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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by midnight_aeval

  1. midnight_aeval

    Scent for Halloween?

    Mouse's Long & Sad Tale of course
  2. midnight_aeval

    Scent for Halloween?

    In a couple weeks I'll be the proud owner of a SPANKD5 license plate for my new truck Does that count as a costume??
  3. midnight_aeval

    Has No Hanna

    This smells like Daffodil.. like the ones that grew beneath the window of my bedroom at my Grandma's house. It's not as sweet, and a little sharp, but I swear that's what I smell Likely not something I'd buy a full bottle of, and I'll probably pass the imp on to share with someone else.
  4. midnight_aeval

    Kindly Moon

    From the bottle I mainly smell moonflower, which is good because I was expecting the gardenia to take over since it's such a dominant flower. When I applied it this morning it was a sweet, fruity, floral blend. On my drive to work I actually thought it smelled a bit green/herbal. As the day progressed it turned more like a sweet floral blend.. not so much fruity as when I first applied. At certain times it almost smells like Harvest Moon 06.. Overall, I can't decide whether this moon is for me. I'm generally not a floral person, but this blend jumps between floral and not floral... Kindly Moon is tricky!
  5. midnight_aeval

    The Perfect Lavender

    TKO.. love it. It's a sweet lavender, almost along the lines of a lavender/vanilla
  6. midnight_aeval

    Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

    Guava, orange peel, white pepper, spun sugar and apple blossom. This scent is unusually bright and cheery for a Weeping Clown scent! It's very tropical-bubblegum on my skin. At first the fruit notes are rather sharp, but it dries down to an almost musky bubblegum/fruit scent. This almost reminds me of Zebra Stripes gum.. Does anyone remember that??
  7. midnight_aeval

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    That's how I thought it was pronouced, but that's not what they were saying LOL
  8. midnight_aeval

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    How about "Schwarzer"? I thought I had it ok til I heard the labbies pronouce it at will-call.. and now I have forgotten what they said.. lol
  9. midnight_aeval

    Mouse's Long and Sad Tale

    What the hell, I don't understand this. I got an imp of Mouse's Long and Sad Tale and it was GORGEOUS. Purchased a bottle off the forum, wore it today, and I smell like Sweetpea. I'm so disappointed since Sweetpea is my archnemisis (Aeval anyone?) Maybe the aging effect the scent- problem is, I don't know if the one I got is old or new :\ I guess I'll buy one from the lab to see.
  10. midnight_aeval

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I love Samhainophobia!! I need to order All Saints now
  11. midnight_aeval

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    So now that the Halloween orders are rolling in.... Could someone take some pics of them? Please?
  12. midnight_aeval

    Carnaval Diabolique

    This blend has a few of the notes I love; Opium smoke, heliotrope, black musk, vanilla.... But Lemon Flower, tuberose, coconut? The reasons I didn't order a bottle unsniffed. It looks like my brain can sometimes make the right decision! Wet this was all lemon and tuberose. The drydown was a little better, the vanilla came out and mellowed the tuberose which I'm really not fond of (the fresh ones, yes, as a perfume oil, no). No opium smoke, heliotrope or black musk boo on my skin chemistry.
  13. midnight_aeval

    The Phantom Calliope

    This was like the perfume equivalent of sweet and sour sauce. It's super spicey (like hot spice, not exotic spice), but also cherry sweet. What the heck? This one wasn't doing anything for me. It was odd on me and I don't think I will be trying this one out again!
  14. midnight_aeval

    The Organ Grinder (2006)

    This blend is STRONG. I mean, it overpowers all the others I'm testing right now! At first I get the almond milk and only the almond milk. After it has a chance to drydown I get a sweet pine scent with a hint of tobacco. Suprisingly I get no sasparilla which is usually the dominating note. Maybe it's the note that's making everything blend together nicely. It's not sharp in the least. Now it's mostly milky. Bleh, me and milky aren't friends.
  15. midnight_aeval

    Melisande, The Puppet Mistress

    I'm getting a lot of violet and jasmine from this blend! Unfortunately both of those notes hate me. I try to love Violet, but she is bitchy and stubborn. Jasmine just doesn't care, but has to make her presence known EVERYWHERE. Very, very heady, sweet floral. It was nice to experience Miss Melisande, and the artwork is my favorite so far from CD, but I just can't make her mine.
  16. midnight_aeval

    Pulcinella & Teresina

    Ok, I'm not kidding when I say that this blend smells like dill pickles on me Comforting...pickles. My older sister and I were dill pickle fanatics and this reminds me very much of my younger days. It's not a blend I see myself wearing.. my nose somehow interprets these scents so strangely.. or maybe it's just my chemistry! I did notice that the pickle scent went away on the drydown and it was more of the wood/rose scent that others have described. Quite beautiful actually! I might contemplate ordering this one
  17. midnight_aeval


    In Manhattan I get tea, lemon, leather and grapefruit. Ah grapefruit.. you always turn everything bad on me! I bet this scent would have been spectacular on me without it. The drydown was wonderful tho, sweet, the amber maybe? and leather mmm I really have to decide if this would be a full bottle purchase since the first 45 min on me is pretty ick
  18. midnight_aeval

    Les Bijoux

    In the vial and wet on my skin this was aaallllllll apple on me. My skin sorta burned a bit while it was on.. so I don't know what that's all about. On the drydown I smell the orange blossom, which always goes heady floral on me. So we got apple and floral.. with a burning sensation. LOL I think I'll pass along my imp to someone else
  19. midnight_aeval

    Port Royal

    From Port Royal I get a sweet, soapy seaspray.. No rum to be seen (or smelled). It's a bit like Jolly Roger only sweeter. I wasn't fond of Jolly Roger...so.. It goes to the husband to test!
  20. midnight_aeval


    This is the scent of fresh baking cinnamon rolls... at least to my nose! Super foody, super spicey! You'd think this would be a perfect scent for a foody lover (uh me) but it's too buttery and the cinnamon is just too strong on me. On the drydown I think I get a slight boozy smell- the wine possibly. I wish it was more prominent in the wet stage! It smells pretty good now. What? I read the description again.. No cinnamon.. honey and cake?
  21. midnight_aeval

    Chrysanthemum Moon

    This was the first moon I was really excited for... However, my chemistry is not turning this into a creamy, spicey blend. Like tartsquid- all I get is musky florals After a 30 min drydown it's less sharp- at first it sorta burned my nose. It smells very red. Maybe my skin amps ginger.. I don't know, but I'm just so disappointed this didn't work for me. I shall try it a couple more times before I decide to let it go.
  22. midnight_aeval


    Cherry!! *coughcough* I'm glad I don't like cherry lol cuz this stuff is hard to find. It turned sour on me, not like sweet cherries.. like cherries soaked in wine or something. Just not a scent for me.
  23. midnight_aeval

    The Hanging Gardens

    I get a green, sparkly, boozy floral from this scent.. My skin is not picking up any of the great fruits in the description. Even on the drydown it's all boozy! Darn!
  24. midnight_aeval


    Another second time around imp; I figure, if it comes around again I should do the imp justice and review it! the first time I tried Tombstone it was like one of those Rootbeer Candies you got from A&W back in the day. This time it's much more woodsy.. Like walking through the swing doors of an Old West tavern... sassafras is prominent, but I'm loving that woodsy note. I might keep this imp around... and accidently spill it on my husband. hehheh
  25. midnight_aeval


    I've tried this scent once, and now that I got a frimp with a swap I tried it again. The first time I tried it it was sour. This one is amber/floral at first, then the amber disappears and it's all floral- apple blossom maybe? I can tolerate carnation, so I don't think it's that. Nope, maybe third time will be the charm!