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Everything posted by savage_rose

  1. savage_rose

    L'Estate Bath Oil

    This leaked in transit, and so my first introduction to it was STRONG. As in the oil was shouting "BEESWAX AND FRUIT! BEESWAX AND FRUIT!" But sniffing it properly, it's nice. Warm, sweet, more fruity than flowery. The peach with the cardamom smells more like apple to me, like summery apples on the tree. Paired with the perfume: creamy apple explosion! Like being in an orchard on a hot summer day. Very lovely and light, fruity and quite juicy. Very lovely!
  2. savage_rose


    Very light and creamy, with a hint of flowers. Very unusual smelling though! I'm guessing it's the choice of those flowers. Nice, but it fades quickly. Paired with the bath oil: creamy apple explosion! Like being in an orchard on a hot summer day. Very lovely and light, fruity and quite juicy. Very lovely!
  3. savage_rose

    Lump of Coal

    This smells incredible in the imp, and it's a clear color that makes you wonder how something so chocolatey isn't brown. But on...plastic. Sigh.
  4. savage_rose


    I don't like it as well as Tweedledee. It smells like mango tea for the most part, but there's an undertone of erasers (fig?) that makes the scent smell like cheap fruit scented erasers. Sigh.
  5. savage_rose

    The Buggre Alle This Bible

    Crumbling paper and ancient cracked leather with a touch of tobacco leaf and incense. In the imp this reminds me of my Mom playing cards...she smoked all the time, and would play solitaire with her "Benson & Hedges" deck. And I remember sitting in the floor watching her, trying to figure out how to play but being too little, and playing with the tobacco-scented foil from her cigarette packs. That is what this smells like in the imp, the foil. On, it becomes a dry, neutral tobacco-paper smell. Less strong, and much more something wearable. No dirty ashtrays, no stale smokiness, just tobacco. It's a nice smell, and much less deadly than actual smoking.
  6. savage_rose


    There's a note in this that smells like celery that's gone bad. I can't get past it, and I can't smell the lily. It makes me want to go clean out my fridge and search for rotting vegetables. And after time has passed...cologne with rotting vegetables. No, no, no.
  7. savage_rose

    Danse Macabre

    This smells a bit vetiver-y to me, although it's not strong and not listed as one of the notes...hmmm. It's a very bitter, herbal sort of scent to me. It's not really pleasant or unpleasant to my nose...it's just strong and dark.
  8. savage_rose


    At first this is a light, sparkling citrus. And then a bitter, slightly medicinal note wafts in. No, it smells like...medicated shampoo? No. Like some beauty product chemical...high school...and then it hits me. Nair! Some undertone in this smells like part of what Nair smells like. I kind of like that smell, but I keep expecting it to take my hair off. I can't get over it...Nair.
  9. savage_rose


    To twist Ralph Wiggum's words a bit: "Smells...like...burning". Cinnamon, clove, smoke...there was a bit of thrilling sweetness paired with the spice initially, but it burned away. Sigh.
  10. savage_rose

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    Jasmine, jasmine, cinnamon, jasmine, jasmine. And another floral...is that gardenia? This kind of DOES smell like a whore, one of the heavily painted ladies in that Robyn Wright-Penn movie (was it Moll Flanders?) But certainly not like a Sacred Whore. Oh well.
  11. savage_rose


    This is mostly musk, very uninteresting to my nose. These are couch potato musks that are just channel surfing--and patchouli has decided to join them. Very bland. I can smell a bit of the poppy, making it a bit sweeter and making it pop (no pun intended), but it just fizzles on my skin. Sigh.
  12. savage_rose

    The Ifrit

    By all means this should be a dream scent for me, a dusty, fiery blend. And...it's not. There's not much cinnamon or tobacco, mostly it's just red musk and...erasers? Not for me.
  13. savage_rose

    The Hesperides

    I thought I had tried this when I first started BPALing, but I must be mistaken. I'd remember this one! This is the most gorgeous apple scent...apple blossom, the tree, the peel, the seeds, EVERYTHING. It's like everything that comprises an apple, that IS the essence of appleness, is in this one little imp. Golden Delicious apples! I love love love love love love this.
  14. savage_rose


    My skin absorbs half these notes, so I'm pretty much just left with spiced rum. It's not too masculine, it's pretty unisex to me and smells gorgeous in the imp. But on me it's just kinda boring. Oh well .
  15. savage_rose

    Ave Maria Gratia Plena

    A sweet lemon floral. Really nice! It's a pale, sweet floral, with just enough dry herbs and lemon to cut the sweetness. Very beautiful and somehow comfortably comforting. This is a great scent for summer!
  16. savage_rose


    At first it's Vetiver City...why can't I amp almond or something? Why vetiver? Gah. Then the vetiver calms down, and it's a dragon's blood-patchouli kind of smell, with an unidentifiable nauseating undertone. Throat nausea, to be precise. Maybe it's something like the smoked meat smell that someone else described. But at any rate, this is not me!
  17. savage_rose

    What should I expect at Will-Call?

    I guess that's a US term...here, when you buy tickets for something and decide not to have them mailed to you, you usually have the option of picking them up at the box office on the day of the show, at the "Will Call" window. So in this case, you're picking up the oils in person at "Will Call" instead of having them mailed to you. At least that's the best definition I can come up with at 3 AM my time .
  18. savage_rose


    Herbal Froot Loops! Froot Loop incense! Toucan Sam, are you around here somewhere? I'd really love this except my skin is amping the lemon something fierce...Froot Loops and Lemon Pledge are battling it out for Scent Supremacy. The Froot Loopiness is nice, but the lemon is INTENSE, and almost gives me a headache.
  19. savage_rose


    Although this reminds me of something my Dad used to wear that came in a grey bag (Grey Flannel by Paul something?) and smells like a homey, masculine scent to me, I think it could smell sexy on the right person. But to me it also smells like that grey bag that the scent came in, and my Dad's dresser with his change, tie clips, and trinkets. The little pewter schnauzer that always reminded him of our schnauzer that had passed, and the little fuzzy leopard that my parents got from the zoo. The pictures that hung above his dresser...my parent's honeymoon picture. My Mom's college picture where she always looked so beautiful to me, and the pictures my parents took fishing. I'll definitely keep this scent to remember, although there's too much linked to it for me to want to smell it all the time.
  20. savage_rose

    Sudha Segara

    Not as spicy as I was expecting...it's a slightly sweet, mellow honey with a hint of ginger. Such an innocent yet slightly spicy scent...clearly a gateway fragrance to harder things .
  21. savage_rose

    And There Was A Great Cry In Egypt

    In the bottle, this is a soft cologne smell I'm really digging. As it dries though, it fades. FAST. It loses it's sharpness and becomes a hazy, vaguely spiced powderiness. Damn you, sandalwood! Sigh.
  22. savage_rose


    This is like a greener Sassafrass to me...herbal, rooty, with a green, cleansing note. A bit mentholish...clean and dirty all at the same time. I think I like it, but I'm not sure .
  23. savage_rose


    This is so lily on me, with a hint of everything else. This is a "muslin curtained, sun streaming through a proper Southern window in a proper Southern parlor, many decades ago" kind of scent. It's such a light, sweet floral fragrance, very young and sweet. Very pretty.
  24. savage_rose

    What should I expect at Will-Call?

    Switch Witch is like a Secret Santa, but there are several Switch Witch sessions throughout the year.
  25. savage_rose

    L'Autunno Atmospheric Spray

    I got this in a trade, and am so happy with it! It smells like wet leaves and bonfires to me, and a hint of spice (fig-patchouli). It's a very rich incense blend...it's so warm and lovely, and yes, so Autumnal. It's like magic .