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BPAL Madness!


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About MoonlitWolf

  • Rank
    sexy swapper
  • Birthday 12/29/1988


  • Location
  • Country
    United States


  • BPAL of the Day
    The Avenue
  • Favorite Scents
    Elf, The Last Unicorn, The Lilac Wood, Jareth, Hoggle, Spider, Hellfire, Perversion, Nosferatu, Mage, Ranger, Thieves Rosin, Paladin, The Black Rider, Half-Elf, Rogue, Boo, Miskatonic University, Halloween in the Miskatonic University, In the Forest, The Faeries, 51, French Tobacco, Skadi, Talvikuu, Monastery in the Mountains, Intrigue, Dragons Milk, Fenris Wolf, Samhain, The Witches Favorite notes: Frankincense, Amber, Peach, Lilac, Honeysuckle, Patchouli, Red Musk, Lavender, Bulgarian Rose, Redwood, Nutmeg, Clove, Tonkabean, Ginger, Peppermint, Rosewood, Leather, Oakmoss, Pumpkin Spice, Toasted Coconut, Honey, Wine, Bay Rum, Vanilla Rum, Black Cherry, Birch, Fir, Pine, Books (New and old), Eygptian Musk, Hazelnut, Marshmallow

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  • Pronouns
  • Interests
    The Mountains, Forests, Hiking, Horseback Riding, Irish Folklore, Gardening, Reading, History, Castles, Old Houses, The Victorian Era, Baking, Tea, Natural Skin and Hair care, Herbs, Essential Oils, Anything cute, Harry Potter, Silent Films, Makeup, Medieval Fantasy, and my Dogs.
  • Mood


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  1. The Snow Storm sounds amazing. I would LOVE to get my hands on that one. Also The Waltz of The Snowflakes. Gah. Need!
  2. I am totally in love with Winter scents. Especially anything that brings me back to memories of Christmas as a Child, or my time living in the Mountains. I love the smell of Christmas Tree farms. The ones back in WA state where I lived smelled amazing. All those lush dark Fir's! I really really realllllly need Talvikuu to be brought back...I love it so much. My bottle is really low and should be all used up by the end of December-January. I am really looking forward to this year's Yule collection. Saving as much money as possible hehe.
  3. MoonlitWolf

    The Best Mint Blends

  4. Talvikuu is my all time favorite Winter scent. It also aged beautifully! It is Christmas in a bottle, evoking many lovely memories for me. ADORE IT! Next is Skadi and Monastery in the Mountains. They are both similar to Talvikuu in my opinion.
  5. MoonlitWolf

    Ethereal Scents?

    Fae and The Lilac Wood are really pretty and quite light. Also The Last Unicorn.
  6. MoonlitWolf

    Looking for

    Yorick and Graveyard Dirt.
  7. MoonlitWolf

    The Last Unicorn

    The Last Unicorn was a MUST have for me. I wasted little time in getting a full bottle of it! I grew up adoring The Last Unicorn and it has held a special place in my heart ever since. It's an innocent and soft scent that brings out the feminine and gentle side of me. It makes me think of good things and feel a sense of safety. The oil is sweet and I have no problem picking up on that white chocolate. I also get a soft floral surrounded by a little bit of greenery. (Must be the Lettuce?) Also, There is something rather interesting I pick up from this scent that must be unique to me, for it reminds me of the sweetness of a Horses sweat after a day of Summer riding. That may sound a little odd but to me it is pure nostalgia and brings back fond memories of my riding days down south. In no way is this a bad thing, again just something unique to me. I have had my bottle for a while now and it has aged. I actually prefer this one fresher as opposed to aged. It takes on a powdery scent especially when dry. This really is a lovely, ethereal oil and it will stay on my favorites for years to come.
  8. MoonlitWolf


    I close my eyes and there I am in a smoky, busy pub in the 1930's or 1940's. A place where Al Capone and his Boys would go to kick back. There is so much going on here that you hardly notice a Man leaning up against a wall towards the back, puffing on a fat Cigar without a care in the world. His black hair is slicked back and you can't help but be lured in by the devilish look in his eye. His dark pinstripe suit is crisp and without a single wrinkle. He is dangerous, that is obvious. You don't want trouble with this Guy but he beckons you to him and before you know it your letting him buy you a drink. Then another.. Oh Knucklebones... In the bottle you open the top and out comes a sharp zest of lime! In the back round slinks the black musk and booze. On the skin? A masculine black musk. And what's that im getting here as it softens up? Clove? Im glad the lime decided to go into hiding when rubbed into the skin. If it stayed that sharp like when it was in the bottle I probably wouldn't have been able to wear it. I really enjoy this one. Though I have to say it would be much more suited to the type of Gentleman mentioned above. Oh my. Sexy, sexy.
  9. MoonlitWolf


    Dear God...Where do I even BEGIN?! :love!: Hellfire has been one of my top favorite BPAL scents for a while now. It was love at first sniff, not even going to lie. I ADORE IT. Such an incredibly sensual, arousing, dangerous little perfume oil. Unisex and it smells as if it were just made for my skin! ...did I mention I love this oil? I can't live without it!
  10. MoonlitWolf

    Wulric, the Wolfman (2006)

    Wulric makes me want to snuggle up! He is warm, sensual, and much less threatening then one would envision him to be. I kind of picture the Beast from Beauty and the Beast when I think of this oil... He is more bark then bite, that is for sure! And very unisex. I don't get anything strongly masculine or feminine about the scent. When I applied and rubbed the oil into my skin the Lavender came straight out and said hello! Thankfully I am fond of Lavender and it is lovely in this. Wulric softens fairly quickly and lingers nicely on my skin. I am glad I found a cocoa scent that works for me. I have been wanting one but did not want something that was solely chocolate. It's unique! I love to put it on after a nice relaxing bath or shower before bed.
  11. MoonlitWolf

    The Last Unicorn

    The Last Unicorn film was a cherished favorite of mine growing up and still happens to stay close to my heart to this day. When I purchased a bottle of The Last Unicorn it did not let me down. It was pretty much everything I had expected it to be! Delicate, Ethereal, and innocent. I love it! It is one of my most favorite scents I own as well as quite wearable for Springtime. It is most certainly a feminine scent that evokes thoughts of something pure, sacred, and magical. A free spirit! One of the first things I got from smelling this was: "This smells like Unicorn sweat!" Tehehe. For some odd reason either the white chocolate or lettuce note triggers fond memories from my Horseback riding days, reminding me of the sweet unique scent of Horse after vigorous riding on a sunny Spring day. I know I know, kind of strange. This is also a great one to run through your hair. Picking it up on a cool breeze is just wonderful.