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Posts posted by Galatea

  1. In the Imp: Flowery and spicey, but not a sharp kind of spicy - a very subtle and dry spice. I suppose the flowery bit is the Orris, it tends to smell overly flowery at first, then later it's all flower-powder.


    Wet: Night-blooming flowers now, with a hint of dry summer wind.


    Dry: I get hints of dry summer dandelions and dry powdery...well, bones. I don't know how else to describe it.


    Throw: A medium amount of throw i'd say, but it doesn't last all that long.


    Overall: Like any perfume with Orris root in it this one goes on forever, unfortunately it's only the Orris that goes on and on and on. All the other scents fade out in relatively quick order, after only an hour or so. The Orris though, it sticks around for twelve or more hours. I might have to start avoiding Orris. :P

  2. In the Imp: Teethaching, pimp-slapping mint!


    Wet: Minty with what seems like a hint of vanilla (i suppose what seems like vanilla to me might be the lotus?). Lovely. I can just make out the herbal note of juniper. It's soooo nice.


    Dry: The longer I have it on the more vanilla-minty it smells. With just a hint of sweetness to it this is very refreshing feeling. Perfect for a summer day when you're wearing very little in order to stay cool. :P


    Throw: Good throw, it keeps you enveloped in a nice bubble of herbal/minty freshness.


    Overall: It's a bit candy-like, but not too sweet. It's fresh and minty, but has a roundness lent by the juniper. I don't really smell the lotus a whole lot at all.

    It doesn't have the eternal styaing power of some other scents (i'd say on me it's upper end is four or five hours), but it's better than others.

    I'd definately recommend this scent for those that like mint!

  3. In the Imp: Slightly bitter, slightly sweet, smoky smelling medicine.


    Wet: Whoa, Sassafras! It's like I jumped into a bottle of rootbeer - like I spilt a cup of sassafras tea on myself. And while I love both rootbeer and sassafras, this is a bit overwhelming and powerful.

    There is the tiniest bit of spicy nutmeg under it though.

    Where da myrrh?


    Dry: Still tons of rootbeer-smelling sassafras, but the nutmeg comes out a bit more. I don't know as I like how medicinally herby this smells. I like herbs, but I guess I tend towards more of the green ones than rooty, antique, glass-bottled medicine ones.

    After a good long while, I also get a bit more dry, dusty poppy smell. So it's even mor e like a dusty old antique bottle of medicine that's been kept in the back of an old ladies bathroom cabinet.

    Still no myrrh?


    Throw: A good bit of throw. My husband could smell it before I got it to his nose and said it smelled of rootbeer and licorice. :P


    Overall: It lasts a good long while, about six or so hours (like every scent I don't really love, it lasts, and lasts, and lasts). But I can't say all the staying power and good throw win me over from the highly medicinal smell of it. Maybe this will smell better on da hubby? I don't know if I can get him to try it after the rootbeer and licorice verdict, he's not fond of either one of those smells.

    Possibly two imps of it up for swap.

  4. In the Imp: A bit sweet, a bit musky. Not terribly remarkable smelling to tell the truth.


    Wet: Oooooh, so heavenly! Strong scents of leather, vanilla (tonka) and coconut. Which is weird as it's not listed in the description, but everyone else that reviews this seems to smell it too. Maybe it's coconut rum? :D


    Dry: The coconut and vanilla dies down to a dull roar and the leather and tobacco come out evern more. The longer i wear it the more it smells like leather/tobacco. I love it. It kind of like a really nice combination of dry suntan oil, new leather shoes, a great cigar, and a bit of your favorite not-too-sweet vanilla hand lotion. One second thought it smells better than that description sounds. :P


    Throw: The throw is great. Not too far, but far enough to envelope you in a nice warm cloud of comfy, sexy smell.


    Overall: I love this perfume (oh my I am getting way too many BPALs I love!). And best of all this scent really lasts, so far it's about a six hour wear.

  5. In the Imp: Sweetish musk.


    Wet: Musky, mossy green with a hint of something dry and woodsy.



    Then later the musk appears, but seemingly only at a distance. When I sniff directly on my wrist I can't really smell the musk, but out away I seem catch snatches of it every once in awhile. Interesting.


    Throw: Good throw.


    Overall: Great smell for a woodsy scent. I love rosewood so I really had no doubt I'd love this one. :P

    I need to test again on how long it lasts since i tried this one at night before going to sleep.

  6. I've been looking forward to trying out a ginger based BPAL perfume...whee!


    In the Imp: Creamy and yet barely spicey. It actually kind of reminds me of some incense I've had once upon a time. It doesn't smell like it would take over a room like most incenses though.


    Wet: Ginger with depth. Just comforting and warming and safe, yet spicy and just a tad dangerous. I love it so far!


    Dry: So sweet and spicy; I wonder what the Ambrosia mixture is? I still get that slight hint of incense in it.


    Throw: I'm haveing a hard time gauging the throw. I get the feeling it's a good amount of throw, but it's just such a subtle scent that lots of people might not notice it at first. Which could be exactly what you want. :P


    Overall: Couldn't be more lovely. I've had it on for two hours now and it's still going strong. I'm hoping it at least reaches the four or five hour mark.

    I definately want another imp (as the one I got was a freebie that had about three tiny drops left in it), and most likely a 5ml when I have the fundage.




    Edit: well crap, it only lasted about 3 or so hours. :D

  7. By far, our most popular scent! Magnetic, mysterious, and exceedingly sexual in nature. A blend of exotic Indonesian oils sugared with vanilla.



    In the Imp: Smells very oily, a bit spicy, but mostly like the floor of a mechanics garage.


    Wet: Ugh! I thought since everyone liked this sooooo much I would too. Unfortunately not. It smells like vanilla scented baby-ass ointment!


    Dry: Ugh, it's been thirty minutes or so and I can't take it any more. My wrists still smell like a combination of motoroil, random chemicals, and baby ass, with an ever so slight high note of sickly sweet vanilla cake. Quick pass me the rubbing alcohol!


    Throw: Great throw, not that I really want it to throw that far...


    Overall: Definately not for me. I'd actually like to know exactly what's in this oil so that I can avoid some of the ingredients.

  8. In the Imp: Sweet, fruity with just a hint of woodiness.


    Wet: Wow! Cinnamon!


    Dry: Lovely cinnamon-y yumminess with leather and just a hint of woody smell. I love it!


    Throw: Not terribly far. I'm a bit disappointed in that, as I'd like it to go a bit further. It's possible I just put this on at the wrong time (dinnertime) to notice the throw very effectively. I'll have to try it again at another time to check this theory out.


    Overall: A very fall or winter scent, like many others have said. It would make a wonderful oil burner home scent, if the throw is better that way.

    This is lovely overall and will most likely be on my top ten for awhile.

  9. Instantaneous Love!


    Such a beautiful smell. The plumeria and pear are surprisingly similar, I'd never thought they would be until this mix. I love plumeria as it is, but with the crisp and warm smell of the pear it is just perfect. Light, but lasting, and reminiscent of early summer afternoons. Like someone else said, the champagne doesn't seem to come though as bubbly, more along the lines of a nice white wine.


    Thalia = pear-based white wine while wearing a lei in the still cool early afternoon of a summer day.

  10. I managed to wrangle an imp of this and so far - I'm Madly in Love!

    The musks are wonderful, and the sugary and boozy elements add just the right touch to mediate their sometimes overwhelming smell.

    Some compared this scent to a nice, dark, comfortable, and sexy, cigar bar and i think that is right on the money. It's amazing that a scent so relatively simple evokes such complex ideas and feelings. It's a testiment to how completely divine a perfumer Beth is!

  11. I just received this one today along with Kyoto, they are like a matching set!


    I love the mixture of cherry, musk and anise. It's foody but not too foody, just what I like; sweetish but not overpoweringly sugary.


    The cherry is in full force at first, but I also instantly smell the musk. The first scent rush smells a lot like a kind of incence I've smelled before. I love it.


    Then it dies down really, really quick-like. The anise comes out a bit more prominently. More like a spicy musk at thise point, with just a sweet reminder of cherries.


    Unfortunately this scent just doesn't last long at all on me. I sooo wish it did. So far I've put it on twice today (on clean skin, no interference from something else) and it's only lasted about two hours each time. :P

  12. I never thought i'd like smelling like chocolate, but Velvet makes me love it sooo much! Just enough cocoa smell, but not too much, and that is well balanced with the woodsiness of Sandlewood, and the sweet bottom note of Myrrh.

    Absolutely lushus!


  13. I'm so glad I wrangled an imp of this!


    I smell like a combination of spicy wintertime cookies and cinnamon wax tarts from Yankee Candle. Both yummy and comforting. :P

    It even warmed up the skin on my wrists where i applied it. (no burn, just warm.)


    I'm thinking this would be an excellant scent to layer with something more floral or woodsy. spice with floral kicks a bit of the overly femme out, and spice with woods is just oh so lovely.




  14. I managed to wrangle an imp of this, yay!


    I tried this on for the first time tonight. I love it!


    In the bottle it was chill and sedate. Fairly light and airy smelling.


    In the wet stage it was definately stronger, very floral, but pleasing none the less.


    When dry it is the perfumers epitome of serenity. It's floral without seeming overpoweringly floral. This coming from someone who typically hates floral scents...


    Like a large percentage of BPAL scents this one last, and lasts and lasts on me. 6+ hours, a bath and i can still smell it. Impressive!

  15. I thought with the listed ingredients this would be a sure thing on me, but alas, it is not. I can't even put my finger on any one problem with it, other than it smelling a bit too much like some kind of cleaning product. Which is quite the subjective thing, and as far as i can tell not a fault in the perfume at all. It didn't last long on me either, which in this case was ok. I might try it again, just to see if it still strikes me the same way.

    In the end though, with so many other wonderful smellies, i doubt it will be one that sticks around my collection long.

  16. Seething with passion, yet utterly cold-blooded. Dragon’s blood, vetivert and spice.

    Preface: I really, really wanted to like this scent. it was my first gift from the lab!

    in all fairness i really thought i would like it, after all, i love Dragon's Blood, i like spiciness especially cinnamon, but i think the vetiver was definately a deal-breaker. and kind of a big one too.

    you see, i've long had a dislike of vetiver. i first smelled it whilst using oils for my own magickal use. i guess my nose hasn't changed its mind about it - this perfume has actually made me sick to my stomach. i've now tried to wash it off twice, with soap, to no avail.

    no more "Smoochy Snakes" for me.
    was it clue one that i dreamt about Snakes on a Plane last night?