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Posts posted by jolarocknrolla

  1. i originally thought this would be my favorite pumpkin, but it turned out to be unwearable! after the first initial rush of pumpkin when wet, this went all musty and sage on me and not in a pleasant way. i got that plastic-y smell some people talked about and it was somehow strong, green and "wiffy" - which is odd because i LOVE sweetgrass and i love green scents - but this was somehow unpleasantly sharp and wrong. i'm passing on this one :P

  2. Wow, i don't smell the intense buttery pumpkin! this is just a wiff of warm pumpkin without the butteryness ... but there is TOTALLY white chocolate (if you don't like cocoa scents but you like chocolate you will love this, cocoa scents can go powdery and sickeningly sweet on me, this is a PERFECT sweetness), creamy and perfectly sweet. I actually smell a touch of licorice and hazelnut too but it must be my imagination :P it's actually not TOO horribly sweet, it's fabulously blended. One of the big winners in the set!

  3. Wet: like all of the pumpkins this starts out as overwhelming buttery pumpkin.

    Dry: Spicy floral with a touch of pumpkin. Very warm and the floral is blended pretty well. There's more of a butteryness that sticks around with this one than in, say Pumpkin I.

  4. wet: oh noes! buttery pumpkin! smells like buttery soap!

    dry: Grape soda! Not kidding, my husband and i both did a double-take on the dry-down. I'm honest to god not kidding, it smells just like grape soda, in fact it smells just like Wildwood Grape Soda :P all sugary and grape-y. I like it, it's just ... odd :D

  5. pretty darn straight up vanilla and sugar to me! i have the 2005 version and it's totally lovely, all buttercreamy (but not BUTTER, you know, just creamyer than straight up vanilla and sugar). it fades down to nothing on me fairly quickly however - this one goes rigtht in a scent locket since it's one of the ultimate comfort scents!

  6. Creepy is precisely and nothing but caramel covered apples. It's quite sweet, the caramel/sugar not is almost the burnt sugar that i get in sugar skull, but the apples (red ones, not tart at all) balance it out nicely. Very, very sweet though, so brush your teeth afterwards. lol.

  7. Beautiful, this is a total comfort scent. It's a softly spicy, milky, pale floral. Not a lot of throw but it lasts a very long time on me. It's not overly sweet, yet it's somewhat foody. Stays fairly true to it's wet stage for me, but loses a bit of the spicyness and gains a bit more milky sweetness.

  8. creamy coconut and citrus! kind of a lime-in-de-coconut sort of scent, makes me wanna dance ;p I don't smell much mint (it might blend with the orange rind to give it a bit more sharpness maybe) and i don't get the chocolate some people do, but the coconut is very rich and creamy and decadent. There is a hint of spicyness (might be the fig, though i can't be sure). This scent is decadently tropical on me. recommended!

  9. Well i sniffed this first without looking at the notes and i smelled LIME. Let me tell you, if there is patchouli in there it is FAR in the background somewhere. I'm kind os shocked that the blackberry didn't go foul on me as blackberry tends to, maybe it was the lime that counteracted it?


    The result has a sharpness to it that is hard to describe. it's a lot like Bitter moon. It's not sweet and not quite fruity, it's mostly tart but in a good way. i'm really surprised by this one!

  10. I almost wasn't going to get this because of the Leather but ... you only live once. I'm glad i got it since the Red Musk which is in my favorite blend ever (Smut) is quite prominent in this blend. it's super spicy and musky with pretty much no sweeteness or floral that i can smell. the leather doesn't overpower it, but it does give it a masculine feel and it blends with something almost peppery.


    verdicst: super sexy scent.

  11. This is *so* cool. I smell woodsmoke. The woodsmoke is actually a clean, sweet smoke, like what you get when you dry your clothes next to a fire when you are camping (god knows my husband has dragged me to enough camping trips for me to know this smell). There is just a tiny amount of beer scent, a dark brown sort of beer but it blends really well with the woodsmoke and doesn't really detract from the dominant note. those are actually the only two notes i get :P

  12. Cardinal air: the essence of balance.
    Rose, black cherry, carnation, fig, honey, plum, and black currant.

    Hey, a blend with cherry in it that isn't cough-syrup on me! huzzah. And the current didn't go musty :P For once, i'm actually getting a lot of the fruity notes in there and having them completely taken over by the rose. It's a strong rose for sure, but the spicyness of the carnation makes it SO MUCH different than, say, Hope. I get a lot of the sweet fruits along with the carnation and the result is something that i wouldn't describe as a "floral" scent despite the rose. Unless your chemistry amps rose, i'd recommend it for the spicy/sweet fruit lovers!

  13. oh, finally! I can wear one of these leafy autumn scents. Samhain and Samhainphobia struck out for me but Death of Autumn is a winner :P it smells totally of falling leaves, not the mildewy rotten ones but freshly fallen leaves. This is a lighter, fresher scent than i expected. there's something woody and spicy too, but mostly lovely lovely leaves, the amber comes out only much later.

  14. I mostly smell Jasmine. It's a Jasmine BOMB, with tiny wee bits of citrus and something sweet which might be the Lotus (I don't get a lot of Lotus, i had the Lotus SN and this doen't smell anything like that note so either there is very little lotus or the jasmine squashe it totally). Basically, you'll like this if you like Jasmine, Jasmine, Jasmine.


    ps. where is the "fruit" part of forbidden fruit? it's more like Forbidden Jasmine :P

  15. The rose scent is very prominent in both the wet and drydown phase, with moss accompanying it in the background. The slightly "sour" note other perople mention, to me, smells slightly of orange blossoms (might be my skin chemistry though) and i don't find it unpleasant. The rose reminds me a lot of Rose Red and Love in the Asylum, but this is much sharper, more of a wide-awake "wow" sort of scent. It's also a lot more sharp green as it dries down, but it never loses it's rosey tone.

  16. My husband says this smells like english Leather. I think i'm not going to let him help me with reviews from now on :P


    anyway, it's really masculine. I smell pungent ivy - sort of green and slightly spicy the way Demeter "ivy leaves" smell. When it dries down a bit it smells more mellow, but still very masculine cologne-y. Too masculine for me, but nice on a guy.

  17. REALLY REALLY GREEN. A vibrant, fresh, bright, almost citrusy sort of green. It's very sappy, very juicy, and the green-ness really overpowers anything else that might be in there. The decription didn't mention pine, but i get something very much like pine in there. It's so stong you could say it's suffocating - but it dries down to show hints of floral (probably oleander), but the floral is light and not too sweet.

  18. My husband days it smells like "old lady perfume", lol. I smell talcum powder, violet and rose (very much like Hope and Faith only without the creamyness) and the same sort of "dusty" note that i'm smelling in the other blends from this series. Bottom line is that it's a sweet, dusty floral that gets sweeter and dustier as it dries - I never smelled any sandalwood by the way.

  19. Wet, i smell mostly sweet wine, sweet in the way that pommegranite sweetens up on me, and a hint of dust and maybe patchouli. There is a slight tang, as if of ozone. Once it starts to dry down though, the wine/tangy note almost completely dissappears and turns into something very much like Lurid Library (without the floral) - in that there is an inscence kind of note and the dry-dusty note comes forward a LOT. I still smell a timy bit of patchouli i think and there is still a hint of sweetness, but it's not fruity wine as it was at first, it's now almost completely dusty and inscence-y.

  20. OMG pear! that's all i smell at first, just wonderful sweet red pear, changing slowly to a sort of pear pastry. Not too sweet and sugary, the pear keeps it fresh and juicy with just the right amount of sweetness in the background. This is my husband's FAVORITE of the Haunted House set. to me, this is not a complex scent, and it's not much of a morpher on me, except that the vanilla is somehow riper and richer towards the end of the drydown. Utterly wonderful and absolutely necessary for the foodies out there. winner!

  21. pretty straight up musk and inscence ... no morphing here, it stays true from wet to dry. i know there aren't supposed to be floral notes from the description but i smell faint floral - not a lot, but just a little there at the edges. Reminds me a tiny bit of Cathdreal but more clausterphobic, more dense (even though it doesn't have a very strong throw).

  22. wow, this is really unique. Wet, it smells like a light, sweet smokey inscense. I get very little "green" at the onset. The moss/ivy comes out later in a really lovely robust way though and it has a slight sweetness to it (non-foody, non-floral) that is really unusual and beautiful. This is definately one that you need to try on yourself though, a must for fans of the "wood" notes.
