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Everything posted by savage_rose

  1. savage_rose

    Leanan Sidhe

    This scent is gorgeous...very wistful, and sweet in a completely non-cloying way. A lovely floral, very clean smelling. I'm totally getting a bottle when I recover from the upcoming update!
  2. savage_rose

    Sed Non Satiata

    This scent is all honey and myrrh...deep, sweet, and very subtle yet sexy. I think this would be even sexier on a man.
  3. savage_rose


    Warm vanilla skin musk...very sweet without being too foody. Mmmmm...
  4. savage_rose


    The rose is very well-balanced with the white floralness of the lily and the jasminosity of the jasmine. Lovely, light, beautiful. But it fades way too quickly...sigh.
  5. savage_rose


    It smells like a very sweet lemongrass burning, while one eats lemonheads and drinks lemonade. A little sweet, a little herbal, VERY lemon.
  6. savage_rose


    It starts out as smelling like fried chicken (WTF?), and moves straight to Vick's Vapo Rub. Uh, NO.
  7. savage_rose


    A scent that is both coquettish and sinister. Exotic and lush, brimming with grace and viciousness: almond with star jasmine, oakmoss, red sandalwood and Egyptian musk. Evidently star jasmine is not moroccan jasmine...it's the unwashed smell kind. Sigh. That's what I smell at first, unwashed stinkiness. And then it powders out into a warm, less stinky scent with the undertone of erasers, and the jasmine is nice but not as strong as eraser. And then it morphs into Sun's Eye's Oya oil. Bizarre, and (I'm sure this is no great surprise), not me.
  8. savage_rose


    This smells like cinnamon musk on me. It's okay, but isn't that striking a scent on me and it fades quickly. Sigh.
  9. savage_rose


    A sweet, very cool floral. Moroccan jasmine smells very different than the jasmine I'm used to, and mainly I just smell moonflower. This is really nice, and I'm sorry it has been discontinued!
  10. savage_rose

    Dian's Bud

    Lemony floral, with a hint of green. Aloe, maybe...it's a very relaxing, fresh scent. I love it!
  11. savage_rose

    Black Opal

    It smells like burnt sugar on me. Not appealing.
  12. savage_rose


    A toned down Lilith (which is quite appropriate, actually! ). Sweet, true rose with an almond-honey undercurrent. Light and lovely.
  13. savage_rose


    You know that pink soap they used to have stocked in your school bathroom when you were growing up? Want to smell it again? That's predominantly what this smells like, although there's a sharper perfume undercurrent that makes it less soapy.
  14. savage_rose


    It starts out like a dark, musky absinthe, and then becomes...musky licorice? It's different all right. Not me though.
  15. savage_rose


    Spicy floral...tropical, warm, and sweet. Like drinking a sweet poolside drink at the beach. And it just keeps getting better...more cinnamon, and a deeper scent. Lovely.
  16. savage_rose

    The Unicorn

    I was really crazy about L'effleur perfume from the drug store when I was in high school. I had the spray bottles, the powder...and that's what this smells like, floral perfumed powder. I kind of like it, although it's not really my thing anymore.
  17. savage_rose


    Whew, glad I'm not the only one getting coconut! I just checked the notes before posting and I was baffled by that. Anyway, that's the prominent...coconut with an undercurrent of woodsiness, and something sharply ozoney. This is an amazing, strange blend. It reminds of Red Lantern, and I love it!
  18. savage_rose


    Hel-lo jasmine and lavender! These two notes are all I smell, and they seem to be trying to out odor one another. I think it's an excellent blend in theory, but in execution it just smells like a strange air freshener trying to cover up a bad smell. Not a good combination with my skin chemistry, I guess.
  19. savage_rose

    Robin Goodfellow

    This smells very sweet on me, floral and a hint of woodsy green. And something powdering out on me...sigh. Not bad, but not great either.
  20. savage_rose


    Wet, it smells like cinnamon cherry candy (and cherry/almond always disappears or powders out on me, so that must be its cue to exit). And sure enough, I'm just left with this fierce, lovely cinnamon. That proceeds to irritate my skin. Just as well...this is definitely more of a room scent for me anyway. One Hell of a room scent though!
  21. savage_rose


    Honeyed rose fruit that just blossoms on my skin...even my husband, at the great risk of me buying a bottle, said "Mmm, I like it a lot." Of course he also thought it smelled like apple juice! Er, it doesn't. But it's delicious and seductive, and I like it a lot, too. ETA: I just realized, this is my 300th review! Sniff, sniff.
  22. savage_rose


    Spicy rose...and the rose is really sharp, so although this is a floral, it's not a girly floral. And there is a bit of the wine in there...it smells like a wonderfully romantic evening.
  23. savage_rose


    This smells like tea and pastries on me...very light and sweet.
  24. savage_rose


    In the imp it smells very alcoholic, but on it smells more like tangy, fruity juice with just a bit of a kick. It reminds me a lot of something from my childhood, but I CANNOT remember what it is. Ooh, that's going to drive me crazy...it was either something in our backyard, or some kind of toiletry (maybe Jean Nate, or something Avon?). It's nice, and very unusual.
  25. savage_rose


    I really wanted to like this one, but the good components are too much at war with the bad. It smells like beautifully perfumed castile soap, but patchouli or something like it is doing funky things to it. So there's this light loveliness, and this stinky heaviness. I smell like a bathroom .