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Everything posted by savage_rose

  1. savage_rose


    Straight out of the imp, it smells like Arcana's Anodyne: bracing mint. But as it dries, I can also pick out woodsy notes. Woodsy mint...and something sweet. Very nice!
  2. savage_rose

    Tzadikim Nistarim

    Something that smells like creamy lily is amping on me...I can smell a faint incense, but it's predominantly the mystery floral. It's very pretty.
  3. savage_rose

    Wings of Azrael

    This is predominantly spicy myrrh, with just a hint of flowers. It smells gorgeous in the way cologne does, but smells much more complex than your typical scent. It's somewhat masculine, and yet floral, and it works! Mmmm...and violet and I are getting along. So unexpectedly nice.
  4. savage_rose

    MVJBA: Spring Training 2008

    Normally heavy foody scents smell smothering and terrible on me. But this is SO GOOD! In the bottle it smells so much like peanut brittle that I recognized it instantly before I read the notes. And on, the volume turns down a little, and it's just sweet and peanutty and light. It fades too soon, but is so nice while you have it. Mmmm!
  5. savage_rose

    White Rabbit

    I tried this a couple of years ago, and there was something like bitter lime amping and ruining the whole blend for me. So I just tried it again, and I'm glad I did! This blend is so many things at once...there's a tea party, with a light tea and sweet cakes and cream. There's a bit of men's cologne, barely there like a whisper...and yup, there's the laundry smell. I'm so glad it worked this time! This is so nice.
  6. savage_rose


    This is a lovely, deep, spicy blend. It's a great balance of cassia and incense. I love it, it IS complex. But...it does smell a little like Big Red gum! When are we getting Juicy Fruit and Doublemint?
  7. savage_rose


    Gorgeous! There's an apple blossom-apple creaminess to this, and with the hyacinth it's a lovely combination. I can just get a hint of the Dragon's Blood, a suggestion of spice. Mmmm.
  8. savage_rose


    Ah, the jasmine that hates me. We meet again. Sour flowers, and body odor. Gee, I HOPE this is Siren....
  9. savage_rose


    Neroli with a hint of ylang lang...the sandalwood powders out a bit. It's nice, just very light.
  10. savage_rose


    The fruits turn into a freshly squeezed OJ scent on me...OJ and morning flowers, fresh and fragrant. This is beautiful!
  11. savage_rose


    Sort of a desert rose , but cooler. I can't smell the cinnamon at all.
  12. savage_rose


    It smells like a lavender-lilac scent to me...better in the imp than on me. My skin amps the florals strangely. This smells almost identical to the TAL Peace. Except I feel less peaceful wearing it, which is as it should be I suppose .
  13. savage_rose

    Val Sans Retour

    A very pale lemon scent, with some kind of wood undertone. This is a really amazing lemon...it's so light, it's like a lemon breeze. This fades pretty quickly though.
  14. savage_rose

    Lucy's Kiss

    A sweet and sour rose, scent, but somewhat "purple" smelling. I'm not even thinking that makes sense, but that's what I'm smelling. This definitely smells like tarty "starting to turn" Lucy...a sweet flower turned into vamp perfume. I need to dig out my Lucy Westenra and see how the two go together!
  15. savage_rose

    Titus Andronicus

    I didn't see the resemblance to Snake Oil at all, at first. It was spicier, quite nice. And then it powders out like Snake Oil does. Boo Dusty incense bits, with some powdery vanilla.
  16. savage_rose


    Violet is sometimes obnoxious and sour on me. I do not have that problem in this blend...but it's a strange combination. It smells like incense with a hint of dusty violet powder...like a lady getting dressed for a night on the town, gently powdering herself with a genteel powder puff of violet dusting powder...while burning incense? It's not bad, it's just not me. Or anyone I know, really.
  17. savage_rose


    It smells really sweet...like a clover honey single note. I think the musk powders out a bit. Not bad, but I'm not THAT much of a honey scent fan. And it fades really quickly.
  18. savage_rose


    At first it's that putrid jasmine that hates me and smells like pee on my skin (ew!), but as it dries it becomes TKO minus the vanilla, and plus something that smells oceanic. My favorite of the somnium thus far! So relaxing.
  19. savage_rose

    The Temptation

    Beautiful floral, but after a few moments it has faded away. Sigh.
  20. savage_rose

    Dragon's Tears

    I was expecting this to be really, er, Dragon's Bloody. But it's not...it's a lightly spiced scent, with just a hint of the Dragon's Blood. Spiciness, with just a hint aquatic perfuminess beneath it.
  21. savage_rose


    In the imp, this smells overwhelmingly foody...like heavy cream, heavy pastries. Too much. But on, it immediately morphs into tea and cakes (I guess the wine goes to tea on me?). The tea is warm and gently spiced, the cakes are fresh and light. This scent is gorgeous, and not too much at all.
  22. savage_rose

    Vicomte de Valmont

    Men's aftershave. I love this, although it smells a bit of cheesy pick-up lines. It starts fading pretty quickly unfortunately, but still smells very nice.
  23. savage_rose


    Very light florals with a hint of green...it almost smells like moonflower to me, although that's not one of the notes listed. Very pretty.
  24. savage_rose

    Love Me

    Cinnamon jasmine incense. The jasmine makes it seem too desperate . I'm not sure I can love Love Me.
  25. savage_rose


    Surprisingly mellow. I mostly smell amber-woodsiness, with just a hint of patchouli. Very unisex, and pleasant.