spicy flowers. REALLY spicy flowers. I completely agree with the Lab's "bold and fiery" description. There is something in this blend that smelled nearly as sharp and pungent as civet to me. I could barely detect the honey, but it did smell a little like roses and a little like carnations. As it dried, it mellowed out a lot, and the sandalwood came out. The flowers retreated to stay far in the background. I was looking forward to the patchouli and tobacco, but it got so faint I could barely smell it after about an hour unless my nose was right next to my wrist. It's a well-crafted blend, but the wet stage is too hot-smelling for my nose, and the lovely dry stage doesn't seem to last very long on my skin. Much too intriguing to give up on, though -- I will try again later.
  20. filigree_shadow

    The Tell-Tale Heart

    While wet, this was dark and slightly pungent -- I didn't look at the notes before trying it, and I thought there might be oakmoss in it giving it a vaguely dirt-like scent. When it dried, I smelled a lot of dragon's blood and liked it, so I looked at the notes to find out what else is in this. I don't really smell the cocoa, just a lot of dragon's blood and some musk. And a little bit of spiciness, which is fantastic. I have three favorites from the Maelstrom scents, and this is one of them. Sweet, musky, and spicy -- in my opinion, this is one of the Lab's best dragon's blood blends.
  21. filigree_shadow

    Thirteen (13)

    I saw 13 in several different swap and sale posts and continued to pass it by. The number gives me the flit-flats for some reason, and without even finding out what was in it I assumed it'd be something crazy and chaotic. Now that I've tried it, I can see that I have been a fool. 13 is one of those lovely scents that you can't quite peg because it doesn't smell foody and it doesn't smell floral, definitely not like incense and also not herbal. It's sweet and interesting and makes people say "What is that?" The chocolate is there making it smell luscious, the fruits make it slightly tart and sweet, and the tea and iris give it an almost delicate feminine quality. Truthfully, I would never have dreamed that this combination would work, and I'm amazed. Now if I can just find a bottle of it...
  22. filigree_shadow


    In the imp, Wanda smelled kind of like cherries and roses to me, so I was a bit skeptical. (I don't usually like rose.) But I smeared some on my hand and wrist and waited to see what happened. At first it was a bit strong -- not just in throw, but also in scent. Bold and obvious. A very dry wine-intensive scent. After about 30 minutes it settled down and wasn't shouting at me any more, and at this point the wine was very pleasant. I could smell the leather too, but truthfully that was only because I knew it was in there. If I hadn't seen the notes, I might not have been able to pick out leather. And I kept waiting for some hint of florals, but even after 3-4 hours they never arrived. I like Wanda, but evidently my skin thinks that it needs to hide everything in it except the wine. And I can't think of an occasion when I would really want to smell like red wine.
  23. filigree_shadow


    Something is wrong with my Nocturne imp. I think it's sick. I opened the imp and all I could smell was alcohol. Rubbing alcohol. In addition, the level is way below the label. It came straight from the Lab this way. I braved the alcohol whiffiness and put a tiny drop on my hand, and all I could smell was very faint lilac. ETA: After about 15 minutes the lilac really came out and is truly beautiful. Definitely worth getting another imp and trying again. ETA again: With my very next order after this review, the Lab sent me a frimp of Nocturne! This one is overflowingly full and smells wonderful! Lovely lilac.
  24. filigree_shadow

    Blood Moon 2005

    Straight off, I thought this smelled like Silk Road with cinnamon. Sadly, it smells like the note or combination in Silk Road that I didn't like. The cinnamon came out nice and strong, but not strong enough to mask the Silk Road scent. I wish I knew what that was so I could stay away from it in the future. It might be a grain because it smells kind of bread-like.
  25. filigree_shadow


    Something very odd is going on with my chemistry and Laudanum. This is the second time I've tried it -- the first time I couldn't get past the strong sassafras scent when it's wet, and I thought I'd try again later. It did the same thing this time, very strong sassafras at first, but I persevered. After about an hour, maybe a bit more, the sassafras backed off, and myrrh and nutmeg came out. It's now a spicy, intoxicating scent. OK, here's the weird stuff: 1) The skin on my wrist where I put the oil feels cold (from the inside, not to the touch) and tingly. At first I wondered if some eucalyptus had sneaked into the bottle. 2) I have never had so much trouble removing my nose from my wrist. And I don't just wave my arm in front of my face, I lean down and take a deep, deep breath of it. It's not so much that I love the scent, it's that I can't stop sniffing it. Seriously. And my nose gets all tingly when I smell it. I have never had this reaction to a perfume oil before. I'm not sure what to think of it. I can't imagine wearing it when I'm going to be around other people. But I can totally see myself going through a 5mL bottle of this while spending evenings with Victorian mystery novels, nose glued to wrist the whole time.