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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by deleahrium

  1. Vibrant with the joy and sweetness of life in death! A blend of five sugars, lightly dusted with candied fruits.


    Akin to Midwinter's Eve. Much fruitier than past versions. The past ones always struck me as being a dried out fruit, covered in sugar, or like cast, hardened sugar. This is like those sugary fruit slices. Still "dry" in the sense that it's not fresh fruit, but much more juicy and fresh in feeling.

  2. I can't believe how much I love this! Well I can, since I tend to love the manly, smoky scents, just as a novelty, but this one is crazy good! This is actually like Pinched with Four Aces, without the "sweet."


    Beautiful. I will love to wear this in the middle of winter.


    And if I had a man who smelled like this? I would not be able to resist pouncing.

  3. I don't know... we all know what a foody lover I am, and yet this one just doesn't sit right with me.


    In the bottle: Godiva white chocolate liquor. Straight up. Like, I have the bottle of godiva sitting here :P and I am sniffing them alternately and they are the SAME THING. This pumpkin is not just sweet, it's LIQUOR-sweet.


    Skin: Calms a LOT as it dries down. This is much like PP2 (cocoa, hazelnut, walnut) without the grittiness of the nuts. It's sweeter and smoother.


    Dry down: I'm noticing that same vomit-sick sweetness that's in Milk Moon 07. It has to be the cream. Milk and cream scents often go sour on my skin. How unfortunate! And then, they turn to pineapple, what's up with that!


    Yep, now it just smells like pumpkin Milk Moon. Blah!!

  4. This really smells like pumpkin potpourri to me. Pumpkiny and sweet but with a dry herbalness to it, most definitely the tea. And in that regard, I guess it just smells like straight pumpkin tea to me. Nice! Not too sweet, not too foody, just very nice.

  5. This is CRAZY good.


    Bottle: light, faint, sweet... where are you, scent?


    Skin: Zomg, there you are! It's a fruity circus peanut. I LOVE the smell of those things. I think normal marshmallows don't have much of a smell, but those things smell/taste vanilla-y and great. This is a circus peanut. And it dried down to... PLAY DOUGH circus peanut. In a GOOD way! I think it's funny the way people say "oh no, it smells like play dough, how sad!" whereas I'm like "YES it smells like play dough, TERRIFIC!" This is what happens when a "plasticky" scent goes GOOD instead of bad. There is no past or current BPAL I can compare this to. I love it forever. I don't think I could ever have too much of this one.

  6. The pine is in the forefront, and it really does have that dry, cottony sticks-in-your-mouth-and-in-your-nose toilet paper smell. I don't know how she did it, I am in awe. Take a big whiff of your TP the next time you open a new roll. This is that, while sitting in an evergreen forest.

  7. In the bottle: Jungle Juice. College nights, at the frat, with a red Solo cup and hot drunken boys all around.


    Wet on skin: Strongly fruity! It's definitely RED fruit punch.


    Drydown: Blah! It smells like laundry detergent! It's not soapy. but it smells like that fake fruit/floral perfume that is added to detergent to make it smell like !Fresh!Fruit!Breezes! or !Spring!Flower!Fields! It really is a shame.

  8. This is Jack + Beaver Moon. It really smells like Beth literally took the two and just shook them together, cackled in delight at her ability to fool us all, and then went dancing in the time when she was supposedly laboriously blending a "new" scent :D :D Haha, nothing but love for you Beth!


    I seriously love this one. I don't think it smells like cheesecake, because I never really thought Beaver Moon smelled like cheesecake. Just like awesome.


    The drydown is less Jack-like and more Beaver Moon like. Like a slightly sweeter, smoother, creamier Beaver. Mmm, creamy beaver.


    Can you tell I love it? :P

  9. This is incredible. It smells like my beloved PP5, but a little bit grittier. It's almost as if it's been touched with the tiniest bit of De Sade. I get that strong, masculine, fresh leather aroma. I love Roadhouse, but I'm not getting any of that from Pumpkin Smash. It really is just like a non-sweet pumpkin scent + De Sade. I love it completely! This is a very very ME scent, but I also suspect I would love it as much or even more on a man. Mmm. *licks lips*

  10. In the bottle: Egg Nog. Beautiful, sweet, and slightly tangy/custardy. Certain love.


    Wet on skin: Chaste Moon! It has that delicate, crystalline feel to it.


    Dry: My nose should have been covered in white when I pulled it away from my wrist. Literally smells like I slathered my hand in Johnson and Johson's baby powder. Yuck-o.

  11. I am always attracted to blends with tobacco in them, but I've learned tobacco amps like crazy on my skin, and I smell like I just crawled out of an 80 year old chain smoker's lungs.


    Pinched with Four Aces DOESN'T do that! It's definitely reminiscent of a man, but not in a man-scent way. This is what I smell like after spending the night in my man's bed. It's totally the morning after scent-- the sweetness of my foody BPAL mixed with his natural dry dull spice, wrapped up with his morning cigarette and a shared cup of coffee.


    And there is someone I'm thinking about in particular, and he doesn't know how I feel. I miss him more and more each time I smell this. Pinched With Four Aces has literally inspired me to tell him of my desire, the next time he returns home. Thanks, Beth. Really.

  12. It's hard to describe, but it has that green aquatic feel to it (as opposed to the blue aquatic). I don't know what most of these notes smell like on their own, but there's something tingly and spicy, and then something floral and light. It's nice, but not me.

  13. This is one happy smelling, suffocating snake!


    It took me a while to figure it out, but it's Cockaigne, plain and simple, without having that too strong, too sickly, too cloying, just overall gross overtone that Cockaigne has.

  14. It's apple-o-yay! I'm just getting apple, with spice, on my skin. And I think I can sort of smell the plumeria, as there is a little floral tinge in there keeping it from getting sweet. It's lovely! On my skin, I'm not getting lemon or orange at all. It's still apple going strong. I think this will be a good daytime autumn or evening summer scent. It makes me think of Ladon, but it hasn't gone all sickly florally soapy like Ladon did.

  15. On, wet: The sage is strong in the forefront upon first sniff, then the leather jumps in on the next sniff. All in all a very balanced scent. If I take a long deep whiff, I can pick out sandalwood and tonka along with the leather and sage that are so strong. I'm not sure they make the best combination, but it's definitely well done. I'd say this is great for a man. Yep, my man can smell like this any day.

  16. This is sweeter than I would have expected. It's very floral, but it's not grossing me out like really floral blends do, although these flowers are notes I don't usually see in other blends. It's actually kind of lemony, with a white flower background. I think it would be great for spring or summer.

  17. It turns kind of soapy when on, but not in that ew get it off of me soapy way. It actually smells like a nice clean soap, and it's sort of reminiscent of Antique Lace. I don't smell Snake Oil in there at all. It pretty much disappears when dry, and just kind of has a lingering greenness. For an aquatic, this is nice.

  18. This is like dirty cantaloupe. And I love the smell of cantaloupe so much that I love this anyway. I suspect it might end up being way to sweet and sickly if that dirty musky smell wasn't there. Interesting, for sure. Beth, more melon blends, please!
