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Everything posted by savage_rose

  1. savage_rose

    #20 Love Oil

    Lavender rose spice...a very astringent, herbal mixture. I'm not getting any cherry or almond at all (no surprise since it disappears on my skin), but I may be getting leather. I'll have to try it sometime for the effect. I don't think the smell is all that sexy, but it does seem quite energizing.
  2. savage_rose


    This isn't a Rose Red rose...it's more of a tea rose. A tea rose's sweetness tempered by the leather's earthiness. Very pretty, and soft, and a little gloomy. Very pretty though.
  3. savage_rose


    "Oh, won't you take me home tonight..." Oh, wrong Queen . This blend is...different. For one thing, I've had it on for at least 5 minutes now, and it's sitting on my skin, not absorbing, not drying. And for another, all I can smell is this bracing, herbal, astringent smell. Sort of an uber-astringent herbal lavender, with a touch of honey? But instead of softening the blend, the honey sours. I really don't think this is working for me.
  4. savage_rose

    Kumari Kandam

    The mint is what stands out most to me ("frost" in the note list). Then there's a wave (bad pun) of watery notes, with a hint of something fruity to my nose, but that must be the hothouse blooms. It smells a lot like a watery Yuletide to me.
  5. savage_rose


    This smells like shampoo and tea to me, with a hint of berry. It's such a clean, breezy scent...very comforting.
  6. savage_rose


    This is an amazing spiced orange scent...it reminds me a bit of pomander balls, but a gingery-patchouli scent instead of clove. It fades amazingly quickly, but while it lasts it's gorgeous.
  7. savage_rose

    Santa Muerte

    I tend to amp florals and vetiver, so imagine my surprise that this smells so very sexy, sweet and balanced. The florals are very light, and are tempered well by the earthy vetiver that likes me (and not the he-goat sludge of death vetiver). This IS a comforting scent, and I find myself wanting to sniff a cactus someday to see if its flowers smell this lovely.
  8. savage_rose

    The Queen of Hearts

    The cherry immediately powders out, and what's left is a very sweet lily-floral perfume...although it smells very powdery and soapy, a bit like detergent. If you REALLY like lillies, this might be the perfume for you.
  9. savage_rose

    Kubla Khan

    The first thing I smell in the imp is mint...is that the ice caves? Vanilla mint. On me, it starts to smell a bit musky, and a bit salty. It smells great, but there's something very heavy taking over. Is that the opium? It's very strong on my skin!
  10. savage_rose

    Mary Read

    This is gorgeous! It's aquatic, but of the ocean depths and not its sun-sparkled surface. It's salty and a bit masculine with the rum, but the sweetness balances those influences and makes it such a lovely unisex scent. Mmmm!
  11. savage_rose

    Dove's Heart

    Sunblock and lavender, and a bit of salt spray. I do find this vaguely comforting, but it's not what I expected.
  12. savage_rose


    This smells like a sweet, spicy floral incense. Smoky, deep, and delectable! There's almost a wine quality to it...it's a very sexy, complex blend.
  13. savage_rose


    Obatala is such a sweet, fresh coconut. It's like sweetened coconut milk with a hint of fresh coconut and a hint of something softly floral. And on a whim I just layered it with Upa Upa...amazing. It smells like a pina colada made with fresh coconut...very, very lovely combination.
  14. savage_rose

    Marshmallow Poof

    Sweet, sugary...drier sheets? At first it smells just like a marshmallow scrub, and then it turns into an uber-sweet scent with a hint of floral drier sheets. Not me, not me at all.
  15. savage_rose

    Sugar-Slathered Candied Apple

    I can't believe I never reviewed this one! It was like a sweeter version of Creepy to me...less caramel, more apple. I liked it, but I had Creepy, so I was happy that I only had an imp of this.
  16. savage_rose


    At first this smells like a gentleman's cologne, mind-mannered, musky with a hint of lavender. And then the vetiver comes through...evil, evil vetiver! But only a hint of it...a very underhanded blend. Perfect for Iago .
  17. savage_rose

    The Forbidding Foyer

    To me, this smells like camping, when it's very wet out...a hint of leafiness, dampness, a hint of campfire smoke. Very evocative, but not something I'd want to smell like all the time.
  18. savage_rose

    Johnathan Harker

    This smells like lavender, lemon, and tea. With a hint of something almost berry-like. It smells very unisex to me, and ever-so-slightly sweet. Lovely!
  19. savage_rose

    Snake Oil

    I've never reviewed this? Wet, it smells like a lovely, lightly spiced, warm vanilla. But on...the sandalwood goes straight to powder on me . I love the smell, but only as a layering note or in a diffuser. Sigh.
  20. savage_rose


    I can't stop sniffing myself! This smells exactly like the air before a storm...like the air is heavy. Oh, just gorgeous!
  21. savage_rose


    At first it's lovely cherry blossom, but then it goes straight to anise. A very pungent licorice...it doesn't smell good on me, and the other notes have disappeared .
  22. savage_rose


    This one smells like soft lily with a hint of rose and something faintly lemony...lemongrass? Very soothing and lovely. It smells like warm, Summery afternoons, and shadows thrown by high sun in a hazy, hazy heat. So pretty and soothing!
  23. savage_rose

    The Phantom Wooer

    There's something almost menthol-like in this blend, so it ends up smelling a bit like flowers, a bit like menthol, and a bit like plastic. Not a winner for me.
  24. savage_rose


    At first this smells so gorgeous and light! Sparking, fizzy, lovely. And then it becomes fizzy cherry blossom...still nice, but a little strange. I'm glad I have the imp, but I'm not sad that I can't get a bottle.
  25. savage_rose

    A Countenance Forboding Evil

    It smells like I've just poured rancid gasoline on my wrist--even my cat just ran out of the room. Patchouli and vetiver, and BURNING...this is terrible.