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Everything posted by savage_rose

  1. savage_rose

    Event Horizon

    This scent is such a morpher. At first it just smells sparkling and benzoinic. Then is smells like tobacco. Then it comes this opium blend that seems to encapsulate all the scents...it's moderately sweet, and quite dark. I like it, I'm just not sure it's me.
  2. savage_rose


    This smells dazzling! There's a green plant smell in there, but more exotic than I've ever smelled. And there are fat, wet jungle blossoms, too. Very balanced.
  3. savage_rose


    All I can smell is almond in the imp, so of course this scent is going to be trouble on my skin. And...it smells like cheap cherry votive candles, waxy, fake cherry, with a hint of potpourri. No.
  4. savage_rose


    This smells like a lighter version of Gluttony, sprinkled with evil. There's a sweet syrupyness, tempered by astringent sage and tobacco, topped by mint. This is really interesting, but...it's not me. It's a fascinating scent.
  5. savage_rose


    At first it's lovely, but then my skin starts amping something bitter and stinging (mimosa?). Ugh. Not nice on me at all.
  6. savage_rose


    Really beautiful! Heavy aquatics and light florals...it's like it smells blue-green with a bit of pink. Very evocative.
  7. savage_rose


    Yellow flowers, and something effervescent and glowing, something indefinable that I was *hoping* Stimulating Sassafrass Strengthener would be. I see Van Gogh's Sunflowers when I smell this...the popping colors, the warm fuzzy yellowness. This scent is truly a work of art.
  8. savage_rose

    Lady MacBeth

    Oooh, it's a softer but evil Wanda: wine, berries, and something biting and herbal (the thyme). I love this! This is such a sexy, lovely scent!
  9. savage_rose


    At first it smells like olives (?). Then it becomes a light citrus-floral, a bit stronger than Alice. It's not bad, but it's not really my thing.
  10. savage_rose


    At first it's Love's Baby Soft. Then it turns into something cloying and uber-floral that makes me choke. I smell like really bad restroom air freshener.
  11. savage_rose


    Cinnamon and smoke, and acrid burning bits. The cinnamon is quite nice until the burning bits explode in my nose...wow, does my skin amp these or what. So Djinn is a no go, but for smoke lovers, I think it would be very appealing.
  12. savage_rose


    This smells like a sister scent to Annabel Lee to me. No cucumber, but the floral notes smell like light, white moonflower to me. If there is jasmine in this, it's the most well-behaved jasmine I've EVER encountered. Just gorgeous.
  13. savage_rose

    The Lion

    A spicy cinnamon sunset! This scent is rich, soft, and very warm. Mmmm...
  14. savage_rose


    It starts out like glue and flowers, morphs into crazy old lady's hat flowers, and then goes back to the first. Not a great one for me.
  15. savage_rose

    Mad Hatter

    I'm so glad other people smelled the mint in this...I had to doublecheck the notes several times. At any rate, it starts out smelling like Tokyo Stomp, and morphs into old car interiors. Chemicals and old vinyl...I'm blaming the musk on this one.
  16. savage_rose

    Santo Domingo

    At first, it's the sexiest bay rum scent. Mmmm! And then it hits my skin, which absorbs most of the bay rum, leaving...a bit of rum, a bit of tobacco, a bit of wood, and the vaguest hint of soapy floral. I think I like it in both of its forms, but it doesn't last long.
  17. savage_rose


    A light, sweet, watery rose. The lotus adds almost a fruity touch to this, so it's a lovely floral blend that's complex and not cloying. Beautiful.
  18. savage_rose


    Remember the song about Comet, that camp song? Well, tweaked a bit it still fits... "Hemlock, in the imp it's green Hemlock, it smells like Listerene..." I think it's an excellent execution of the idea, but I can't imagine every choosing to smell like this.
  19. savage_rose


    Berry flavored rock candy. No morphing, just lots of high fructose corn syrup. There's a hint of something darker in there (neroli?) that gets translated into a grapey smell. I feel like a Blow Pop!
  20. savage_rose

    Al Azif

    At first this smells a lot like mildew on me. Then that fades into a vaguely sweet incense smell. This is ok, but the initial drydown mildew and the "meh" of the ultimate drydown leaves me cold.
  21. savage_rose


    Lurid smells like nothing on me. Literally. Does that mean it's the most air-like blend I've tried, that I can smell nothing? A hint of something like baby powder, but not even really that. So disappointing.
  22. savage_rose


    As the imp went on, I thought, "Dirt. Watery dirt." But as it dries, a faint note of flowers comes out. It smells like dirt soap! You'd think that would be a paradox, but it's not . I like it, but it's not something I'd wear often.
  23. savage_rose

    The Jersey Devil

    Oh, Jersey Devil! Where have you been all my life? This such an awesome blend...I thought it was mulberry, and then realized that this is cranberry (tart) and blackberry (sweet). And the cedar adds kind of a dirty wooden note...and a hint of pine... It's just so complex and lovely!
  24. savage_rose


    Is wickedness powder? Because that's what this smells like on me...tea rose powder. No more, no less. Eh.
  25. savage_rose


    No, R'lyeh? Yes, R'lyeh. For some reason I have to say this name like I'm a valley girl saying "Really". In the imp, this is a spicy, zesty aquatic. On, that's still there, but there's some kind of floral amping. No melon, no grapefruit. Sigh.