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Posts posted by doomsday_disco

  1. In the imp: Mostly skin musk and honey. I can smell a bit of the orange blossom, peach, apple, and myrrh lingering in the background.


    Wet: Very strong on the skin musk and honey. I am also getting the red apple, peach, and orange blossom. The rose is present, but it isn't a main player on my skin. The same goes for the myrrh. Although I am familiar with frankincense, I can't pick it out here.


    Dry: The skin musk and honey still reign, followed by the peach and apple. I also get a bit of soft myrrh. I prefer the scent in this phase.


    Verdict: This one is nice. I don't need a bottle of it, but I will keep my imp and give it a full day test some time in the future. I think this scent would be good during the warmer months.

  2. In the imp: The merlot jumps out to my nose. It is the strongest note in the imp, but I can also smell musk, a bit of leather, and a hint of rose.

    Wet: The merlot is the dominant note, followed by the musk and the crushed floral notes. The combination of the merlot and the violet makes the scent sweeter than it was in the imp. I am not particularly fond of violet, and it is starting to become more prominent the longer this sits on my skin.


    Dry: Still wine dominant. The violet is still present. I can smell a faint hint of leather, just like it says in the description. I am not getting much of the other notes.

    Verdict: This one is better than I thought it would be, but it really isn't 'me.'

  3. In the imp: White floral notes with an aquatic vibe.

    Wet: I think I am mainly getting the gardenia and muguet notes. The scent still has an aquatic aspect.

    Dry: Strong white floral notes along with aquatic notes and some ginger.

    Verdict: I'm not a fan of aquatic scents, so this one is not for me.

  4. In the imp: Exactly what it says on the tin: rose and leather.

    Wet: More rose than leather, but the leather is definitely present and reads as black leather to my nose. I don't know how Beth does it, but the rose note really does have a damp quality to it. It actually smells like a damp red rose. I'm not always fond of leather, but I am enjoying this scent thus far.

    Dry: The leather is much stronger on the drydown, but the damp red rose note is still the dominant note on my skin.

    Verdict: I was pleasantly surprised by this one. I don't think I need a bottle of it (as I already own a lot of rose scents that I like more than this one), but this is nice.

  5. In the imp: Much cinnamon, so rose. Wow.

    Wet: Red roses and cinnamon. The roses reign, but the cinnamon seems to be getting stronger the longer this sits on my skin. This is not a sweet cinnamon note.

    Dry: The cinnamon is more prominent than it was in the wet stage. The roses are still present, but I get more cinnamon on my skin.

    Verdict: I like cinnamon, and I like roses, but I am not sure about the two being paired together. This one is okay, but I don't see myself reaching for it over some other rose scents.

  6. In the imp: This is really strong on the red musk. The rose is next in prominence, and the amber seems to be lingering in the background. I am not particularly fond of scents that are strong on the red musk, so I'm not really looking forward to this one.

    Wet: The red musk dominates. I do smell the roses and amber, but they have taken background roles.

    Dry: The red musk continues to reign, while the roses remain in the background. I don't really get much amber at all.

    Verdict: Not for me, but if you like red musk (and, of course, roses), give this a try.

  7. In the imp: I am mostly getting the almond, orange peel, and rose. I like almond, and Bulgarian Rose is one of my favorite rose notes, so I am looking forward to this. The only note that concerns me is the neroli, which has made some scents turn cough syrup-like on me.

    Wet: Mostly almond and rose at first. The sandalwood starts to peek out, along with the nutmeg, clove, and orange peel. The rose and the orange peel have become the dominant notes, followed by clove.

    Dry: Orange peel and clove, followed by rose. I am getting more of the nutmeg as well. It is somewhat bitter now, but I am not sure whether that is the orange peel or the neroli. The sandalwood is faintly in the background, along with a faint trace of the almond note.

    Verdict: I like this. I wish the almond note hadn't been so fleeting, but I do enjoy orange and clove scents. I will give this a full day test before deciding whether or not I need a bottle.

  8. In the imp: I mostly smell the red amber, musk, and vetiver. I am not looking forward to this one because I amp carnation, dislike vetiver and orris, and the 'scorched' aspect of the musk doesn't sound very pleasant. Oh, well. Here goes.

    Wet: I am getting red amber with the musk and vetiver. The combination of musk and vetiver remind me somewhat of Orc, but it isn't the same musk found in that blend. I can smell the spiciness of the carnation in the background.

    Dry: The spicy carnation is a lot stronger than it was before. Although it has taken the center stage, it didn't stomp all over the other notes. I can still smell the red amber and vetiver. I am definitely getting the orris now (which tends to remind me of baby powder), as well as the tonka note. I would say that the carnation, red amber, and orris are the strongest notes now. The musk, while still present, isn't a main player like it was in the wet stage.

    Verdict: I was dreading this, but it isn't nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be, despite the fact that I dislike several of the notes listed in this scent. I don't need a bottle of this, and I won't keep my imp, but this scent was a nice reminder to give scents at least one chance (instead of judging them by their notes or their scent in the vial).

    *edit* Okay, several hours later, it smells really bad on my skin. I can smell the vetiver, musk, and orris the most, and that is not a good combination.

  9. In the imp: The ylang ylang is quite prominent in the imp, but I can smell the sandalwood and neroli as well. Neroli can be problematic for me and has made some scents cough syrup-like on my skin.

    Wet: On my skin, I can still smell all of the notes. The neroli is stronger on my skin than it was in the imp, but ylang ylang and sandalwood notes have taken the center stage... for now.

    Dry: The neroli is much more prominent now, but it didn't go horribly wrong on me, and for that, I am grateful. The ylang ylang and sandalwood are still pretty strong, but now they are accompanied by the bitterness of the neroli note.

    Verdict: While I am glad that the neroli cooperated with my skin chemistry, this scent isn't really 'me'.

  10. In the imp: The ylang ylang note stands out to my nose, and I think I am picking up the Lab's honey note as well... it reminds me a bit of O, but it isn't as sweet as O.

    Wet: This is similar to the Post's Formula 57 massage oil, which contains ylang ylang and honey notes. However, the ylang ylang note in this is stronger than it is in the aforementioned massage oil. The myrrh note has now made itself known, and I think there may be a musk in this as well.

    Dry: The myrrh is the most prominent now, but it is a soft myrrh, perhaps the kind found in Bastet. The ylang ylang is still present, and there is still something in this that reminds me of O.

    Verdict: This is okay. I prefer the blends that it reminded me of (before the myrrh became the dominant note), so I don't need a bottle of this.

  11. In the imp: I am not familiar with civet, but I think that is mostly what I am getting in the imp, though I can definitely smell the musk and the opium as well.

    Wet: This one is quite heady, for lack of a better term. It's strong, there is an animalistic quality to it, but this also has a powdery aspect to it on my skin. The animalistic quality is becoming more prominent the longer this sits on my skin.

    Dry: This is still strong, but it isn't as heady. The scent is smooth now, but still very animalistic. I think it is mainly civet on me. There is a smokiness to the scent now, but I am not sure if that is the civet or the opium. (If it is the opium, it isn't the opium note in Poisoned Apple.)

    Verdict: Not for me.

  12. In the imp: The white pine note jumps out to my nose at first, but I also smell the vanilla, juniper, and rosewood. It reads as masculine to my nose, but I think the vanilla note keeps it from being strictly masculine.

    Wet: Pine and vanilla. The juniper is present, and I get the amber as well as the rosewood. Mostly, it's pine, juniper, and vanilla, and the vanilla note is really nice. I can't stop sniffing my arm!

    Dry: The vanilla is stronger now, and it's a wonderful, creamy vanilla. I think this may be the same vanilla note that is found in Tombstone. I can detect amber and juniper lingering in the background (there is more amber than juniper on me), as well as white pine, but it rather faint now.

    Verdict: I really, really like this and will be needing a bottle.

  13. In the imp: Exactly what it says on the tin. Mandarin and fig!

    Wet: Mandarin dominant. The fig is present, but it has taken a background role. However, the fig note is becoming more prominent the longer this sits on my skin.

    Dry: The mandarin still reigns, but the fig note is stronger than it was during the wet phase, lending a bit of earthiness to this sweet, fruity scent.

    Verdict: This is nice. I don't feel the need to grab a bottle of this one, but I think it would be great to wear during warmer months.

  14. In the imp: I can smell all of the notes, but the carnation seems to be the strongest. I tend to amp carnation, and plum doesn't always work for me, so I won't be surprised if this doesn't work on my skin.

    Wet: A blast of carnation, plum, and musk. This is a spicy carnation, and the musk isn't a light one. If I had to compare it to another musk, I would say that it kind of reminds me of the musk in Orc without the vetiver. As expected, the carnation has declared dominion over the other notes. The plum note that I smelled when I first applied this to my skin was quickly forced into the background, making this a musky carnation scent.

    Dry: Musky carnation with just the lightest hint of plum if I inhale really deeply. I don't really get much plum at all (and that is probably because I amp carnation like whoa).

    Verdict: Definitely not for me, but if you are fond of musk and carnation, give this a try.

  15. In the imp: I can pick out the rosewood, sandalwood, sage, and orris. I am not particularly fond of sage and orris, so I am hoping they won't be prominent on my skin.

    Wet: Alas, I get a blast of sage at first, but then the rosewood overtakes it. The lemon peel is starting to peek out, and I'm getting the sandalwood, too. I can also smell the lily. It is quickly becoming a predominantly floral blend. The orris has made an appearance, too. Alas, it seems to be getting stronger over time.

    Dry: Florals and sage accompanied by pale musk and a faint trace of lemon peel.

    Verdict: Not for me.

  16. In the imp: The ginger note stands out the most to my nose. Patchouli and I aren't generally friends, but this doesn't seem to be screaming patchouli in the imp. Orange blossom can be iffy on me, but it doesn't seem to be bitter in the imp. Something in this reminds me of Snake Oil. I'm not sure if it is the ginger or the patchouli. There is almost a creaminess to this. I expected it to be sharp, but it's not. Maybe this imp has aged a while.

    Wet: Mostly ginger on me. The patchouli is present, but it is not a dirty, hippie patchouli, and for that, I am grateful. I can't help wondering if this ginger or patchouli note (or both) is found in Snake Oil. The orange blossom starts to emerge more over time, but it isn't turning really bitter or cough syrup-like and stomping all over the other notes.

    Drying down: I am getting more of the patchouli now, and I think it is what is reminding me of Snake Oil. (Or maybe it really is both the ginger and the patchouli...). The orange blossom is stronger now, but it still isn't being problematic on my skin.

    Dry: Reminiscent of Snake Oil. The ginger and the patchouli are the main players on my skin. The orange blossom is light in the background.

    Verdict: I would never have expected this to work on me from the notes, but it does. I won't be grabbing a bottle of this because it reminds me of Snake Oil, and I prefer Snake Oil (especially with its vanilla note). However, I am glad I gave this one a chance.

  17. I burned this candle a few times before writing this review.


    Jötunheimr has a very masculine scent. It is predominantly a pine scent accompanied by a harsh snow note, and I swear there is a stone note in this representing the toothy mountain peaks, too. The scent befits the home of the giants (particularly those of the frost variety).


    At first, I thought it had moderate throw, which is why I decided to burn this one a few times before writing my review. When I burned it last night, I didn't really notice it much when I was sitting in the same room with it. However, when I left the room for a bit, I noticed that I could smell the cold, forest-y scent when I was walking down the hallway. So this one has good throw, but it does not get the award for BPTP candle with the most throw. Miskatonic University still holds that crown.

  18. In the bottle, I mostly smell lilies, followed by the snow note (which is not a sweet snow note) and the sugarcane.


    In my hair, the lilies still dominate, and while they are strong at first, they quickly calm down. The snow note is second in prominence, and I can't help wondering if there is a bit of pine in the snow note. The sugarcane note really is just a dusting.


    Much later in the day, I mainly get lilies and the dusting of sugarcane. Most of the snow has melted.


    The next morning, the lily note remains, but it is rather faint.


    Verdict: I was really hoping this would be sweeter than it is, because I love sugary florals. I don't dislike it, but I also don't feel like I need a whole bottle of this one.

  19. In the bottle: Frooooooost. If I inhale really deeply, I can smell a bit of vanilla sandalwood in the background, but it is hidden beneath all of the frost.


    Wet: A minty, bright, ozone-y frost note reigns. The vanilla sandalwood note is very faint and seems to be content with hiding in the background.


    Dry: The frost note is still the most prominent. The sandalwood has emerged now, along with the vanilla, but the vanilla note is faint and stays very close to the skin.


    Verdict: I'm not sure how I feel about this one yet. I don't dislike it, but I was really hoping to get more vanilla sandalwood from this. I think I will hang onto this for a while to see if the vanilla comes out more with time.


    *edit* After two years of aging, the vanilla part of the sandalwood has come out more, but there's still a long winter to get through before it arrives.

  20. This one is very festive!


    The champagne note stands out the most to my nose (in the bottle and once it has been sprayed). The mint note is definitely candy-like.


    I like this one, but the scent doesn't seem to stick around for very long. I will keep my bottle, but I don't need a back-up.

  21. I am so glad this became a thing!


    I swapped my bottle of Rose Red 2005 away because I have a lot of rose scents, and I just wasn't reaching for that one. However, hair gloss is a different story!


    When I first sprayed this into my damp hair, it was like I had dived into a huge pile of rose petals. It was strong, and I smelled more red rose than greenery. The fresh, sharp quality of the rose calms down over time. Although the scent wasn't nearly as prominent by the end of the day, I was still getting wafts of the scent when I woke up the next morning.


    I thought that one bottle of this would suffice, but I think I am going to need a back-up bottle. This is going to go nicely with all of my rose scents! :wub:

  22. I chose this as my one Weenie candle (instead of going for Pumpkin Spice Everything, which I already have in hair gloss form), and it did not disappoint! :D


    This is a sweet pumpkin note (but not a buttery pumpkin) without the spices that usually accompany pumpkin notes. The tobacco complements it really well. The candle has decent throw, too!

  23. In the imp: Very fruity and sweet. Reminds me of blue raspberry blow pops.

    Wet: I definitely get the plum and black currant, but I'm also getting something that reminds me of bubblegum (or something candy-like). I don't know if it is blue raspberry blow pops or something else, but it definitely reminds me of some type of candy from my childhood. I thought I didn't like plum, but I'm actually enjoying this. Maybe I haven't liked the other perfumes with plum notes that I've tried due to the other notes that have accompanied it.

    Dry: I get a bit more of the wine and black currant now, but it still reminds me of candy!

    Verdict: I don't typically like fruity scents, but this one is nice!

  24. 2007 version.


    In the decant: The description matches perfectly. This is a voluptuous red rose.

    Wet: Yep, a very haughty red rose. It isn't as sharp as Rose Red, which is more of a fresh rose note with more greenery. This is a haughty rose with large, velvety petals.

    Dry: Same, but softer now.

    Much later: Ah, I definitely get the 'thorns' now. This was tagged with 'red amber' on the Lab's website (even though the note wasn't listed in the description), and now I know why! Rose and amber!

    Verdict: I enjoyed this one a lot more than Rose Red. I don't feel the need to hunt down a bottle of it, but I may grab one if it returns in a future Yule update.

  25. I tested this one when its discontinuation was announced in October, and I forgot to post my review here!


    This one is sweet pea dominant on me, with the pale musk and the sage giving it a clean feel. Sage isn't always kind to me, but it isn't an issue here.


    This one is nice, but I didn't feel the need to get a bottle of it before it went away (because I already own the Lab's Sweet Pea SN).
