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Posts posted by doomsday_disco

  1. This is just as amazing as I thought it would be. :wub2:


    If you like spun sugar vanilla cream goodness, you need this hair gloss! I get more of the sugar and cream. The cotton is lingering in the background.


    This one has good staying power, too! I can still smell it pretty strongly when I hold my hair up to my nose, even though I applied it seven hours ago.

    I may need a back-up bottle of this.


    *edit* When I woke up this morning, the Boo hair gloss was still going strong! I was enveloped in a cloud of Boo. :ghost:



    *another edit* Back-up bottle: ordered.

  2. Thanks to Absinthetics for fairying this one for me! :wub2:

    In the bottle: This smells like slightly-minty apple candy and orange blossom.

    Wet: The apple and mint notes are at the forefront of the blend, but both of these notes are soft. I believe this is a yellow apple note (like a Golden Delicious). The vanilla note is present as well. This scent definitely smells pale. Orange blossom is an iffy note for me, but it is not causing problems here. The same goes for the jasmine. This is really well blended! Although it is sweet, I wouldn't say it is candy-like (even though that was my first impression when sniffing it in the bottle). The orange blossom note is becoming stronger on my skin over time, but doesn't overtake the apple.

    Dry: Sweet, soft apple, accompanied by orange blossom, bourbon vanilla, and a hint of tobacco flower and pink pepper.

    Verdict: This is a very pretty apple scent! I am glad I have a bottle of this, and I am curious to see how it will age.

  3. I agree with Duskinhereyes on this scent being different than it was in atmosphere spray form.


    The pumpkin marshmallow note is a lot stronger in the bath oil than it was in the atmosphere spray. This is the case in the bottle and on my skin. It doesn't take long before a spicy pumpkin note dominates, so that it is more pumpkin than pumpkin marshmallow, even though the marshmallow note is still present. There are hints of the graham cracker and chocolate, but those notes seem to be content with residing in the background.

    The atmosphere spray was mainly graham cracker and dry pumpkin spices. The bath oil is pretty strong on the spiced pumpkin.


    Verdict: I am really glad that I have a bottle of this, even though it is different than the atmosphere spray from last year!


    *edit* After a while, the spiced pumpkin calms down, so that the spiced pumpkin and the marshmallow don't feel like separate entities.

  4. In the bottle: Super sweet ice cream!

    Wet: Yep, definitely praline ice cream. The powdered sugar note is present and becoming stronger over time.

    Dry: Same!

    Verdict: I was worried about the 'praline' aspect of the ice cream note. Fortunately, the pecans weren't problematic for me. (I was worried about this being mostly pecans on me after Mother Shub's Pumpkin Pecan Treacle Tarts, but it's mostly really sweet ice cream with powdered sugar). I love ice cream blends, so I am definitely keeping my bottle!

    *edit* After a while, the beignet dust (powdered sugar) was the dominant note, and it was GLORIOUS.

    *editing review on second wear* Actually, I am not sure this is pecan pralines. I am wearing this for the second time, and I think there is an almond note in here.

    *final edit* I ended up ordering a back-up of this one.

  5. In the bottle: Definitely spice dominant, but there is a creamy pumpkin note in the background. It is more like a pumpkin spice syrup than actual pumpkin with spices.

    In my hair, it is all spice, no pumpkin. It is very strong on the cinnamon, and I can see how some people that reviewed the perfume got a Red Hots vibe from this. I am glad that I decided to get this in hair gloss form instead of getting the perfume oil, as I am sure that would have burned my skin. The spices are becoming drier over time.

    This one has had good staying power throughout the day. :D

    Verdict: I like this one! I don't layer things very often, but I am going to try layering this with some other hair glosses (like Dorian to wear with Dorian in the Pumpkin Patch) to see if I need more of this. However, I have so many hair glosses that I don't feel like I need a back-up of this one right now.

  6. In the bottle: Very strong, sugared chicory coffee!

    Wet: Sugared chicory coffee. I do get the 'au lait' aspect of the coffee note. It is softer and sweeter on my skin than it was in the bottle, but it's still pretty strong. I don't really get any 'pastries' from the sugared pastries... just sugar. The sugar note seems to be getting more prominent over time, and I like that!

    Dry: Much softer sugared chicory coffee au lait.

    Verdict: I'm not sure how to feel about this. The wet phase is very strong. It may be too much coffee for me! I am going to keep my bottle for now, though!

  7. In the bottle: I definitely get the coconut aspect that previous reviewers have mentioned, but I also smell the 'rum' part of the cupcake note, and that wonderful vanilla ice cream note that I adore.

    Wet: Well, the rum cupcakes (along with the aforementioned coconut) are definitely present, but I am getting the hot toddy in this as well. The spices from it started tingling my skin a bit, but fortunately, I haven't had a reaction. The vanilla ice cream note is present as well, lending a creaminess to the blend. It doesn't take long for the spices to calm down. I was worried about the rum part of the cupcake note, but it isn't problematic. The vanilla ice cream note is now one of the dominant notes, along with the cupcakes. This smells amazing!

    Dry: Rum cupcakes and vanilla ice cream! :D

    Verdict: This one is a keeper! I may end up getting a back-up before it goes away.

    *edit* This one was still present on my wrist this morning!

    *edit* I did end up ordering a back-up of this one.

  8. In the bottle: Definitely lavender dominant. I love lavender, so this isn't a bad thing. There is also a hint of the woods and the bourbon vanilla lingering in the background.

    Wet: The lavender is the most prominent note, but the fig is pretty strong, too, and there is a hint of the woods. Fortunately, I can't really pick out the patchouli in this one, so if you are worried about the patchouli in this blend, don't let it scare you away. I am not really getting much vanilla at this point in time, but I'm hoping it will make its presence known on the drydown, as I adore blends that combine lavender and vanilla. The lavender and white fig combo reminds me of Trading Post's Thirst of Unbearable Things candle. I have a few bottles of Lush's Twilight perfume and shower gel, and I have to say that this blend doesn't remind me of that at all (despite it also containing lavender and benzoin), but perhaps that is because the fig is so prominent on me.

    Dry: The white fig is the dominant note now, although the lavender still remains. The wood notes are also more prominent now, warming up the blend along with the hint of patchouli.

    Verdict: I was hoping this would be mostly lavender and vanilla on me, but alas, that was not the case! I will be holding onto this one to see how it ages, though.

    *edit* Three hours after this review was posted, the woody notes and the patchouli were the most prominent notes to my nose, but they stayed close to the skin. A few hours after that, the vanilla did emerge, but by that point, the scent stayed so close to my skin that I had to put my nose right up to my wrist to smell it.

    *second edit* After a few weeks of settling, the bourbon vanilla note has come out more (in the bottle and on my skin).

  9. Pumpkin whipped with milk chocolate syrup and dark chocolate shavings.

    Note: I am reviewing this as a moisturizer (and not as a product that I used in the bath).

    In the bottle: More chocolate than pumpkin. When this first arrived, I mainly smelled the dark chocolate shavings, but the milk chocolate syrup is more prominent after sitting for several hours. The pumpkin definitely has a 'fluffy' aspect to it. It's very light.

    Wet: Creamy milk chocolate syrup dominates at first. The pumpkin note becomes more prominent after a few minutes, and it is lightly spiced. After a while, I don't really feel like there is a dominant note. The creamy chocolate and very lightly spiced pumpkin go really well together. This smells delicious!

    Dry: The dark chocolate shavings seem to be more distinguishable on the drydown. It is chocolate dominant again.

    Verdict: It's chocolate and pumpkin! I like this, and I will be keeping my bottle to use as an after-shower moisturizer and a room scent (as I recently discovered that the BPTP bath oils have a lot of throw when used in a wax warmer). However, I don't feel the need to get a back-up of this one.

  10. I have tested this one before, and it didn't work on me. I think I lasted tested it a year ago, so I am going to give it one more chance.

    In the imp: Buttery pumpkin (more like buttery caramel popcorn than pumpkin) and peach. The peach is quite prominent and sweet. This was too buttery and sweet (and strong!) for me last time I tried it, and I have a feeling that this will not yield a different result this time. The nutmeg and clove are in the background.

    Wet: This is peach dominant on me at first, and the peach remains strong, along with the somewhat waxy pumpkin note that I remember smelling when I first tried this. The nutmeg and the clove are present and seem to be getting stronger, but they never rise above their background roles.

    Dry: Super sweet peach and waxy pumpkin with a hint of the nutmeg and clove.

    Verdict: This one is too strong, sweet, and candle-like for me. I am not overly fond of the combination of peach and pumpkin, and I get more peach than pumpkin on my skin. :huh?: There are many pumpkin blends that I prefer over this one.

  11. In the bottle: Bananas! Plus a sweet creaminess that must be the 'foster' aspect.

    Wet: The bananas dominate at first, but then the vanilla ice cream aspect of the banana's foster comes to the front of the blend, and it smells amazing. I was worried about the banana note in this (as I'm not overly fond of bananas), but this just... works, oddly enough! I am not getting any incense smoke or Dorian at this point in time.

    Dry: The vanilla ice cream part of the banana's foster is the dominant note, mingling with the incense smoke. There is only a hint of banana now. This is absolutely wonderful. :D I can't stop huffing my arm! Sometimes I think I can detect hints of the Dorian, but those moments are very fleeting.

    Verdict: I'm SO glad that I have a bottle of this! :wub2: I may need to get a back-up bottle before it goes away.

  12. Orc

    In the imp: Musky leather and vetiver. To say that I am afraid of this would be an understatement. Oh, well! *braces self*

    Wet: Musky leather and vetiver, just like the description. I can smell the 'grey' aspect of the musk.

    Dry: Same.

    Verdict: Well, I am not fond of these notes, so it isn't a surprise that this blend is not for me. I do think that it is rather fitting for an orc, though!

  13. In the imp: Lavender and lime.


    Wet: The lime note is the most prominent, along with the citrus musk, but the lavender fougere is certainly present. Then, the citrus musk decides it wants the leading role. It definitely reads as a gent's cologne.


    Dry: Citrusy lavender fougere.

    Verdict: I like this, but I would prefer to smell it on a man! (Alas, the one I have doesn't really like gentleman's cologne scents.)

  14. In the imp: This smells very clean. I hate to say it, but it kind of reminds me of laundry detergent.

    Wet: Still very clean, definitely aquatic, and I think I am picking up a floral note in this.

    Dry: A flowery aquatic.

    Verdict: I am not a fan of aquatics, and I can't see myself using this one for layering purposes, so this one isn't for me.

  15. Lawful

    In the imp: The oak note jumps out at me first, but I also get the other notes from this as well.

    Wet: Woody, herbal, and somewhat fruity. At times, I think I get more oak and fig leaf, but at other times, I think I'm getting more of the chamomile and rhubarb.

    Dry: This one is fruit-dominant on me now, with the fig leaf being the most prominent note, although the rhubarb is definitely present as well. The chamomile note remains, but the oak note seems to have taken a background role. I don't get much of the oak note in this phase.

    Verdict: I think this one could be good for layering, but I really don't see myself wearing this one on its own.

  16. Dwarf

    In the imp: Iron and hops? I'm not really sure.

    Wet: Iron and stone. The hops note is present too, but I am not getting much leather from this. (I think that is a good thing.) I think I am getting some soot, though.

    Dry: Very masculine, with something sharp. I definitely get the soot aspect now.

    Verdict: Well, I think this lives up to the description, but it's not for me!

  17. In the imp: Initially, I get very strong, sharp leather. I get the shining armor as well. The leather isn't as strong on subsequent sniffs, but it is still the most prominent note to my nose. I think I get some of the white musk as well.

    Wet: The white leather jumps out at me at first, but then the white musk joins it. The scent is sweeter now, but it is mainly a white musk and leather scent. I am not getting any bourbon vanilla from this at this time, but I am sure it is helping soften some of the notes. The frankincense has decided to take a background role on my skin.

    Dry: White leather, musk, and sweet frankincense.

    Verdict: I am glad that I was able to try this, but this is too leather-dominant for my liking.

  18. Rogue

    Soft, well-worn black leather, hemp, and rosin.


    In the imp: I was expecting a blast of very sharp leather, but I didn't get that from this at all. I think my nose is mainly getting the rosin from the imp.

    Wet: What I believe to be the hemp note seems to be the most prominent note on my skin (it's somewhat grassy), with what I believe to be the rosin in second place. (Alas, I am not that familiar with the notes in this blend.) The leather is definitely well-worn, and I prefer this leather note to the other leather notes that I have encountered thus far. Something in this blend pricks my skin a bit. It doesn't burn, though.

    Dry: The leather note is much more prominent now, but the hemp is still pretty strong on me. The rosin is still present as well, but it isn't as strong anymore. My skin is cool where this was applied.

    Verdict: I am glad that I didn't get chemically leather from this, but I discovered that I don't care for hemp. I will have to give this one a new home.

  19. Ranger

    In the imp: Very woody. It smells like an evergreen forest.


    Wet: The pine note is the dominant note, but the overall impression is of a very green evergreen forest, with a blanket of moss on the forest floor. The scent is very realistic, and it seems to be getting greener the longer it is on my skin. I cannot pick out the patchouli and hay notes on my skin, and I am really thankful for that, as I was worried about those notes!

    Dry: The forest scent has really calmed down. It's a lot softer now.

    Verdict: I really didn't expect to like this one, but this is nice. I enjoy how realistic it is. I would prefer it as a room scent, but if I ever take up archery (like I have been wanting to), this is the scent that I would wear to lessons.


    *edit to add* I ended up getting a bottle of Ranger. I love layering it with Neutral and Elf. :)

  20. In the bottle: Definitely pink. This sweet concoction reminds me of a strawberry cake from one of those boxed cake mixes. I get more strawberry than cake, though.

    Wet: Strawberry cake, but then it morphs into a scent reminiscent of strawberry bubblegum. Then, I get the buttery quality of the cake, but the strawberry bubblegum-like scent is still present. This scent just seems to be getting sweeter the longer it is on my skin.

    Dry: Definitely strawberry cake (and not bubblegum now), but it's still super sweet.

    Verdict: This is too pink and sweet for me. I ordered a bottle because I love the story behind it, and I like the scent of cake, but I am not very fond of strawberry in a perfume. I will either put my bottle up for swap or send it to one of my siblings.

  21. In the bottle: The lovely candle wax note is the most prominent note, and I am reminded of the Trading Post's Candlelight atmosphere spray.

    Wet: The beeswax candle note takes the center stage. It is sweet, but not foody. I detect a hint of the vanilla ice cream note. I am also getting a bit of smokiness, and the spices are starting to make an appearance, but they are lingering in the background. The candle wax is still the dominant note, and it seems to have gotten less sweet over time.

    Dry: The candle wax note still reigns, but the smoke note is more prominent now (and what I think may be the red sandalwood). I get more of the spices now, but they do not burn. If I press my nose up to my skin and inhale really deeply, I can smell the vanilla ice cream note.

    Verdict: I am so glad that I ordered a bottle of this!

  22. In the bottle: The fougere jumps out at me the most, but I smell the resins as well. I am not really getting any vanilla from the bottle.

    Wet: The fougere note is the dominant note, and it remains that way throughout the wet stage. The resins have decided to take background roles. I thought this would be somewhat like Hope and Fear Set Free with a hint of fougere, but it isn't like that at all. However, this isn't a bad thing. I enjoy fougere! I believe this fougere contains lavender and bergamot. At least, there is definitely a floral/citrus combination going on here (but I'm pretty confident about the presence of a bergamot note, because I was reminded of Earl Grey at one point).

    Dry: The fougere is still the most prominent note. There is a breath of vanilla that is helping to sweeten up the blend, but it is lingering in the background.

    Verdict: Like, but not love. I will be keeping my bottle, and I am looking forward to seeing how this one ages.

  23. In the decant: I definitely get the cardamom tea, orange peel, and mate. Alas, something has a licorice-y vibe to it (I think it is the cardamom tea), and I don't like that at all. I hope it isn't like that on my skin.

    Wet: The licorice-like note is present, but the orange peel note is attempting to drown it out. Then, the orange peel and mate are the dominant notes, making this a citrus-y tea blend. The licorice-like note is still present, and now I am wondering if that is due to the cardamom tea or the mate. Alas, I am not a fan of drinking mate, so I can't say I am particularly enjoying its presence in this blend. The note with the black licorice quality just keeps getting stronger. I am not liking this at all. It's kind of like Miss Spink and Miss Forcible's tea leaves, but with orange peel instead of bergamot, and cardamom tea and mate instead of a grassy green tea leaf.

    Dry: Whatever it is that is making this black licorice dominant... plus some orange peel.

    Verdict: I ordered a decant of this because I am usually interested in tea blends, but there is something in this one that is just not agreeing with me. I am glad that I went for a decant instead of a bottle, because this is just NOT for me.

  24. In the decant: The white patchouli is quite prominent (it is the same kind that is in The Laughter of Loki), and I think I am getting the pepperwood note from this as well. I am also getting the oudh and the champaca, and the combination of those two notes remind me of Destructive Vagina of the Fox Spirit (without the wonderful coffee bean note).

    Wet: White patchouli and pepperwood. The oudh seems to be coming out more over time. I get a hint of the champaca.

    Dry: Patchouli and peppery resins. If I press my nose right up to my skin, I detect a hint of the vanilla.

    Verdict: This one was too patchouli and resin dominant for me, and the vanilla wasn't prominent enough to tame those notes on my skin. I am glad that I was able to try it, but I don't need a bottle.

  25. Note: I am reviewing this as a moisturizer (and not as a product used in the bath).

    This one is a classic, perfume-y floral at first, but the perfume-y quality disappears on the drydown, and it is a sweet floral scent.

    This is nice, and I think it will pair well with many floral scents, so I will be keeping my decant. However, I am going to have to pass on a bottle of it at this time. I may end up snagging one if it makes its way onto Etsy in the future, though!
