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Everything posted by TrailerTrashPrincess

  1. TrailerTrashPrincess

    To a Woman

    i used to love the Body Shop's "Of A Woman" scent, and for some insane reason i was hoping this might be similar. i dunno why, i knew better. but still hoped. petitgrain is Bitter Orange, and that's the main thing i smell out of this. bitter orange and bad patchouli. back off to swaps you go!
  2. TrailerTrashPrincess


    the orange blossom and rosemary in this always frightens me and so i've avoided trying it. but tonight i had a small impcident and wound up with some on my hands anyway. the orange blossom and rosemary are much stronger than the rose, sadly, and although it is interestingly wearable ... it does not work on me at all.... after a few minutes it smells like mildew.
  3. TrailerTrashPrincess


    i can't decide if this smells like a balsam-and-protein type shampoo or some kind of generic pink liquid soap or possibly cleaning solution. at first i didn't like it, then after about five minutes it turned into a lovely apple-rose/rose-apple scent, but then it finally settled into a lemony-soap. and, strangely, made me start to itch.
  4. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Dragon's Milk

    this was one of the first BPAL i ever tried... and is one of the few Dragon's Blood scents i can actually wear. creamy and maraschino-cherry-sweet, although there's a borderline medicinal or alcoholic note that shows up sometimes.
  5. TrailerTrashPrincess


    sniffed from the imp: holy evergreen! its like the Little Green Tree air freshener in concentrated form! tested a drop on skin while divvying up the rest for decants: after about ten minutes of Little Green Tree Extravaganza, it settled down into a sortof familiar scent .... yeaaars ago i was given a perfume oil based on my astrological info, and the scent was mostly Frankincense and Myrrh, and the oil was a dark, murky fuschia pink... Libertarian reminds me a lot of that scent. it keeps going back-and-forth between seeming "Christmassy" and being an upscale cologne for men. with a murky pink tinge. my scent-memory tells me this smells an awful lot like Penitence... so i need to go dig up an imp of that to test again. overall, though, i like it. its kinda seasonal right now, and kinda warm and snuggly all at the same time. if i had more than a fraction of an imp, i'd probably wear it occasionally. if i could get a bottle of it, i would.
  6. TrailerTrashPrincess


    haha! yes, that's why i first put this scent on my wishlist, some two years ago or thereabouts. and then promptly forgot about it, apparently. until earlier tonight when i was digging through an imp box looking for swap fodder and pulled out an imp i acquired at DragonCon earlier this year. and noticed what a gorgeous shade of dark grassy green* it is. and had to test it because it didn't sound familiar. and ZOMG, this is gorgeous! this is, seriously, like all the best bits of a bunch of my favourite BPAL all mixed together! (The Premature Burial, The Evening Star, Quincey Morris, The Unicorn, Spirits of the Dead and House of Mirrors) gorgeous beyond words. truly. initially it does have a bit of green-speed-stick-mens-deodorant about it, but that doesn't linger. and it is a very-close-to-the-skin sort of scent, with really no throw at all even though i've slathered on a good quarter of an imp in the last few hours, just because i love this SO much. despite the listed notes, what this smells like to me is water... and exotic wood. after a couple of hours i do get a bit of the saffron. but mostly, cold clear water. (which, yes, i know. doesn't really have a smell. but that's what my mind tells me i'm sniffing here!) *= this oil is pretty much the same colour as Lush's Tramp shower gel. and i think the two scents would go well together, too.
  7. TrailerTrashPrincess


    on me, this is a milky-cedar type scent, stays very close to the skin with no throw except for the occasional wafts of a hairspray note. not at all what i was expecting.
  8. TrailerTrashPrincess


    i've never sought this one out to try because i'm afraid of most of the listed notes. (fruits tend to go awful on me, and i hate pepper in all forms. white tea is usually too bitter and orange blossoms generally just go wrong on me) that being said, i got an imp of this in a swap and thought i'd try it. it smells like Razzles! smells much better than i had expected it would, but smells too generic for me. like something that'd be a cheap body spray for teenyboppers. not that i don't have my fair share of those... but this is one of the scents i wouldn't buy.
  9. TrailerTrashPrincess

    MVJBA: Dog Days of Summer

    i had so been wanting to try this - i *heart* the grassy, dandelion, Roadhouse, One to Tie Two to Win and green scents the Lab does. on me, for the first half hour or so, this is straight up, the scent of the grass in my Daddy's backyard freshly-rained-upon during the warmer mornings. and then, after about half an hour... the delicious grass-and-wildflowers scent disappears and is replaced with either black or green coconut (not the disgusting white inner meat of the coconut that tastes like eating skin) which made me sad and afraid because i don't much like coconut. then, finally, about two hours in, it turns into baby powder and that generic pink liquid handsoap in public restrooms. :D maybe tomorrow i'll try it in a locket.
  10. TrailerTrashPrincess

    MVJBA: Pancake Breakfast

    lovelovelove overly rich and sweet fragrances. hate fruity ones. had to try this, though. verdict? bisquick pancakes and maple-flavoured syrup. my skin eats this. i slathered it on to test it out, my mom asked me what smelled like bacon, and within half an hour it had faded so much i have to smoosh my nose right up against my wrist to smell it at all. overall? i like it, but i'm not impressed.
  11. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Gemini 2007

    wore this today as per a birthday decree on another forum. i'm a Leo and i've never gotten on well with most Gemini folk. and i can't stand 99.9% of Lavender scents. when sniffed from the bottle, this may as well have been a bottle of Lavender essential oil because that's all i could smell. within minutes of the oil touching my skin it morphed into a bitter, sour, unwashed funk sort of smell.
  12. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Snow Bunny

    i don't care for "christmas tree" scents, i hate snow and cold weather, and i'm super picky about my perfumes. also, as far as "youthful girlie perfume" that confuses me 'cuz the first perfume i ever wore by choice was Opium - i was seven at the time and i still love heavy scents like that. i remember trying the original Snow Bunny and hating it, but i got a few drops of this newer version and thought i'd give it a go. verdict? smells like christmas break in an all-girl boarding school's dorm - a mishmash of cheap perfume and christmas trees. don't let my review cloud your opinion of it, though, i knew before i opened the bottle that i wouldn't like it.
  13. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Brown Jenkin

    i had such hopes for this, back when it was released. but all i get is sandalwood and coconut... and i can't stand coconut. i'm glad this bottle has found a happy new home!
  14. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Visiting the Temple of Auspicious Fortune Alone on the Winter Solstice

    i was so excited about this blend! but, er, what i got is most assuredly *not* temple incense, rain, or dust. at least, not any incense, rain or dust i've ever encountered. maybe on some other planet where incense smells like 409, it rains Fresca, and the dust smells like a cosmo. fans of Swank & The Hamptons will probably love this. possibly even fans of Dirty. it is okay, but not for me. i'm glad i got to try it but i'll never reach for it.
  15. TrailerTrashPrincess

    All They Had Seen, and All They Had Lost

    initial sniff: smells like The Unicorn. (which i adore) on skin: where are the roses? i want dewy roses! i don't want gardenias! but apparently my skin has other plans.... this smells like a single note gardenia, with a leetle bit of White Shoulders. no, thanks!
  16. TrailerTrashPrincess

    The Piper at the Gates of Dawn

    3 notes that i don't like, 3 notes i do like, and 3 that can go either way - i had no idea what to expect from this blend, that's why i had to try it! verdict? 6 to 3, i lose. although it smells disturbingly similar to Lush's Karma perfume (the spray, not the solid), which also doesn't work on me (even though i love the soap & the solid perfume) patchouli-musky cedar-y pine powder. not for me.
  17. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Nowhere in Particular

    i had such high hopes for this one! but it hates me... it smells like a Yankee Candles "Storm Watch" candle and i think it is giving me a headache...far too modern and masculine.
  18. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Frau Holle

    i had hoped that the "witches herbs" and "ethereal flowers" would be stronger than the "snow covered pines" but i guess i should have known better. without the pine tree air scent, this would probably be breathtakingly gorgeous. but as it is, on me, i just feel like i smell of a little green tree-shaped car air freshener. i think i once had a plastic christmas tree with fake plastic snow on some of the branches and it smelled like this. nice for a room scent for xmas, but not for perfume, not for me.
  19. TrailerTrashPrincess


    sniffed from the decant, and on my skin this is straight from the bowl brownie batter. nice, but not very me.
  20. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Sugar Cookie

    Affectionately nicknamed 'The Devil's Bake Sale'. how have i never reviewed this? i'm referring to the '05 version. i wear this rather often - it layers in fantastic and delicious ways with Jack. when i open the bottle, the smell is soo yummy-strong, almost like butterscotch schnapps! boozy-sweet delicious caramelly butterscotch vanilla. on skin, it blossoms into a butterscotch for a little while and then settles down into cookie goodness. snickerdoodle cookie dough really nails the scent! i could almost gnaw my arm off this smells so good. after about an hour it develops an unpleasant (to me) coconutty almost plastic smell.... so that's when i put Jack on top of it.... and it becomes pumpkin cheesecake.
  21. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Melisande, The Puppet Mistress

    i hate jasmine almost as much as it hates me, and i don't like violet. mimosa can go either way, i generally like dark musks and vanilla bean. so i'm terrified of this blend, but i've got a few drops so i figured i may as well try it out. verdict: jasmine overload (smells like poo), urinal cake and cheap vanilla air freshener. i knew it wouldn't work, but it doesn't work in fantastic, awful, migraine and nausea inducing ways.
  22. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Belle Vinu

    this blend has notes i love, a note i hate and one i'm "meh" about... so i'm very afraid of it. plus this imp is FULLFULLFULL so i know it'll get all over my thumb when i open it sniffed from the imp: smells like a Lush UK box! i do large group orders and this is the combined smell of everything Lush. on skin: baibai Lush. hello Peach-of-doom. like the one in Labyrinth, with the worm. it is a *real* peach scent, though. not canned peaches or a peach-flavoured candy. and it blends with the sandalwood in a very interesting way that will be fantastic on some people. but not for me.
  23. TrailerTrashPrincess

    The Little Sparrow

    sniffed from the imp: smells like a pile of new-fallen, freshly raked leaves. much more what i think "Fall" should smell like. on skin: for about a minute it seemed like this was going to smell similar to TP'd Trees, but then the amber and sandalwood decided to gang up and show off their bad sides. Thankfully i'm not getting baby powder, but in less than half an hour this has become a very STRONG powdery sandalwood. not for me, though, and off to swaps it goes!
  24. TrailerTrashPrincess

    The Rose

    Rose Red '05 and Two Five and Seven had a child and named her The Rose! this is beautiful, and i must have a bottle! a clean, crisp heirloom rose... the hardy wood-like stem and sawblade-edged leaves, fresh air, blue skies, and fluffy clouds. How does Beth fit all that into these teeeny little vials?
  25. TrailerTrashPrincess


    i could smell this as soon as opened the imp - even with it held out at arm's length. that's impressive! and as soon as i could smell it - i was transported back to 1994 and surrounded by red-and-white gingham plaid and the scent of Bath & Body Works' Gingham perfume that my girlfriend Amy gave me when i moved in with her. this is lovely and floral and it'll never work on my skin because it'll turn into fabric softener... but in a Locket this would be nice! a very green floral - i think fans of Zombi, especially, will like this.