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Everything posted by TrailerTrashPrincess

  1. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Spinning Multicolored Metallic Pinwheel

    out of the Summer Garden Miniseries (+Sti.nky), this is the one i just *knew* would be awful on me. i don't like raspberries or lemon and juniper (more often than not) makes things go haywire. when will i ever learn?! this is the ONE scent that i really truly like out of the whole bunch! it is a light, slightly fruity, *bubbly* smelling fun scent. there might be a touch of some sort of booze in there somewhere - like a fancy champagne based brunch drink... but i think there's more simple syrup than alcohol in this drink. i don't think i'll need more than this one bottle, but i'm certain i'll wear it although i'm not sure exactly when.
  2. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Whoso List To Hunt

    "Noli me tangere [Don't touch me], for Caesar's I am, and wild for to hold, though I seem tame." i've always loved that line and i confess that's why i bought this. impsniff: my brain says i'm smelling burning baby powder. skinsniff: the ashes of burned baby powder - the remnants of a massive baby powder bonfire in the middle of the woods. very... interesting. but not for me.
  3. TrailerTrashPrincess

    All In The Golden Afternoon

    "There will be nonsense in it!" to begin: i LOVE this! i can't stand apricot, but the rest of the notes sounded good enough that i thought i'd give this one a chance anyway. i almost didn't, but i'm SO glad i did. i must have a bottle of this. srsly. it smells like Oblivion's slightly more cheerful - although a whole lot kookier - little sister. this smells clean and sweet and just a little bit deranged. it also reminds me quite a bit of Suavitel Morning Sun fabric softener (which i love).
  4. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Imperious Tiger-Lily

    impsniff: not sure what i'm smelling, but my brain says Calgon skinsniff: still not sure what i'm smelling, but i don't like it at all. like gardenia (yuck) and unpleasant bitter fruit pulp... and the fakey "ginger" scent that was everywhere in the 90's. i didn't much like the original Tiger Lily, either, so don't let my review turn you off of this scent if you loved the original.
  5. TrailerTrashPrincess

    High-Strung Daisies

    i hate pepper in all forms and colours, and carnations smell like pepper to me. Daisies are my favourite flower but, in all honesty, they don't smell so good. sugar, though, sugar i like. impsniff: smells like Lush's Stardust ballistic - which i hated. skinsniff: bitter, peppery plastic. like a Strawberry Shortcake doll head coated in pepper. and now i must go wash this off... which makes me sad, 'cuz i SO wanted to love this even though i knew i probably wouldn't.
  6. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Alice's Evidence

    after a particularly disgusting mixed drink that involved prune puree (it was intended to be awful and it was) i wasn't real sure about the prunes in this. and cassis is usually a surefire dealbreaker note. that being said, in the imp and on my skin this doesn't change much - it smells like a Snow Moon / Libertarian hybrid on me. like Yule season, with cinnamon brooms and yummy scented things all around. maybe a dab of Ho Ho Ho in there, too. so, yeah, now my arm smells like christmas. all i need now is some Elvis Sings The Wonderful World of Christmas in the 8-track player!
  7. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Snooty Rose

    impsniff: cream and roses skinsniff: sandalwood, plum and the scent from those small flocked velvet rose stickpins from the 70's it was lovely in the imp, but not on me.
  8. TrailerTrashPrincess


    Fig, dark myrrh, amber, redwood, nutmeg, tarragon, black musk, and sweet orange. i never, ever would have ordered this had i not gotten a sniffie of it as an extra in a swap. but wow. and oh my wow. fig to keep it grounded, black musk to add depth and sweet orange for a dash of oomph. clean and dirty all at the same time, an amazingly fantastic "no brainer" sort of everyday scent that's both unusual and yet not offensive to other cubicle dwellers and office workers.
  9. TrailerTrashPrincess


    ok, so i hate baby powder. even when i *was* a baby i hated that smell, apparently. the Lab's honey is usually a dealbreaker note for me, too. but white honey? that's a new one on me. but i don't get honey or milk or powder or clean skin out of this. in sniffing, wearing, decanting... it always smells exactly the same, and it smells exactly like a bottle of peach perfume oil from the Body Shop that i had back in the early 90's.
  10. TrailerTrashPrincess


    you mean in all the years i've had this bottle, i never reviewed it? ah, well, it is going to a better home so now's as good a time as any: to begin, i can't stand carnation or jasmine. but those two combine with everything else to smell like this one brand of hairspray that some girl in my gym class used circa 1992, it was a pump spray bottle and the bottle itself was pearly pale pink and had dark pink writing, and i'm pretty sure it had silk in it (in both the name and the contents) and since this was in the HEIGHT (har, har) of "mall hair" and the poodle-puff bang, boy howdy did i smell a lot of that hairspray. and, er, i don't want to wear it as a perfume.
  11. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Te Po

    now, see, the Lab's rum doesn't work for me. i hate the smell of almonds and i can't stand mint. so that leaves me very afraid of this scent. remarkably, beneath the bright liquid-tylenol-cherry of the almond, there's a delicious fizzy scent - like The Magi or the base to the Champagne And scents. teh yum! but, then, the cherry overwhelms everything, and the mint makes me feel queasy. maybe the bartender could mix me up something that's just orange water, lime peel, sugar syrup and vodka? and even the vodka's optional. just a fizzy orange-lime sweet drink, please? or add a touch of nutmeg and i'd have a cola!
  12. TrailerTrashPrincess


    i remember being so excited to try this scent! and it smells delicious - but extremely faint - for about five minutes, and then it turns into the scent of the conditioner one of my college roommates used, Freeman's Awapuhi or something like that. which then reminds me that she'd drown herself in a cloud of Fendi before leaving the room, and i was left with clouds of clashing scents. and then i remember why i didn't wear perfume for a year.
  13. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Rangoon Riptide

    i knew before opening the decant that this wouldn't work on me in any way shape or form, and it never made it to touch my skin because all i could smell was something medicinal and bitter.
  14. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Upa Upa

    of every type of alcoholic beverage i've ever had, coconut rum is probably the worst. i just don't do coconut, and i don't really like pineapple. so this just smells like a pina colada nightmare to me thankfully it is going to a new home!
  15. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Mr. Jacquel

    i love patchouli and it can sometimes rescue blends that might normally work on me, but this just sadly doesn't work.
  16. TrailerTrashPrincess

    The Witching Time of Night

    something in this blend...turns to jasmine on me.
  17. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Trick or Treat

    i love this, i've always loved this. but it is nothing even remotely like real candy corn. it reminds me more of cookies than anything else - like sugar dusted snickerdoodles.
  18. TrailerTrashPrincess


    i've had this for, what, over two years now and i don't think i've ever even opened it. so today it is going off to a new home! quick skin test: sandalwood, honey and cedar. overall, really just not for me.
  19. TrailerTrashPrincess


    the first thought i have, when putting this on, is that it smells like my mom's ex-husband, a melange of balsam & protein shampoo, too much cologne, and baby powder. i'm not sure what makes me think that, but i can't get past it. that's probably why i've never worn it
  20. TrailerTrashPrincess


    this *sounds* like something i'd love... but it always comes out smelling like jasmine.
  21. TrailerTrashPrincess


    i've always loved the way this smells on me, i just never reach for it... for some reason. gentle orchid, white musk and a drop of patchouli. like TP'd Trees but with a little less of that Charmin-y powder.
  22. TrailerTrashPrincess


    i recently acquired another bottle of this (it was a package deal along with the one i *really* wanted) so i re-sniffed it. and egads if z_z didn't totally nail it. 'cept if you took out the geranium and added both almond and civet... *then* it would be my own personal anti-blend. but even as it is, i couldn't close the bottle fast enough. actually put this on my skin? i don't theeeenk so.
  23. TrailerTrashPrincess


    the Lab's peach is pretty much always a dealbreaker for me 'cuz it just never works. but somehow Imp manages to be candy-sweet peach and a drop of deep, aged patchouli. not something i would have ever thought would work on me, but a nice uncomplicated scent for days when i don't know what i want to wear.
  24. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Wulric, the Wolfman (2006)

    Friendly, charming, and cuddly, but possessing one hell of a mean streak: cocoa absolute, French vanilla, birch tar, lavender, bourbon vetiver, wild musk, clary sage, and cistus. when i firstfirstfirst sniffed this, i remember thinking "earth and chocolate" which i guess kinda makes sense? as it settles in, the French Vanilla and Lavender blend in a very TKO sort of way, and the cocoa and the musk give it a nice balance. thankfully i don't get any vetiver and any sage that i'm smelling doesn't go off in a Thanksgiving-stuffing sort of vibe. overall an interesting image but not something i want to smell like.
  25. TrailerTrashPrincess


    to begin: i hate black pepper. a single speck of it in any food is enough to keep me from eating it. so i've had this for awhile and just... never wanted to put it on my skin. still don't. once upon a time someone sent me a bouquet of carnations and they smelled enough like black pepper that i couldn't stand to be in the same room with them. but i love cloves and tea and i love patchouli. cardamom, well, i don't much care for it but when done right it can be ok. but all i get out of this is pepper with pepper and some pepper. *so* very not for me.