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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by savage_rose

  1. savage_rose

    Are oils toxic if ingested?

    Try 14 year-old girls, as girls usually mature faster than boys. Usually . Wasn't it Colere who used to accidentally spill BPAL in her coffee sometimes? It didn't seem to hurt her, but it can't be good for you. I'm thinking your brother's joking though.
  2. savage_rose

    The Norns' Farmhouse

    At first this smells like the grocery store--a strange variety of produce, herbs, and roots. Then that dies back a bit, and it's a sweet herbal scent. With a hint of herbal. And after 10 minutes, it mellows and becomes so balanced. Herbal but not too much so, sweet, but not too sweet. It's a good balance.
  3. savage_rose

    Deep in Earth

    At first this is ROSE GERANIUM! Oh yeah, and a graveyard. But then the rose geranium calms down, and it's still very floral, but more balanced with the soil and the moss. It's a living version of Zombi, if that makes sense.
  4. savage_rose


    At first it's kind of nice, sort of a unisex, spicy biker cologne. And then...the amber powders out. And then it smells like plastic. And then...a vaguely spicy, very light scent. Sadly, not me .
  5. savage_rose

    The Stormhold

    This is a great stormy, wet scent! It almost smells to me like there's a hint of orange in this, or the ginger-lime "Kitchen Witch" scent from Fantasy Bath. This is so lovely and clean and summery. Lovely!
  6. savage_rose

    Hay Moon

    Smelling the bottle, I thought "Dear God NO!" It seems to have a similar scent that Nocturne Alchemy's Eternal Egypt has, that smells like mildewed clothes to me. "Great, mildewed clothes." But on, it's another story. That note o' obnoxiousness goes away, and I can smell something that smells like sweetgrass incense, a bit of the Mead Moon's honey note, and a warm, rich amber-cardamom base. It's really, surprisingly lovely. And it's such a cool pairing with Mead Moon! Hay Moon's warm, summeriness is a nice contrast to the sweeter, smoother Mead Moon. If only there were always two moons in the sky .
  7. savage_rose

    Mead Moon

    This is a lovely, sweet honey. I'm getting the very faintest hint of spices, and no lemon...but I don't care. It's so light and beautiful. And clean smelling, too, somehow. It smells a lot like LUSH's B' Never Too Busy, but sweeter and lighter.
  8. savage_rose

    Thirteen (13): June 2008

    This is the most complex 13 on my skin. In the bottle it's CHOCOLATE, and it's my skin, and...there's an immediate rush of something almost medicinal smelling. Then it's chocolate (of a lower case, normal intensity) with a hint of apple blossom. I can smell a bit of the tonka. And a bit of the medicinal smell...wait, is that frankincense? It usually smells like incense on. If that's frankincense in this, it's the undiluted essential oil kinda frankincense. I think this might be my favorite of the 13s just because it's so complex, and is chocolatey without being foody. It's sweet but not off the Glycemic Index sweet. It's the kind of scent someone will smell on you, and will find comforting and intriguing at the same time.
  9. savage_rose

    Horn of Plenty

    I don't like the smell...it's cherry enough in the imp that it's nice there, but on me the cherry disappears and I'm just left with the acidic, bitter smell. It doesn't smell like vetiver to me, but it's as disagreeable on my skin as vetiver is. I'll update the review if I begin trying it for its effects .
  10. savage_rose


    This blend is surprisingly good! The coconut base is lovely, but then there's the benzoin, zesty and sharp, and a bit of earthiness from the patchouli (which is actually behaving itself). Nice! It smells fresh and sweet, but not overwhelmingly so.
  11. savage_rose

    Jezirat Al Tennyn

    This smells a bit like burned spices, and a bit of the resulting smoke, like incense. This is a much more subdued blend than I was expecting...it's soft, but I like it.
  12. savage_rose

    The Apothecary

    It's a clean, sweet smell in the imp. On, it morphs into a more herbal scent...I smell like an herb shop! Green tea, a hint of ginger, and something that smells a bit like really nice herbal soap. I like it!
  13. savage_rose

    Screaming Mandragora

    In the imp, it smells like a coconut, light floral. On, the screaming begins! It's a peppery-rooty note, that completely takes over for a while. Then it subsides, and just adds a bitter, grounding note to the blend. I really can't take the screaming phase, but I like it in the imp. And the imp art IS adorable!
  14. savage_rose

    The Maltese Cross of Sanctus Germanus

    Well, I have to try ignore the lilac as my skin amps it and it's currently pulling Jan Brady-style, middle child antics to get noticed ("Smell meeee, I'm too too floral and I want to make you siiiiiick! Where's my afro wig..."), but barring that this is GORGEOUS! It's a warm, smooth resinous blend, very golden. And I can smell a touch of the blood orange, sweet and rich. It's just so perfectly blended...not too floral ("except for meeeeeee!"), not too sharp. Very elegant and lovely.
  15. savage_rose

    The Contract of Theophilus of Adana

    This scent is surprisingly crisp...it's like aquatic incense, or an incensey aquatic. There's a note that smells like a creamy waterlily to me, and benzoin is in the background adding a little scent "pop" with every sniff. I can't smell the brimstone at all, but I do not miss it .
  16. savage_rose

    The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork

    When I sniffed it in the bottle, I thought "ARGH! Vetiver Hell." But on, it's not nearly as harsh as I was expecting. It's more...Vetiver Purgatory, if you will. But under the vetiver, I smell smoke, and something vaguely sweet. I think that's the blood? Sweet blood? Interesting.
  17. savage_rose

    The Two-Headed Goat

    At first, this is a dark, musky cologne with a hint of berry. Nice! And then it morphs into that plus this over-sweet, cloying smell...which turns into the first scent incarnation in powder form. This is a morpher, but not in a good way on my skin. Sigh.
  18. savage_rose


    Hmmm. This scent is a strangely bitter wood smell...no throw to speak of, I can barely smell it unless I'm directly sniffing my wrist. But when I do, and can smell a bit of the cardamom, and it becomes a much richer scent. It's pretty strange though, and I'm not sure it's me.
  19. savage_rose

    The Blasphemare Reliquary

    I can barely smell the rose in this...it's almost like a rose afterthought. The myrrh adds an incense vibe to the blend, and is very light on me. The entire scent is light! But I can make out the gentle tang of resins, interspersed with rose and a bit of myrrh. The scent warms as it dries, and it becomes a very light, pretty incense-rose blend. If you're not a rose fan normally, give this one a try. The rose is much lighter than in most blends, and it balances with the other blends beautifully.
  20. savage_rose

    Shrunken Heads

    The first thing I thought opening the bottle..."How can Shrunken Heads smell this sexy?" But they do. It's all leather, and notes that smell like they SHOULD be in men's aftershave, but usually aren't. Is that confusing? This is like...the way you'd imagine Holy Grail's Indy smelling. A hot adventurer's blend. And yet, it's not TOO masculine. I can imagine this smelling good on a female adventurer-type as well. This is the blend that makes you want to take on the world...and who knows, it just might be your day .
  21. savage_rose

    Sir Hugh Ockram's Winding Sheet

    This is really light and nice! Not at all what I was expecting. It starts out a bit darker (something smelled faintly of grape to me ), and it's like linen that's a bit "off", clean but with something dusty. And then that herbal grapiness (hyssop?). And then it dries to this light, breezy fragrance that's clean without being too squeaky about it. It just smells fresh and a bit herbal. Really nice! ETA: 5 minutes later I can smell a hint of that grapiness again. I'm not sure where that's coming from, but I like it a lot! Mmmm.
  22. savage_rose

    Hand of Glory

    The beeswax smells so coconutty in this blend! That's what I'm smelling predominantly. Then something that must be saltpeter...dusty, salty...and an herbal/woody undertone...and does that smell aquatic? This is like sunbathing at a forest lake...a strange combination that is surprisingly refreshing and intriguing.
  23. savage_rose

    Tabula Smaragdina

    This isn't nearly as "in your face" as most rose blends...it's very light. There's a bit of a vetivery- smokiness to it, but it's so light that it doesn't really detract from the desert rose sweetness. It's a bit more complex than Rose Cross, but it smells very similar to me.
  24. savage_rose

    Pickled Imp

    Okay. While I love BPAL's Egg Nog, it's not really MY Egg Nog, if you know what I mean. I've always preferred Fyrinnae's (now discontinued) Egg Nog. I know, shocking, this belongs in the Confessional Booth. EXCEPT, that Pickled Imp, the one I was looking the most forward to, I have found it! It's a delicious, sweet, CREAMY Egg Nog with just a hint of bite (pine sap?) and topped with clove and cinnamon . Instead of the boozy, alcoholic delight of the Egg Nog, there is the heady hotness of the spiced virgin 'nog, Pickled Imp. OH, HOW I LOVE THIS, in a way that makes me feel like I'm on high school falling in love for the first time. It makes me want to write all in exclamation points! It does!! And in italics!!! And if I had a notebook, I'd be doodling "Savage Rose loves Pickled Imp" and sending notes saying "Pickled Imp, do you like me? Yes No Maybe" and biting my nails that this crush was requited. This scent would be gorgeous as a room scent, as anything...I will have to get more bottles of this before the Carnival leaves town, because Pickled Imp has not let me down.
  25. savage_rose

    Faeu Boulanger

    If this had not been part of The Cabinet, I would not have tried it. Swamp gas? Violet kiss of (probable) death? No thanks! But I'm so glad I did, because this is the most gorgeous aquatic blend! It's very wet and clean smelling in one layer. And then there's this...pulpy, stemmy green scent layer, a bit sweet, but full and robust. And then there's just a hint of floral sweetness in yet another layer...must be the violet? But it's a sparkling, star-kissed violet, and not the usual grudging, somber note. It's so sweet, complex, and lovely. Mmmm.