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About HennaFairy

  • Rank
    obsessive precious hoarder
  • Birthday 11/20/1975


  • Location
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    United States


  • BPAL of the Day
  • Favorite Scents
    likes: woody, spicy, resiny, vanilla, herbal, honey, citrus dislikes: strong/exotic florals, musks, anything too foody/sweet, violets, vetiver, civet

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  • Interests
    Tori Amos, Charlotte Martin, Neil Gaiman, Burning Man, Poi, Reiki, Paganism, Vegetarianism, Cats, All animals, Henna, Knitting, Jewelry, All crafts, Reading, Gilmore Girls, Firefly/Serenity, Buffy, Neverending Story, Princess Bride, Mists of Avalon, Mirrormask, yada yada yada....
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  1. HennaFairy

    Ordering Imps

    Yep! Thanks! I did figure it out myself eventually, but great to have confirmation Can't wait, haven't placed an order in YEARS!
  2. HennaFairy

    Ordering Imps

    Is the RPG line impable? thanks
  3. HennaFairy

    What should I expect at Will-Call?

    thanks, i DID search for titles only and only the post cemetary ones came up. i appreciate the help!
  4. HennaFairy

    What should I expect at Will-Call?

    so - did the will call threads disappear? I see one for each coast in the post cemetary area, but no new ones... just wanted to check...
  5. HennaFairy

    Dark Chocolate

    Note - I wrote only one review for the set. But since there are two entries (as it should be, I think! sorry I didn't do it earlier) I'm duplicating my entire review here. No description. This scent was available to VIP guests at a special reception with Neil Gaiman at the NYC Comic Con 2008 as a fundraiser for the CBLDF. After the VIP meet&greet, he read for the general admission crowd a selection of pieces including an unreleased short story titled "Orange". This scent set was create to go with the story. Orange is actually a set. An orange burlap bag contained a 5 ml of Orange, and an imp of Dark Chocolate. Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/k8et/2424691042/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/k8et/2424690102/ The imp label reads: "Inspired by Neil Gaiman's short story "Orange". Use this to feed your perfume. (Inedible for humans, please use only to feed supernatural orange lifeforms!)" (I'm not going to give away the story. It's one of those that you have to read or hear to fully experience. I'm sure youtube will have tonight's reading at some point!) Orange: Not surprisingly, it smells like orange! But it's a soft orange, more like orange sherbet. In fact I almost think it's creamy, especially in the drydown, and reminds me of an orange creamsicle. No obvious cream notes that I can tell, it's just soft and not a harsh citrus at all. Dark Chocolate: This is that magic ingredient in Wulric and Boomslang. Like those, the dark part separates out - I can't tell how much is the dark oil because the label covers the imp, but it seems more like Boomslang in color once it's mixed up and put on. Not bitter chocolate, just a dark creamy cocoa, it's wonderful. Together: Should I lie and say it's horrible? You know it's not true. It's the perfect blend of orange and chocolate. sweet but not candylike. soft and refreshing. It's a fairly straight forward scent meaning that you probably know if you like orange, and chocolate, and I doubt this would change your existing opinions on it either way. But it is beautifully executed, especially how the orange is soft and refreshing at the same time. I tried both on together before Neil got around to me at the reception. I told him I put both on together, and he sniffed my wrist then he said another girl had only tried the orange, and he made her come over and sniff too! Hours later, I got in my car after taking the ferry home and taking photos of the NY skyline with an almost full moon. My wrist was faint (I tested sparingly) but just wonderfully soft, barely orange as you usually know it, but leaving the impression of orange as a concept, with a hint of dark chocolate. Love Neil, love "Orange", it was a fabulous night! (More photos will be posted to my flickr account and a report of the whole evening in my blog. If not tonight, early next week.) ETA: it's possible there's a subtle floral in here, maybe orange blossom? I have no idea. But I'm not huge on strong florals, and it's not strong floral... I hope more discerning noses can help me later...
  6. HennaFairy


    No description. This scent was available to VIP guests at a special reception with Neil Gaiman at the NYC Comic Con 2008 as a fundraiser for the CBLDF. After the VIP meet&greet, he read for the general admission crowd a selection of pieces including an unreleased short story titled "Orange". This scent set was create to go with the story. I have stage fright up here all by myself Orange is actually a set. An orange burlap bag contained a 5 ml of Orange, and an imp of Dark Chocolate. Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/k8et/2424691042/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/k8et/2424690102/ The imp label reads: "Inspired by Neil Gaiman's short story "Orange". Use this to feed your perfume. (Inedible for humans, please use only to feed supernatural orange lifeforms!)" (I'm not going to give away the story. It's one of those that you have to read or hear to fully experience. I'm sure youtube will have tonight's reading at some point!) Orange: Not surprisingly, it smells like orange! But it's a soft orange, more like orange sherbet. In fact I almost think it's creamy, especially in the drydown, and reminds me of an orange creamsicle. No obvious cream notes that I can tell, it's just soft and not a harsh citrus at all. Dark Chocolate: This is that magic ingredient in Wulric and Boomslang. Like those, the dark part separates out - I can't tell how much is the dark oil because the label covers the imp, but it seems more like Boomslang in color once it's mixed up and put on. Not bitter chocolate, just a dark creamy cocoa, it's wonderful. Together: Should I lie and say it's horrible? You know it's not true. It's the perfect blend of orange and chocolate. sweet but not candylike. soft and refreshing. It's a fairly straight forward scent meaning that you probably know if you like orange, and chocolate, and I doubt this would change your existing opinions on it either way. But it is beautifully executed, especially how the orange is soft and refreshing at the same time. I tried both on together before Neil got around to me at the reception. I told him I put both on together, and he sniffed my wrist then he said another girl had only tried the orange, and he made her come over and sniff too! Hours later, I got in my car after taking the ferry home and taking photos of the NY skyline with an almost full moon. My wrist was faint (I tested sparingly) but just wonderfully soft, barely orange as you usually know it, but leaving the impression of orange as a concept, with a hint of dark chocolate. Love Neil, love "Orange", it was a fabulous night! (More photos will be posted to my flickr account and a report of the whole evening in my blog. If not tonight, early next week.) ETA: it's possible there's a subtle floral in here, maybe orange blossom? I have no idea. But I'm not huge on strong florals, and it's not strong floral... I hope more discerning noses can help me later...
  7. HennaFairy

    Tiki King

    the only tiki scent i ordered. opening the bottle and sniffing, it was almost orgasmic I loved it so much! I put it on and it turned not-so-nice. I didn't have the note list on hand, and it smelled like it had vetiver in it. (Which was unusual because the few vetiver scents i CAN wear, are harsher wet and nicer in the drydown.) I may try it again. I may try it in a scent locket or diffuser. But I'm afraid this one is a disappointment for me...
  8. HennaFairy

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    can anyone tell me the difference between the original three witches bottle and the re-release? the bottle is a 10 ml and has the standard black and white label that is common on GCs now, with the paper (uncoated) label, and i believe a blue bottle. thanks!
  9. HennaFairy

    Delousing Powder

    This smells like a rich spoiled brat who was wearing too much expensive floral perfume, after her shower upon entry to the prison system. i kinda get the citrusy stuff while wet, but it's a powdery soap scent, with a hint of expensive florals beneath it. Yes, a distant cousin to EBM (enraged louse musk??) ok i smell a SLIGHT SLIGHT hint of that note that's in snow white. definitely clean, powdery, with the hint of a past of debauchery..... too powdery/floral for me, but very fitting for the name/theme!
  10. HennaFairy

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    happens to everyone. no worries
  11. HennaFairy

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    http://www.nattiechan.com/bpal_spreadsheet.shtml probably doesn't have the last two updates, says it was revised 3/26/07..... FYI, the mods will probably merge this with the thread here http://www.bpal.org/index.php?showtopic=10049&hl=
  12. HennaFairy

    icons for decant circle

    as always feel free to use, just put on your own webspace/photobucket please
  13. HennaFairy

    some more icons

  14. HennaFairy

    Jack and Jack

    (i didn't make it icon size cause i think the locket would be lost...)
  15. HennaFairy

    Squirting Cucumber

    it's a creamy cucumber. reminds me of my grandmother's cucumber salad (which has something creamy, mayo? in it) and this is just the ULTIMATE summertime scent! i need to slather in this, i love it!!