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Posts posted by doomsday_disco

  1. Sugared vanilla rose, pink carnation, pink peppercorn, cistus, Oman frankincense, white peony, white moss, and lemon peel.

    In the bottle, the pink carnation is the dominant note. It pretty much dominates all of the other notes in this blend. After much sniffing, I can get a bit of the rose, moss, and frankincense out of this. This scent does seem like it would be appropriate for spring, and I'm hoping that I get more of the sugared vanilla rose and pink peppercorn out of this once I spray the scent all over the room.

    Once sprayed, the frankincense note is one of the prominent notes, and it smells like a frankincense and floral blend at first. I also sprayed this on a blanket, and I can smell the lemon peel note when I sniff the blanket, mingled with the floral notes (especially the strong pink carnation), moss, and frankincense. The scent on the blanket is sweeter (thanks to the lemon peel giving it a candy-like quality), and I prefer it to the scent of it in the room (which has mellowed out into frankincense, moss, and florals). The pink carnation is the strongest of the florals in this blend.

    I like this, but I'm not in love with it. I will keep my bottle, but I won't need a back-up of this one.

  2. When I first sniffed this in the bottle, it reminded me of something familiar. Eventually, I figured out what it is. The combination of the floral and the tobacco reminds me of Summer Lace (one of my favorite blends, although it contains a different floral note and a caramelized tobacco note). I can detect all of the notes in this. When it first arrived, the white honey note was the most prominent, but when I sniff it now, it is a rich, creamy scent of the florals, white honey, and then the tobacco.


    In my damp hair, I can smell all the notes as well. The white honey seems to be the strongest, followed by the camellia, and then the tobacco. The tobacco in this does not make my hair smell like an ash-tray, for those who are concerned about that. It really does remind me of Summer Lace with a different floral note, minus the fruity notes and cognac, and with white honey in place of the vanilla cream. In other words, I love it! I can't stop sniffing my hair!


    As my hair dries, the tobacco seems to be coming out more, adding a somewhat smoky quality to the scent (without making one smell like they are a smoker).


    I will definitely be keeping my bottle, and I may buy another before it goes away.

  3. Sweet tonka, ambrette seed, golden musk, and smoky myrrh.

    I had to have a bottle of Playful Cat just because of the label art. I also wanted it because of the sweet tonka note.

    In the bottle, it smells incense-y. I mostly get the smoky myrrh note, and a hint of something that reminds me a bit of a note in Hair Loosened and Soiled in Mid Orgies -- it's either the ambrette seed (which I know that Orgies contains) or the musk note.

    When it is first sprayed, the myrrh note is quite prominent, and then it turns into a very powder-y scent. I had the boy walk into the livingroom to smell it, and he said it smelled like baby powder. (Note: He does not normally say this about scents.) I actually have to agree with him on that one. Once he said it, I couldn't stop smelling baby powder myself... well, a more expensive baby powder. Then, the myrrh note (and the note that reminds me of something in Hair Loosened and Soiled in Mid Orgies) returns.

    I will update this review if the scent ends up changing after settling for a few days, but at the moment, I am not loving Playful Cat.

  4. In the bottle: It has a candy-like quality to it that might somewhat reminiscent of a note one would expect from apple-flavored hard candy. That said, it is not a candy-like green apple scent like Rapunzel in Ballpoint. It reminds me of Golden Delicious apples! Golden Delicious apples are my favorite, and I am so happy to have a scent with a yellow apple note! It is definitely a wonderful sweet (not tart) apple scent.


    Wet: When it hits my skin, the candy-like note is there for a few seconds, but then it is becomes the scent of a sweet, juicy yellow apple. I am loving this! It is strong, too!


    Dry: It seems to be getting somewhat sweeter over time, and I am wondering if this syrupy sweetness can be attributed to the birch. I am not familiar with this note, but I am pretty sure it is not coming from the apple note itself (and I know it isn't the apple blossom).


    Verdict: I adored the scent of this in the bottle and in the wet phase. Once it is dry for a while, it becomes less like an actual apple and more candy-like. The boy says that it smells like Jolly Ranchers and that he can smell it from across the room. I wouldn't compare it to a Jolly Rancher, but it does remind me of something, although I can't pinpoint what that something is at the moment. I will be keeping my bottle, but I will probably use this in a scent locket to prevent it from going too sweet on me. I'm also curious as to how this will age.

  5. Sweet pea, cherry blossoms, and sugared cream.

    In the bottle when it first arrived: Upon opening the bottle, I get the sweet pea note. I have the single note, so I know it is the main floral I am getting in the bottle. However, the sugared cream note makes it a sweeter sweet pea (if that makes sense). I can smell another floral in the background that must be the cherry blossom. This is really promising!

    In the bottle a few days later: The cherry blossom note is far more prominent after the blend has settled for a few days. However, I can still detect the sweet pea note.

    Wet: I can detect all of the notes, but the cherry blossom note is the dominant note on my skin at the moment. It is really lovely. Although it is cherry blossom, I can detect cherry in the note (much like I get apple from the Lab's Annurca Apple Blossom single note before the blossom dominates). The sugared cream note is emerging more over time. It is more cream than sugar on me.

    Dry: Ah, the 'sugared' part of the cream has made an appearance!

    This has dried down to a sugared cream (like the kind one would eat with a scone) with cherry blossom.

    Verdict: Absolutely lovely. I will definitely be keeping my bottle and may get a back-up bottle if I don't fall in love with too many scents from this Luper update.

    *edit* On second wear, the sweet pea is more prominent on me than it was during the first wear, and the scent is even more gorgeous than it was before! I think this is going to age wonderfully. I may need a second bottle.

  6. This one reminds me of candy! Another reviewer mentioned a candy necklace... I think that's an adequate description of this scent. I mainly get the sugar and the lemon, and then the peach, and after it settles for a while, I get the floral tea note (but it isn't nearly as strong as the other notes). I really like it! I wouldn't say that it is a winter scent as it is probably better suited for spring or summer, but it's very nice. :D


    My decant is almost empty, and I will be needing a bottle!

  7. This. Is. Amazing. :wub2:


    It starts off as intense mint, but the vanilla is definitely present, and it reminds me of a buttermint. As it starts to settle, though, it reminds me more of a minty buttercream frosting on top of a cupcake.


    It actually has really great staying power despite it being a mint-dominant blend. I can walk into the room I've sprayed it in several hours later and still smell it. I even asked my boyfriend if he had sprayed some in one of the rooms once, but he hadn't -- it was just still going strong from when it had last been sprayed.


    Needless to say, it smells delicious. My boyfriend walked into our apartment one day asking what smelled so delicious, and he was disappointed to discover that it was the atmosphere spray and not minty buttercream cupcakes. :lol:


    This one is back-up worthy.

  8. I have used this as an after-shower moisturizer a few times prior to writing this review.


    I concur with what others have been saying: this does not smell like the perfume oil. It is heavy on the snow note, which seems to be more minty and far less sweet than the perfume oil. While the perfume oil is a chilly vanilla rose on me, the bath oil is mostly minty snow with a (I hate to say it...) disjointed rose note. I shall have to elaborate on what I mean by this. When the rose does emerge, it pokes out and does not have the chilly vanilla snow of the perfume oil complementing it. This bath oil still layers well with the perfume oil, and would layer well with other snowy scents as well, but it does not make me think 'Snow White with rose in place of the other florals' like the perfume oil does. I don't dislike it, but it was certainly wasn't what I was expecting.


    I will keep my bottle, but I won't need a back-up of this one.

  9. In the bottle: Definitely masculine, but more promising than I thought it would be. The lavender is prominent, but I can smell the clary sage, sweet oakmoss, and a bit of the leather as well.


    Wet: I am mostly getting the lavender fougere and the leather. The lavender fougere is the most prominent note. I'm not a big fan of leather notes, but I'm finding that I can wear this one. I can smell the polish as well. The blend seems to be getting sweeter the longer this sits on my skin, and the florals are starting to peek out now.


    Dry: Dapper, indeed! Mostly sweet oakmoss, clary sage, and a hint of leather. I hope that the bourbon vanilla comes out more as this ages.


    Verdict: This was a pleasant surprise! I will definitely keep my bottle, but I don't need a back-up.

  10. In the decant: Well, I am not sure exactly what I am smelling. Something in this did remind me of a frozen river at first, and I can detect some woods, but the more I smell this, the more I just don't know what I am smelling! Moss? Woodsmoke? Pickles!? I need to stop sniffing my decant now. :P


    Wet: At first, I get something that registers as somewhat soapy to my nose – I am not sure if it is the snow note in this blend or the icy river. I definitely agree with those that have said this is rather masculine. I do get a sense of “grey” when I smell this.


    Dry: This turned into a rather soapy aquatic on me.


    Verdict: I'm glad that I was able to try it, but this just isn't my kind of scent.

  11. In the decant: Sweet wine, currants, and resins.


    Wet: I am getting the sweet wine and currants still, but the resins quickly became the strongest on my skin. The sweet wine and the currants are lingering in the background. I am not getting any of the snow at all. Unfortunately, I don't seem to be getting much of the tonka, either.


    Dry: Fruity resins.


    Verdict: Not my cup of tea. I'm glad I was able to try it, though!


    *edit* I ended up using my decant in an oil burner, and it was a very lovely room scent with a decent amount of throw!

  12. In the decant: The white tea note is the most prominent. There is a hint of something lemony as well.


    Wet: The white tea is definitely there, and the lemon note is a lot stronger on my skin than it was in the decant. The lemon note seems to be stronger than the tea note at the moment. The spot on my skin on which I applied this feels a bit cool, and I think that must be the eucalyptus sap. The cooling effect seems to be getting stronger the longer this sits on my skin, but it's very light and refreshing.


    Dry: It is becoming more aquatic now as the ambergris foam has become the dominant note. The tea note and the lemon note are still present, and the eucalyptus sap adds a nice coolness to the scent.


    Verdict: I enjoyed this during the wet phase, but I'm not as fond of the drydown. I think I will keep the decant to wear on a warm summer day, but I don't need a bottle.

  13. Here are some of the combinations I have used:


    Hope and Fear Set Free, Hesiod's Phoenix, or Snake Charmer Res. with Implacable Beautiful Tyrant


    Lambs-Wool, Poisoned Apple, or All Hallows' Apple with Caramel Apples and Ancient Oaks and Implacable Beautiful Tyrant or Morocco hair gloss


    Snow White with Juniper and White Mint (and pretty much any scent with a snow or mint note... this hair gloss doesn't really interfere with any of my perfumes... it also goes well with scents like Squirting Cucumber)


    Summer Lace with Lightning Storm


    Sudsy She Wolf with El Dia de los Reyes


    Shiny Furball with Tombstone


    Snake Oil with any of the Snake Oil plus blends (of course :D )


    Fairy Market with White Peach and Incense


    Hair Loosened and Soiled in Mid Orgies with O


    Dorian in the Pumpkin Patch with Pumpkin Ice Cream and Dorian hair gloss


    I am sure I will come up with more later!

  14. In the decant: This is so strong that I can smell it without even opening the decant! Very strong, salty caramel! I am not really getting the cookie note at all at this time.


    Wet: Super salty caramel. It seems to be getting saltier the longer it sits on my skin. I can't believe how salty this is! I think there is a bit of almond extract or something similar in this blend as well. That note is seeming to fade away now, and the sea salt is taking a step back to reveal the caramel itself now. It's very rich and gooey. I am not really getting any cookie from this!


    Dry: Very salty caramel.


    Verdict: This is way too intense for me. I won't be keeping my decant, but if you like foodie scents with a lot of throw, you will probably enjoy this blend.

  15. 2013 version.


    In the decant: Very minty snow... a very ozone-y snow.


    Wet: A blast of ozone-y snow, but then the mint becomes more prominent the longer this sits on my skin. That said, the ozone-heavy snow is still pretty strong. The mint is actually rather calm, which I am rather surprised by given the description.


    Dry: A soft mint, a hint of something green (perhaps pine?) and a bit of snow? It's very faint now.


    Verdict: Not what I was expecting! There are several other snow and mint blends (scent and throw wise) that I prefer over this one, so I won't be needing a bottle.

  16. In the decant: Intense pecans and a hint of pumpkin. I don't think I am going to like this one. It is very nutty.


    Wet: There is a blast of pecans at first, but then the pumpkin quickly becomes the dominant note. Phew! The pecans are still present, but they are not nearly as intense as they were in the decant. Wait... perhaps I spoke too soon. The pecan note seems to be getting stronger over time, but the pumpkin note is still there. The pumpkin note is a spiced pumpkin.


    Dry: Very sweet pumpkin tarts coated in sugary pecans.

    Verdict: I like pumpkin, so I had to try this, but the pecan is far too prominent for my liking, and the blend is too sweet overall. I probably won't even keep my decant because it is so sweet and pecan-heavy.

  17. 2013 version.


    In the decant: Hot chocolate and coffee beans.


    Wet: Ooh. The hot cocoa is the dominant note, and it smells delicious! After a bit, the coffee note begins to reveal itself, but the hot cocoa is still the most prominent. I am getting some of the cinnamon now, but fortunately, it hasn't decided to burn my skin yet. Hopefully it will behave! The coffee note seems to be getting stronger the longer this sits on my skin. This is like a mocha (that is heavier on the chocolate than the coffee) with cinnamon. The cinnamon is warming up my wrist, but it isn't really burning it, so no welts have emerged. Ooh, now the brown sugar has made an appearance, and it is AMAZING.


    Dry: Brown sugar dominant chocolate-y goodness with a hint of coffee and cinnamon.


    Verdict: Ooh, this turned out to be so much better than I expected it to be! I am definitely keeping my decant, and I may even end up purchasing a bottle! (I think this and Sudsy She Wolf bath oil would be a great combination!)

  18. In the decant: The grapefruit, yuzu, and lemon drops are the strongest notes.


    Wet: The citrus notes take the center stage, but the snow is quickly making its presence known. It is quite ozone-y and citrus-y at the moment, and I can't say I am particularly enjoying it. The grapefruit seems to be the strongest of the citrus notes. I hope the vanilla cream makes an appearance. The citrus is quite strong and seems to have a lot of throw. The grapefruit is definitely the dominant note at the moment.


    Dry: Bright grapefruit and lemon snow.


    Verdict: I really wish I had gotten the vanilla cream from this, but alas, I did not. I think I would have enjoyed it more if the vanilla cream had been one of the main players in this blend, or if the snow note used were the one from Snow White. Ah, well. No bottle for me!

  19. In the decant: Orange frosting, flour, pinwheels, and a bit of spice.


    Wet: The orange frosting is the dominant note at first, and it smells delicious! I can smell the baked goods as well, and the scent of treats waiting to be baked. Mmm. :yum: My stomach is growling a bit now. The frosting note is still present, but it is less citrus-y now, and more creamy. Additionally, the ginger tea is becoming more and more prominent the longer this is on my skin. It's warming my skin and threatening to overtake the frosting note. I have sensitive skin, but this hasn't left a welt on my skin yet, and I hope that it doesn't, because I REALLY want Yule Cookies to work on me! The caraway is becoming more prominent as well, and I hope it recedes into the background again, because I am not a big fan of it. I am mostly getting the warm caraway cakes, ginger tea, and pinwheels now. The spot I tested this on is still quite warm... still no welts, though!


    Dry: The frosting, the ginger tea, and the baked goods have decided to be friends, and there's just a lovely melange of deliciousness near my wrist. The spices are still quite warm, though. I would not be able to apply this anywhere but the wrist (such as the crook of the elbow or the neck) because of the spices in this.


    Verdict: Although I enjoy the scent of Yule Cookies (save for the caraway), I will have to refrain from getting a bottle of this one because of my sensitive skin, and I amp the spices. I will keep my decant, though, because I would like to open it and sniff this every once in a while!

  20. In the decant: Very fruity snow! The currant and the plum are the most prominent notes. I can smell a hint of the cardamom, but it's mostly just fruity snow!


    Wet: The fruity snow takes the center stage, but the cardamom is more noticeable on my skin than it was in the decant. The snow note is a slushy snow, so this reminds me of a snowcone. The plum emerges more over time, so it is now plum and snow with a hint of currant. After that, it morphs into a slushy, ozone-y somewhat pine-y snow scent with the fruits in the background.


    Dry: Slushy, fruity snow.


    Verdict: I wanted a decant of this one because of the name... I just couldn't resist trying something called Purple Snowballs, even though I figured it would probably be too fruity for me, and it is, so no bottle for me. This blend certainly matches its description, though!


    (Now, if Purple Snowballs had been the snow note from Snow White mixed with lavender like the lavender from TKO, I would have needed several bottles.)

  21. In the decant: Minty marzipain! The marzipain adds a nice creaminess to the mint. I am looking forward to this!


    Wet: Marzipain and mint. There is a blast of marzipain at first, but the mint quickly steals the show. The marzipain is still present, but it has taken a background role. The mint is rather strong for a while, but does not seem to last as long as the mint in Lick It Now.


    Dry: A very soft, creamy mint.


    Verdict: I really like this, but I wish it had more staying power. However, I think I prefer Lick It Now over this one. I will definitely keep my decant, but I will only end up getting a bottle if my remaining Yule decants aren't made of win.

  22. In the decant: This actually reminds me of vapor rub. I am not really looking forward to it.


    Wet: Vapor rub and a bit of apple. It is becoming less vapor rub-like over time, and more like the metallic snow in the description. It's still too medicinal for my liking, but at least the apple is starting to emerge more over time. Now it smells like medicinal apples.


    Dry: This mostly smells like medicinal apples now. The apple is the dominant note. The medicinal quality is not as intense as it was during the wet phase. I can detect a bit of the dust and burlap as well.


    Verdict: I ordered a decant of this one because I love apple scents. Unfortunately, this blend is too medicinal for my liking, so I can only see myself wearing it when I am ill. I have several apple scents, and I prefer them over this, so I will be keeping my decant for the time being... but I won't be needing a bottle.

  23. In the decant: This really does remind me of a candy cane after it has been licked!


    Wet: The mint is rather potent, but it is a soft mint (perhaps the sugar helps round it out). My skin tends to love sugar, so the sugar is becoming more prominent the longer this sits on my skin. The mint is still the very prominent. The spot of skin that I dabbed it on is really chilly now. The mint is lasting a surprisingly long time!


    Dry: The mint actually lasts for quite a while, but the drydown is mostly a sugary vanilla scent with a hint of mint. Lovely!


    Verdict: I really like this one! I will definitely keep my decant, but whether or not I end up ordering a full bottle depends on how the other Yules fare!

  24. In the decant: This is a very strong floral blend! I am not really getting the snow from this in the decant... it's mostly just in-your-face flowers. I think I am mainly getting the poppies and the lilies from this. I am not sure if I am going to end up liking this one.


    Wet: This is still very floral dominant. I can detect the snow, but just barely. It is a very light dusting of snow. I can pick out the poppies, lilies, and rose, with the poppies being the strongest note.


    Dry: This is still very floral dominant, but the flowers have calmed down a bit now. It ends up being a somewhat sweet floral blend... I am not really getting any snow now.


    Verdict: This isn't bad, but I was hoping for more snow with the flowers. I won't be needing a bottle of this, but I am glad that I was able to try it.

  25. In the decant: I am mainly getting the rusty chains and smoke from this. On the second and third sniffs, I can detect the Bavarian mints and the apple schnapps. Curiouser and curiouser!


    Wet: Fortunately, the smoke, fur, and rusty chains aren't the dominant notes. The mint is rather prominent, and the apple schnapps is as well. The smoke is lingering in the background. Alas, the malted chocolate doesn't seem to want to make an appearance on my skin.


    Other reviewers have mentioned red musk. I am getting that as well. I am wondering if it really is red musk, or if it just happens to be the schnapps that is reminding me of it. I am thinking it is the former.


    Dry: A smoky red musk (if that is what it is... maybe it is the schnapps minus the apple, or the rusty chains) with a hint of mint. Well, that was unexpected.


    Verdict: I was hoping to get the apple schnapps, malted chocolate bonbons, and Bavarian mints from this. Alas, it ends up being a smoky red musk on me. Unless the boy ends up wanting to wear the scent (he seems to enjoy wearing blends that are heavy on the red musk), I probably won't keep even my decant. :(


    *edit* This one actually made me feel rather nauseated and I had to wash it off.
