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BPAL Madness!


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About ViciousBleu

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  • Birthday 12/28/1986


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    United States

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  • BPAL of the Day
    Light of Men's Lives
  • Favorite Scents
    Working my way through all the Mad Tea Party scents, but madly in love with March Hare, Alice and White Rabbit.

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    Tea and books and lots of yarn.
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  1. ViciousBleu


    Holy Burt's Bees Poison Ivy cream! But in a really good way. It's got that all natural smell to it, clean and spicey like I'm somebody who likes to go outside. (HA!) I'm glad I got a 5ml of this, based on my love of Alice in Wonderland. I can just imagine how much I'll love this scent for my 8am classes next semester.
  2. ViciousBleu

    Pumpkin Patch I (2005, 2006)

    In the bottle it was very scented candle and faintly I could smell the butter that betrayed me in Jack. If I try I can smell the apples. On me it changes- it's pumpkin and apples and pies for everybody. Between trying this on one arm and Sugar Cookie on the other, I want to go home and bake so bad. I smell like the day before Thanksgiving when I'm making all the desserts.
  3. ViciousBleu

    Sugar Cookie

    This scent manages to to sum up the holidays when I go back to my mom's house. It tells the exact Christmas story of a young college student visiting her young at heart mom. Wet: The arrival home- "Aw mom, you got me Wearther's Butterscotch candy. You remembered they're my favorite! And you've got the cinnamon spice candle lit!" Drying: Settling in- "Okay mom, I'm gonna start making the Santa cookies now. I see you've set out a rum and butterscotch filled eggnog for me. Line me up for another because I'm finishing this quickly." Dry: Late night- "You know, mom...you know, yeah. And my cookies are great, man. Dip the cookies in your butterscotch run shot. Do it! Isn't that yum?" It fades to a skin scent quickly on me though, but I'm thinking about always keeping this on hand for next time I feel like faking out my book club with some store bought cookies. They can't say I didn't make them since I obviously smell like I spent the day slaving over the oven. And drinking. A good day, indeed.
  4. ViciousBleu

    Devil's Night

    It's rich and autumn like, but I agree with other people in that it's a lot lighter than I was expecting. I can smell a foodiness in it too, almost like one of the Monster Baits. I like it, but it's not something I'm in a rush to horde.
  5. ViciousBleu

    Dragon's Milk

    Never was on any of my wishlists, in fact I had hardly heard anything about it but when I saw a 10ml of "Dragon's Milk" on eBay for under $10 I snatched it up in hopes of trading or gifting. Best eBay purchase in a long time. This is such a delicious scent, almost like a richer Alice. Vanilla and flowers show up on me with an almost heated undertone. I'm so glad I have a big bottle of it, I can't think of a nicer scent to lose my 10ml virginity to!
  6. ViciousBleu


    Oh, beautiful! This smells like fall in New England. You can smell the woods with wet, unraked leaves. A faint hint of the hay bails before they get packed away. Apples freshly pressed show up later. I really like this one and may start snatching up and hording away some bottles as I look forward to a re-release!
  7. ViciousBleu

    Dia de los Muertos

    Wow, this one's really indescribable on me. The flowers seem fainter on me and it's it more like sugared rose petals in a heavily scented building. It's smokey and sweet, a nice but sexy scent. I may start to look for a bottle.
  8. ViciousBleu

    Red Phoenix

    Started off on me smelling like I made an oil from crushed 'Fireballs' and 'Red Hearts' and various other cinnamon candies and I was happy. Then it gets fake smelling like a 'Christmas' scented candle and I was sad. Then it turns back into candy with a tarty background. I really like this one. Another eBay success!
  9. ViciousBleu

    Juke Joint

    Whoa. I smell like I've been drinking whiskey sours since morning. Not the best scent to try out at work. I don't have mint or sugar, just booze.
  10. ViciousBleu


    I'm definately getting Root Beer soaked band-aids too. My first thoughts were- this smells like a dirty old doctor's office, I don't like it. And yet I find myself with nose firmly attached to wrist several times a minute. It really is an amazing scent and although it's not something I'd want people to think I smell like- it is something I like to smell. If that makes any sense. :eyeroll: Also, tried it on a co-worker and it reacted different to her in the way that made me exclaim how much she reminded me of how my mom used to smell when I was a kid. I called my mom and go figure: she used to wear YSL Opium. Overall, I don't have any plans of buying this but I may keep the imp as a curio.
  11. ViciousBleu


    Also my reasoning, I seriously did a little squeel of excitement at seeing a John Dee scent. In the imps: Whoa, holy strong men's scent. I don't like it. Wet: Still super strong and smells like I've been smoking a pipe. Early Dry: You know, this isn't that bad.... 15 minutes later: OMG. Must smell wrists. I have to find a bottle of this for the boyfriend. The scent on me after drydown is smokey and dusty, but still clean feeling in a way. It's definately the smell of an old library with leather chairs, one kept clean by a meticulous male librarian with an older scent that he leaves lingering amongst his books. It's the smell of escaping from the day to retreat to the upstairs aclove with the old encyclopedias and curling up in a worn leather chair. I was afraid it was too mature and masculine of a scent for my little rockstar boyfriend, but just the very thought of him wearing this in the fall makes me unbelievabley ready to buy him a big bottle! This is the first male scent I've tried out and if the rest of them are this good, I may have to start dating several boys so I can smell them all.
  12. ViciousBleu


    Uptown from campus there's a store called Liquid Sunshine. They sell scented candles, oil bottles of patcholi, hemp skirts, incense and Grateful Dead stickers. This smells exactly like that. *sniffs wrists* Oh my word, it smells like that place. This has led me to get tons of compliments on it as everybody in town loves the place...except me. I really should learn that smokey and heavy scents won't work on me. I think this little imp will be going to my mom for when she's doing tarot readings!
  13. ViciousBleu

    The most hippie / hippy scent you have tried?

    With BPAL, I think it would be so hard to tell. I used to avoid patchouli like the plague because it's such a 'hippie' scent. Now I'm in love and this smells nothing like what I was used to. But if Sarada is comparing Urd to Nag Champa, go for it! You can always tell when a hippe festival is in town since my store sells out of Nag Champa instantly.
  14. Well, I found this thread in the FAQs before seeing it on the boards so I'm sure that helps. As for the gender issues, I personally find that men and women react differently to scents as in men will follow me to class if I smell like a Martha Stewert kitchen but women will pass me notes in class asking what I'm wearing if I smell clean or like lavender. Perhaps if it linked also to a lady-friendly thread? As for good scents, I wore Alice earlier at a friend's apartment and fell asleep only to be told when I woke that I smelled "sooo good. Like honey-nut Cheerios but better."
  15. ViciousBleu


    I got this free in my first order of imps and wasn't quite sure why. All the scents I ordered were light and even clear looking in the bottle while this was dark and a little scary looking. Before opening it, I looked up the blend online only to exclaim an: "Alas, patchouli!" It ended up going on the back of my list without even drying it on the skin, until I was going to watch my mom give a tarot card reading. I thought it would be a perfect time to try a mysterious scent and I kinda liked it although it was much heavier than I'd wear. I might've given it a try if I hadn't gotten to my mom's house and had her ask me "What perfume are you wearing? It's not your kind, give it to me." And so ended my brief affair with Masquerade. I do have to add my mom was right, she's much more a fan of heavy scents and she pulls this one off better than I ever good. I think this smells wonderful on other people, just nothing special on me.