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Hopefully someone can help with this... or tell me who to talk to! I accidentally hit the submit or "place order" or whatever button that is that sends the money in PayPal before I meant to. So I forgot both the shipping money (I'd meant to go back and fix that) and I had the wrong address up. O__O Yeah. Anyone have any ideas on how to go about fixing this?
In the bottle: A mish-mash of flowers... but it's not overwhelming. It's actually quite a bit lighter that I thought it would be. On my skin: Wet, soapy-sweet. Not looking good here. Dry... yeah. Same. Sweet, soapy, alcoholy (not the fun kind of alcohol) and a bit floral. Final Thoughts: This was a frimp, and not one that I picked out as one I wanted to try, so I'm not too down about it not working.
In the bottle: Huh. There's something clove or cinnamon in this. Slightly metallic, possibly ozone, kind of smells like alcohol (the drinking kind) actually... with a bid of a woodsy, earthy background smell. Very interesting... I love cinnamon scents so that's good, but ozone/metallic usually goes soapy on me. So I'm not sure how this one will turn out. On my skin: Wet, OMG. Um... love. Metallicy cinnamon with just a hint of clove. And it stays that way through dry-down with the clove coming out just a bit more. After a while the clove is the most prominent smell. Not soapy at all, which is great. Final Thoughts: I am so happy this ended up being as fantastic as it did. Major internet cookies/hugs/love to the person who sent this to me as a partial frimp. I ordered Mars and Venus from her and mentioned that I was attempting to collect all the Celestials. So aside from the frimp of Margause she threw in this as well! The cinnamon/clove that it was right after drying was so good, but I was a little sad to find that it continued to get more and more clovey after time. I like clove, but I really liked the combo. So I tried layering this with Inferno (which comes out as completely cinnamon on me) and it worked just as I was hoping it would!
In the bottle: Very... forceful. It's a bit overwhelming and gives me a slight headache. Something that smells kind of floral, possibly jasmine. I'm not smelling any cinnamon in this like everyone else seems to be, but if I shows up when I put it on I won't be disappointed. Clove is there as well. On my skin: This dried instantly. Clove, a bit of cinnamon... something slightly floral. Fiery and fresh. An odd combo. Final Thoughts: There's something nicely invigorating and alluring about this. Yet another Celestial to add to the good list. On a side note, I accidentally knocked this over when testing it and it spilled a bit onto my window sill. Now every time I have the window open and a breeze comes through it picks up the scent and my room smells fantastic...
In the bottle: Feminine. Romantic... minty and rosey (though I am drinking mint tea at the moment, so that may be affecting things... or not). Very light and airy and clean. It's a pretty scent. On my skin: Wet, it smells vaguely like diaper wipes, it's that kind of slightly-soapy clean smell. Drying brings back the mint smell with just a bit of something floral behind it. It smells kind of rosey... but like a rose that's been dipped into Dove body wash (yes, like the commercial). It just gets increasingly soapy as time passes. Final Thoughts: I'm sad that this one ended up so soapy smelling. All the other Celestials have been fantastic. One good thing is that I definitely smell clean... like I just got out of the shower. It's not entirely bad though... there are worse things to smell like than Dove.
In the bottle: Honey... clove and vanilla are most prominent at the first sniff. I smell a bit of the poppy, but not too much. This is oddly (or maybe not-so-oddly if I think about it) sweet in the imp. On my skin: Wet... um... gross. Cloyingly sweet. And it's not getting better as it dries. It's just way too sugar. Final Thoughts: When I looked at the description for this I had a feeling it would be bad and almost didn't try it. Vanilla and honey are not my friends. But since it was a frimp, I figured I might as well. Unfortunately, I was right, this is another one that just doesn't work on me. This actually reminds me almost exactly of White Rabbit... which was equally bad on me.
In the bottle: Incense. Slight rosewood scent under that. On my skin: Wet, there's something slightly woody, a little leathery. There are other things over that that I can't really place. I smell like a dusty old library... which is a smell I love. ^___^ Something just barely sweet under all of it... though I have no idea what it is. Get's a little powdery after a while. But since "after a while" in this case means about 4 hours after application, I'm choosing to ignore that. Final Thoughts: Another one I'm really loving so far. I can't explain why... it's just very... awesome. It feels like hours of research on a really interesting topic in an amazing library. That sounds nerdy and dorky, but that's what it is. It has a strangely sexy edge to it too...
In the bottle: I do smell a bit of sandalwood in this. However, there's a very sharply sweet note in this that's undoubtedly cherries. It's not overly sweet though, there's a balance. On my skin: Wet, very cherry! Sweet and girly (which is nice, but not really me). Dry, the sandalwood comes out in force, pushing that sweet, cherry smell to the background. It's a nice blend, another light scent. There's something almost liquorice hiding underneath that adds just a bit of spice to it. I smell like a candy... um... Good'n'Plenty! That's it! Final Thoughts: A nice, light, slightly sweet scent. I don't normally like the sweeter oils because, while they smell great, they're just not ME, ya know? But this has just enough kick to it that I like it. Not sure if I'd wear it a lot though... retest later. RETEST: Yeah... I'm not sure if it's just today or what, but this isn't anything like it was the first time. It's very alcoholy (not boozy) with just a bit of cherry.
In the bottle: Whew. Lime and lotus. That's all I'm getting... I can't sniff this for too long though. It makes my eyes water. On my skin: Wet, very bitter and not good at all. Dry, there's a whole lot of lotus to this, with just a bit of jasmine and lime underneath. After a little while, everything but the lotus fades away. Final Thoughts: Kinda pretty, a little on the sour side though and not one I'd wear. Even on my arm it makes my eyes water.
In the bottle: A very light scent. Lightly fruity, lightly floral with something very slightly edgy to it. Pear and plumeria. On my skin: Wet, it's... weird. I don't have a clue what it smells like, but it's not plumeria, pear or white champagne. Actually, scratch that. I know exactly what it smells like; one of those smelly markers... the lemon one. Dry, it's becoming a bit less of a marker and more of a slightly floral smell with a fruity edge to it. It's fading very quickly. Final Thoughts: Fades too fast on me. Which is unfortunate because it was turning out to be a fairly nice, light scent.
In the bottle: Surprisingly (and deceptively) sweet and light, with the barest hint of darkness lurking in the background. As a side note, I got a drop or two of this on my thumb while opening and didn't notice until after I started typing. So now my space bar smells very nice. On my skin: Floral and just slightly fruity. (I keep getting this everywhere... there's now a few drops on my bed as well, which sucks because it wasn't a very full imp in the first place.) There's still that dark, deep something hidden that I can't quite figure out... possibly musk... though it feels a bit more like sandalwood. There's a sweetness to it as well, but it's not overpowering enough that I don't like it. Final Thoughts: I'm surprised that I like this. I was expecting a heavier, darker scent, not a fairly light one with just an edge of darkness. Very tricky and complex. I like it, but I'm not sure how often I'd wear it. Maybe I'll try it out for a day soon and see how I feel after that.
In the bottle: Mmmm... (that's always a good sign). Slightly almondy with a kick of spice underneath. Very nice in the bottle. On my skin: Wet it is very sweet-almondy, reminds me quite a bit of how Inferno smelled wet actually. However, drying, this takes on a very different scent than Inferno. It's a sharp, spiced smell. Cloves, Bay and something vaguely smokey and boozy. Like a hole-in-the-wall pub or something. Final Thoughts: Who cares if it's supposed to be a guys scent? I'm really liking this. It's not overly masculine... as long as I don't smear it on (it's true that a little bit of this goes a loooong way) it actually just ends up being a nice, spicey kind of smell. It fades quickly to a good stopping point, where it sits at for a pretty long time. A great scent that will probably be going on my "To Buy a Bigger Bottle" list. Yay for frimps!
In the bottle: Oooh, very clean, light and fresh. It's a clear scent, with just hints of honeysuckle and green tea. On my skin: Wet, it's instant lemon. Like a Lemon Drop actually. Dry, it's still lemon, but the honeysuckle and stronger tea smell have come out as well. Final Thoughts: It's a good scent. I like it. Not sure if I like it enough to buy a bigger bottle, but I'll definitely be enjoying my imp.
In the bottle: Hmm... something warm, in a watery way, and slightly floral. There's a kind of lightness/clearness to it, but it's backed by something much stronger. On my skin: How strange. I have no clue what this smells like. There's something vaguely rose to it, but it's sharper than that. It's not delicate, but not masculine either, just a nice balance between the two. Maybe lilies? Slightly salty. Unsurprisingly, as every aquatic scent I've tried so far has done it to some degree, this becomes just a bit soapy on me. Final Thoughts: I don't know what it is, but I really like this scent. The soapy factor isn't noticable unless you have your nose glue to my arm, so I'm not worried about that. Definitely one I'd consider buying a bigger bottle of!
In the bottle: This isn't biting or gingery or tea-like at all. What it is, is very light and very faintly floral. A very calm scent. On my skin: Oh my god! This smells exactly like a cup of white tea! It's slightly lemony as well... with just a hint of ginger. A very light scent. As it dries (which it does very quickly) it gets a bit more lemony and very faint. This fades way too fast though. The only way I can smell it (after 5 minutes on) is if I press my arm to my nose. The gingery side is coming out though, giving it a nice kick. Final Thoughts: Putting this one, I immediately liked it. But it fades too fast! It'd be pointless to wear it... the smell would be basically gone before I even got out of the building. I do like it though... I'll keep it. Maybe putting it on more that just a 2in patch on my arm will make the scent a stick around longer. <edit> OK, so right after posting this I decided to try it again, but this time with more than just a small strip. It's a very light smell, but it it has a strange warmth to it. I have it on my arms and a little on my neck, and it's just wafting up to my nose in a very fantastic way. But when I go to actually smell it directly, it's very faint. Weird. Anyway, after re-evaluation, I think I'll be buying a larger bottle of this.
In the bottle: Bleh... not liking this in the bottle. Very acidy and tangy... almost sour smelling. Makes my nose crinkle up. On my skin: Wet, it's the same as in the bottle. Not good at all. It's better dry, but not by much. Basically it just fades, but stays the same sort of smell. Only it's not so bad when it's not as strong. It's much more of a crisp, clean scent now. Final Thoughts: I was very prepared to not like this after what it smelled like in the bottle, and when wet I was pretty sure my first instinct was going to stick. But it got a whole lot better as time passes... I don't know that I'll wear this much though.
In the bottle: This is... strange. I think it's the mixture of juniper and mint. Kind of gross to be honest. I couldn't smell it for very long, there's something sickeningly sweet about this. On my skin: Wet... blech. Not a good outlook for this one. It's just very overpowering. The smell wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so strong. Drying, I smell a tad more mint... but it's very murky. I'm not sure how I feel about this one. Final Thoughts: Meh, it's not bad and it's not good. It's just kind of a smell. I'll retest later, just in case I had something else on my skin at the time, and see if it's any different.
In the bottle: I'm drooling. This smells like a freshly baked almond bun with cinnamon sprinkled on the top... it's delicious. Sweet and sticky smelling with just a hint of spice. It's yummy, but not sure how it'll smell on me. On my skin: Wet, I just want to eat my own arm. It's just... so edible smelling. A few mintues after drying, it's like cinnamon candy, with an almond smell underneath. Spicy and completely yummy smelling. It's a very Christmassy kind of smell... I've got it! It smells like the apple cider we make at Christmas! The stuff we make at Oktoberfest has a different smell because of the mulling spices, but at Christmas we always put cinnamon sticks in it. And that's what this smells like. A cup of cinnamon-spiced apple cider and a plate of baked almonds. Final Thoughts: KEEPING. It's too yummy not to.
In the bottle: Very foresty and earthy. Not just one smell though, it's a mixture... it smells a little like how my grandpa's garden did when he'd plant something. Freshly dug earth. On my skin: Wet, it's sharp and foresty. Like... like a stack of newly chopped wood after a night sitting out in a summer storm. And there's something slightly Vic's VapoRub in the background. Dry, my first impulse is to say that Beth grabbed a jar of Vic's, went outside and dug up a bit of earth and liquified it in a blender. It starts getting distinctly more piney after a bit. There's something in the back of my mind that I can almost remember when I smell this... a lot of the oils have been making me remember something. It's nice... but what is it? Gah. I don't know. It's a woody scent though... but mixed with something distinctly unwoody. It gets much softer after a few mintues. I wish I could figure out what it is that this reminds me of... I feel like it has something to do with my family. Ha. I just figured it out. It smells vaguely like Off! bug spray. It reminds me of camping and going on hikes with my family. Final Thoughts: I like it, but does smell like bug spray... only when I get close though. I may keep it and test it out again sometime, but I'm not sure.
In the bottle: Cinnamon is the first thing to hit me, and then something herbal. It has that Vic's VapoRum smell, but not as strongly as Nero. There's some Lavendar in there. It's kind of... metallic. Is that a smell? On my skin: Cinnamon. Oh so cinnamon. It's nicely spicy... kind of invigorating actually. It makes me want to get up and go. There's something underneath it though... something that I can only describe as cold and blank... a little desolate smelling. Kind of metallic. Final Thoughts: I'm really liking the Celestials so far. I mean, I've only tried Jupiter, Sol and Mercury, but all three have been great and have worked well on me. Not sure how often I will wear this... on days I'm feeling particularly sluggish I can see it being beneficial though!
In the bottle: Er... bubblegum. With a hint of something slightly planty under it... but still, bubblegum? On my skin: Wet, it's bubblegum still... and slightly minty. Like BubbleTape gum. Drying, the bubblegum is going away! Yay! It's not all gone, but I can only smell it if I get really close. Much softer and herbal now. There's something vaguely spiced about it. Final Thoughts: I ended up enjoying this much more than I expected. I don't think I'll wear it very much, but it's not bad at all. I think I'll need a bit more testing with this.
In the bottle: A little pine, a little lemon, a little herbal (though I'm not sure which one)... nice and strong. A little on the bold side. Warm and... energetic. It smells like hiking. O__o On my skin: Like a lemon tea tea-bag. Oddly, I'm liking it. It's pleasant and... sunny. Sometimes it startles me how aptly named a lot of these are. After it a bit it's more lemony and a little less pine woody. There's something herbal there though... This smells exactly like something. It's so familiar, but I can't figure it out. Something good though... Thanksgiving! That's weird... why does it remind me of Thanksgiving? I think it might be that it smells a bit like potpurri, and my mom only puts potpurri out from about Halloween to New Years. It's a little like mulling spices too... which reminds me of cider and Oktoberfest. But it's still sunny smelling because of the lemon. It's a very late-summer to early autumn kind of smell. Final Thoughts: I could wear it... maybe not very often, but it's nice enough that I would enjoy smelling like this all day. It fades quickly as it dries, but then stops at a point where it becomes nicely subtle. And I'm liking it more as time passes.
In the bottle: There's something very "middle of the night" about this... a warmer, summer kind of night, right after a storm when the air outside is still humid. It's also a little soapy smelling, so we'll see if that goes away or gets stronger when it's on. On my skin: Wet... soap. Pure, undiluted soap. Shampoo-ish actually. This is not looking good... Dry, it's more flower blossom-y, but still very soapy. Final Thoughts: Bah. No. And I really wanted to like this one too. In the bottle it was promising... damn you skin chemistry!
In the bottle: Sandalwood and vanilla. It's... sweet. A little candy-like, but not a bright, colorful, "pop in your mouth on a summer day" kind of candy. More of a wintery, warm kind of candy that's only good when you're sitting in front of a fire (BPAL is making me all poetical...). But there's somethiing strong on top of that. On my skin: Wet, it's slightly sadalwoody and mostly... something else. I don't know what though. I'm not really liking it though. Dry, I've got a light floral backed with sandalwood and vanilla. Final Thoughts: I'm noticing that a lot of the lighter, softer scents just go to soap on me. And this is no exception... but it's also not as bad as some of the others. I'll put it with the other maybes and retest in a few days.
In the bottle: Nice overall, nothing that really jumps out at me... but there is a sort of medicinal smell underneath. A little like a tylenol... On my skin: Wet, it's not good. I don't know what it smells like, and it's not horrible, but it's not a good smelling whatever. Dry, it's just worse. A few mintues later it's sweet and slightly floral with a soap backing. Final Thoughts: Not good on me.