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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by savage_rose

  1. savage_rose

    Hony Mone

    In the bottle, it smells like honey-sweetened nut cakes, but more perfumey. On, it just smells intoxicating. It's sweet and warm, and just so lovely. It just makes me smile! THIS is what I wish Snake Oil smelled likle.
  2. savage_rose


    Tanuki! I just love saying it . And of course, I see little raccoon (Tanooki!) Mario when I think of it. Tanuki! It smells almost...woodsy, but pulpy/fibrously fruity in the bottle, like an undercurrent of unripe mango. On, it smells gently, sweetly wooden, and lightly floral. It's a lot more mellow than I was expecting, but very lovely.
  3. savage_rose

    The Oval Portrait

    Well, my BPAL education must be teaching me something, because my first thought was "rice powder". Close enough . My second thought was, "wait, rice milk? And cereal?" In the bottle it has that wholesome starchy smell of dry goods and breakfast pantries in days of yore. On, the flowers start emerging, and it's really lovely. It's almost like a concert, each flower taking equal time and attention, playing in harmony together. This smells very elegant to me, and just a little cold. Not wintry cold, but haughty. Something dried and forgotten, but proud.
  4. savage_rose


    This smells AMAZING! In the bottle it smells like tea rose and a hint of greenery, which is nice enough. But on, it just explodes into bloom...the rose is still there, but my skin starts amping something that smells like sweet floral honey. It's less wistful on me, and more a quiet, winsome burst of joy. So, so nice.
  5. savage_rose

    El Dia de los Reyes

    Oh WOW. My husband and I started a tradition where we get QuikTrip cappuccino and drive around and look at Christmas lights, and that is this scent! Amaretto and coffee, and a touch of nuttiness. Warm and cozy and utterly worshipable. I'm in love.
  6. savage_rose

    La Befana

    It starts out as sweet and just a little smoky, and then...poof! It's gone. I really liked what I smelled before the disappearing act, but it's way too shortlived for my taste.
  7. savage_rose

    The Fruit of Paradise

    I wasn't sure about this one...Pomegranate's never been one of my favorites. But this is gorgeous...a bright red berry scent as lovely as any I've every smelled. Juicy and amazing, it earns its name.
  8. savage_rose


    In the imp: Resiny floral Wet: It smells like fresh flowers, but somehow warmed, as though they are simmering on the stove, wet and steamy. Petal soft, and not too sweet. Dry: The flowers are still there, as is the earthy resin smell. But there's something just a touch sour about it. At first I was turned off by it, but it seems to have blended with the other scents in a lovely way. This is really beautiful.
  9. savage_rose

    Archangel Winter

    In the imp: Sweet and ozoney. Wet: Ugh, the sweetness is starting to overwhelm the blend...funeral parlor, here I come! Dry: I kind of like the smell of overwhelming flowers and the powdery smell of delightfully ditzy, kind-hearted old ladies, but this is really intense. It's not the flowers or the powdery scent, it's this...cloying sweetness behind it that just really, explosively overpowering everything. Wow, this is spectacularly not good on me .
  10. savage_rose

    Christmas Rose

    I had no idea what to expect, and although I still don't know exactly what I'm smelling, it's nice. It smells like natural cola, light and bubbly. A little rooty. It's the kind of light, vaguely herbal scent you could wear every day. It's very refreshing and just a little sweet.
  11. savage_rose

    Noche Buena

    In the imp: fruity, floral Wet: There's a similar note to Crypt Queen, I'm not sure what it is. But it's an undernote, mainly it just smells like pungent, beautiful flowers. Dry: It does smell like chrysanthemum! And like a lovely, exotic bouquet. I like this well enough, but it's not something I'd wear every day...I'm glad I just have the imp.
  12. savage_rose


    In the bottle: Mistletoe! Crisp, minty green tree smell. Maybe a little woodsier than the last version. Wet: It smells the same, but there's almost a clean soapiness to it. And definitely a little woody...lovely and complex. Dry: It doesn't morph further, it's just going strong. Lovely!
  13. savage_rose


    In the bottle: Sweet, sugary pastries; yeasty bread; light perfuminess Wet: The same! Dry: It's almost disappeared. What is left is delicious, although there's almost a hint of plastic that I seem to get on the occasional whiff. I think I might love this, I just wish it would stick around longer.
  14. savage_rose

    Bliss Soap (by Silk Road Trading Company)

    A shot of pure, self-indulgent euphoria! A scent that is very, very wicked in its own way: the serotonin-slathered scent of pure milk chocolate. Water, Goat Milk, Saponified Organic Palm Kernal Oil, Coconut Oil, Soy Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil, Sodium Lactate, Jojoba Oil, Caster Oil, Cocoa, Cocoa Absolute and Bliss. First off, the wrapping is lovely. It looks delightfully old-fashioned, like you've bought a soap at a strange, time-shifting, Victorian market. And I love the little blurb inside, describing the soap-making process. So special. And the soap itself looks like chocolate, with little white chunks of moisturizing goodness. At first I thought the Bliss bar smelled strange (light chocolate with a strange floral perfume--that's not what my imp smelled like), but realized the floral perfume was from its package mates and not from the bar itself. The perfume was very light, I really had to sniff for the chocolate to smell it once I had unwrapped the bar itself. And lathering...lathering, I smelled nothing but soap . Really nice soap, but definitely not Bliss. The soap itself is really marvelous--good lather, and VERY moisturizing. I'm a habitual shower gel user, and this could definitely change that for me. But scent-wise...there's almost nothing there. I barely smell Bliss on my skin. So people afraid of smelling too chocolatey, no danger of that. I'm still happy with my soap, but I really, really hope the scent comes out stronger over time. Maybe I just need to age my bar .
  15. savage_rose

    The secret Old Spice lovers club!

    Jolly Roger smelled like Old Spice and lime on me. He might like it.
  16. savage_rose

    Egg'd Mailbox

    Thank goodness, I don't love Egg'd Mailbox! Yes! On me it doesn't smell much like Egg anything...it smells like St. Yves Silk Protein shampoo. And then it dries to baby powder and plastic. Yum! I'm so glad I just have an imp.
  17. savage_rose

    Pumpkin Smash

    Smooth, sultry, spicy pumpkin! Not too heavy on the pumpkin, and very well balanced. Mmmm!
  18. savage_rose

    Spiked Punch

    In the bottle, it smells just like vinegar and fruit. And as someone who tried for a time to drink straight vinegar (it's supposed to be good for balancing electrolytes and lowering blood pressure), it's not a good smell. It's a little nauseating. But I try everything, so I tried it, and once it hits my skin, the vinegar smell evaporates and it's lovely spiked fruit punch. It dries to a delicious, deep berry. Beautiful and seductive.
  19. savage_rose

    Pumpkin Cheesecake

    Jack kicked my a--er, nose--it was so strong. It smelled like intense pumpkin swimming in butter. Aside from the pumpkin commonality, they don't smell alike at all to me. Pumpkin Cheesecake is pumpkin, very creamy pumpkin. Not very spicy at all. Just sweet, rich goodness. Light and lovely. I don't know...I like it well enough, it's really nice. But I don't know that I'm enough of a pumpkin scent conoisseur to fully appreciate this. Especially when there are so many pumpkin scents already this time of year. The jury's still out .
  20. savage_rose

    TP'd Trees

    This smells so clean and fresh! The powdery "Charmin" undertone is present at first, but soon gives way to a clean, original smelling scent. If anything, it smells like I've done laundry. I want to snuggle up with this one under the blankets, it just smells so clean and relaxing...lovely.
  21. savage_rose

    All Souls

    2007 version 2006 smelled like incense and fruity cake. This smells like sweet, delicious perfume with wine undertones. They smell so similar in the bottle, but so different on! Ohhh, this is fabulous.
  22. savage_rose

    Hunter Moon 2007

    This smells like mint musk on me. Mint musk, almost like mint chocolate chip. It's kind of nice, in a weird way.
  23. savage_rose

    Bonfire Night

    I decided to take a chance on this scent...I'm normally not a "smoke" person, but something about it sounded good. In the bottle: Smoke, and sweetness. And...roasted nuts? Almonds? Dry: For some reason it ends up smelling like creamy, spicy, smoky, slightly nutty coffee. Wow, nothing like I expected. It's nice!
  24. savage_rose

    The Queen's Salon

    Yay GypsyRedRose and her sniffy circle! In the imp: Lovely, lovely floral perfume. Clear and sweet but not cloying. Wet: Gorgeous flowers, and this absolutely delicious, intoxicating wine smell. Oh my GOD, this scent is amazing. Heady. Its sultry whispers tell you to leave your life behind and become a fabulous old-timey lounge singer wearing vintage dresses, a flower tucked behind your ear. You can't sing? Well, do it anyway. This scent CANNOT be bothered about such petty details. It's too busy looking exotic and holding that long stick thingie that Edwardian women smoked from. Dry: It fades a bit, and becomes a little more powdery. And it starts to smell like...desert rose? Dry, dusty rose. Not nearly as gorgeous as it is wet, but it still smells so beautiful. Oh, Queen's Salon, I hoped we would not hit it off like this. You're very rare, and I'm very not rich. Oh, oh, oh. This is sooo beautiful. If there was a full-bodied rose wine, this would be what it would smell like.
  25. savage_rose

    Door 13

    Yay for GypsyRoseRed's sniffie circle! In the imp: fresh and clean smelling Wet: Bed of Nails! But less sharp, and more ozone and aquatic. Dry: Oh, this is beautiful. Something tells me this is the "Mary Anne" to Queen's Salon's "Ginger"--but despite its softness, it's no less glamorous or beautiful. I can't smell a bit of lemon, just waves of soft ocean air. It's slightly cool on me, but not the frigid chill I was expecting. This would be a wonderful every day scent, it's complex yet very, very light. I love it!