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BPAL Madness!


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About tikva

  • Rank
    evil enabler
  • Birthday 12/08/1973


  • Location
    Malden, MA
  • Country
    United States

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  • BPAL of the Day
  • Favorite Scents
    Aglaea, Baghdad. Clemence, Eden, Envy, Ya-Te-Vo, Hod, Inez, Leo 2007, Les Bijoux, A Wonderful Light, Ogun, Peach IV, Perilous Parlor, Pink Moon 2007, Psyche, Queen Alice, Samhain, Tamora, Tulzscha, Wood Phoenix, Velvet Bandito, Kuang Shi, Tweedledee, Haloes, La Vague, Spanish Red CarnationNotes: Carnation, clove, pepper, lemon, lime, herbs, spices, light musk, fig, citrus, apple, white sandalwood, apple blossom, vanilla, peach, apricot, mint, snow/frost, cucumber, pear, tonka, freesia(Avoid: Red musk, black musk, light florals, cherry, almond, vetiver, civet, blackberry, patchouli, cherry blossom, neroli, jasmine, red ginger, gardenia, galbanum, cedar, caramel, overly sugary or heavy notes)

Profile Information

  • Pronouns
  • Interests
    disability rights, public health, cheap airfares, guide dogs, boston, food, music, activism, civil rights, reading, writing, LARPing, gaming, research, baseball, geeks, puzzles, Red Sox
  • Mood


  • Astrological Info
  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
  • Western Zodiac Sign

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  1. tikva


    Have: Agape Aglaea (10 mL) Al-Shairan Antique Lace Baghdad Bengal Berry Moon 2009 Black Lace Block Buster Carnivale Cerberus Clemence Coil, The Cupid Complaining to Venus Eden Embalming Fluid Envy Ether Euterpe Fearful Pleasures Fire Pig Gluhwein Green Tree Viper Haloes Hod (10 mL) Hungry Ghost Moon Inez Judith and Holofernes Judith Victorious KKuang Shi La Vague Leo 2007 Les Bijoux Lick It Again Love Me Maiden Mead Moon Mictecacihuatl Miller vs. California Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp Moon of the Terrible Mourning Moon Nuclear Winter 2008 Ogun Perilous Parlor 2007 Pink Moon 2007 Priala, the Human Phoenix Psyche Pumpkin Queen Punkie Night Queen Alice Red Devil Sachs Samhain 2007 Snake Oil Snow Bunny 2008 Snow-Flakes Snow, Glass, Apples Sol Invictus 2008 Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener Strawberry Moon 2009 Tabella Tamano-No-Mae Tamora That! The Terror From Over There! That! The Terror From Over There! prototype TKO Tulzscha (x3) Tweedledee Velvet Velvet Bandito Velvet Cthulu Xanthe, the Weeping Clown Wood Phoenix Swapped/Sold/Gifted: 13 (June 2008) 13 (October 2006) Agape Blood Countess Cerberus Chanukiyah Dr. John Seward (x3) Eat Me Enraged Groundhog Musk Euterpe Freak Show Gelt Gladdener of All Hearts, The Green Phoenix Khajuraho 2006 Laudanum (x2) Leo 2007 Monster Bait: BiggerCritters (GC) Pink Phoenix Pumpkin Patch 4 (2005) Purple Phoenix Red Lantern 2006 Shoggoth Smut 2006 Snake Charmer Snow Moon Sundew Temple Viper TKO Vasakasajja White Moon Yuki-Onna 2006 Zarita the Doll Girl Want: Nothing at this time Pending
  2. tikva

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    Thanks so much! At least now I know it wasn't because I completely horked something.
  3. tikva

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    I love love love the spreadsheet - thank you, hackess! I have a truly dumb question, though. Is there anything about it that would make Google Docs barf? I'm not normally a total computer moron, but despite my efforts and those of every geek in my house, I can't get my copy of the spreadsheet to go up on Google Docs. As far as I can tell, it doesn't violate any of the Google Docs requirements for spreadsheets, but I could have missed something, I guess. Has anyone successfully stuck their copy of it up there? I'd like to be able to work on it from wherever. Thanks muchly.
  4. tikva

    Scent for Halloween?

    I wore Purple Phoenix on Christmas, because I'd just gotten it in the mail on the 23rd. Unfortunately, I could barely smell it, in or out of the bottle. It seems nice enough, when I catch a whiff. New Year's will be either Snow Moon or Tulzscha, and will be spent atop a snowy mountain with the Rock Star.