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Posts posted by batsy

  1. In the vial: cherry and wine, lots of wine


    On the skin: It's really funny how scent triggers memory. This one triggered my childhood trips to the pet store. :P No, I can't explain that at all. I'm assuming the musk and cherries did it. I'm just not big on cherry. Oh well, it was worth trying though!

  2. In the vial: spicy


    On the skin: I was worried, since I read a lot about "cherries" because I really hate cherry... but this wasn't really "cherry" to me. It's very Egyptian-like, especially with the myrrh, but I love the amber so it works. It's a plesant surprise, really!

  3. In the vial: Yeah, that's lily...


    On the skin: I've been having so much trouble with finding the right lily. Everything that has lily that I've tried either has something in it I can't stand or goes wrong. But this is a lily that works. It's warm and not too chloying, sweet and simple. Oh yes, the MTP wins another victory for me!

  4. In the vial: holy crow, sugar sweets... I can feel my teeth rotting!


    On the skin: I'm amused that this was the first of the SDS I've gotten to try. It's exactly as the notes listed. A glut of almost choking you sweetness. The toffee and hazelnut really stand out for me. I really like the smell, but it's almost something I wouldn't wear... just more like to smell when I'm hungry. It's exactly as described. Wow. I woder how it'd mix with Shill and Midway...

  5. In the vial: hrm, vanilla cedar wood.


    On the skin: This is foody. You can totally smell vanilla and sassafras. I like vanilla sometimes, but it has to be a right combo to capture me. This I think would work for once in a while, when I wanted something different than my normal staples. It's a rugged vanilla, if that makes any sense. I like Cedar anyway.

  6. This was a frimp from the Lab -- the honeysuckle and carnation made this sickly sweet/sour combo for me. Honeysuckle and I do not get along. I'm sure there was a hint of iris, but the honeysuckle... Thankfully, my friend liked it!

  7. In the bottle: Burned tobacco and incense, almost like a "clean" scent...


    On the skin: This is very manly to me. It's almost sweet with the tang of tobacco, and the musk deepens it. I like the smell -- it's almost a grandfatherly scent for me, but it's not something I'd wear.

  8. In the bottle: sticky sweet oranges.


    On the skin: One enemy I have is honeysuckle. :P Guess what. What's funny is, on me it smelled like a freshly opened box of Fruit Loops, which I adore but can't imagine wearing as a perfume. This is really crushing as I wanted this one to work. Dang.

  9. This was a frimp from the Lab. I couldn't even wear it, let alone smell it. It's like lily and honeysuckle explosion. :P The one good thing was it confirmed what I can't wear.

  10. In the bottle: warm and spicy


    On the skin: The musk and amber are warm, and the dry grass and doeskin... it's really a rich warm scent that reminds me of old bookstores. I love this one! I totally got a sign from Coyote to buy it, so this totally works out. I love amber too much.

  11. We're painting the roses red, painting the roses red...


    In the bottle: Walking into a rose garden in full bloom in sunlight. Yay!


    On the skin: There's so many types of roses I can't pick them out individually! All I can see is big red and white roses mentally crowding around me singing but I really love it. It reminds me of our small rose garden we used to have on the side of the house. I was worried about the grass (being allergic to freshly mown grass) but I can't detect it at all! Just gorgeous roses!


    Whee! This is the rose scent I was looking for!

  12. In the bottles: big juicy berries! Wheee! For some reason I like berries and had no idea I would!


    On the skin: It's like fresh raspberry fruit roll-ups with wine. Oh my! It's sophisticated yet powerful berry. Yum! I wanna eat my arm again...


    Yay for a frimp I would never have tried otherwise! I need a bottle...

  13. In the bottle: Lotus and amber. Ooo!


    On the skin: Sandalwood and myrrh. It's a smokey scent that's for sure. Very heady and exotic. The lotus is pungent and this is almost a watery scent for me. A womanly scent, for sure.


    And my mom just stole it from me! :P

  14. In the bottle: Oleander! :P Whoa...


    On the skin: Ok oleander... oy. I can't smell anything else. As it dried down, I could pull out the magnolia and musk, but the oleander was pounding my sinuses. Damn.


    At least it was a frimp...

  15. In the bottle: baby powder.


    On the skin: musky baby powder. I don't smell any dragon's blood (which is fine, it doesn't like me) but this is very sweet. Reminds me of times spent working with babies, a million freshly changed babies.


    Nice, soft and fresh scent.

  16. In the bottle: spicy, warm, smokey and sweet


    On the skin: Normally I can't tolerate sandalwood and musk in huge doses, but this is so light that I like it. The amber blends and warms it more. it smells more woodlands then floral. It's not heavy, and it doesn't throw far, but I like this. It was a frimp from the Lab, and the first frimp I'd gotten that I fell in love with without having ever been interested in it.


    I really want to mix it with Brimstone.

  17. In the bottle: sugary booze!


    On the skin: Mm booze. In a heavy heady way but good. As it dried down it got fainter, but sweet and not so over-powering. I didn't like it at first, but the dry down made it much better. Smokey sugar booze. Just like every Devil's Night should be.


    Now I need a bottle...

  18. In the bottle: I don't know if it's neroli or ylang ylang... but it's very much one of those!


    On the skin: It's almost too girly for me. I think it's the neroli -- I remember it from Akuma, but it was way lighter there then it is in Loralei. There's a sickly sweet undertone to it that reminds me of people I don't want to remember... Oh well.

  19. In the bottle: That's tulip. :P


    On the skin: Water and tulips. Reminds me of th tulip fields in Washinton state. We'd always end up there when it was raining. I smell fresh cut grass in there too...


    Not for me.

  20. In the bottle: ripe berries in the summer sun


    On the skin: Myrrh and musk for sure, mixed with wine. The berries are very strong with a smokey tint from the myrrh. It's like some twisted Catholic incense for a Black mass... I did catch almost what's akin to tea rose.


    I like this, which surprised me. Yay!
