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Everything posted by savage_rose

  1. savage_rose


    Dittany of Crete smells a bit cumin-y to me, and paired with the fennel, this is a very "spice cabinet" sort of blend. In the bottle I thought "hey, herbs I put in my salad!", but on the herbs dampen a bit. And I can smell the cumin-fennel...and something a bit citrusy (verbena). I can't smell the pomegranate at all, but this is really interesting blend without it. And there's something faintly wood-pulpy, I'm guessing that's the paper. It reminds me of this guy I was behind on an airport shuttle once...he was of middle eastern descent, probably college age. And he smelled like cumin and incense, so good! And I just wanted to go sniff him, but people tend to take it the wrong way when you sniff them in public (and you're a stranger, no less). Le sigh. Ooh, and now it's bringing out this sour note...the verbena? I don't think I'd wear this often, but it's a really fascinating blend.
  2. savage_rose


    This smells like an English Rose Garden, with a dazzling array of different roses mingling and moving in and out. Mainly tuberose. I can smell a hint of geranium. But instead of just being a placid floral, the ylang ylang gives it a sharp almost vinegary edge. I think this scent is too rosy to convert the anti-rose BPAL factions, but if you love rose this is something a little different for your collection. It's very pretty.
  3. savage_rose

    The Torture Queen

    In the bottle, it smells like a floral Bed of Nails. I like it! On, it smells like tea, and keeps morphing between flowers and chrome. And there's a hint of something a little sharp...ambegris maybe? This is a clean scent, but very edgy. I love it!
  4. savage_rose

    The Illustrated Woman

    I can barely smell anything with this blend. I put on more than my usual drop, and I can smell...faint pine? And my skin (not to be confused with skin musk). Sigh. And the harder I sniff trying to smell something, the more I start getting a headache. I'm so disappointed.
  5. savage_rose


    Okay, I swear I smell aloe in this! Aloe and my spice cabinet...a bit of the musk and woodsiness, and a sweet citrus touch of orange. Herbal, a little sweet, and hard to define. This is one of the most fascinating scents I've ever sniffed!
  6. savage_rose

    The Blood Garden

    Count me among the ones not expecting much. But Blood Garden is lovely...the blood accord is most prominent, but I can also smell grape. Another sniff...sweet floral, pale and light. Ginger lily? Another sniff...somber greenery, ivy and blackberry leaf. What a lovely morpher! And each part of the scent is so wonderful. And on a personal note...this smells just like college to me. It reminds me of this cranberry potpourri I had, and books, and studying. Being free for the first time. This must share some notes with Chrysanthemum Moon, because I got similar impressions from that. This is just one of those rare blends that combines nostalgia with a really solid, complementary set of notes. This is such an amazing blend.
  7. savage_rose


    At first I'm completely disappointed. I can't smell anything, and suspect that some sort of sandalwood-vanilla conspiracy is afoot. Come back with my perfume! And then it dries, and settles into this light, dry, faintly bitter note. Is that orris? Orris with a hint of the bourbon vanilla? It's very light, but it has promise. I'm also going to try it in a scent locket!
  8. savage_rose


    It smells almost nutty in the bottle to me. On, the raspberry is the most prominent note, then the plum and pomegrante. Then sweet resinous notes, with a hint of herbal benzoin. This is such an elegant, voluptuous perfume. Fruity but in a grown-up, sexy way. Beautiful.
  9. savage_rose


    The acai and tea turn to a berry-wine scent...a very intense, bright red. The tartness of the berry is set off nicely by the florals...the jasmine is barely detectable but lovely. This is such a nice, fun scent!
  10. savage_rose


    It smelled like Snake Charmer in the bottle, but on...ugh. I don't know what it is but it smells sickeningly sweet, but heavy, like some kind of extremely dense jam. I'm going to have to try this again later because I cannot believe this doesn't work on me, but for now I have to say it isn't me at all. Sigh.
  11. savage_rose

    Eisheth Zenunim

    For some reason I smell neroli really strongly in the bottle. But on, it's a light floral-herbal blend with a hint of chocolate. It's very light, summery, and beautiful. Surprisingly, it's not too sweet. The neroli and ambergris are probably why...possibly the patchouli too, but I'm not smelling any at all though. Overall, this is a lovely, light, fruity scent.
  12. savage_rose


    In the bottle, there's something gently electric about this. Soft, floral, but there's almost a charge to it. On, it starts smelling like soapy mint on me (but I think the mint must some combination of the sage and musk on me). As it dries, I can detect the coconut, and it smells like a sweet, clean rose blend with a hint of other flowers, the coconut, and that electric sagey mint. Very pretty, and one I can't stop sniffing. It's an unusual combination on my skin, but it's lovely and very compelling.
  13. savage_rose


    It smells like a relative of Gluttony in the bottle...I'm overwhelmed. But on, it dries down into this creamy caramel base, with gentle floral top notes. The apple blossom is more blossom than apple on me, but I really like it! It's very sexy and warm, but not in your face with it (unlike the fabulous art ). Surprisingly understated, in the best ways possible. Lovely!
  14. savage_rose


    This is the perfect Spring to Summer transitional perfume! Most predominant is the lily, but the cool sweetness of the lily is balanced with the warm golden musk and the hint of white ginger. And tea! It gives this a refreshing after-sniff. Beautiful, lovely. And it has a great throw.
  15. savage_rose


    In the bottle, it smells like a nutty, lightly spiced vanilla cake to me, with an undercurrent of women's cologne. On, it becomes cologne...and then the myrrh powders out...and then the vanilla powders out...and then I cry. It's an excellent scent locket candidate though. It's gorgeous, spicy, and focused. Inez isn't one of your wishy-washy ladies of the Grindhouse! She's all business .
  16. savage_rose

    CCNow or PayPal

    Each order has to be separate. And the shipping info. is on the FAQ, but I usually get lazy and plug everything into CCNOW (as though I'm placing the order with them), get the total with shipping, and then go to the PayPal site and pay.
  17. savage_rose


    This is very much a morpher on me. In the bottle it smells like a spicy aquatic, but a darker aquatic. The ocean at night. On, the benzoin emerges with the moss and orris, and creates a dry herbal sweetness with an edge. I can barely smell the jasmine or the honeysuckle, but just. And...it's no longer aquatic! The tide has gone out, and all that's left is an herbal incense. Very interesting.
  18. savage_rose


    I normally amp lilac into dryer sheet-perfume...but this is soooo different. With the coconut and the musk, it ends up smelling like creamy florals, tropical and breezy. This is a great mix of scents, both exotic and domestic. Lovely!
  19. savage_rose

    The Grindhouse

    Although it smells like a haunting, tree-blossom floral blend layered with vanilla extract in the bottle...on me, it turns into an amped up Snake Oil. Which then fades! It was so lovely while it lasted...
  20. savage_rose


    Spicy carnation tea! The carnation is very strong, and the spiciness is balanced with the tea. This smells amazing, and so different from other blends that I've smelled. Very nice!
  21. savage_rose

    The Chapel 2008

    Vetiver alert! Vetiver alert! You know, the "Lucy from Peanuts" note? Always holding out the football, and rarely letting you kick it. Yup, that one. Well, it's alive and kicking here in The Chapel, just when you thought it was safe to like wine and incense blends. It's straight up Vetiver at first, strong and menacing. But after I scrub as much off as possible before my nose commits hari kari, I can smell...wine, and a rich red sweetness. Under asphalt and toxic fumes. Ah, Chapel, I almost like you. I want to like you. But...no. What's that, can we be friends? Um, no. And don't call me, I'll call you.
  22. savage_rose

    The Blockhead

    In the bottle and wet on my skin, it's Bazooka bubble gum. And as it dries...is that men's cologne? It's like Jailbait's slightly older (yet legal) boyfriend. At first I thought, "I bought a bottle of BUBBLEGUM perfume when I already have and adore Jailbait?" But dry, it smells a little innocent yet sexy, the the yang to Jailbait's yin. I like it.
  23. savage_rose

    The Passionate Shepherd To His Love

    Very similar to Her Voice, but definitely more grassy-clovery smelling. The rose is very much a member of an ensemble cast for this blend. No small feat since it tends to be a bit of a diva note . This is such a lovely green, planty scent...very balanced, and very lovely. It's one of my current favorites.
  24. savage_rose

    Dyan Moon

    I'm not sure what combination of notes is causing this, but this smells like rose champagne on my skin. Deep, sparkling rose. I can pick out other florals just barely, but it's like being in a dream state, they seem to blur and change, and you're never sure what you'll smell with each sniff. This has to be THE most complex rose blend I've ever smelled. It's amazing! ETA: Is there grape in here? I keep getting flashes of a hint of grape/wine.
  25. savage_rose

    Stormclouds Over The Midway

    I've only tried a few CD IV blends at this point, but this is my favorite so far. The smell from the bottle is this heady, herbal intense Bed of Nails. On my skin it's like Bed of Nails, clean and ozoney/aquatic, but with an incensey, smokey undertone. Sexy, sweet, undulating, perfumey smokiness. This scent is haunting, gorgeous, and although it loses the intensity that it had in the bottle once it hits my skin, it becomes a different kind of wonderful altogether. Mmmm.