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Everything posted by GuardianOfTheMoon
Athens Baobhan Sith Cheshire Cat Croquet Eat Me Kitsune-Tsuki Peitho Queen of Sheba Sea of Glass Tamora Titania Ya-Te-Vo
Preconceived Notions: My mother picked this out for me because of my love of daffodils. I’m a little wary of the jasmine, (just cause I’m not a fan) but jasmine doesn’t usually amp on my skin, so maybe it will be ok. Imp: Faint plum and fresh orchids, but there is something lingering in the back that doesn’t smell so pleasant. Whatever it is, I hope it stays back there. Wet: JASMINE. NOOOOOO. Dry (10 minutes): The jasmine is obviously there if I sniff right where I applied it, but the throw is a lovely mix of daffodils and orchids. No plum to be seen, but fruits have a habit of dying on me. Musks tend to show up on my skin after a few hours, so I am expecting a distinct morph. Dry (1 hour): That’s right jasmine, get the Hell outta here. Definitely a fresh, spring scent now—without a trace of jasmine. There is a sweetness that is no doubt from the plum, but not distinctly a plum itself. The throw isn’t very powerful. Dry (3 hours): Gone and dead. Even if I put my nose right next to my wrist, there is nothing but the tiniest hint of orchid left. Disappointed. Consensus: I liked it, but no bottle in my future. It simply doesn’t last long enough. Can’t decide if I want to use up my imp or just swap it. Guess I’ll wear it a few more times before I decide.
Preconceived Notions: I decided to try this based on reviews alone. I’m usually reluctant to purchase anything that doesn’t actually list the notes, but people were making it sound like this was Heaven on Earth in a bottle. Imp: Wow. That’s fantastic. Sea of Glass? Yeah, that’s all I can think of. I don’t know what this reminds me of exactly, but it definitely reminds me of something out of my childhood—not playful though—refined and elegant. Its definitely got some aquatic notes, but I’m also getting some white floral and some citrus. I hope this works out well on me. Wet: Whoa! Takes a sharp gardenia-like turn. Not bad. Dry (10 minutes): Ohmigosh, so good. It’s a little mature for my age I think, but I don’t even care. Smells like salty aquatics, gardenia, and dare I say—as strange as it is—a wonderful dash of clove! Man, I wanna bathe in this stuff. Dry (2 hours): I’m surprised that its this strange clove note that has amped itself up. My skin usually eats away anything spice related. But it’s still lovely all around. The aquatic notes are still surrounding the clove, giving it a pleasant freshness. Dry (5 hours): The clove has mellowed away and now it resembles how it did in the imp—but without any citrus. The throw as of now is pretty average for my skin (weak) but that is to be expected. Consensus: I need a bottle of this. I. NEED. A. BOTTLE. OF. THIS. This is easily my favorite scent now.
You could always try Ya-Te-Vo. I didn't care for it especially, but obviously that could just be my skin and taste. I've linked to my review, but to sum it up: ...A heavy spearmint, but there is still some soft pine in the background. There was nothing really "chilling" or "cool" about it to me with all the warm woody smells behind it. Happy Hunting!
Preconceived Notions: I really just got this scent because of the name. I love the character. I wasn’t too concerned about the notes. My skin loves vanilla and always amps it up. The rest sound like pleasant-gold-goodness. Imp: No note is particularly standing out to me, but it has a very mature scent to it. Which makes sense, but not what I was hoping for. Wet: Smells like straw. Ugh. Dry (10 minutes): This is pretty mild which is a good thing because it’s friggin weird on me. It’s like… a smoky peach. Come on vanilla, I’m depending on you. Dry (3 hours): Well good, the vanilla finally kicked in, and so did the amber. I occasionally get a whiff of peach, but its gone for the most part. Dry (5 hours): Same as before, but there really is no throw. Consensus: It’s an ok scent. But I’m not feelin’ it. I think it’s a little too mature for my taste, and I have plenty of other vanilla scents I prefer, so this one will be going to the swap pile.
I haven't tried a ton of BPAL scents yet, but I would definitely say that Croquet and Peitho have a "pink" feel to them. I've linked them to my reviews if you wanna check them out! Happy Hunting!
Initial Impression: Got this as a frimp. The Mad Tea Party line usually does quite well on my skin, but I’ve been avoiding this one because of the lime note (which I’ve gathered from reviews is pretty strong). I’ve never cared for the smell or taste of limes. But the other notes seem ok. I do especially love grapefruit so maybe I’ll luck out. Imp: Super strong lime with floral undertones. Wet: The sage is prominently standing out, but it’s kind of weird with the lime in the back. Hmmm… Dry (10 minutes): I guess I’m in luck! No limes left. In fact, this doesn’t smell like any of the notes mentioned. It smells like an Iris to me—floral, but with a hushed, windy note. (Because smelling like air makes sense, right?) I do rather like it. Dry (2 hours): The scent hasn’t morphed too much. I am getting more of the sage now though. The throw isn’t as strong as I like, but it’s ok. *I usually rate scents throughout a 6 hour period, but I needed a shower. Oh well.* Consensus: I am pleasantly surprised by the direction this took. But I’m not sure just how much I like it yet. I’ll use up my imp before I decide if I should buy a whole bottle or not.
Initial impressions: Bought an imp of this because I wanted to try a scent with wine notes. I’m also really into the Greek tragedies, so why not take a whack at it? Imp: The first whiff is straight-up wine, but the more I sniff it, the more I get the honey. Its different, but still sweet and nice. Wet: Definitely very herbal now. I guess that’s the myrrh? I don’t think I’ve ever smelled myrrh before. Kind reminds me of shopping for plants in the summer at the local green house. Very earthy. Dry (10 minutes): Ooo! This is rather strange for me, but I kinda like it! The honey is definitely sitting at an equal place with the myrrh now, and the wine is subtly lying there too. It also has a nice throw. A lot of scents die on me within two hours or so, but this one seems pretty strong. I have high hopes for what its going to do in the next few hours. Dry (2 hours): Well, pooh. The wine is still there but the rest of the notes went powdery on me. Not to an extreme, but still noticeable. Its not bad, but its not what I want either. Dry (5 hours): Its like a herbal soap now. Nothing is really distinct. Consensus: I agree with other reviews in that it’s not a scent I would wear in public/at events. It’s nice and comforting, but there is no wow factor for me once it’s on my skin. But I’ll use up the imp on days I’m not planning to leave the house.
Initial impression: Got an imp of this because I am looking for a “sexy” scent that fits me. My skin responds rather well to grapefruit so I thought it would be a good try. Also, the other notes seemed ok. Nothing I disliked. Imp: Pure sweet grapefruit. Wet: Still grapefruit, but not a sweet as in the bottle. Dry (10 minutes): Smells like a pleasant white tea with grapefruit. Dry (2 hours): The scent didn’t morph on me, nor did it hardly last beyond this time. Definitely no ginger scent on me. I can get a hint of the apple, but only because I'm looking for it. Consensus: Lovely smell, but with such a weak throw, I won't be considering a full bottle. Oh well, guess I'm still on the search for a sexy scent.
While I would love to try everything BPAL related, I've boiled down my desires to 25 scents. (They are all from the General Catalog, cause I'm too cheap to pay extra without knowing for sure if I'd like them.) Side note: THIS IS NOT SWAP RELATED. This is merely for my personal use to keep track of my desired scents. I will never link to this entry anywhere. Ars Amatoria: Bathsheba Brisingamen Endymion Hetairae Lucy's Kiss Bewitching Brews: Belle ´Epoque La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente Shattered Excolo: Bastet Hecate Thalia Yemaya Illyria: Katharina Lady Macbeth Mad Tea Party: Dormouse Märchen: The Sea Foams Blood The Light of Men's Lives A Picnic in Arkham: Miskatonic University Rappaccini's Garden: The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil The Zieba Tree RPG: Lawful Elf Wanderlust: Eden Florence Versailles
Imp: The scent is hopping back and forth between grapefruit and lavender, and yet there is something very warm about it. Wet: Citrusy lavender. Rather pleasant. Reminds me of sitting in a tea house (which is entirely appropriate for this scent). Dry (10 minutes): VANILLA. Why, WHY MUST MY BODY TURN EVERYTHING INTO VANILLA? Ugh. Well, besides that, I'm getting hints of grapefruit and chamomile. I think the musk is trying to peak through, but its not quite there yet. Dry (1.5 hours): I have no idea whats going on. The scent is literally morphing every 15 minutes. I am getting all the notes now (plus the vanilla), but never all at one. Its smells good, but its a little chaotic for my liking. Dry (6 hours): Just a clean vanilla now, with a slight bit of musk. But its incredibly weak. Consensus: I don't know about this one. I think I'll have to try is a few more times before I decide on it.
Imp: LORD JESUS THIS SMELLS SO GOOD. I'm not getting any distinct notes, just very fruity and sweet. But not like candy, more like flavored ice tea. Its fantastic. Wet: Ahhhh, there's the sweet pea, acting as a breath of fresh air over the fruits. Mmmmm... Dry (10 minutes): Honeydew melon and sweet peas! A hint of pear as well. I think I'm in love. Dry (4 hours): This one has not morphed on my skin, if any difference, I'm getting a little of the grape now. It has faded quite a good deal though. Dry (6 hours): The only scent remaining is floral, and its just barely there. Maybe I should have applied a bit more. Consensus: Head over heels! I'll be getting a bottle come summer.
I got this as a frimp. Its not something I would usually pick for myself, but one never wastes a frimp! Imp: Smells like a straight up Christmas tree. I can definitely detect the medicinal scent others are talking about, but only because I'm looking for it. Wet: Still Christmas trees, but there is a strange sharpness to it that makes me think of alcohol. Dry (10 minutes): Goodbye Christmas trees! I'm getting a heavy spearmint, but there is still some soft pine in the background. Its very wintery. Not bad, but not quite feminine enough for me. Dry (4 hours): Now it just smells like a spicy version of Irish Spring soap. Well, at least it smells clean. Dry (7 hours): A light smell remains, rather indistinct, but it is candyish. Cotton candy, maybe? That seems odd. Consensus: Its a pleasant scent, but its too masculine for me. I think I'll pass this frimp onto a friend.
Imp: The Lily pops out to me very strongly, but the jasmine is obviously there as well. There is a twang of spice too, but it is very faint. Wet: Lily and Jasmine all the way. Nothing else. Dry (10 minutes): The lily is still the star of this show, but the sandalwood and vanilla are starting to peek through. The jasmine is just barely there. This smells very old fashion to me. Not in the sense its old, but that it takes you back in time. Its very feminine and soft. Dry (3 hours): The smell in general has gotten a lot fainter, I'm gonna have to apply it heavier in future uses. Its now a nice, warm vanilla scent. The lily still remains hushed in the background and the musk is appearing slightly; but you wouldn't know it if you didn't have foreknowledge of it being in the ingredients. I'm really loving this scent! Dry (5 hours): Scent is pretty much gone. I can still get some of the floral tones if I put my nose on my wrist, but its pretty much done for the day. Consensus: This is less Greek Goddess and more Importance of Being Earnest. If Gwendolen Fairfax was summed up in a perfume, it would be this. I think I may need to get a bottle of Peitho....
Imp: Sharp almond, but its medicinal in smell. I would have never picked up this scent if I had smelled it before buying. Wet: Same as the imp, but there is a powdery-ness to it that dull its sharpness. Dry (10 minutes): No almond, no spice; just florals. I asked my mother and sister what notes they were getting. My sister said she could get a hint of almond, but both agreed that it smelled like a light floral. Not a spring floral though, its still very warm. Its not very strong on me. Dry (3 hours): I can only smell it if my nose is right next to my wrist. So this is either a very weak scent on me, of I put too little on. Still very floral, but another warm note has appeared. Kinda like honey, but could also be an amber scent. I imagine I won't be able to smell anything in a another few hours. Consensus: Not at all what I expected, but I think its still a scent that works well for me. It faint and light, making it a good everyday scent. Though I am disappointed I'm not getting any almond or spice. I intend to stubbornly try it on different parts of my body until I get that almond! I want an almond scent sooo bad! UPDATE: Alas, no almond anywhere. I passed this imp to my sister, but she hated it so much that she gave it back. I guess this one is off to the swap pile.
Three white cakes, vanilla, and red and black currants. I'm new to the BPAL world and this is my first review but I'll do my best! Imp: Smells like buttery-sugary goodness! Wet: Woah! Sour cake? How is that even possible? Ugh, I don't know that I like this. Dry (after 10 minutes): Cake smell returns. Can't get any hints of the currents. Its a little stronger than I thought it would be, but its nice. And this point, I walk into my living room and my sister yells "WHY DO YOU SMELL LIKE CAKE?" So evidently, its noticeable. I ask her what kind of cake because I'm getting more of a "cake baked in a little cabin in the woods" rather than "victorian" cake. She says it makes her think cake batter rather than a cake itself. The sugary notes are really sticking out, and she can catch the current notes too. Dry (after 3 hours): The cake is still here. I repeat, the cake is still here, and its starting to drive me a little crazy. I try to wash some of it off to dull it down a bit (and I promise I didn't put that much on!) Dry (after 8 hours): Smell is no longer detectable unless I get my wrists near my face. Smells less like cake and more like a faint, floral soap. Not bad. Consensus: I like Eat Me. Not sure if I want a full bottle though. Seems like a good scent for days with friends and family. Its not really sexy or suave. Just cozy and comforting.