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Everything posted by savage_rose

  1. savage_rose


    In the imp, this is gorgeous spiced honey. But on...some kind of detergent powder floral has taken over, and I smell like an old lady's handkerchief. Not what I'm looking for .
  2. savage_rose


    At first it is the darkest, spiciest dragon's blood blend I've ever smelled. And then the cherry powders out and the clove disappears. It's still nice, but not nearly as nice as it is in the imp. Sigh.
  3. savage_rose


    This is only a little more complex than a lavender SN. I can sense a hint of sweetness, I'm guessing that's the lotus. It's okay, but not really my kind of lavender.
  4. savage_rose


    This might be because of the labdanum, but this smells like rose and...pepper? But then the orchid comes in, and it just smells like a muddy mix of spiciness and floral. Not me.
  5. savage_rose


    There's something off here, I think it might be the peach. It smells like the air freshener of the former occupants of our home. It just smells...kinda harsh, like a cheap aerosol spray. Not good, and these notes should be amazing on me. Sigh.
  6. savage_rose

    Dana O'Shee

    And the almond goes to powder. Damn...before it powdered out, it smelled like Lush's Snowcake.
  7. savage_rose

    March Hare

    I don't get the clove at all, and the apricot disappears quickly. Well, it smells nice in the imp...sigh.
  8. savage_rose


    Cranberry and floral powder. Another scent that would be great as a room scent, or in a locket. But not on me!
  9. savage_rose

    Moon Rose

    Rose and ozone! It's not a Rose Red rose, it's more of a tea rose. Light and lovely, but it fades quickly.
  10. savage_rose


    At first it smells like Snake Oil and honey, and I think, "Yay, it's not going to fade and turn to powder!" And then, what does it do? You guessed it. Sigh. But this would be a nice scent locket oil, anyway.
  11. savage_rose

    The Mock Turtle's Lessons

    What a strange combination! It smells like the ocean, mint...and apples? I kind of like it, but it fades so quickly. ETA: Over 30 minutes later the mint and apples have disappeared, and it's straight ocean. And the throw increased over time, too. Amazing! I am really loving this now.
  12. savage_rose

    Queen Gertrude

    I normally like florals, but this one is way to strong even for me. And it powders out... .
  13. savage_rose


    There's a really interesting scent in here somewhere. I say that because all I can smell is some kind of floral...it's all I smell in the imp, and on my skin I can smell the rest of the scent underneath it. Barely. Disappointing!
  14. savage_rose


    This scent is lovely and sweet...it fits the lab description perfectly. It reminds me a lot of Demeter's Ocean, but this is more complex. Nice!
  15. savage_rose


    Herbal, green, and slightly musky. It's slightly astringent, and lovely. Almost effervescent even. Like an absinthe shaving scent. I'm sad this is gone .
  16. savage_rose


    All I can smell is that "shrill rose" note, not to be confused with the other roses that love me. I don't smell the violet all--usually a good thing, but in this case, it would be nice for something to keep that rose in check. Sigh.
  17. savage_rose

    Mata Hari

    At first, the jasmine smells rank and overpowers everything. But then it calms down, and I can smell rose! And a lovely honeyed, spicy warmth. Very spy-like morphing! You think it will be terrible, but then it's lovely.
  18. savage_rose

    Eat Me

    At first this smells like a disgusting cacophony of smells (who KNOWS what my skin was amping?), but once it dries it smells like angel food cake! Mmmm. Very light, but mmmm.
  19. savage_rose


    Sparkling citrus! It reminds me of Fantasy Bath's Wake Up Sleepyhead. This doesn't smell like cookies at all to me...this is a sparking juice soda. Light, popping, refreshing...and gorgeous. Mmmm!
  20. savage_rose


    This is like...Jack, mixed with Sugar Skull, mixed with something chocolatey...SO STRONG. And so much of everything! I've tried it before and did not like it much, but this time...the Sugar Skull sugar mints are the strongest smell here. They make this scent a lot less heavy. I think I actually like it! But a little goes a loooooong way.
  21. savage_rose

    Two, Five & Seven

    I love rose, so...why doesn't one of these roses love me? Something smells sour, almost medicinal on me. no greenery, just a mishmash of lovely and unpleasant rose scents. A Mad Tea Party rose scent, and it's not working. Most sad.
  22. savage_rose

    Sea of Glass

    I tried this a couple of years ago...I remember thinking "nice aquatic". And maybe it's my chemistry and maybe I've just honed my nose since then, but this scent is LOVELY. There's a grass cologne top note...it smells green, like squeezing a blade of grass. Beneath that is a sweet aquatic smell. I feel like I'm 5 again, lying on my lawn and looking up at the clouds.
  23. savage_rose

    Snow, Glass, Apples

    I got to try this at a MnS a few weeks ago! It's a lovely apple scent...true apple sort of a sugary-aquatic glaze to it. Not much mint stayed on my skin at all, it was mainly just really lovely, dreamy apple.
  24. savage_rose


    I thought "Ooh, is the pomegranate. And rose?" First time I've ever nailed all the notes The pomegranate is juicy and tart, and the rose is a full, pulsating tea rose. Sweet, tangy, although the rose is a little overwhelming at some points. I like it.
  25. savage_rose


    Lavender and rose are in the forefront, with an incense base. A pretty, comforting scent.