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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by TrailerTrashPrincess

  1. The scent of a Cosmopolitan cocktail.

    i got this in a swap or purchase (i forget) from a forumite in the last few days, and was hoping to give it to my friend because he loves his cosmos...

    however, upon opening it, i discover that it suffers from the same Nearly Headless affliction i've been getting from recent orders (at least i know its fresh!) and in trying to take the wand out, i finish the decapitation and now... i'll need to figure out what do do with it.

    this isn't a cosmo, so Bobby wouldn't have liked it anyway. this smells like a container of Country Time Limeaid mix. this is creamy and yummy and lime-y and what i wished all the summertime "Lime Margarita" type blends from other etailers had smelled like.
    hm. yay for me!
    an hour after swiping this on, the scent is still sweet/crisp and true. :P

    a year and some odd months later i'm editing this...
    the headless imp i had before i wound up mixing into some unscented lotion and using it up rather quickly. i don't think i've had another imp of it since -- until an order i got a few days ago had a frimp of it included.
    and this one had the same nearly headlessness problem from last spring!
    i'm fairly certain it hasn't been loitering around the lab all this time, it must just be a fluke, but jeez!

    luckily i had some of the teenytiny spray bottles handy and poured the preciouss into one (no alcohol or anything, just oil in the sprayer. haven't figured out if i want to make an oil spray or an alcohol spray)

    i left the wand and mostly-empty vial here on my desk and there's a lovely scent-cloud wafting around here.
    its like lime cotton candy!

  2. impsniff: bubble solution. the little plastic containers you dip a wand in and blow the liquid through the hole in the wand and it makes bubbles...


    on skin, wet: calgon, take me away


    on skin, dry: this might be muguet, but none like i'm familiar with.... and unless Hawaiian white ginger is a completely different breed from everything i'm familiar with, i'm not getting that, either....and any tropical blooms that are in this are strangely like either lillies or moonflowers, as this is a very innocent, pure white scent.


    this could be the premature burial, without the casket.


    very faint, no throw...i need lots more of this and soon.

  3. A tropical, humid, lush scent, with a faint echo of Pacific breezes, jungle blossoms, and deep wet woods. Sampaguita blossoms, banana leaf, palm, and narra.

    i was kinda hoping for the banana...

    impsniff & wet on skin: juicyfruit gum

    drying on skin: Fruit Stripe gum...complete with the wierd sharp-ish zingy note that isn't mint, but isn't sweet. if the aftertaste from saccharin had a smell, it'd be that.

    about an hour later: ah. banana blossoms... never smelled 'em, but that's what this makes me think. or maybe banana yogurt.

    90 minutes later: gone as gone can be. maybe its cuz i hadn't used any lotion or oil beforehand, but even so, most oils don't completely vanish on me that fast!

    this is nice, a tropical scent that isn't a floral or a drink -- but i think i'll send my imp to portalkat cuz she really seems to like it. :P

  4. i tried this quite awhile ago, so this is transcribed from my notes:


    impsniff: men's cologne - maybe Gravity?


    on skin: clean, one of the men's scents, Axe or one along those lines. maybe the yellow Phoenix one? men's-soapy but salty. not ocean, just salt.


    no leather. no bay rum....but there is some boymusk in there somewhere.

  5. i *heart* magnolia, orchid and rose. and they *heart* me right back.

    black amber and i have an understanding...

    jasmine and i... well. oil and water would be putting it nicely, at least THAT combination sometimes makes rainbows.


    all i get is jasmine and amber. it is still alot more tolerable than jasmine usually is for me, but i keep thinking it will end up turning into that thing that jasmine does on me, so i can't be comfortable wearing this. i have been constantly sniffing at my hand, though, trying to decide how i feel about it.


    i say this sometimes, when i think it might be true: i think this would be a good starter scent for some, especially folkses who like alot of the elizabeth arden or estee lauder scents, possibly some of the liz taylor scents (the drydown on this reminds me a bit of Vivid)... or to use to make gifts for ladyrelatives.

  6. i think i have decided that i do not like the lab's apricot.

    i also don't care much for apricots in general... something about them just strikes me as foul.


    the patchouli in this is lovely, albeit a bit cedary than i prefer (yes. hippie hamsters)


    after about an hour, this has turned into Dinner at the Hippie Hamsters' House on Fruit Night.

  7. A festive, dazzling blend, layered in mystery and intrigue. Patchouli, ambergris, carnation and orange blossom.

    there's good patchouli, bad patchouli and hippie patchouli...

    whichever one's in this, i don't think i care for... or maybe its the ambergris and carnation that make it go all wrong.

    i don't get oranges... or if i do, they're very very very ancient, old, decrepit oranges. like they've tried to dehydrate themselves to see if they could become the orange equivalent to a grape's shriveled leftovers.

    this smells dark and murky, vaguely woody and is very hard to describe.

    my favourite club/venue in high school was the Masquerade in Atlanta, so i thought i'd try this scent out of nostalgia.... the Masq today is nothing like it was back then, and i don't much care for how it is now.... likewise, i don't much care for this blend. but on the right person, i can see how it would be lovely.

    edit: since i seem to have begun a new page, i'll add the lab's description

  8. somewhere between the smell of the ocean and the smell of a stranger's sweat... mixed with the plastic floral/red candy smell that is BPAL Dragon's Blood...


    and it made the baby dragon cry.


    not for me....maybe for someone else?

  9. i'm a slatherer. even when testing things for the first time, if i think i'll like it.


    and yet i can only just barely smell this!


    it is yummy and lovely and is similar to both Nocnitsa and Black Forest.. but then again it isn't.

    its like the traditional christmas tree scent -- but sweet. like it was mixed with vanilla... without actually being able to smell the vanilla.

    i can see how it might be considered masculine, i can see how it would layer nicely with Irish Spring soap. (why did the guy with the hat and the accent always cut off a sliver of the soap with his pocketknife in the commercials? what was that supposed to signify?)


    i really don't get any amber or the note i've come to think of as BPAL's juniper...

    i'm sure i get the rosewood .... and if white pine is like regular pine but watered down and sweeter, then that would make sense. (like white musk versus black musk)


    i think i NEED a bottle of this. a big one. enough to share with my boi.

    in the meantime, i have a new friend in NY who i think needs to smell this if she hasn't...


    edited : Sep 7 2006, 02:53 AM:

    well. i got a bottle of this, put a wand cap in it tonight and slathered myself but good and then went about doing some housework...

    about half an hour later i smelled something... odd.

    i took a sniff of the back of my hands (where i slathered first) and... i smelled something almost halfway between O and Snake Oil. (neither of which i particularly care for)

    and... this makes me very sad. sniffed from the wand cap, i still smell the yummy woodsy smell that made me love this blend, but once this particular batch hits my skin, it goes into pure vanilla -- somewhere along the lines of Tombstone or Snake Oil.

    maybe the imp i got was very, very aged.... so i'll put this bottle away, with the snake oil, and forget about them for a year or so. and see what happens.


    well, i put the bottle away for a year, then two, then three... and i still have not been able to recreate the scent from my original imp (which i still have). the difference is slight, so i'm certain it is just a batch thing.... but nonetheless, this carefully tucked away and aged bottle is now on the way to a new owner.

  10. why does this blend smell like a different version of Dragon's Blood than all the others? is the DB in this and Dragon's Bone a different one?


    this smells almost tropical on me.... which is not how BPAL DB usual ends up. maybe its just the yummy figgy pudding holding everything onto something bearable?


    i almost didn't even bother trying this one, but i'm glad i did!


    if every other BPAL Dragon's Blood goes wierd or medicinally on you, try this one before you give up!



    i got a frimp of this in an order yesterday and it had a Punk cap

    (instead of the Nearly Headlessness of Imps Past, this one was pierced. just a little hole, all the way through, so it would leak if leaned this way, but not if leaned that way)

    so i got some on me while going through all the imps...


    and it smelled even better than i remembered!

    like dragon's blood incense / smoke. and YUM.

  11. BPAL Dragon's Blood and i do not get along....but i keep trying it anyway.


    i get Tylenol and vetiver...and i know there's some musk, but i'm afraid to sniff too hard or else the vetiver might choke me. :P

  12. Thoroughly corrupted: amber, sandalwood, black patchouli and cinnamon.


    impsniff: smells like teh Smut with a little black patchouli

    **gets hopes up**


    on me, smells like teh Smut on the morning after (i mean this in a good way), smeared mascara and tangled hair


    for about ten minutes.


    then it goes to powder and rootbeer.


    i think Sin and Snake Oil are cousins -- i'm sure there are others who would agree with me on that even if they haven't tried Sin.



    edit: Oh! i seem to've started a new page. adding lab description:

  13. i live in Rome... so i wanted to love this for the same reason i wanted to love Dana O'Shee (erm. my first name's Dana)....


    impsniff: juniper and cypress - yum!


    on me: rose-scented dollar-store candle-wax and perm solution.


    i had the perm-solution thing happen once before with another BPAL/rose blend, so i'm thinking there's one particular rose that doesn't like me. ... i get the same thing from one of the bath & body works lotions (Moonlight Path? something like that?)

  14. was gifted with a sniffie due to my slight Wonderland obsession.


    lemon. all i get is lemon. like a lemon lollipop or a lemon Jolly Rancher.

    just lemon. no tea, no flowers... nothing.


    a lovely scent for lemon-people.


    i, however, am not. and this is much to bitter and cold for me. just sniffing the side of my thumb where the oil got on it opening the imp (and the reason for my review -- since all i'd intended to do was sniff) makes me uncomfortable.


    the lemon from Dorian... that's what this is to me, but all by its lonesome.

  15. hunh. i swapped (or bought. i forget) this from a forumite, cuz i thought the name was pretty. and i tried it, without reading the description of included notes...

    i hate ginger. hate. and generally consider Ambrosia to be cherryish. but i guess, in this blend... i'm wrong?


    impsniff: smells like Caswell Massey's Love Potion Number 9, specifically the dusting powder and shower gel.


    dry, on my skin: actually, it doesn't change much. i don't get ginger... i get milk, honey and few drops of rosewater. smells so much like the Caswell Massey love potion, though, i feel like i've gone back in time (to when i wore that everyday -- cuz i sold it, especially to the guys that came in the store looking for a gift)


    i like this... i think it would also be a good enabling scent for the easily frightened... moms, coworkers....

    or use to make gifts for female relatives. yes, i like this... i think i need a bottle...

  16. sniffed from the impstick: mimosa blossoms!


    on skin, wet: bergamot, or the inside of a box of Fruit Loops cereal.


    on skin, dry: orangey, vaguely flowery soap and fabric softener. like orange detergent and floral fabric softener on laundry day, as all the scents mix together.


    smells good, but nothing i ever think i'd reach for.

  17. yes, ok, i admit. i had to have this for the name, and to add to my Wonderland collection.


    sniffed from the bottle : caramel squares.


    on skin, wet: yeast rolls, still warm from the oven, dripping with honey butter


    on skin, dry: angel food cake


    ADDED Aug. 23:


    poundcake, fruitcake and yellow cake batter.... made with lots of real butter...


    this is so yummy, rich without being sugary.

    (more like molasses than nutrasweet)


    i'm not sure i get any currants, but there's something i can't quite identify... that i think might be the almost-almond flavour of some white cakes (like wedding cakes)

  18. this is SO faint and disappears so fast... which is a shame, because its really pretty.


    i second the white peaches...and i get something that might be wild white roses or wild pink roses....


    before i've even finished trying to decide what all i smell... its gone.

    gone faster than Shill, even...


    so sad. unless i kept up a constant application, like every 20 minutes, i'd never be able to smell this!

  19. *siGh*


    i put a little of this on, sniffed it (dark musk and patchouli. yum) and then got an email, and i've been working on that for awhile. and now i've sniffed again.


    and whatever else is in this, so is the Evil Vanilla. The band-aid/plastic vanilla... and some powder.


    the smell reminds me of fresh snake oil....but then again not.


    there's the faintest hint of patchouli ( :P ) but if i didn't know it was there, i probably wouldn't be able to smell it.


    nice, but for someone else.

  20. impsniff:

    Rose and Narcissus


    i was hoping for a Moroccan Rose, but no. this is just rose.


    on me, the first five minutes my hand smells vaguely like a cast-iron frying pan.


    then it morphs into rose dusting powder, and stays that way for hours.


    a very ladylike scent... and i'm no lady. :P


    pretty, but not me.

  21. Sage with orris, Florentine iris and a drop of civet.

    i don't get sage at all... which is almost a shame.

    what i *do* get.... well, i think it was about 13 years ago that Suave discontinued what had been my favourite shampoo... it was the same shade of green (maybe a little darker) as their apple kind, but it was called something like Extra Cleansing. or Deep Clean (not Depp clean as i just typo-d and fixed :D mmm... johnny... :P ) and it smelled like this.
    vaguely herbally (like the 70's Herbal Essence shampoo -- not the newly reborn ones) and clean, unisex but with a powdery tinge and the faintest hint of Ivory Soap. (99.44% pure and all that -- y'know it floats cuz it has airbubbles in it?)

    i get no civet, very little of my beloved lillies... but alot of green.