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Posts posted by doomsday_disco

  1. Only a tiny bit of oil remains from my decant of this one, so it's time to review it before it is gone!

    The dried chrysanthemum note is the most prominent note, followed by the honey note, and then the black tea. The other notes are present, but the chrysanthemum note steals the show.


    This one is pleasant, but I don't feel like I need more of it.

  2. The sugar plum note in this reminds me of Bordello, but the addition of the vanilla bean makes this scent a lot sweeter than Bordello. This one is very strong, and very sweet.

    I passed my decant onto a friend as it was too sweet for me, but I bought a bottle of this one for my sister for her birthday because she loves the Trading Post's atmosphere sprays. I'm sure she will enjoy making her room smell like really sweet, fruity candy. :)


    *edit* My 14-year old sister's review: "It smells bomb." :P


    This atmosphere spray is vanilla-dominant, followed by the patchouli note. Like the hair gloss and bath oil, I don't get much hemp from the scent.

    I have been spraying this one with reckless abandon in my bedroom, on my pillows and blankets, and on some of my clothes. Sadly, I only purchased one bottle of this in atmosphere spray form, and now I wish I hadn't been using it so liberally, because it is currently out of stock, and I've already used half my bottle.

    I hope Puddin' makes this one permanent. There are a few scents with patchouli in it that I like, but this is the only patchouli scent that I love. :heart:

  4. My bottle of this one is almost gone, so I suppose I should review it now. :(

    I am not a huge fan of peach-dominant perfumes, but I absolutely adore this atmosphere spray. I couldn't resist getting a bottle because of the word 'candyfloss' in the name. I once ordered a peach mint sangria at a restaurant, and smelling this reminds me of the peach from that sangria. The sugared peach note is so realistic! It smells delicious, and I wish I had more.

  5. I like to think of this as sibling repellent. I don't know why, but my siblings really hated this one when they were visiting last summer.

    My bottle is almost gone, so I suppose it is time to review it.

    This is a pretty intense chocolate scent, and spraying it makes a room smell like brownies have just been taken out of the oven. I also get a bit of coconut and caramel from the scent. Sadly, the scent doesn't last long, but when it is first sprayed, it is pretty strong.

    It smells DELICIOUS, and just huffing the small amount that remains in my bottle makes me want brownies. (Good thing I made some last night.)

  6. Well, now my bottle is gone, and I apparently did not review this? I am really behind in reviewing my Post products.

    I bought this one because I just love the scent of snow-covered evergreens, and I adored Schwarzwald. Although they both contain spruce, pine, and snow notes, this scent doesn't feel as dark as Schwarzwald (probably because of the lack of granite in this one, not to mention the presence of juniper here). This forest scent is brighter.

    I enjoyed this one, but Schwarzwald is still my favorite forest atmo.

  7. I suppose I should review my decant of this one before it is gone!

    I do get the 'doughnut' part that people are describing (like a spiced cake doughnut without any icing) when I first spray the scent, but that quickly gives way to a somewhat smoky hay and parched grass scent. I wish the 'doughnut' part of the scent would stick around longer :(

  8. This was the Denver Comic Con exclusive that I was most excited about, and it did not disappoint. It is mostly amber and vanilla goodness. I'm not exactly sure what the silvered glass note is derived from, although I do get that feel from it whenever I spray it. I agree with Lycanthrope's description of a light, ozonic floral note.

    If you are worried about the glass note, but love amber and vanilla, don't be afraid of this. It is GLORIOUS.

  9. In the imp: Treeeees. The sharp pine note, juniper, and cypress stand out the most, followed by the musk note.


    Wet: Intense pine! The spot on my arm where I applied the oil feels a bit tingly. The pine note is becoming less sharp as it sits on my skin, and the musk is starting to make its presence known. The cypress note is becoming stronger as well as the ambergris note.


    Dry: The ambergris and black musk notes make this more cologne-like once the scent is dry, especially since the forest-y notes have calmed down significantly. The black musk note gives the scent a bit of a lemon-y aspect.


    After a while, the black musk loses the lemon aspect, and it adds a warmth to the scent. It is the dominant note, followed by ambergris and pine. I enjoyed this phase of the scent the most.


    Verdict: If you want a scent that smells like you've just been slapped in the face by a bunch of pine needles after unsuccessfully trying to move a pine branch out of your way (or if you just really want a pine-dominant masculine scent), this is for you. I'll be passing my imp onto a friend that likes pine scents, because I know I won't reach for this one again. Ranger still holds the crown for the most realistic forest scent that I've tried thus far (as it smells like actually walking through an evergreen forest).

  10. In the imp: I get all of the notes in the imp! The dusty quality of the sandalwood and the deliciousness of the cocoa vanilla are the most prominent, and the blend is deepened by the myrrh note.


    Wet: The cocoa note reigns at first, but I'm getting more of the resins the longer the scent sits on my skin. The vanilla note sweetens the blend, preventing it from being a really dry and dusty chocolate and resin combination (which was my experience with Gelt). As the vanilla sweetens the scent, and the sandalwood emerges more, I'm somewhat reminded of Kit from the OLLA line.


    Dry: Yes, this is very Kit-like now, as the cocoa note hides in the background. The myrrh note becomes stronger over time, making the blend drier, but it gives off the impression of a velvet tapestry hanging in an old library (with some cocoa powder is sitting open on a nearby table because someone is about to make hot chocolate, of course).


    Verdict: I like this! I don't feel the need to upgrade this one to a bottle (since I already have lots of chocolate scents and two bottles of Kit), but it's really nice.

  11. In the imp: The tobacco note jumps out at me the most, followed by spice (it smells like there is cinnamon in this, similar to that in Plunder), and then the hot leather and musk notes, and lastly a bit of ambergris.


    Wet: Cinnamon, even though it isn't listed as a note. I wonder if this is part of the incense note? The spice-y aspect reigns for quite some time, but as the scent is drying down, a sweet aspect of the scent begins to emerge. I think it is coming from the dark musk note? But this isn't the same dark musk found in Cheshire Cat or the Trading Post's Mikado Saloon hair gloss. It's almost wine-like. I wonder if there is a wine note in this? The leather note is lingering in the background.


    Dry: Spice and something reminiscent of wine mostly, along with ambergris. The leather and tobacco notes continue to take a background role.


    Verdict: Well, that was unexpected. The dark musk, leather, and ambergris notes made me think this could be like a cousin to Mikado Saloon, but this is absolutely nothing like Mikado Saloon hair gloss. Something in this is rather off-putting to my nose (whatever is creating that sweet, boozy aspect of the scent), and I'm tempted to go wash it off. It's grape-like. This is not my cup of tea.


    I did try washing this off, but the scent didn't want to go away!

  12. In the imp: On the first sniff, I mainly detected the bourbon vetiver and hay notes (especially the 'bourbon' part of the vetiver note). On subsequent sniffs, those notes are still present, but the bergamot is pretty strong too, adding a sharp citrus quality to the scent. I'm not getting much opoponax from the blend in the imp.


    Wet: At first, the hay note, which I recognize from Eastern Comma, is the most prominent. The bergamot is pretty strong as well. I am often wary of blends containing vetiver, but this one doesn't seem to be screaming vetiver at the moment. The scent is somewhat sharp and rather masculine to my nose.


    Dry: In this stage, the hay and bergamot still reign. The hay note adds a warmth to the scent. I can detect more of the opoponax now that the scent is dry, and the vetiver note, while still present, is more of an herbal type of the note (as opposed to a smoky vetiver or smells-like-a-farm-get-it-off-me vetiver).


    Verdict: I really didn't think I would like this one based off of the notes. It's a nice masculine scent, but not really one that I could see myself reaching for as far as masculine scents go.

  13. The chamomile note is the most prominent note in the imp. It is the dominant note on my skin at first, but the pollen-dusted honey is helping to sweeten the blend. The scent is getting sweeter the longer it sits on my skin. The tonka note seems to be emerging more over time. (I'm not sure what hyssop smells like. Sometimes I get a hint of spice, but I'm not sure which note is contributing to that.)

    The honey note reigns during the dry stage, but the chamomile is still present. This is a nice, relaxing blend that just reads as 'happy' to my nose. I can't stop huffing my arm. I love sugary florals, and I could see myself using this as a sleep blend or wearing it on warm spring days.

    I need a bottle.

  14. In the imp: Tree bark, musk, and herbs.

    Wet: The elm bark is the dominant note, and it definitely reads as dry (and sharp!) to my nose. I am also getting the musk and herbs. This may be too masculine for me. It kind of reminds me of polished wood.

    Dry: The scent is sweeter (and a lot smoother) on the drydown. The elm bark note still reigns, so it's mostly a woody, musky scent on me (with the herbs being in the background). I am somewhat reminded of Lush's Icon perfume.

    Verdict: This is too masculine for me, but since I actually bought the imp for a guy, that's okay! I'm glad that I was able to try this one, though! I adore Norse mythology.

    *edit* I tried an imp of this fresh from the Lab a few months ago before sending it to a friend. I got hazelnut when I applied the fresh imp, which I thought was curious, but it ended up turning into the woody, musky, masculine scent that I remembered once dry.


    Mars the Avenger

    Black amber and smoky vanilla with cistus, benzoin, caramelized tobacco, and blackened nutmeg.

    For those that are curious: the label art shows his torso. The text covers the lower half of his body.

    In the bottle: When this first arrived, I was mostly getting all the blackened things! Now that I have let it settle for a few days, I can say that the tobacco is quite prominent, and though I still get the black amber and blackened nutmeg, the nutmeg is not as prominent in the bottle as it was a few days ago. I can smell more of the benzoin now, the cistus, and a bit of smoky vanilla. This mainly smells like smoky resins to me.

    Wet: Benzoin and black amber dominate. I am also getting the rockrose (cistus) and nutmeg. I can smell the tobacco, but it isn't as strong as it was in the bottle. If I inhale really deeply, I can smell the smoky vanilla note, but it is in the background.

    After sitting on my skin for a while, the rockrose note has become more prominent, and the smoky vanilla note is helping to sweeten the scent a bit. However, I would still describe this as a smoky resin blend.

    Dry: Mostly soft benzoin sweetened by the smoky vanilla and caramelized tobacco.

    Verdict: I like this, but I don't love it. That said, I am going to hold onto my bottle, because I think this one will age well.


    Venus the Changer of Hearts

    Fickle dandelion florets dancing through honey-drenched wildflowers.

    I love the Lab's Wild Dandelion single note like whoa. It's one of my 'happy' scents. I associate the scent with hope and innocent days gone by. I also adore sugary floral scents. Needless to say, I was really looking forward to this one. It did not disappoint.

    In the bottle: It smells exactly like the description. The green dandelion note is the strongest, followed by the honeyed wildflowers.

    Wet: On my skin, the honey note is stronger than it was in the bottle, but the florals still reign (with the dandelion note being the most prominent). I can't identify which flowers comprise the wildflower note, but I will say that this really does make me think of being in a meadow in the spring, and smelling it brought tears to my eyes.

    Dry: Sweet dandelions and wildflowers.

    Verdict: I am so happy that I have a bottle of this. I will need a second bottle of this one before it goes away.

  17. In the imp: The wine is the strongest note, but I can also smell the Lab's dragon's blood note and the rose.

    Wet: I am getting more dragon's blood on my skin (which is like a somewhat spiced floral with a bit of cherry to my nose) and a fair amount of wine. The rose is becoming more prominent the longer this sits on my skin. The rose ends up becoming the dominant note, but the other notes are still present, and they certainly aren't faint.

    Dry: Boozy, fruity rose and dragon's blood resin. The wine is the dominant note.

    Verdict: This one is not for me. I am just not very fond of the way these notes play together.

  18. In the imp: The golden apple note stands out the most to my nose. A floral and a bit of the dragon's blood resides in the background.

    Wet: Golden apple, followed by the dragon's blood resin.

    Dry: Apple, apple blossom, and dragon's blood. The combination of the apple and the dragon's blood isn't very good on my skin.

    Verdict: I tend to love apple scents, but this one just isn't one of them.

  19. In the imp: More tears than dragon's blood.

    Wet: The salty aquatic note dominates, but the spicy floral/cherry aspect of the dragon's blood isn't far behind. Like most aquatic notes on my skin, this salty aquatic note has a soapy quality to it.

    Dry: A salty aquatic with a hint of dragon's blood.

    Verdict: Like most aquatics, this is just not for me.

  20. Dominant, passionate, devastating. Dragon’s blood and five deep musks.

    In the imp: Musky dragon's blood. The dragon's blood in this is a lot stronger than it was in Dragon's Bone or Dragon's Claw.

    Wet: This is sharp. I am getting more musk than dragon's blood, but that doesn't mean that the dragon's blood isn't strong, because it is. I think one of the musks is black musk. I am getting some lemon or something lemon-like from this scent.

    Dry: Sweeter and even muskier now. This is mostly just musk on me. I am generally not a fan of musk scents (aside from pale musks), but this is a pleasant surprise. I can tell that there are several different musks present, but I am able unable to identify them. I'm not getting much dragon's blood during this phase.

    Verdict: The dry phase of this one is nice, but I don't feel like I need a bottle of this one.

  21. In the imp: Mostly sandalwood. The dragon's blood is in the background.

    Wet: This is sandalwood dominant, but I am getting more of the dragon's blood on my skin than I was in the imp. (In other words, it is sandalwood with some spicy floral, resinous, somewhat cherry scent.) The sandalwood notes in this aren't as dry as the sandalwood found in Dragon's Bone.

    Dry: Still sandalwood dominant, but with much less dragon's blood than before. The dragon's blood is still present, but it is content with a background role.

    Verdict: This isn't 'me,' so I will pass the scent on.

  22. In the imp: Dry and dusty (thanks to the woods and the orris) followed by heady dragon's blood.

    Wet: I am getting the dry woods, along with dragon's blood, but the dragon's blood in this isn't nearly as strong as dragon's blood on its own. The orris adds a powdery quality to the scent. The wood notes dominate.

    Dry: The dry woods still reign, but the orris note is stronger now. The sweet dragon's blood is lingering in the background.

    Verdict: I do think the scent befits its name, but this is too dry for me.

  23. In the imp: A very potent white floral note (is it jasmine?) hits my nose at first, but I think it may be accompanied by a cherry note and some musk?

    Wet: There is definitely a floral note present, and I do think I am getting cherry. It is stronger than it was in the imp. A bit of spice emerges.

    As it dries down, it is predominantly a spicy floral, but the cherry is still present. The scent is quite strong.

    Dry: A somewhat sweet, strong spiced floral note along with a resin and some cherry? It definitely smells more resinous now.

    Verdict: I always thought dragon's blood was a problematic note for me, but I guess I was wrong. This is not something that I see myself wearing, but it is nice to know that I don't have to avoid a blend just because it contains it in the future.

  24. In the imp: Fruity and floral. I think I am getting the green mandarin, honeydew, guava, a bit of the neroli, and the freesia note (which I recognize from Butterflies, Flowers, and Jewels Attending).

    Wet: Same, but the freesia note is stronger than the fruit notes on my skin. Then, it ends up taking an unpleasant turn. Perhaps it is the green musk combined with the freesia? I'm not sure. The neroli is also becoming more prominent, making the scent bitter. I am also getting a woody aspect to the scent now. However, the freesia remains the dominant note.

    Dry: Freesia still reigns, but it is softer now. I'm not sure if it is the honeydew or guava behind it. I get the floral note, followed by fruit, and then a bit of light musk and dry wood.

    Verdict: This one is a bit too perfume-y and dry for me. It isn't bad, it's just... not really my thing.

  25. Olive leaf, raspberry leaf, vetiver and cedarwood.

    In the imp: I can detect all of the notes. My nose does not think that they smell very good together in the imp, but maybe that will change upon wear?

    Wet: Both leaf notes are quite prominent, but the vetiver and cedarwood aren't far behind. The vetiver is getting stronger, but the olive leaf note ends up being the dominant note (followed by the raspberry leaf). I'm not particularly fond of this thus far.

    Dry: Pretty much the same. Olive leaf, followed by raspberry leaf, followed by vetiver, and finally, cedarwood. The vetiver is stronger than it was during the wet phase, giving the scent a smoky quality.

    Verdict: This one isn't for me.
