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Posts posted by doomsday_disco

  1. In the imp: The powdery orris note is the strongest note in the imp, followed by the blood musk.

    Wet: The blood musk note is stronger on my skin, but the orris is still pretty strong to my nose. While I do smell the coconut, it isn't as prominent as the other two notes. It's mainly musky orris.

    Dry: Super musky orris. I am pretty sure the blood musk note has something cherry-like in it, and the orris reminds me of baby powder... so it's like musky baby powder on me.

    Much later: Now I smell like musky violets. D:

    Verdict: Definitely not for me.

  2. In the imp: The oud is the strongest note, followed by the white sandalwood.

    Wet: Oud and white sandalwood dominate. I'm also getting the musk. I am not getting much white tea leaf or beeswax, sadly.

    Dry: It's very much the same, only not as in-your-face now. The oud still dominates, followed by the white sandalwood note. The resins didn't really let the beeswax or tea leaf emerge on my skin.

    Verdict: This is way too masculine for me.

    *edit* I think I am getting patchouli from this now. It isn't a listed note, and it may just be this particular type of oud that reminds me of an earthy patchouli, but still... I wasn't expecting it!

  3. 2014 version.


    In the decant: Lots of sugar (brown and caramelized) with some fruitiness.

    Wet: I get more of the candied fruit on my skin, but the sugar is definitely present. The sugar smells very warm and seems to be getting stronger over time. I mostly get brown and caramelized sugar from this.

    Dry: Mostly brown sugar (with a little bit of candied fruit).

    Verdict: I like this one! It's very warm and comforting. I'm not sure I need a full bottle of it, but I may try to track down a partial some time in the future.

  4. In the decant: Lily (or some strong white floral), some kind of citrus fruit (perhaps lime or grapefruit), and perhaps some ozone. The lily stands out the most to my nose.

    Wet: Lime and lily (or another strong white floral) seem to be the dominant notes at first, but then the ozone note emerges and seems to become more prominent over time.

    Dry: The white floral is really strong now, and it is starting to give me a headache. I don't really get any citrus from this any more. It's mostly floral with some ozone.

    Verdict: Not for me. It started giving me a headache and making me feel nauseated. I've tried washing it off twice, and it won't seem to budge.

  5. I am testing this one on my skin (as opposed to using it in the bath).


    In the decant: Spicy pumpkin with some creaminess from the cream cheese note. There is a hint of graham cracker crust.


    Wet: The spicy pumpkin note dominates. The cheesecake aspect seems to be confined to the background. The brown sugar starts to come out more the longer this sits on my skin, but the spiced pumpkin still reigns.


    Dry: The spices have calmed down significantly, and the cheesecake has emerged a lot more, so it is creamier now. I'm also getting more of the graham cracker and brown sugar during this phase.


    Verdict: I like this, and I will definitely keep my decant. However, I don't feel the urge to spring for a bottle right now (because I already ordered the other three Weenie bath oils, and I have a feeling that the Trading Post's Yules will be my doom). If this bath oil happens to make its way onto Etsy some time in the future, and I happen to have the funds, I may get a bottle of this one then.

  6. Clove and lemon.


    The clove is pretty strong on my skin, and the lemon note is like an actual lemon (with peel included) instead of lemongrass or lemon verbana.


    I really like this, and I plan on getting a bottle once I use up my imp.

  7. In the decant: Mostly clove with some dirt.

    In my hair: The clove dominates. I thought that the dirt would be pretty strong (and that's why I went for a decant instead of a bottle). While it is certainly present, it's actually rather soft. The tobacco flower note seems to emerge more over time.

    The scent was still in my hair when I woke up this morning, and when I took a shower, I was immersed in a cloud of clove/tobacco/soil awesomeness.

    Verdict: I LOVE THIS. I will definitely be ordering a bottle before it goes away. :wub2:

  8. In the decant: More gingerbread than Zombi. It's gingerbread with a bit of dirt.


    Wet: The gingerbread dominates. It is really strong, and there is only a hint of the Zombi part of the scent.


    Dry: Still mostly gingerbread spices on me, with just a hint of Zombi to suggest that there is something not quite right about the gingerbread.

    Verdict: I am glad that I was able to try this one! I like it, but I don't feel the need to try and hunt down a bottle at this time.


    ETA: I did end up hunting down a bottle of this after all. :lol: I regret nothing.

  9. In the bottle: Mainly sweet pumpkin and spices. The pumpkin cream note reminds me of the pumpkin in Alice in the Pumpkin Patch.

    Wet: Pumpkin with a lot of ginger milk and cardamom. I really hope this one doesn't end up burning my skin like Autumn Cider did! The spices seem to be getting stronger as this sits on my skin. The black tea note is present, but it is lingering in the background.

    Dry: Okay, I'm getting a lot of the black tea note now. It is on the verge of turning into licorice but hasn't actually done so yet. The spices are still present, but they have calmed down significantly, and the pumpkin note is more like the pumpkin cream in the description (as opposed to just full-on pumpkin).

    The tea isn't on the verge of turning into licorice now. It definitely reads as black tea to my nose.

    Verdict: I was hoping this would be like a pumpkin chai latte. It's not, but it's still nice. It is creamy and comforting, and I'm glad that I have a bottle.

    *edit* I ended up swapping this one. I am not sure if it's me amping the ginger milk or cardamom or what, but this would eventually end up being curry-like on me, sadly.

  10. In the bottle: Orange and tobacco.

    Wet: The orange dominates, followed by the tobacco. The orange is a realistic orange and the note seems to include the peel. I'm not getting much hay at this point, and I consider that to be a good thing.

    Dry: This stays really close to the skin now. The orange is still there, but it isn't as prominent as it was before. The hay note has emerged, lending a bit of warmth and sweetness to the scent. I was worried about the hay note, but it really works here! It's mainly tobacco and hay now.

    Verdict: Like, but not love. I will be holding onto my bottle, though.

  11. 2014 version.

    In the bottle: This isn't like cider at all. It's like a spiced fruit punch. The apple note in this reminds me of the Trading Post's Harvest Festival atmosphere spray (which also smelled like punch). The orange note is quite prominent.

    Wet: Yep, spicy fruit punch. The apple note is quite prominent at first, but the spices become stronger, along with the orange note. The spices are starting to burn my skin. There is a huge red circle on my skin (although this was lightly applied). I get more orange and spices than apple now, but the apple note is still present.

    Dry: Very spicy fruit punch.

    Verdict: I was hoping that this one would work for me, but alas, my skin is too sensitive to handle the spices in this one. I will either swap my bottle or give it to a family member.

  12. Rich vanilla sandalwood elegantly distorted by oudh, labdanum, scarlet saffron, and pink pepper.

    In the bottle: The vanilla sandalwood and pink pepper notes stand out to my nose. The combination of the pink pepper mixed with the sweetness is somewhat reminiscent of High Strung Daisies. It's kind of like High Strung Daisies and Mouse's Long and Sad Tale had a baby (but without the floral notes). If I inhale really deeply, I can smell the saffron and a hint of the other resins as well.

    Wet: The vanilla sandalwood is quite prominent, as well as the pink pepper. (If you aren’t familiar with pink pepper, it’s almost bubblegum-like but with a bit of a peppery kick.) The other resins are present, but they seem to be content with background roles at the moment. (I can smell them more in the crook of my elbow than on my wrist.)

    Dry: The pink pepper and vanilla sandalwood notes reign on my wrist, but the oudh and labdanum are more prominent there now (and are quite prominent in the crook of my elbow). I also get more of the saffron note in the crook of my elbow.

    Verdict: I love vanilla and pink pepper like whoa. I also love it when vanilla is paired with resins, so I knew I would love this one. I plan on ordering a back-up bottle when the Yules go live. It is rather feminine and pretty.

    *ETA (edited to add): a description of pink pepper.

  13. In the bottle: The notes that are standing out to my nose are the patchouli, sandalwood, and tobacco notes. The patchouli note is a deep, 'chewy' patch (for lack of a better term) that doesn't smell hippie-like at all. The ambergris is present but not as prominent as it was yesterday (when it arrived – I decided to let it sit for a day before testing it since it is so cold outside). The vanilla cream note is lingering in the background, adding a bit of sweetness to the blend.

    Wet: The sandalwood is the dominant note at first, followed by the patchouli and tobacco. I am getting the ambergris and benzoin notes as well. After a few minutes, the vanilla cream note makes an appearance. The ambergris note starts to become more prominent over time, and I think I may be smelling the immortelle note as well, but I'm not familiar with that note, so I can't be sure.

    Dry: What I believe to be the immortelle note (I'm getting a floral note) mixed with the ambergris, the smokiness of the tobacco, and just a hint of vanilla.

    *edit* Several hours later, the vanilla comes out more, and the combination of vanilla, immortelle, and ambergris is somewhat reminiscent of Lyonesse (which has a different vanilla and floral note).

    Verdict: I waffled on this one at first because I was worried about the patchouli, but couldn't resist the vanilla, benzoin, tobacco, and artwork. I am glad that I took a chance on this one because the patchouli note wasn't problematic at all. I am going to hold onto my bottle. I can't wait to see how it ages!

  14. No, not all of the old scents can be found in the "In Memoriam" section of the website. The website is fairly new (it went live last November), so there are many scents from previous updates that cannot be found in the "In Memoriam" section of the website. However, there is a section for discontinued scents in the reviews section of this forum, and you can also search for old limited edition scents in the reviews section of this forum as well. The Lilith scents that are currently available for purchase on the website will definitely be moved to the "In Memoriam" section when they are no longer available. :)


    Indeed, we cannot always depend on a limited edition scent being restocked. Although scents are listed as available until a certain date, sometimes there is a component issue, and the Lab isn't able to make any more of the scent. This happened with a few of this year's Lupercalia scents.

  15. It refers to a scent series' tenure on the website. Thus, if an announcement says the Lab Liliths are live until December 8th, that means they will be available for purchase on the website until December 8th (as long as there are no component issues...). When a scent is no longer live, it means it is not available for purchase anymore.


    Out of stock does mean gone forever as far as limited editions are concerned (except when the Lab says there will be a restock -- for instance, Question Mark from the Metamorphosis series went out of stock fairly quickly, but the Lab was able to restock that one).


    When a general catalog scent is marked out of stock, it means that it is temporarily out of stock and will return, unless it is also tagged "In Memoriam," in which case it has been discontinued (in other words, it's gone for good).

  16. In the bottle: The tobacco and green cognac are very prominent in the bottle. The pumpkin is present as well.

    Wet: Once this hits my skin, I get the vanilla bourbon, pumpkin, and caramelized sugar notes at first. Then, the tobacco jumps out, the pumpkin note seems to be getting more prominent, and I am getting some of the lovely cognac note as well. At one point, the white sandalwood and tobacco notes start becoming more prominent, and the scent becomes less sweet and more masculine, but then the vanilla and sugar notes emerge again.

    Dry: I get a lot of the vanilla bourbon, caramelized sugar, and tobacco on my wrists, but in the crook of my elbow, it is less sweet, and I get more of the tobacco and sandalwood notes with a bit of cognac.

    Verdict: I am so glad that I was able to find a bottle of this one!

  17. In the decant: I immediately get the 'jasmine' from the tea note, accompanied by other white florals. I can't smell the bergamot at all.

    Wet: Oh, there's the bergamot! The jasmine note (I get more jasmine than tea) leaps out at me as well, but then it decides to calm down, perhaps tamed by the other floral notes. The bergamot note is still present, but the floral notes are more prominent.

    Dry: A soft floral blend with just the faintest hint of bergamot.

    Verdict: No bottle for me, but I am glad I was able to try it!

  18. In the decant: Exactly like it says! The grass note really does smell like crushed grass, and I'm also getting the wildflowers and the pine sap from this.

    Wet: The grass and floral notes jump out to me at first. The pine sap note is definitely present, but it isn't as prominent as the grass and floral notes. Eventually, the wildflowers overtake the grass. This really does smell like a field strewn with wildflowers on a summer day.

    Dry: Mostly wildflowers. The scent is a lot softer now. I agree with zankoku_zen's description of fresh laundry in the sun.

    Verdict: I don't feel the need to grab a bottle of this, but I am really glad that I was able to try it!

  19. In the decant: Mostly frankincense. There is a hint of rose.

    Wet: The frankincense is the dominant note. The rose note has emerged, along with the clary sage. The scent is mainly a rose-y frankincense on me now.

    Dry: Still mostly frankincense on me, with a bit of rose and clary sage. This one is really strong!

    Verdict: I wondered if the Mysore Sandalwood note was the note I loved so much in Kit, and that was the main reason I tried this. (I discovered that it's not the note I love from Kit. That is, as I suspected, the creamy benzoin note.) I'm glad I was able to try it, but I can't really see myself wearing this one.

  20. In the decant: Lots of grass, white flowers, and what I believe to be the rusted iron note.

    Wet: The grass and the white floral notes jump out at me first. The white floral notes dominate, and the mist note makes an appearance.

    Dry: White florals, mist, iron, and a bit of the marble note.

    Verdict: I just had to try this one due to the story behind it! I am glad that I was able to try it, but I don't feel like I need more of this.

  21. In the decant: Lots of blueberry and lemon verbana, sweetened by the presence of the honeysuckle note. It smells very candy-like. It reminds me of something, but I don't know what!

    Wet: I do get the 'sun-warmed' and 'slightly squished' parts of the blueberry note, but then the lemon verbana becomes the dominant note, and the blueberry. The honeysuckle note adds some sweetness to the scent, and a bit of a grassy note starts to emerge over time. I'm not really getting any lavender at this point.

    Dry: Mainly lots of lemon verbana, with hints of blueberry, the floral notes, and a bit of grass.

    Verdict: I am glad that the blueberry note wasn't problematic for me! This one really does make me think of summer and sunshine. I don't really think I need another sweet lemon scent (as I already have Happy Baby in a Long Dress, and I have to be pickier about what I get bottles of now), but this is nice. I will be keeping my half-decant.

  22. In the imp: I can detect an almond note, and a bit of fruitiness (perhaps cherry?) that reminds me of red Starburst.

    Wet: Yep, definitely cherry! Then, it morphs, and becomes less sweet, with what I think may be a tobacco note announcing its presence. It is somewhat smoky.

    Dry: I am getting some vanilla now! The cherry note still dominates, though, and the smoky quality still lingers.

    Verdict: This one is okay scent-wise, but I just don't see myself reaching for a cherry-dominant scent. I cannot say whether or not it does what it is intended for, but I am going to pass this one onto a friend that is having financial troubles.

  23. Thanks to Absinthetics for being my fairy. :wub2:


    Note: I am reviewing this as a moisturizer (and not as a product used in the bath).

    This is mainly a red apple scent drizzled with honey. The apple note doesn't really have much of a bite to it. Although the honey note seems to be the dominant note on my skin by the end of the day, it is a light honey note that stays close to the skin.


    Verdict: I love apple scents, so I'm glad that I have a bottle of this!

  24. In the bottle: Red apple and smoky black copal.

    Wet: I do get the 'glistening' aspect of this red apple note, which is currently the dominant note, with the smoky copal note and the other resins lingering in the background. I thought the resins would overtake the apple and make this blend too dark for me, but that hasn't been the case thus far. Sometimes myrrh goes sharp and masculine on me, but it doesn't seem to be a problem here.

    Dry: The smoky copal note dominates, followed by apple, a bit of orange rind and the lovely saffron note.

    Verdict: Definitely keeping my partial.
