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Everything posted by TrailerTrashPrincess

  1. TrailerTrashPrincess

    The Glittering Apple Of The Stars

    wet on skin, and sniffed from the bottle, to my nose it smells rather a lot like Snow Glass Apples (which i love), but once it settles in and dries.... it starts to smell like Snow White (which i don't like). so i guess i'll say it's the lovechild of Snow Glass Apples and Snow White.
  2. TrailerTrashPrincess


    so sad. i wanted yellow cake with buttercream and vanilla and rainbow sprinkles. what i get - from all the bottles i ordered - is a dusty, stale sort of chocolate cake (i hate chocolate cake), on a styrofoam plate. and a plastic cup of something boozy. i think i got the BoozeyCake from the grownup's table by mistake.
  3. TrailerTrashPrincess

    The Two-Tailed Sogg

    for the life of me i can't figure out how or why, but once this settles in on my skin, it begins to smell like a Butterball bath ballistic from Lush. at first, there was also a hint of orange dreamsicle, but that faded into an orange cream cake and then faded altogether. but still, Butterball.
  4. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Expressive Head

    oh pepper and vetiver, you can ruin anything, can't you? instead of the deliciousness of Teakwood, patchouli, clove, white cognac, and champaca absolute...... i get root beer and fireplace ashes.
  5. TrailerTrashPrincess

    The Seekim

    even being sure that the oil was well-mixed.... somehow this turns into wood cleaning polish on me. or, rather, like lemon-scented wood cleaning foam, and a hint of nice wood underneath.
  6. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Blue Pumpkin Floss

    ok, so i tested this from the bottle i ordered to decant, and i tried the tester at DSWC last night and i got the same thing from both: Glade's Hawaiian Breeze air freshener. at first, on my skin, it's a buttery slightly spiced pumpkin filled with a thousand berries. but then something bizarre happens and it morphs into that one particular air freshener scent. (which is an okay scent, but i don't want to wear it as perfume)
  7. TrailerTrashPrincess


    this was one of my first frimps, and one of my first bottle purchases... a very, very long time ago. and while i do like it, i simply never reach for it. so this lovely aged bottle is moving on to a better home. but before i do, a small review: very figgy (a good thing), with their sweet-dirty smell. and i guess it's the "black herbs" that add a fallen-leaves-like topnote? i love dirt scents, but this isn't a dirt scent. my skin also eats it, and no matter how much i slather it, it has virtually no throw. it's a nice snuggly scent.
  8. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Joyful Moon

    i tried this at last month's DSWC, and i jotted down my notes... but i didn't trust them, entirely, because there was SO MUCH to sniff. i thought maybe i got nose-overwhelmed or two scents mixed up in my head, or blended on my skin... based off the notes listed for this scent...i figured i'd LOVE it. and maybe it'll age into something i like. but when i tested it at DSWC, and again this morning? it smells like - exactly like -my (ancient) bottle of Cosmetics To Go's Ginger FM (For Men) which, really, just makes no sense at all. but i've got Ginger FM on my right hand and Joyful Moon on my left and holy wow but they smell identical. undertones of pickles and all. ... and now, i'm going to go scrub them both off.
  9. TrailerTrashPrincess

    If you like ____ BPAL, then you'll like this product!

    i wonder if the Whole Foods / Harry's where the DSWC is will have this? HmmMmmMmm....
  10. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity v7

    #41 (so close!) also oddly less full than the Chaos bottles i've gotten in the past. a very masculine cologne-y scent, it's hovering there in that acquatic-soapy-chemically-scented-detergent sort of area. it tickles my sinuses the way the detergent aisle in the grocery store used to. 'nilla? where are j00? is you askeered?
  11. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity v5

    #103 oddly, the bottle was barely full to the label, instead of VERY FULL like Chaos blends generally have been for me. smells like... coconut bubblegum. with a hint of that Palmers Cocoa Butter smell.
  12. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Story Time at Dark Delicacies

    it's like going to The Lurid Library wearing a sweater that still smells faintly of Dorian. but woodsier. and i think the cafeteria must be nearby, and they're making stuffing.
  13. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Recommend a scent for a specific dress or outfit

    that dress looks, to me, like it could go one of two ways - sweet or sassy. sweet - like an innocent Sweet 16 or prom dress (or "girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes...") - could be something like Black Opal, Strawberry Moon, Bon Vivant, Hope or Faith. sassy - like the femme fatale in a black & white detective movie, cigarette in a long holder, little hat with one of those veils made of fishnet with the velvet dots innit - could be Snake Oil, Perversion, Panther Moon, Mme Moriarty, Haunted or Juke Joint. purty dress!
  14. TrailerTrashPrincess


    wow, this totally smells like 1992! i was a good bit afraid of the peach in this, and a little wary of the raspberry leaf. everything else sounded divine, though. i've gotten to test it twice now, from two different bottles, and both times i get the same scent-mix: i get Revlon's Incognito (which i wore for about half a year after it came out in 1992) and Debbie Gibson's Electric Youth (which i still love, btw). i have Loli.Goth on my right wrist and Incognito layered with Electric Youth on my left, and they smell damn near identical. groovy!
  15. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Panther Moon

    when i tried the proto for this at the previous month's DSWC, i remember thinking that "without the pepper and anise it would be pretty!" but, then, i sniffed it and tested it after i'd already sniffed and tested lots of other things... and by the end of the night, even the very air in the room has a very definite scent (which is lovely, don't get me wrong! but it sometimes skews things) so i intended to skip it - like i skipped Egg Moon (which is i think the first Lunacy i outright didn't buy since i first got hooked?) but based solely on the requests for pick-ups, i decided to give it another try and grab a bottle for myself. (figuring it'd be easy to re-home it if i didn't like it) now.... i didn't try it until yesterday. and even that was just a single drop on the top of my left wrist. let me repeat: one drop. from a glass wand. and for HOURS afterward, i was surrounded by the most delicious cloud of deep, dark, earthy, musky, champaca. holy staying power, and wow at the throw! also? ♥♥♥ yup. so very glad i didn't pass this one up. delicious spicy purpleness!
  16. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Archenemy Training Seminar & Leadership Retreat

    ebay frimp here as well. i took the cap off and sniffed it and got the impression of berries, licorice and mint. although my brain pulled up images of Halls cough drops and liquid Nyquil. very afraid, i confess that i took it outside and sprayed it...and still very medicinal. menthol-cherry-licorice or something?
  17. TrailerTrashPrincess

    The Lion

    i thought for sure i'd reviewed this one, but i guess not. it isn't the sort of amber i generally like, oddly, but a warmer sort of amber. reminds me of The Fool, kindof?
  18. TrailerTrashPrincess


    this one is chock full of notes i generally avoid (primarily: cedar, violet, sea) that being said, it isn't nearly as bad as i was expecting! it does have a blue-soap-y kind of chemicall-y-"clean" smell to it that i was totally not prepared for. it is, however, headache-inducing, and not something i could wear.
  19. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Sweet scents, sugar notes & things that smell like candy

    Sugar Cookie! Bread and Butterfly Teatime in Roswell maybe Dorian. you might like some of the slightly alcoholic (but light and sweet and fruity) scents, like 21 and The Hamptons Happy Sniffin'!
  20. TrailerTrashPrincess

    '80s Prom Scent?

    i, too, have an addiction to the Debbie Gibson Electric Youth perfume. i LOVE the bottles, even the empty ones. they make me happy. as far as BPAL scents, i think Stardust is the most early-to-mid 80's-smelling scent i can think of off the top of my head. although Toxin is right up there, but i think it's more late 80's. if you've got a Fred's or Dollar General or Super-D type place near you, or even some larger drugstores, if you can find a can (yes. can.) of Malibu Musk body spray... it's nearly a dead ringer for Toxin (or, rather, Toxin is nearly a dead ringer for it), and i wore Malibu Musk in ... i think 1989? orrrr from Bath & Body Works, their "Flowering Herbs" scent, which smells dead-on with BPAL's Nosferatu, and they BOTH smell exactly like the fragrance i wore for two years circa 1986-1988. Liz - from the Hellboy series - smells just like Ralph Lauren's Safari, which is from about that same era... good luck!
  21. TrailerTrashPrincess


    i included this bottle in my order as soon as these scents were released. i got to try it at DSWC before my order arrived, and i tried a drop from the bottle once my order got here as well. and i got the same thing both times, which seems very different from what everyone else got. yay freaky skin, me! in the bottle : band-aids. on skin, wet : burning band-aids on skin, settled in : band aids, dusty/stiff saddle type leather, something woody (but not hamster cage or lumber aisle type wood), and a faint whiff of booze. were it not for the overall Band-Aid-y-ness, this might be nice, but i think even then it would be too manly-man for me. happily, this bottle is about to voyage off to a new home, where hopefully it will be more loved!
  22. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Ü Mütter Museum

    i guess it is appropriate, but this smells so freakin' odd! on me, it smells like a reaaaaaaaally, reaaaally old, kinda dusty cinnamon stick (like this box of cinnamon sticks my mom has had since the early 80's. we keep them because we've always had them. they're almost more the memory of cinnamon than anything else at this point) and a very woody vanilla. and an eensy bit of freshly-cut grass - the kind of grass that grows naturally around here. some sweet, some bitter, and some wild onions.
  23. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Snake Oil Help! Layering it, Snake Pit scents, blends with Snake Oil

    Cottonmouth! i *want* to love Snake Oil, but it just never works on me. aged, fresh, it doesn't matter. most of the Snake Pit blends have notes of doom in them, so they won't work for me. but Cottonmouth is fantastic! Boomslang would be second - but as it has aged it has gotten more intense with the Snake Oil factor.
  24. TrailerTrashPrincess

    The Tell-Tale Heart

    somehow, it seems the pepper and vetiver have calmed down with age... but are still overwhelming for me. thankfully this decant is going on to a better home!
  25. TrailerTrashPrincess

    Eisheth Zenunim

    peaches, honey and chocolate. and corn chips. with an eensy bit of patchouli-incense. i kept hoping this would get better as it aged, but for me at least it has only gotten.... weirder.