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Everything posted by gaai

  1. gaai

    Monster Bait: Bloody Mary

    Cherry flavored hard candy! Sweet and tart at the same time with decent throw and lasting power......I wore it the whole day yesterday and only had to reapply once......... Lovely!
  2. gaai

    Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp

    We don't have those Girl Scout Thin Mints cookies, so I can't compare it to that, but we *do* have 'After Eight' after dinner mints and to me, Tokyo Stomp smell exactly like that. I guess it's the Thin Mints minus the cookie......which I don't actually smell either...... That being said....I this! And I'm so so só glad I decided to pick up another bottle with my Blue Moon order! ( I wasn't sure at first if I would need 2 bottles, because I love vanilla/mint scents so very much that I have quite a few variations of it......and I didn't think it would be different enough.....but then I read the reviews and knew I needed a back-up bottle! ) It has some serious throw and staying power too, so I think my 2-bottle-stash is going to last me a good long time! Good stuff!
  3. gaai

    Squirting Cucumber

    In the imp and wet on skin this is all sharp fresh cut grass to me....a little bitter even, but it dries to a wonderfully fresh cucumber scent which is just perfect for a hot summer day! I may need a bottle.......
  4. gaai


    This one started out as a really lovely citrus scent, but then...... It morphed into this generic smelling perfume type scent.....I don't know what my skin did to it, but it wasn't pretty......and on top of that it amped it to embarrassing proportions, while I only put a tiny dab on one wrist. It was weird.....I put some on.....went to the grocery store and halfway through my shopping I smelled this obnoxiously loud perfume and I thought "phew....*someone* needs to go a little lighter on the perfume!!"....still not realizing it was me . I knew it was me when I could still smell it while I was riding my bike back home.....and it did *not* resemble the scent I put on before I left. I wish it'd just stayed the way it smelled in the imp and the wet stage.....maybe I'll use the rest of my imp in my scent locket though....
  5. gaai

    Queen Alice

    At first I can smell the cider, but it quickly mellows into something sweet, spicy and warm.....almost foody, but not quite...... Then....after it has dried and the carnations become more evident, it's like a regal, grown-up version of Alice. It's a lovely blend, but I like the regular Alice better than the regal one.
  6. gaai


    I was really curious about how this scent smells and now I know: it's lemon incense. When it's on my skin for a while it warms up a little, losing some of the lemony freshness, but it's still lemon incense. It's nice enough, but I don't think I'll wear it very frequently, which will give it the opportunity to get some age to it......I think it'll get better when it ages a bit.
  7. gaai

    Voodoo Lily

    Well......on me, this is an exotic, spicy and very sexy lily scent......I don't have anything else to add to that, really.......mind you, it's *not* a simple blend. It's complex, but exotic, spicy and sexy pretty much covers how I feel about it. It helps that I love lily and Lily loves me, so......yeah....this is good!
  8. gaai

    Green Tree Viper

    At first it's very minty! Then the bergamot and green tea come into play and the mint fades somewhat, but never completely vanishes....... The whole is like a mint tea backed up by the exotic, spicy creaminess of the Snake Oil..... I've just ordered a bottle, because this is love!
  9. gaai

    Shub-Niggurath Soap (by Silk Road Trading Company)

    (Okay so this review is X-posted from the SO Suds thread) I love the soap! It smells good ( just the right amount of scent ) and it lathers wonderfully! It's just very drying......but that's just my skin.....basically anything with any kind of soap dries out my skin and I have to moisturize after I use it ( hell, even washing with just water dries out my skin ), but that's okay.......I ordered some unscented lotion and I'm going to add a few drops of Shub to it to use after my shower and all is well with the world again!
  10. gaai

    Snake Oil Soap

    I love the soap! It smells good ( just the right amount of scent ) and it lathers wonderfully! It's just very drying......but that's just my skin.....basically anything with any kind of soap dries out my skin and I have to moisturize after I use it ( hell, even washing with just water dries out my skin ), but that's okay.......I ordered some unscented lotion and I'm going to add a few drops of Snake Oil to it to use after my shower and all is well with the world again! (so now to copy/paste this review to the Shub Suds thread and replace SO with Shub)
  11. gaai

    Pink Moon 2007

    That's exactly it! ( although you're avatar paints a pretty accurate picture as well ) It's soft and sweet and pink and pretty and a little bit spicy and pink and ehm.....pink. I have no idea what phlox smells like, but I can definitely smell the carnation and the sugar, so I'm guessing the phlox just adds to the pinkness of the scent...... Anyway....I love it and I'm secretly hoping it won't work on my sister-in-law so I can have another back-up bottle!!
  12. gaai


    A creamy, spicy floral blend! I love it! I've learned from being into Bpal that I actually *do* like some florals.....mind you, not *all* of them, but I can really appreciate lillies, carnations and some rose. So I had to try this one and I'm not sorry I did! The SO adds the creamy, spicy edge to the flowers so that it's not just a floral perfume, but much more than that.....I find myself drawn to it more often than I would've thought. A bottle will surely be in my future!
  13. gaai


    Oooh this is Love! The cocoa mellows after a few minutes leaving a gorgeously creamy Snake Oil behind...... I love Snake Oil by itself, but this is even better...... Fresh SO has a sort of a sharp edge to it when first applied, which tones down after half an hour or so, but Boomslang doesn't have that........it's wonderful from the minute I put it on! And I love the fact that this doesn't scream CHOCOLATE!!! too......just a lovely, welbehaved cocoa......... Plus I like it that I can just pronounce this snake in my own language . My 10-year-old boy was all "Hey mom! That's Dutch!! Wicked!!"
  14. gaai

    Temple Viper

    I had high hopes for this here snake, but alas...it wasn't meant to be...... On wet it did hold some promise, but when it was on for about 5 minutes it turned into Khajuraho...... I seem to amp the champaca to the exclusion of all other notes I might as well wear a champaca SN....... Sad, but I'm glad some other snakes *do* work for me, so I'm good. eta: I tried this one on again and it wasn't as 'champaca-single-notey' as it was the first time I tried it.....it's still a very prominent note, but it blends more with the rest of them and I can actually smell the SO in the blend! I might be able to use up my imp after all ( still don't think I'll get a bottle though ).
  15. gaai


    Another kind frimp from the lovely PilotKitten. I had to really get used to the scent of TKO......the lavender and sweet vanilla/marshmallow is somewhat unusual. But last night I put some on my wrist and hands ( I sleep with them close to my face ), set the tv in my bedroom on sleeptimer and woke up at about 5 am. realizing I hadn't seen *anything* of the show I wanted to watch before going to sleep! So it works and it works well! It doesn't make me sleep right through the night, but I've come to the conclusion that nothing except clean, fresh, island sea air does that.....so I'm happy to have my TKO imp....and when budget allows I will be getting a bottle of this.
  16. gaai

    The Darkling Thrush

    I smell the chilly mintyness I get from all the blends that have snow/ice in the description. Luckily I love that note! This blend has that mint with violets and if I sniff real hard I can detect a little warmth from the amber. A gorgeous scent this is and I may need to get a full bottle before the Yule's go away.....
  17. gaai

    Cloister Graveyard in the Snow

    I was gifted an imp of this by the lovely PilotKitten It was the only Salon blend that had been calling out to me, but well.....it's one of the more expensive perfumes, isn't it.....so it had to wait..... You can imagine how happy I am to finally be able to smell it! It reminds me of my beloved Nuclear Winter....a lot....but there's more to this....a sweetness that NW doesn't have so much, and the muskiness.. It's absolutely gorgeous: cold mints, musk and ozone (don't smell the frankincense so much). I fell in love with the painting and now with the oil as well......it's a very accurate representation of the painting, I think. Well done!
  18. gaai

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I understand where you are coming from, but the artist probably has a lot on her plate. I think so too......with the next act of CD coming out and all......the first two acts had those beautiful works of art so I'm guessing that's where her focus lies right now...... I can't wait to see the 'freaks' btw!
  19. gaai

    White Moon

    I knew this would be way too floral for me to wear, but I really wanted to have the bottle with the pretty label and a couple decants of the oil......and I'm *so* glad I did! True, this is very floral with the lily up front and so not me.....but.......this scent somehow triggers a pleasant scent memory which also saddens me, because those times will never return........very much in the spirit of this scent I think.....Loss and Liberation and soothing at the same time, yes, that's exactly it (Beth is really a genius) So I will keep this and wear it when I'm feeling melancholic.......
  20. gaai


    Hey! I hadn't even reviewed this one yet?! Weird..... So I get the lime and the musk the most with the tea and aloë backing it up....don't really get the mint for more than a second though.....which is a shame, because I like mint.... It's a refreshing scent alright! And powerful! It has a *lot* of throw and wearlength on me.......a little too much for my liking. I like my perfumes to behave a little more subtle...... So what I did....I made the husband a EDT spray, since it's kind of a masculine blend as well and he's in love with it now! It smells really good on him too and it's powerful enough to last through his work out.... I've found him another bottle already, so he doesn't have to go without for some time to come.
  21. gaai

    All Souls

    Yes.....cake and incense...... I like it enough to keep the bottle around.....it's perfect for when I want to wear a foody blend ( which isn't very often ), but I don't love it......... I'm just not that much of a foody girl and this *is* rather cake-y, the incense grounds it enough for me to be able to wear it though.
  22. gaai

    Trick #2

    I too was surprised by the foodiness that hit me straight out of the bottle......This is such a well blended oil that I find it quite difficult to identify the individual notes.......I can if I sniff for them though, but the throw is really nicely blended. It's an earthy blend with the berries and pine giving it a freshness and with the vanilla sweetening it up a little....... I really love it and I'll cherish my bottle! edited because of spelling error( I'll bet there are more though )
  23. gaai

    Punkie Night

    Fresh tart apples and cranberries! Gets a little bit sweeter and spicier on dry-down, but still really fresh... I love this as a fall room scent so this will get a lot of use that way! I don't think I'll reach for it much as a perfume to wear myself......
  24. gaai

    Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

    I like this more than I thought I would.....I might just need a bottle of this! It's a sweet, fruity tropical scent on me. I can pick out the guave and apple blossom. When I sniffed again 5 minutes later the pepper made an appearance, but only briefly........after the little pepper blast it just blended in with the rest of the notes to leave this wonderful fruity, soft, sweet smell.... Somehow I totally get the 'weeping clown' thought behind it.....it's like the funny cheer is tempered by a kind of sadness.......hard to explain though......but I like it!
  25. gaai

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Cassis is a black currant and Clementine is a tangerine.........