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Posts posted by rainbow

  1. In the vial- sharp, like lime and gingerale. This smells like a margarita, boozy and fresh.


    Wearing- this shifts almost immediately on me from margarita to martini, still boozy, but now with a strong scent of juniper berries. It's very nice, still sharp. As I'm wearing it develops some slightly sweet undertones, and then some fruity undertones, but still is a very fresh scent. It's a bit odd to think that a scent which smells like an alcoholic drink could be clarifying and head-clearing, but that's exactly what this is. It's a very grounding scent.


    I'm liking this very much and I could totally do with a big bottle.

  2. This smells a lot, lot, lot like Skadi to me, to the extent that when I opened it I almost wondered if they were twins.


    In the bottle- pine! A very strong and sharp pine, but very nice, clear and pure, like fir trees outside on a cold, snowy night.


    On me- this wears very much like Skadi on me. It smells like pine and grapefruit, and possibly a few berries in the background. The pine is definitely the predominant note, though. For most of the duration of its life this scent is mostly pine on me, but towards the end it softens, and I get the slightest hint of light florals- white flowers- with a slight evergreen in the background. That scent is very light, but it's definitely there.


    Overall, I really like this scent. I was a bit worried when I ordered it, because I don't do well with "snow" notes, but this is more pine and fruit, and I love Skadi, so this is a nice complement.

  3. In bottle- candy canes!


    On me- more and more candy canes! Yes, this smells exactly like a candy cane which is FANTASTIC. I'm getting that strong mint with just a hint of candy vanilla. The mint is very strong, and I'm getting the traditional mint skin-tingle (oooh, shiver). The only change I notice in this oil is in the latter stages, when it seems to get just a bit earthier on me. I have no idea what the notes are, but it shifts from being straight up candy canes to being something a little more grounded, still with a very dominant mint note.


    Overall this is a winner, and an oil I love to wear.

  4. In the bottle- warm, spicy gingerbread. This smells just like a slice of warm gingerbread, just like the real cake.


    Wearing- the cake smell seems to dissipate on me. Now this smells less like the cake, and more like a warm holiday spice mix. It's a bit sharper when wearing than in the bottle.


    Overall- yummy and perfect for the holidays. This is a warm and inviting holiday spice scent, one that makes me feel all warm and cozy.

  5. In bottle- a very juicy, ripe strawberry with just a hint of cream. Though this is very much a ripe fruit scent it isn't sweet.


    On me- Until the oil dries I get the same scent as in the bottle- mostly strawberry with a hint of cream. As it dries I start to really get a good sense of the sage, and this becomes a much earthier scent. In fact, I get more sage and green tea than strawberry, which becomes more of a background note. The earthiness of this makes it a good scent to wear year-round.

  6. This oil is sticky- it is literally sticky, as it remains tacky on my wrists for quite some time, and it is sticky-scented, as in the scent of sweet, sticky oranges and cherries. I like this alot. It's thick, it's orangey, it's very sweet, and it's definitely a happy fragrance.

  7. This is the perfect spicy rose scent for me. The rose smells incredibly fresh, almost wet, and the spices sort of hover in the background. They never dominate the rose, nor do they compete with the rose for prominence. Instead, they just keep the rose smelling fresh, and it's lovely. This is very much a rose perfume, not a spice perfume, but it is just lovely. I really, really like it.

  8. When I open the bottle- this smells like powder with a hint of violets.


    Wearing- on me this is all heavy powder. Powder is clearly the predominant note, and the violet completely disappears. This basically turned into singe-note powder on me. It's very, very strong- a little goes a long way, and lasts a very long time.

  9. In the bottle and wet on the skin- wow, this does smell just like sugary, milky black tea. I love that.


    Unfortunately, as I'm wearing this, it starts to smell really masculine on me. Really masculine. Ultimately it was just a bit too masculine for me. It's a shame, because I loved the wet phase, but I prefer to smell feminine. The masculine cologne doesn't smell quite right on me.

  10. Yummy. I don't generally like foody scents. Spooky was my one exception, but now I have two exceptions, and the second is Midway. This is undeniably a foody scent, but it isn't too heavy, doesn't smell like cake, it's just sweet and very, very nice.


    When I put it on I get loads of toasted coconut (yum). It smells alot like Spooky on me, so it's not surprising that I like it. I get lots of toasted coconut throughout the life of this oil, with a background of sweets, sugar, and salt.


    As it's fading, it starts to smell much like salt water taffy and cotton candy. I never imagined that I would love a scent that could be described like this, but I really do- it's yummy.

  11. Oh, so beautiful, and so sad that it's discontinued. Ingenue starts out as a very violet fruity scent. When I put it on there's fruit and voilet, and something darker in the background, but that quickly disappears. Wearing- this is a perfect fruity/floral blend. It has multiple components of both scent families, and they are mixed together very well. It's a fun and cheerful scent, which gives off wafts of violet and of melon. Fun to wear, and like a bright, sunny day.

  12. In the bottle- lemony and like men's cologne.


    Wet- this is VERY masculine on me! It smells much like men's cologne on me. It's definitely a mix of herbs, though I don't recognize any of them, and I'm having a hard time picking out any individual herbs.


    Drydown- this dries down into a far less sharp herbal scent, though the dominant feel is still definitely herbal. The initial stages are just too sharp and masculine for me, I'm afraid, but this would make a great men's scent.

  13. In the bottle- pine and cedar. Very sharp.


    Wet on my skin- this smells more like wood; very fresh and wet. As I'm wearing it becomes a bit softer, but still smells very strongly of wood and pine.


    This smells very much like a forest on me. Overall it's sharp, very piney, with cedar undertones. Unfortunately I didn't get any fruit from this.

  14. In the vial- wow! Sharp and tangy ozone. I think that's nice.


    On me- the sharpness fades into a soft ozoney floral, and it smells soooo much like Storm Moon on me. The wearing phase is much like the calm aftermath that follows a thunderstorm. The sharpness is over, and all is quiet and wet.

  15. In the vial- very sweet almond.


    On me- the sweet almond was totally overwhelmed by sharp spices (I guess that must be the saffron, etc.). It ended up just smelling sharp and bitter on me, so unfortunately, this one didn't really agree with me. Loved the almond, just not the spices.

  16. In the vial- this smells like watery violets- yum!


    On the skin- much, much darker, but still very nice. I can now smell the sandalwood, but it isn't too strong, and it doesn't overwhelm the violets, which are very much present.


    Wearing- a beautiful violet scent that's just slightly powdery. I loooove this, I think it must be my favorite violet scent. That watery element that I can smell in the vial comes back, and this is just lovely, soft, feminine and gorgeous.

  17. This is a very strong floral on me. It definitely smells like jasmine, and it's a watery jasmine. It's interesting that it manages to be watery and yet strong. I just put little dabs on and the smell is nearly overwhelming.


    The scent is beautiful, and it's definitely a happy scent. It's a scent that sort of reminds me of the deep south- the heat, the strong and beautiful flowers, the lush atmosphere.

  18. I have no idea what crocus and snowdrop smell like, but this oil is just gorgeous. When I'm wearing it I get a lovely, light, fresh, cold floral scent. There's a backdrop of pine or something else deep and green to it, but the scent is mostly white or pale pink/purple flowers.


    This is a very springy scent, reminiscent of when everything is melting. It is absolutely lovely, sopisticated, and perfect. I will be buying a big bottle.

  19. This is a lovely fresh and clean scent for the summer.


    In the bottle: green tea and jasmine. Very nice- the sharpness of the green tea really compliments the heady-floral jasmine.


    Wearing- As I'm wearing the green tea scent fades and the lemon develops. This smells very fresh, very clean, and very summery. I really like it. After the lemon faded I was left with a warm and comforting summery jasmine scent.


    Overall, very nice, and I think it would be especially nice made into a lotion, which I intend to do with mine.
