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Posts posted by doomsday_disco

  1. This starts off with a blast of rum on me, which actually smells very boozy this time. The rum is accompanied by the honeyed dates and some almond, and the almond quickly burns off and leaves the rum, honeyed dates, and some brown sugar. The rum is not overly spiced, but damn, is the rum + honeyed date + brown sugar combo hella sweet. It stays like this for a long time, until the resins emerge, of which the myrrh is the most prominent on me. It reminds me of the myrrh in OLLA Eve. Actually, I kept huffing this at the end of the day because there was this spiced resin thing going on that reminded me of that scent, although honey and myrrh are the only notes they have in common. I could also see the comparison above to Bastet, although Bastet's myrrh is a softer variety, to my nose. The vanilla and marshmallow are not distinct on me, but perhaps they would become more noticeable with age?


    The final morph of this is intoxicating, but the first phase of this scent is just way too sweet and boozy for me. 

  2. I really wanted to love this one, but for some reason, this mostly smelled like honey on me for the longest time? I think it's the caramelized aspect of the cedarwood (although I don't get much cedar), but I'm really taken aback by how honeyed it smells compared to other scents with caramelized wood notes that I've tried in the past. And I don't even hate honey notes... it was just unexpected. Sadly, the vanilla cream and tonka are not main players on me. By the time the honeyed aspect of the scent calms down, it just smells like amber on me. :( I let my decant rest for several days before trying it, but maybe it needs more time to settle? I wish I had had the experience that other reviewers are having!

  3. I'm not big on coconut, but decided to try this just because it's a cat scent and I like the art. :P The coconut here is indeed not like suntan lotion, nor is it super buttery and foodie. It has a fresh coolness to it. The sugar cozies right up to it and gives the scent decent throw.


    While I don't feel the need to upgrade to a bottle of this, I do think it's one of the best coconut scents I've tried. Coconut lovers should rejoice!

  4. This smells exquisite in the vial and freshly applied. The oak note is smoothed over by the gourmand notes, while the oak and wool keep this from being straight-up foodie. It starts off as freshly baked bread, pumpkin, oak, and wool (which I am delighted to say does not smell like laundry), with a dash of cocoa and herbs. There isn't enough cocoa here to make the scent very chocolate-y, and the herbs here are much more tame than they were in A Snug Corner. Over time, the scent becomes mainly about the pumpkin on me, which is indeed sweet, syrupy, and not heavily spiced.


    If this had stayed the way it was when it was initially applied, it might've been a bottle purchase. But the syrupy pumpkin it ends with makes me think that the decant will suffice. Still, of the new cat scents, I enjoyed this one the most.

  5. On 9/13/2024 at 7:38 PM, VioletChaos said:

    I leave for Disneyworld tomorrow so whilst I will check in here when I can, it probably won't be every day, so if you need me for something, send an email :D 

    Also, we FINALLY FOUND AN APARTMENT! The hunt is over, we sent off the deposit today! :woohoo: (Therefore, dearest Vampire Bat, I should be able to provide our new address and moving date shortly after I'm back from Florida!) 😘

    Lastly, in case anyone is wondering, I currently have 11 bottles in my cart now that the Weenies have dropped. They will sit there for a few days but I CAN tell you I absolutely plan to get the new 13!!! :wub2:

    Huzzah! I'm glad to hear the apartment hunt is over! I hope it was your first pick! :heart: 


    The new 13 was a must, huh? Especially with that label art! :cthulhu: 

    On 9/15/2024 at 2:01 AM, twilighteyes said:


      Reveal hidden contents

    Driving partner back to Seattle area tomorrow and will stay for a bit (not sure how long, but long enough to go to the fair at least?)    


    Dad is currently in a nursing home, they cut off only a small part of his foot so he needs to relearn to walk on the BACK of his foot (and not put weight on the front) so he'll probably be there a few weeks.  Whew!   I think mom is enjoying having the kitchen to herself and a quieter house for a bit.



    Dear Vampire Bat, I have received an email that says I have a kindle book but I haven't opened it because we need to wait for October 21st?   Also a WinterBirdie told me that I have something to pick up by Partner's house, so I am going to make them pick it up on Monday so that I won't know what it is and will save it until opening time.   


    Thank you so much!!   :wub:  :wub2:    


    I just created a 13 Nights I Got It thread just in case anyone sends packages early, so ghouls can post about receiving a box.


    If Twi's vampire bat meant for this not to be a thing to open during the 13 Nights itself, please PM Lucchesa and/or myself to let Twi know (since we had some birthdays during this swap).


    22 hours ago, twilighteyes said:

    ugh, Covid outbreak in nursing home where dad is staying.

    Damn. :( Fingers crossed that he doesn't catch it!


    14 hours ago, eml298 said:

    :wave: to all the ghouls and bats out there! 

    I have answered questions in my blog up to this point per master list (thanks Twi!). 


    News over here:
    1) we are no longer in contract on a house. 🙁 Probably for the best, but the new large dog resident who barks a lot near our rental is not my favorite right now.

    2) on the PLUS side, we are adding a Sphynx kitten to our family the first weekend of October! It's now for sure! VERY excited! I just bought him a shirt with bats on it, as one does. 


    ETA: So I realized I had not linked my blog entry for answers in my sig. Just updated that in my profile, but it does not appear to have updated here. Maybe with a new post? Sorry, Vampire bat! 


    I am sorry about the house, eml298. :( 


    But hooray for the new kitten! You know you have to pay cat tax now when you get him in that shirt with the bats on it. 🦇 


    Here's the signature tutorial in case anyone needs it (it was made by Twi during a past swap): 



    My blog is up to date on in-thread questions!


    And I will be out of town September 25th - September 27th for a concert, so vampire bat, please do not mail my package that week if you are thinking about mailing early!

  6. Please squee here for each gift you received from your vampire bat during the 13 Nights of Halloween! 🦇 


    Here's a tutorial on uploading photos to the forum that was made by Twi: 




    If you do not post photos, please post about what you received in detail! We all want to know what you got! :cheers: 

  7. Chills and thrills, but certainly no frills: a polluted, rough-riding version of the Traditional Sheet Ghost: cool white cotton, marshmallow fluff, and lemony Oman frankincense, marred with suspicious blotches of coconut oil and a cigarette burn.

  8. The consuming intensity of a passion that claims body and soul, blurring the boundaries between longing and obsession, lust and loathing. Ylang ylang and clove evoke the heat of skin against skin, bruised by bittersweet blackcurrant honey kisses.


    Sometimes after an hour of apathy, my strange and beautiful companion would take my hand and hold it with a fond pressure, renewed again and again; blushing softly, gazing in my face with languid and burning eyes, and breathing so fast that her dress rose and fell with the tumultuous respiration. It was like the ardor of a lover; it embarrassed me; it was hateful and yet over-powering; and with gloating eyes she drew me to her, and her hot lips traveled along my cheek in kisses; and she would whisper, almost in sobs, “You are mine, you shall be mine, you and I are one for ever.”

  9. A paean to ancient malevolence and the unseen forces that grasp and scratch at the living like gnarled roots clawing through blood-stained soil in midnight forests: patchouli, mandrake root, black pepper, and fossilized amber.


    “How came the village to be deserted?” asked the General.


    “It was troubled by revenants, sir; several were tracked to their graves, there detected by the usual tests, and extinguished in the usual way, by decapitation, by the stake, and by burning; but not until many of the villagers were killed.


    “But after all these proceedings according to law,” he continued — “so many graves opened, and so many vampires deprived of their horrible animation — the village was not relieved. But a Moravian nobleman, who happened to be traveling this way, heard how matters were, and being skilled—as many people are in his country—in such affairs, he offered to deliver the village from its tormentor. He did so thus: There being a bright moon that night, he ascended, shortly after sunset, the towers of the chapel here, from whence he could distinctly see the churchyard beneath him; you can see it from that window. From this point he watched until he saw the vampire come out of his grave, and place near it the linen clothes in which he had been folded, and then glide away towards the village to plague its inhabitants.

  10. The haunted stillness of a long-decayed cemetery plot choked by ivy and wild blackberry thorns.


    In this solitude, having just listened to so strange a story, connected, as it was, with the great and titled dead, whose monuments were moldering among the dust and ivy round us, and every incident of which bore so awfully upon my own mysterious case—in this haunted spot, darkened by the towering foliage that rose on every side, dense and high above its noiseless walls—a horror began to steal over me, and my heart sank as I thought that my friends were, after all, not about to enter and disturb this triste and ominous scene.


  11. A scent both bright and subdued: bergamot shuddering through lime leaves, ruby-tinged amber sunlight, violet leaf, oak bark, and sandalwood smoke.


    We sat down on a rude bench, under a group of magnificent lime trees. The sun was setting with all its melancholy splendor behind the sylvan horizon, and the stream that flows beside our home, and passes under the steep old bridge I have mentioned, wound through many a group of noble trees, almost at our feet, reflecting in its current the fading crimson of the sky.

  12. Moon-kissed petals of night-blooming florals aflame with hypnotic opium tar, fae tuberose, and a sliver of metallic aldehyde.


    The effect of the full moon in such a state of brilliancy was manifold. It acted on dreams, it acted on lunacy, it acted on nervous people, it had marvelous physical influences connected with life. Mademoiselle related that her cousin, who was mate of a merchant ship, having taken a nap on deck on such a night, lying on his back, with his face full in the light on the moon, had wakened, after a dream of an old woman clawing him by the cheek, with his features horribly drawn to one side; and his countenance had never quite recovered its equilibrium.


    “The moon, this night,” she said, “is full of idyllic and magnetic influence—and see, when you look behind you at the front of the schloss how all its windows flash and twinkle with that silvery splendor, as if unseen hands had lighted up the rooms to receive fairy guests.”

  13. Parasitic intoxication: narcissus, opium poppy, and red orchid veiled in heliotrope, blush sandalwood, and crushed violet.


    Carmilla became more devoted to me than ever, and her strange paroxysms of languid adoration more frequent. She used to gloat on me with increasing ardor the more my strength and spirits waned. This always shocked me like a momentary glare of insanity.

  14. Distant, enigmatic, shadowed: delicate heliotrope and pale rose petals, muted and soft, resting atop a chilly, intimate base that blends white musk, cashmere woods, and a touch of tonka bean.




    There was a coldness, it seemed to me, beyond her years, in her smiling melancholy persistent refusal to afford me the least ray of light.

  15. Fear and fascination: blackened vetiver, amber smoke, clove, and oudh.


    …It was a sooty-black animal that resembled a monstrous cat. It appeared to me about four or five feet long for it measured fully the length of the hearthrug as it passed over it; and it continued to-ing and fro-ing with the lithe, sinister restlessness of a beast in a cage. I could not cry out, although as you may suppose, I was terrified.

  16. A shimmering pool of coppery red musk, Dracaena cinnabari, clove bud, cacao, and lead.


    The grave of the Countess Mircalla was opened; and the General and my father recognized each his perfidious and beautiful guest, in the face now disclosed to view. The features, though a hundred and fifty years had passed since her funeral, were tinted with the warmth of life. Her eyes were open; no cadaverous smell exhaled from the coffin. The two medical men, one officially present, the other on the part of the promoter of the inquiry, attested the marvelous fact that there was a faint but appreciable respiration, and a corresponding action of the heart. The limbs were perfectly flexible, the flesh elastic; and the leaden coffin floated with blood, in which to a depth of seven inches, the body lay immersed.

  17. Palatial grandeur in ruins, its decrepit majesty poised in the liminal space between decay and beauty. A haunting memory of all-consuming desire: the rich, earthy depth of oud, vetiver, and moss, grounded in the untamed wilds of the forest, echoing the ancient stones that remain.


    “It was a bad family, and here its bloodstained annals were written,” he continued. “It is hard that they should, after death, continue to plague the human race with their atrocious lusts.”

  18. All-consuming, relentless desire – deceptively luscious, murderously brooding, and blindingly sensual: blood musk, black cherry, crimson amber, 21-year aged patchouli, golden saffron, jasmine sambac, and black rose.


    The vampire is prone to be fascinated with an engrossing vehemence, resembling the passion of love, by particular persons. In pursuit of these it will exercise inexhaustible patience and stratagem, for access to a particular object may be obstructed in a hundred ways. It will never desist until it has satiated its passion, and drained the very life of its coveted victim. But it will, in these cases, husband and protract its murderous enjoyment with the refinement of an epicure, and heighten it by the gradual approaches of an artful courtship. In these cases it seems to yearn for something like sympathy and consent. In ordinary ones it goes direct to its object, overpowers with violence, and strangles and exhausts often at a single feast.

  19. A fierce rush of pink pepper, carnation, pulsating red berries, and crimson musk.


    She used to place her pretty arms about my neck, draw me to her, and laying her cheek to mine, murmur with her lips near my ear, “Dearest, your little heart is wounded; think me not cruel because I obey the irresistible law of my strength and weakness; if your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours…”
