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Posts posted by patriciapie

  1. I have kind of a survey question about small craft swaps:


    For smaller craft swaps (ie ATC, create-a-card, mini shrines, etc.) is four weeks-- from receiving your person to mailing deadline-- a reasonable time frame? Or do you like more time? less?


    And, in the vein of suggesting swaps, I really liked Sunshinedaisybliss's idea of the build-a-beauty-box swap, with everyone filling out a questionnaire, and then creating a sample box for your person, including 5-7 samples(one of which would be full size?) and some "lifestyle" extras like tea, snack cakes, perfume, etc..

    You'd end up with a box of about ten things tailored to your questionnaire answers, and it would be fairly inexpensive because most of it was travel/sample sized. If you get sample boxes, shop Sephora, get GwP stuff, you might even be able to do all but the super sample without buying anything.

    Any interest?


    Also, how about a White Day swap?

    Both ideas sound awesome and I would totally sign up for both!!! My artistic abilities may be a bit questionable :lol:

  2. Okay...I am going to ask if anyone would be interested in doing a "12 Eggs of Ostara and Easter" swap. The parameters are that you fill out a questionnaire, shopping is limited to Dollar Store/Five Below/Walmart etc. I want this to be an affordable swap. The most expensive items you purchase should be the plastic Easter Eggs. :lol: And then like the 12 days of Christmas swap...you open one Egg a day until Easter/Ostara. :D Thoughts?

    Yes please! This is an awesome idea :D

  3. Dorian and Miskatonic University come to mind. The two 'weenies I have (Pumpkin V '08 and Devil's Night '09) are also really foody, warm, and unpretentious, but I'm not sure how easy those would be to track down.

    Thanks so much for the suggestions! Dorian was probably one of the first scents that caught my eye and I actually have an imp on its way already! I also have Miskatonic U lined up for my next lab order :D I'm going to have to read up on those 'weenies!


    Maybe Morocco? (Arabian spices wind through a blend of warm musk, carnation, red sandalwood and cassia.) Snuggly but with a touch of foreign climes.

    Thanks for the suggestion! I'll for sure add Morocco to my imp pack in my next lab order :)

  4. This looks like fun!


    I'm in my mid-twenties and your typical Aries girl. I'm petite with a classic/simple style... I love wearing blue and grey but I also love pastels. I love to travel (especially hot destinations). I have a weak spot for cupcakes, cakes... well, basically anything sweet! My ideal day would consist of staying home, in my pjs, cuddling with my three cats, watching movies all day, and eating all the yummy food my heart desires. Ummmm, that's basically me, in a nut shell :)
