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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by savage_rose

  1. savage_rose

    What Scent Is This?

    Could it be a greenish tint that looked blue?
  2. savage_rose

    Red Rose

    Clovey rose incense...but much like White Rose, Red Rose is not predominantly rose. It's sweet, warm spices, sweet and red and glowing, with a rose aftersniff. If White Rose is innocent, pure love, Red Rose is passionate love with a little sexy romping thrown in. Very warm and beautiful.
  3. savage_rose

    White Rose

    In the bottle, it smells like vanilla, sugar, and benzoin. Very light...light vanilla, lightly sugary, and VERY light on the rose...I can barely, barely smell it. I think I smell tea, and I can't smell coconut at all. It smells like cotton candy essential oil to me, light, sugary, and more air than anything else. And then I smell a whiff of rose again...light, pale rose cotton candy. What a morpher! I wonder what it will be in another half hour?
  4. savage_rose

    The Macabray

    I know the description sounds like so many Yule scents, but it's lovely! In the bottle it smells like vanilla mint to me with a hint of floral (Snowblind in a garden, maybe), but on it just makes me do a double take (double sniff?). It warms up nicely (maybe citrus?)...there's a eucalyptus-mint note in there that still suggests chill, but it's a very green, warm scent with a light floral note overall. The perfect transition scent from winter to spring!
  5. savage_rose


    This scent gives me a headache. Patchouli is an iffy note for me...here I smell like dirty erasers. The sandalwood turns to powder. So I'm left with dirty erasers nestled in some soft, dry moss. Evocative, certainly, but of what?
  6. savage_rose

    Le Père Fouettard

    A dark, dry blend...not too dark, but there's a bitter note in there that's unpleasant. It's not too strongly licorice, it seems well-balanced...just kinda meh on me.
  7. savage_rose


    I don't know what it is, but this smells more like lilac to me than lavender. It smells like shrill laundry detergent floral...not obnoxious, just more meh. Not a winning combination for me, unless it keeps my whites whiter and fights static cling.
  8. savage_rose

    The Rose

    This doesn't smell like Rose Red at all to me...although I thought it would from the description! Wet, this smells like a tea rose with a bit of greenery. And dry...very strange, it starts smelling like rose tea! Rose with a green, herbal background that smells warm and wet, like tea. This is a beautiful, elegant scent, and not your typical rose. I like it! ETA: Okay, I tried it on a second time (it disappeared!), and I get the Rose Red comparisons...but this is a light, pale tea rose with greenery, and not a voluptuous red rose. It smells so different to me! It's amazing what a different type of note can do.
  9. savage_rose

    The Witch's Garden

    First sniff, peppery floral-herbalness...the pepperiness is mainly the mandrake, I think. As it dries it smells like white flowers and herbs...the jasmine is very light. Oddly enough, this is a very light, innocent smelling blend. Very innocent and pretty, but not what I would expect a witch's garden to be!
  10. savage_rose


    At first this smells very cologne-y to me, like Tinkerbell perfume all grown up. But then individual notes start blooming...a hint of orange blossom, a touch of astringent rosemary. And just the barest hint of rose. Usually rose is pretty strong on me, but not here...this is a very interesting blend of herbal and floral. I think I like it, but it's not a "love at first sniff" blend for me.
  11. savage_rose


    For some reason this smells like my Littles dollhouse that I had when I was, well, little. The plum is going a bit sour on me, and the wildflowers smell like really dry potpourri...it's not bad, but it's not particularly good either. I think plum notes might not be for me.
  12. savage_rose


    Fruity coconut with a hint of spice...but not like a Tiki scent, like a cologne. Sweet pineapple, tart pomegranate. I really like this, but I'm not sure it's something I'd wear often. I'll just have to try it again .
  13. savage_rose


    The plumminess is kind of nice, deep and fruity...but the lilac is powdery and a bit cloying, and then the plum goes a bit sour on me. It's like Wanda's mundane, straightlaced sister who is fairly young yet but dresses in old lady sweaters and has every room covered in obnoxious flowered wallpaper. It just gets stuffier and old lady-er the longer it's on me.
  14. savage_rose


    First sniff, it's vetiver. Straight up vetiver. Once on it mellows a bit and I can smell the almond, which soon turns to almond powder on my skin. It's actually kind of nice, it makes the vetiver less severe...but I'm not a big fan of scents that powder out on me. Sigh.
  15. savage_rose


    What a beautiful, intricate blend this is! Violet and I normally aren't friends, but it's so light and well-behaved here. The flowers are lovely, beautiful and vaguely chilled by the icy snow notes. There's something lovely and sharply astringent in the background, like rich green stems underneath the cold...the promise of spring in the heart of winter. Perfect .
  16. savage_rose


    BPAL's dirt note without the wet, metallic smell of Graveyard Dirt or Earth Phoenix. Just dry, gritty dirt...maybe playground dirt, or a beaten path somewhere. Nice, but nothing I'd wear often.
  17. savage_rose

    Sugar Cookie

    It smells like a butterscotchy cookie in the bottle, but on my skin turns into "ready-to-bake" sugar cookie, okay but kind of meh. It's a nice scent, very true to the concept, but better in the bottle than on my skin.
  18. savage_rose

    A mechanic's shop - oil, gasoline, exhaust

    Azathoth! My uncle was a mechanic, and the second I tried it it reminded me of him.
  19. savage_rose

    Butter Rum Cookie

    This scent was a decant circle one that I didn't try for a long time. BPAL's rum notes are NOT my favorite, and I like Sugar Cookie, but not as a skin scent. But...Butter Rum Cookie is unexpectedly wonderful. It smells like spiced baked goods on my skin, lasts for hours, and my husband was even loving it! Thank God I can't afford to hoard twenty million bottles, because that's so what I want to do with this one.
  20. savage_rose

    Water Phoenix

    I love this...it smells so clean and fresh, a bit of the "aftershave vibe" without smelling soapy or too astringent. There's a hint of clean, white florals, but they're not too sweet or too strong. It's just a very light, lovely smell that's comforting and invigorating without being too heavy. Lovely!
  21. savage_rose

    Earth Phoenix

    Because of this, I discovered that one of my husband's favorite notes is the BPAL "dirt" note...this smells like a much more mellow, balanced version of Graveyard Dirt...earthy, a little woodsy, with just a hint of the metallic tang of a first rain.
  22. savage_rose

    Fire Phoenix

    This smelled like a less lemony Shub on me. Warm, sweetness with a light, lemony glow. It's okay, but too much like Shub for me to need a bottle.
  23. savage_rose

    Tiresias, the Androgyne

    At first it is the deepest, darkest blend of caramel and spices, with just enough tobacco to cut the sweetness. Loving it. And then something (the patchouli?) starts smelling like erasers on me...just a hint of it. I'm very undecided about this...I'm going to have to try it again later and see if it's different with my skin chemistry.
  24. savage_rose

    Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

    This smells like Jailbait meets the Tiki Bar...tropical fruit bubblegum. I think I'm getting childhood flashbacks of entire packs of Juicy Fruit shoved in my mouth as I tried to make the perfect bubble. I swore I tried this when it first came out and I got rose (?), but I'm not getting any of it now and I'm wondering what I was smelling when I thought it was Xanthe. Hmmm. At any rate, this is a very fun, fruity bubblegum scent with just a hint of an alcoholic buzz. Nice!
  25. savage_rose

    All Hallow's Eve Atmospheric Spray

    'Tis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world. Balsam fir needle, dry leaves, cedar, clove, and black patchouli This is a very dry, crisp forest scent. Not a summery green forest scent, but that of a dry, mellow earthiness that says summer is over and winter is on its way. The fir is very understated and woodsy...it smells more like fir needles in a sachet or crunching on a forest floor with fallen leaves, rather than a strong fresh fir needle smell. It's got just a bit of a bite to it. It mixes well with the other notes, especially the cedar and patchouli. And this patchouli is of the well-behaved variety--light, aromatic, and not heavy or smothering. I can just barely get a hint of the clove, but it's very light to me. Overall, this scent is a crisp, earthy, meditative type of scent. It's perfect for autumn, and is very cozy.