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Posts posted by portalkat

  1. This is the first of the snakes that I tried and the one that I knew I was sure to love. The Temple Viper is true to its name. This is the snake that slithered into the temple and caught wisps of nag champa incense on its skin. It is sweet, but there is something dry, like very dry wood. I'm not sure what it is, but it adds an earthiness to this snake. I will be needing multiple bottles of this beauty.

  2. I'm trying to locate Nuclear Winter on the site. I know it's a Limited Edition, and I'm pretty sure it's discontinued, but I'd like the site's description of it for my spread sheet, and if possible the date it was discontinued. I haven't had any luck searching on the site, and while I can find the reviews of it here, I can't find it elsewhere. Help?

    Here it is :P

  3. I placed my order on the 24th of November by sending a money order. When should it show up? I'm getting a bit impatient.

    I would go ahead and contact Sara in customer service. Here is the email address. What address did you use as a mailing address?

  4. Nemesis really isn't too patchouli-y, at least to me. I really don't like patchouli very much, and I feel I would have noticed. But the drydown is really nice and figgy. It's still a great scent, and maybe you'll get more patch than I did.

    I agree with darklorelei, but I actually am a patchouli lover and I had a difficult time detecting much in this blend. I think that it is so well blended that it doesn't really stand out.

  5. Does anyone have thoughts on Nemesis? The lab description reads: Cypress, ginger, fig, dried rose, red patchouli, tonka bean and cyclamen.


    I don't know what cyclamen smells like, and the cypress may go musty on me, but it has some promising notes, and I didn't see anybody mention it.

    You just enabled me :D I don't remember if I had ever tried it before, but after I read your post, I found it in one of my boxes, tried it on and :D There is a sweetness from the fig and the tonka so the cypress may not go musty on you, but then, I don't know because I like wood notes. I really like this and find it really well blended. I have no idea why I never noticed Nemesis before :P

  6. I've been looking for an ocean scent as well, but I'm looking for the Pacific. I was born and have always lived along the California coast, but I miss living in the Monterey Bay area so much. I'm wanting the ocean smell and a bit of cypress to take me back there. Do any of these suggestions sound like what I described?


    Oh my God... I'm in your boat as well. I lived in Monterey for most of my life and moved away a couple of years ago. I miss it so much. I could cry when I think about it. The scents that remind me the most of home are Sea of Glass and Tempest, but Tempest sounds closer to what you want since it has a very definite "green" feeling to me, while Sea of Glass is a bit more floral. Tempest definitely reminds me of afternoons spent sitting on my favorite bench under the cypress tree at the water's edge, watching the fog roll in. Maybe it will do the same for you.


    OMG, thank you, glass_cat! I will have to hunt down an imp of Tempest and try that. One would think that with a few hundred imps, I might have it, but of course not :D I can't even believe how much I miss Pacific Grove.................I wonder if your favorite bench was the same as mine :D

  7. I've been looking for an ocean scent as well, but I'm looking for the Pacific. I was born and have always lived along the California coast, but I miss living in the Monterey Bay area so much. I'm wanting the ocean smell and a bit of cypress to take me back there. Do any of these suggestions sound like what I described?

  8. Severin is a mild black tea blend. It is less astringent than a lot of other tea blends and the bergamot is rather gentle, too and a bit perfumey. The leather, too, is much more gentle than in other blends and settles over all. On me, this is a very balanced, soft skin scent - lovely.

  9. This is the smell of the ocean that has been in turmoil. The vetivert is strong and it smells like the beach after a storm where the sands and rocks are littered with debris and aquatic plants and sea life that have been washed ashore and left to dry in the salt air. It is interesting and evocative and having always been drawn to the ocean, whether it be calm or turbulent, I can't stop smelling my wrist.

  10. Dark, resiny, sticky - it reminds me a bit of Schwarzer Mond because of the darkness. When I first applied this, it was strong, strong patchouli which receded when it dried. The sandalwood and musk come out from behind the patchouli and I smell something sweet and powdery. It's a very familiar smell and I can't quite put my finger on it........................rose geranium! Is there rose geranium in here? I like Typhon a lot, although it isn't quite as dark as I expected. I can't wait to see what this does when it has aged. I bet that it'll be even more amazing.

  11. In the headshop vein, I’d really like to find a way to smell like newly purchased hippy clothes. When the linen still smells of the wood crate it was shipped in and the sandalwood sculptures and incense it shared space with. At least that’s what clothing purchased at my local headshop smells like for a couple of weeks. Is there anything in BPAL catalogue that could replicate that smell in a more permanent way?


    Have you tried any of the sandalwood or nag champa blends? You might want to try Anne Bonney which has a lot of wood notes or Urd and Tushnamatay which are both nag champa blends. Years ago, things from India, like bedspreads, smelled strongly of nag champa which has a lot of sandalwood. Dr. John Seward from OotD smells like a spicier version of nag champa.

  12. Like so many others, the smell of wintergreen was what hit me first. After drydown, that note disappeared and what was left was a complete surprise. I found a fresh, crisp smell as if I was in a woodland meadow in the fall or in the spring. There is the small of conifers and meadow flowers, all very clean and soft. It was so pretty and so far from the initial wet stage that I could not stop sniffing my arm. This is absolutely lovely.

  13. Cold and dark, that's how it smells and feels to me. There is something sweet, but I'm not really thinking of flowers when I smell this. This is like a sinister void and I can imagine putting my arm into the void and experiencing the chill. I am glad that I was able to experience this creation.

  14. This is an interesting blend because even though there are a lot of flowers in this, there is an underlying bitterness that seems to stem from the blackberry. The blackberry seems a bit earthy as if you were to smell the rest of the plant and the berry itself seems bitter from being unripe. I'm thinking that the earthiness is also coming from the sage and the lavender because it has a bit of an herbal edge. I've been craving a berry scent lately that isn't so sweet and cloying and had hoped for just a hint of rose and I think that I've found it in Bitter Moon. This is beauty, but with a bitter edge.


    Like, Ah Xia, I wish that I had gotten two bottles.



    Porphyrogenitus, indeed; we worked[/i] for it! Not simply the color of royalty, purple is also the color of sorrow and mourning, reconciliation and forgiveness. A regal, majestic, and somber blend of myrrh, plum blossom, African violet, cognac, fig, orris, lilac, wisteria, black plum, and Burgundy wine grapes.


    Purple Phoenix is a deep fruity violet. Often, violet perfumes tend to be sweet and cloying. In this blend, it is earthier because of the resin, the fig and the orris. The cognac keeps the fruits deep and heady. This is a very beautiful and sophisticated blend and very reminiscent of Queen of Spades.

  16. Some of my favorite things are in this little bottle - the sweet rose that reminds me of the rose in Parlement of Foules, wood and resin notes and currant. It's much darker and complex than P of F, but since I have a tendency to layer incense blends with P of F, this blend is absolutely perfect for me. This is beautiful and I'll be needing a backup bottle.

  17. 06 Offering


    This is very much like the previous version, but I think that it's a bit lighter on the floral note and heavier on the wood and resin notes, but that could just be the aging process. It also seems a bit more balanced and cohesive. Midnight Mass is in my top 10 of BPAL scents and I was so glad that it appeared again this year. This is very beautiful and I will be stocking up. For those that were able to try the previous offering, but were not able to get a bottle, this is the chance for you to grab your bottle of Midnight Mass.

  18. Strong wintergreen which backs off after a few minutes. what is left is reminiscent of the alpine meadow where I backpacked in the Mammoth Lakes area. It smells like fresh air, trees and meadow flowers. It isn't particularly masculine, but I can see this on a guy who doesn't want to wear a strong scent.

  19. - First of all, does the lab ever just fill part of an order and send the rest of it along later? I didn't think that was really how it was done, but I'm newer to BPAL so it's possible I don't really have it straight how everything works yet.


    - Second, is there anything else other than the CCNow confirmation I should have sent along with my inquiry, or will that have everything in it that the lab needs to correct the issue?


    - Third, how long do you guys think it will take to have the missing bottle sent along? Do things like that arrive faster than regular orders, or should I be prepared to wait as long as I would expect to if I placed a new order? It's not an emergency or anything like that, and I'm pretty patient. I'm just curious as to what to expect.[/font]


    The lab sends the orders complete.


    I think that you sent the lab enough information for them to check things.


    The lab will probably take care of the missing bottle more quickly than your original order will filled.


    :P If all of that isn't correct, I'm sure that someone will come along and tell us.
